>hey, why is my (((Game of Thrones))) not working out as I'd hoped it will?
>hey, why are there horrible (((plot-twists))) that enable minorities and "fempowered" women to get the upper-hand when they weren't supposed to?
>hey, why are strong men who've trained their entire lives and reduced their weaknesses to next-to-nothing, being (((usurped))) by those who've hardly trained at all?
Game of Thrones sure is (((different)))
Redpilled and based
Everyone who makes good tv shows is also Jewish, though.
Somebody redpill me on why do jews make up most of the entertainment industry.
>yeah they're ugly long haired old white guys
>w-wait it says here they're beauti...
name one good tv show, you fucking sick kike. Sopranos is made by a white man
All the shitskins got btfo so I'm not too disappointed
I'm so mad alt-right bros. First I never have sex and now THIS!
>dude antisemitism lmao
they made up their own ending so JRR Martin can sell his books when they come out.
Anime original ending.
because the jews fear the china man and are currently keeping him out by any means necessary
Nepotism. Entertainment isn't hard to make (especially when you control the narrative). They just hook up their friends from the synagogue. The industry is mostly used for money laundering that their other friends use.
they created it
jews were known in europe for making shitty lowest common denominator trash entertainment 200 years ago, wagner wrote a whole treatise about it. it's not a new business, but a successful one.
sure just like they created all the beloved and wildly popular disney material they are doing their best to corrupt
They're better at it than white people.
Wagner was a raving anti-Semite. He was also a genius and extremely based.
I thought jews were supposed to be intelligent. Well at least they're making some real money with this garbage, maybe that's considered a win for a jew.
Wagner was an anti-semite because he believed the Jews were making schlock for the plebs with no artistic value just to make money and thereby tearing at the fabrics of society.
I think one can also consider him unironically redpilled.
well, I think that after watching GOT I have to agree with this dude. I mean, it's garbage but the normies(plebs) love this crap. My Faceb00k is full of praise for this trash. Jews are very good at enterteining plebs, maybe they would make very good court jesters in the past.
Nepotism is the answer. I say this without any anti-semitism whatsoever, it's just a fact. The jewish people have been persecuted for so long that they became very tribal. They had to be a very tight unit in order to survive. So it makes sense that they practice nepotism to a very high degree. This is not racist, it's fact.
One of the reasons why they were persecuted was because of their tribalism. It's not the other way around. When a group of people who have a different culture than yours are suddenly in positions of power and nobody else is able to climb the ladder then hatred will rise. Jews weren't just persecuted (and expelled from dozens of countries over the span of centuries) for no reason.
well I'm not a history buff so I can't argue on this particular issue.
>hey just hook up their friends from the synagogue
The Cosby Show
Every Jew, no matter how modern, has a temple which has a Rabbi. Do you know how much easier it is to break into an industry when you just have to have your Rabbi call an agent's/director's/actor's/journalist's/etc Rabbi? Certainly a lot easier than trying to do cold approaches or hoping you can just luck into the right people at the right time
>Beric's death is crucifixion imagery
>dies so the goblina can get down a hallway
>could've gotten there without him
jews never miss an opportunity to minimize Christ
You're right, I just thought it was a funny way of putting it.
weiss looks like my brother
fucking kikes stealing slav genes for centuries
I thought Ashkenazi Jews were geniuses? What went wrong here?
this right here
the OG black twilight zone was utter kino
>I thought Ashkenazi Jews were geniuses?
Congrats on falling for the bait. Unless you didn't realise, religion has no direct impact on genetic intelligence; and the surrounding regions of the semitic people generally have a trend in IQ that you should expect to see.
Ashkenazi Jews is a genetic category, though.
Nail on head op. Never fall for the programming and veto shows before recommending them to family or girlfriends.