This episode is dumpsterfire

Okay reflecting back it was a pretty bad episode. How they setthe battle out, the dothraki charged into the darkness for what reason? All the dead taking over half the army in 5mins then they have a hard time to fight the few left and they fight for 20mins people like Sam somehow survive despite fighting alone. Arya can't get away from a few undead but suddenly manages to sneak behind many more dead and the kings and the night king. I'm actually really sad, because I felt engaged and good during the battle, the battle felt kino because finally I felt like these people are not superheroes, they will probably die at this rate and the story will unfold something... nope. I can't believe how bad this is as I said many time I'm really dissapointed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I agree - midway through I was surprised because it looked like a sort of 'red wedding' moment where they were BTFO,and I'd be willing to ignore things like basically sacrificing the dothraki. but no, almost all main characters somehow survive, bran does fuckall and night king just strolls in and gets taken out like a chump.

and the sad thing is people are praising it like it's the best thing they've seen. sure the battle was beautifully done but the story of the night king didn't amount to nothing in the show

bran used all his brain power to be a cripple bait. lured the nk into the open, where he was vulnerable.

Don't throw any ice spears at anyone, now!

Visually stunning, strategically retarded.

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Who are our confirmed deaths?

Idk. I mean on one hand I can see what you are getting at. But on the other hand the bsttle did feel exciting and engaging. I know everyone here hates that Arya killed the NK, and yeah it is weird how she sneaked past all his wights. Ig my head canon is he just didnt care at that point. He knew she was coming and figured he would kill her ez. Kind of the same reason he just let Theon charge him. But I also dont think Arya is the worst choice to kill the NK. In a way it kind of makes sense...

The only thing visually stunning about this episode was how bad it looked.

>my IQ is 500, i'm a genius muahaha

haters gonna hate, episode was based

Literally nobody important

>visually stunning
not at all, it was all black.

yes it was when everybody evaporated so quick until only the main heroes left then suddenly they hold alone back all the army and the dead slowed down

fucking bad shit show for retards

The final battle in Cobra Kai season 2 was better choreographed and had more meaningful consequences than this shit.

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sam staying alive was pushing it too far. that roundlet should have died 20 minutes into the episode

I think Gilly got eaten by a zombie but other than that nobody important.

>Okay reflecting back it was a pretty bad episode. How they setthe battle out, the dothraki charged into the darkness for what reason?
Literally only to have the cool shot of flames extinguishing; but the practical reason was to avoid animating horses.

the fire swords going out was max kino

>bran didn't warg some huge shit that could kill every dead finally

what the fuck did he do??? lmao absolutely shit show.

Nightwatch guy
Sassy girl

Bran just sitting around doing cripple things. Don't warg into a dragon and make for an interesting episode or anything.

And slampig Gilly? Leaving Sam a single father to a child that isnt his...ultimate cucking


fucking kek

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the battle was fine, excellent even. but the plot at the end was just such a let down.

>Lyanna Mormont
>Jorah Mormont

>Kelly C
>Grey Worm
>Little Sam
>The Hound

Wow what a sacrifice! Its annuda red wedding

Dude looked fucking terrible. Shakey cam, blurry, horrible CGI on the zombie waves; shit was terrible from beginning to end

first 30 minutes were great
Dumb horse niggers charging didn't make sense but it showed a nice effect of how fucked they were
After the first wave hit I thought almost everyone was gonna die there
But then somehow people who were standing at the front while literal tonnes of dead human and giant matter is shoved into them like a flesh tsunami make it into the gates
the 15 minutes of slow motion and cuts between all the main characters somehow living while everyone else is already dead to the wights was horrible
Jon basically 1v100ing a bunch of zombies
Arya assassins creed executing the night king
God what a fucking let down from the first half

Gilly isn't dead.

gilly survived

This episode is pissing me off so far. Maybe I picked a bad download. I understand its at night but at least 50% of the screen has been pitch black the whole time. Add that to what looks like, seeing as its hard to tell with the lighting, shaky cam battle scenes, I am quite dissappoint so far


God you're an idiot. IDK if the got fandom is retards or what.

The dothraki never had a chance anyway, but the charge did seem pointless as fuck - but it is unfortunately in line with what they are good at, offensive massed cavalry fighting.
A better option would have been for the Dothraki to take the flanks and pincer cav charge a la what Stannis the Mannis did to the wildlings

Ghost is alive

Nope. I watched it on HBO go. I actually feel a slight headache, hour after watching. It was way too dark

I like how they took the trope of not getting a car to start in a zombie apoc. and turned it into not being able to get your fire magic to work.

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The show did a poor job of showing the Unsullied took most of the brunt - as the center of the formation, everyone else was on the flanks (which collapsed).
The dothraki cav charge was a total fucking waste, they should have pinced from the flanks and acted as skirmishers.

The placement of the siege artillery was absolutely fucking retarded, should have been behind the wood battlements (the ones melisandre set on fire)

its not OPs fault you are okay with whatever mediocre shit youre served

She was genuinely fucking terrified, and if you read the books the Ice magic of the night king counters the fire.

What was worse, the insane kamikaze cavalry charge or leaving the walls empty and all of your soldiers outside in a fucking siege?

>dothraki was literally half their army
>wiped out in seconds
>wights attack the unsullied that close to Winterfell
>show them as literally a wave of bodies crashing down on them
>unsullied manage to keep them from breaching Winterfell
>somehow hold them back while everyone retreats into Winterfell
what an absolute letdown. it was worse than when the Knights of the Vale arrived in the Battle of the Bastards. this was hyped up to be the biggest battle of the series, and im pretty sure less people died than the fucking Blackwater (besides all the Dothraki i guess).

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I want to wobble those tits

The absolute dumbest fucking episode.
Waste of Cavalry
Wight's are now on par with Orcs from return of the king.
Cinematography and direction was god damn

Fucking all dark and impossible to follow and void of all tension because i cant see WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!

Wasting the dothrakis, battle formations of the unsullied was butt fucking retarded, defense of the wall was piss poor....just

GOD DAMN. This was horrible.

And would someone have just put one fucking arrow in the giant?!
One piece of obsidian kills just by TOUCH right?

Like why bother with fire swords if they're 100% useless?

Horrific episode. Worst of the entire series so far.

The Dothraki were always going to get their shit pushed in, the only reason why they did so well against the Lannister army is because they ambushed them unprepared. It is a fucking waste they were wasted on a terrible frontal cavalry charge when they should have been policing the flanks, enveloping the enemy, and making a killbox/pincer

As far as I'm concerned the unsullied should have been the only force outside the walls, with some Dothraki cavalry on the flanks

so did another one of the dragons die? i couldnt really tell. it flew up into the sky with all the undead still attached to it then that was it? did i miss somethin

> >show them as literally a wave of bodies crashing down on them

That right there actually robbed all tension of it for me.

Didn't both die?


It DID kill Lyanna, she killed it, and we don't know why the other giants that were shown resurrected never appeared. Her eyes turned blue after the Night King used his necromancy.

did they intend to make Lyanna Mormont’s death funny

dude they're cavalry with fire swords.

They should have had the BEST advantage of anyone else on the show.

I hope not. It’s fucking ridiculous that they kill off every cool animal in this show and leave retarded plot armored characters alive to cater to casuals who cried at the end of season 1.

What happened to doing unpredictable shit and shocking audiences? That was the whole point of the show originally.

When it showed him getting dogpiled by walkers and Jon hearing his screams but deciding to ignore him I thought it was cool. Showed Jon had a mission and had to make sacrifices. Then Jon does nothing, Arya nothing personnel's the NK and Sam lives. Fuck this show

>implying zombie hordes have flanks

shes the little girl who got golf balled right?

I dont know but i couldnt help but fucking laugh.

Beric has the weakest death for one of the best side characters. He deserved far more.

i like when the show didn't show full scale shitty cgi battles they actually discussed strategy and tactics. like blackwater or when robb captures jaime or red wedding etc.

now it's just the numale twitter fan favorite characters nobody discusses shit except one liner remarks.

they do.
Any mass of people have flanks. But more importantly wights dont have horses.

Obviously the Dothraki and the Umbers killed all the giants and only the giants all except one, definitely not poor writing nosiree.

i unironically liked the jesus imagery

Season 8 makes the Jackson's Hobbit look like Lord of the Rings

I wouldnt mind if the battles used costume and make up more, SHOT IN THE GOD DAMN DAYLIGHT, and had people use real strategy and tactics that weren't so butt fucking obviously dumb.

it makes the hobbit movies look like lawrence of arabia.

It was a fucking goofy scene

>Wasting the dothrakis
I blame Jorah, his character arc went to shit too these past few seasons

>And would someone have just put one fucking arrow in the giant?!
>One piece of obsidian kills just by TOUCH right?
Most of the obsidian went to melee weapons (which can be reused), there is no reason to have burning obsidian arrows - any arrow on fire is non obsidian.

>Like why bother with fire swords if they're 100% useless?
They clearly aren't as Berric Dondarrion pointed out.
But they aren't as effective as Obsidian Or esp. Valerian steel.
Basically from past episodes:
>Burning swords cut wights and set them on fire or render them immobile - incapicating and eventually killing them but are fucking useless against the actual White Walkers/others.

>Obsidian(dragonglass) and Valerian swords kill on contact

Yeah, they must have been in the first wave in the dark. They probably fought valiantly and killed all the giants we saw resurrected in an earlier episode. Along with all the undead animals possibly including spiders.

He should have exploded into a ball of fire in that hallway.

Makes all of those look like "waterloo"

me on the left

>they didn't fucking burn the bodies in the crypt
>they didn't plan on burning their casualties mid battle
>the dothraki fucking an hero'd in less than five minutes by charging in like retards
>Bran sat there like a retard and didn't do anything significant to the night king
>Night King gets one shot by Arya, but it could have been anyone fast enough with dragon glass
yikes, they didn't even kill off that many of the main characters
I'm shamelessly glad that Sansyrion is end game though.

Cavalry really excel at breaking formations.
Which is what humans do.
Cavalry charges are scary...zombie hordes don't really scare.

Just imagine like a giant square of zombies.
You charge into the side all the way through? You're going to slow down through the horde and blob collapses in on you.

now everyone just charges in like a bunch of morons or dies to be "heroic" even though the show has spent years talking about how heroism is pointless in this world.

Have sex; the thread

>Most of the obsidian went to melee weapons (which can be reused), there is no reason to have burning obsidian arrows - any arrow on fire is non obsidian.
>using fire arrows
>not obsidian arrows

jesus christ this got dumber.

No, it really just is poorly lit. I couldn't tell what was going in several parts.

>wide shots of tens of thousands climbing the wall
>somehow they manage to kill all of them before the NK raises even more

I bet the dothraki charge failing was a subtle 'fuck you' to lord of the rings. This didn't even come close to Helms Deep. What the fuck was the hype about?

>Just imagine like a giant square of zombies.
>You charge into the side all the way through? You're going to slow down through the horde and blob collapses in on you.

hit and run tactics my dude.just have them hit the sides and rear in alternating waves

The darkness adds to the suspense and not being able to see every detail adds to the chaos. They did that on purpose. You still get to see some action type moves but this isn't Spartacus.

Yeah, he spreads his arms to keep the dead from passing him, while he's being stabbed. Then he magically ends up in the room with Arya, Meli, and the hound. He would have been over taken where he stood. He wound up in the room just so Meli could give a half second remark regarding "fulfilling his purpose." Other than the sacrificial pose it felt really cheap for how his character was built up. He and Meli should have at least had a moment to reference the lord of light and have him go out with a blaze of glory. Such a waste.

this episode would've been better if brienne pod and grey-worm kicked the bucket aswell. they literally have no purpose other than being love interests

>hit and run an immovable horde
>hit and run with several thousand horsemen

why in the absolute fuck did anybody think sending Lyanna into battle was even a remotely good idea

fucking shit the Mormonts are completely wiped out because that retard piece of shit wouldn't listen to Jorah


No it doesn't.

And there is something called TOO DARK.

Its just objectively bad cinematography

i thought it was kino with the long shots of the flames in the dark and then i realized it was bad when there was no strategy and everyone got wiped out.

>le edgey automatic dislikers bc Yea Forums
>go to Yea Forums and speculate about how grrm will do it nerds

Yes you can do it.

Its what light cavalry was used for.

And just because its a horde of wights dopesnt mean you're not cutting down on the enemy numbers or helping to thin them from going all out on the front line. you can literally divide and conquer.

If all the humans had anti-zombie weapons they should have won easily. Well trained, well equipped soldiers in tight formation Vs unarmoured wildlings basically.

>why in the absolute fuck did anybody think

Listen. No one had a THOUGHT in this episode.

This entire Walker plot was fantasy Walking Dead stupid

just finished it.

that was fucking stupid and awful, and i read the the 'leaks' 6/7 hours ago and they were disappointing/cliche but god damn were they way way way better than what I just watched. that was fucking garbage.

The show already proved that normal swords, on fire, aren't as effective as Obsidian and Valerian steel.

It's a bandaid/quick fix to the fact that Westerosi armorers/blacksmiths aren't going to waste Obsidian on making Dothraki scythes.

Works great when you are fighting people

Of course they do, they are a mass that was clearly concentrated towards the center of the living formation( opposite of the unsullied(, ffs the Dothraki could have been MARKING the flanks with lanterns/other burning shit so the dragons could have had a nice little kill box to rain fire on, not only that they could have prevented the envelopment of the unsullied - whose flanks were guarded by Westerosi/Wildlings.

>Non-Obsidian steel/iron scythes, that are on fire, carried by dudes on horseback, against an undead that isn't afraid of cavalry in the slightest
Heavy Infantry dudes in armor w/ shields, with spears made of Obsidian, in tight formation, where the first 4 lines of spears are able to jab into the enemy, where the fallen can be easily filled in from the rear and the gaps closed, acting like a phalanx.
The only problem is a phalanx needs adequate flank security ie. Cavalry, light infantry, skirmishers etc. or it all falls apart.

It's like charge of the light brigade shit, cavalry historically was most effective on the flanks.
Heavy Cavalry was specifically built around frontal assaults - armored knights on armored horses, that kind of thing

Nah man, leave open space in your ranks with spearmen not overlapping like a greek phalanx.

Don't you know the rules?
Even though we've literally seen an army do this against an army of wildlings....with great effect.....and with tower/kite shields.

Yeah this shit did not hold a candle to Helm's Deep. If you watch the post episode D&D talk it's clear they're mentally bankrupt and think their audience is composed of idiots.

I legitimately thought Meli C. was going to revive him.
>His task is complete
Are you fucking kidding me he hasn't died yet bitch.

>thinking classical tactics relying on morale breaking will work against undead

>hype night king since season 1
>gets btfo in first battle south of the wall

The undead could basically pile up on a phalanx and their weightwould crush the guys below to their knees.

Why wouldnt they give obsidian to the dothraki and have them protect the flanks and rear?!

Why would they ever refuse such a thing?

Also they dont need to be afraid of the cavalry, they just need to be picked off and thinned out/diverted to give the main force some breathing room, maybe distract them.

>Heavy Cavalry was specifically built around frontal assaults - armored knights on armored horses, that kind of thing

THEY'RE NOT HEAVY! They're clearly light cavalry!

If they were heavy armored cavalry they'd have lances with obsidian, horses twice as big and burly, and would literally stomp all over the walkers.

Both dragons survive
But one has holes in its wings now

Pic is from the trailer for the next episode(s).

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"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people."

>light cav doing anything against an unyielding horde

>whats this fear shit? A phalanx would have layers of spears both out and up close to the guys with shields giving the best cover and best way to literally mow them down.

300 sparatans and fuck all whatever greeks didnt slaughter 30,000 persians in a week by slapping them with a dick.

Will they kill many fo the wrights and and keep the front force from being flanked?

They're doing their job

The force was, clearly, not flanked. They literally just walked forward.

I fully agree.


>can't see shit
thats why they call him the night king lad

>Dothraki charge first and die quickly for no other reason than the show runners thought the shot of fires in the night being snuffed out was really cool
>Dragons fly around in some fog and above the clouds while their riders look confused for like 40 goddamned minutes
>The named characters are shown neck-deep in zombies like seven times, the scene ends, and then the next scene is the exact same with them struggling before ending up neck-deep again
>Massive chaotic battle with people standing atop literal piles of the dead in the courtyard cuts to 10 minutes of The Last of Us sneaking in a library where zombies switch back and forth from sprinting pell mell toward any signs of life to slowly stalking patrol routes
>character whose entire story since season 1 has been about a collision course with the zombie king is shown marching toward the zombie king on a fucking mission, ignoring his friends potentially dying around him because sacrifices must be made, as he's been saying the whole time, but then he just gets cockblocked a zombie dragon from Dark Souls who just sits there breathing fire if he walks into view

It was kind of all over the place. It was entertaining, I guess. My friends and I had fun laughing at it.

this but ironically unironically ironically un iron ironically unironically un

the first 4/5th of the episode was based, the ending was not based, stop trying to out contrarian Yea Forums

>I felt like these people are not superheroes
They're people with plot armor. I was hoping to see at least Jaime get mortally wounded or Brienne get killed, except we get the Night Watch guy that hardly anyone remembers except if they think hard and recall "oh hey, he's that guy that is all snarky".

Based and Sansyrionpilled

>set her up as a badass the whole time
>I'm not going to hide, I will FIGHT
>Instantly BTFO
one of the better parts of the episode desu

Yeah same. I was really engaged in this show for the first time in years and the ending ruined it fuck. I was expecting more characters to die but they all come out unscathed except for two. This show has gone so far downhill from season 3 it's totally unrecognizable.

Hey you know what would help?

Attacking from the rear.

>Dothraki attack from rear
>do nothing against the White Walkers

Peter jackson from 2002 says thats fucking dumb.

bella ramsey is sixteen...she looks 11

The episode makes sense.

I mean, really, it does. Season 1 started with Ned being "the main character". Everyone though he was gonna be the main character, gonna solve all the problems. And what happens to him? He dies. He's not the main character. He never was. That's not that kind of story.

Cut to season 8. Night King. The main villain. The big bad guy. The Great War. Well guess what? He's not a main villain. He dies. Cersei is the main villain and Euron with his big cock.

This show has REPEATEDLY trying to tell everyone it's not LOTR. This whole show, the whole theme is subverting your expectations.

"There's only one war that matters. The Great War, and it is here"

Said by a guy that was supposed to be the chosen one. Azor Ahai. But there was never Azor Ahai. He was never the chosen one, and there was never the great war. Just a big ass battle between Cersei that is just gonna sort of happen now.

The show begun with subversion and ended with subversion. That's what they always wanted to do. The only people that are fools are people who got baited.

There's a reason why David Benioff and DB Weiss were hired by Kathleen Kennedy. They operate on the same kind of thinking Rian Johnson does. Having your expectation subverted. Snoke never mattered just like Night Knight never mattered.

And now it begins. No, now it ends.

This. This episode is 4chinz tier shitposting but on international tv. I guess 4chinz gets butthurt if they have a taste of their own medicine. >:(

holy shit it was a mess—too dark to see anything, piano score goes on for way too fucking long, how many ancillary storylines can we kill for the sake of time economy, but not yet prune anyone too major, etc.

ghost isnt kill

yeah except for fucking killing them from both sides.

How is this a hard idea to understand?

>Helm's Deep also has a literal deus ex machina in the form of Gandalf
>Somehow that makes it better than GoT

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>reddit spacing

Can someone explain to me how Daenerys and Jon didn't fucking suffocate to death when they were up above the clouds on their dragons?

>no idea of the size of shape of enemy formation
>can't see shit
>think you will outflank anything
>think horde even cares if you do
Truly babby tier

What sort of Rian johnson bullshit reasoning si this?

We're not pissed the subversion happened...we're pissed because it was done at the cost of making smart characters FUCKING STUPID!

>dead people dogpile
>get crushed under weight

Deus Ex Machina are not stated they will occur user.

>start stabbing upward

No that was actually set up by gandalf. They were literally holding out for gandalf to show up.

Thats why they even established the exiled prince/nephew.

Robbed all tension?
I actually thought it increased it until it showed that the unsullied held the line.
It looked like everyone was fucked; everyone that isn't a main character.

I fully expected a world war Z styled zombie wave

You could see it? Most of it was pretty much pitch black.

>They operate on the same kind of thinking Rian Johnson does
"Women strong women win battles women strong and sassy."

Ok so why didnt they start by getting dragons to light the fucking area up?

Or just make rows upon rows of fire to hold them until some damn daylight or shit came along.

Hell was the final battle at night in the bo-

Oh wait, thats right. There's no reason for this battle to be at night except to look like utter shit.

I think thats snow senpai

>>Ok so why didnt they start by getting dragons to light the fucking area up?
Hmm, almost like this is addressed in the episode.

It really wasn’t. Seriously shit writing and directing.

Snow...under its wing?
It clearly is the same color as the background user.

>dead bodies pile up
>well most are bones anyway, so whatever.
>getting too high.
>Ok we push either forward or backwards
>if we fall back the bodies can be set on fire and give us breathing room.
>doing so will also burn our dead.

Jorah was against it last episode, but he clearly didn't have much of a say, considering he was stripped of all titles to House Mormont

In defence of dumpster fires, they can be very entertaining for a few minutes.

Based popcorngobbler

this scene would've been better if they'd replaced lyanna's actress with piper perri and the undead giant were played by a elite BBC king kong dong'd negroid

>why didnt they start by getting dragons to light the fucking area up?

Cause then they couldn't kill off the Dothraki in their terrible plot line.

I didn't care for the Dothraki, so seeing them YOLO into the undead tide and having their lights extinguish was pretty cool. Stupid savages

You mean the same color as the blizzard of snow they're flying through? You're right, no way it would get snow on the underside of its wing in a literal blizzard of snow.

How are westerosi blacksmiths going to make Obsidian scythes in mask, at best the Dothraki carried obsidian daggers alongside their flaming scythes.

Either way:
>Ending the night king in ONE FUCKING EPISODE

Burlington Bar reaction on Youtube you utter pleb

>I actually thought it increased it until it showed that the unsullied held the line.
>It looked like everyone was fucked; everyone that isn't a main character.
>I fully expected a world war Z styled zombie wave

Holding the line would have made for good tension if it was shot better.

The fact the zombies were crashing in like a wave and didnt seem to follow their own rules of how they fight killed the tension.

It was just a very VERY poorly done battle.

Hell why not use daytime snowy mists instead of darkness?
Would have looked less stupid and been scarier in my opinion.

Spooky shit in the dark is cliche. Spooky shit in the DAY is god damn horrifying.

Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate.

>shitposting on a obviously bad conclusion to the White Walker arc, 3 episodes into the season no less.
at least come up with better b8.

I'm just gonna say it.
When the FUCK are they gonna make a couple of dragon saddles?

D&D were clearly micromanaging the SHIT out of this one, while the dude who did battle of the bastards and hardhome was involved, it clearly shows too much micromanagement

pretty retarded to throw away the cavalry like that, should've come swooping in when they started crossing the firewall

>Ending the night king in ONE FUCKING EPISODE

One episode? You want them to keep fucking around with this guy like they've been doing for many seasons? Tie up the loose ends and move on with the story or else it'll turn into one of those shows where you wait a year and a half for 6 episodes

>....oh wait

No it wasnt, they started fires waaaay too damn late.

Oh ok, they wrote themselves into a corner.

the sjw, 3d hime haircut puts me off

It is, quite literally, not during a blizzard.
Do you think they won't show some damage on the dragon being shanked by dozens of zombos?

Attached: 6iEGnI3.png (772x873, 990K)

More importantly, did Ghost survive?

>start fires earlier
>literally cannot move army back anymore
Well you just killed everyone

would have been cooler if we've nto seen that before in a ton of shows and movies in one fashion or another.

>How are westerosi blacksmiths going to make Obsidian scythes in mask, at best the Dothraki carried obsidian daggers alongside their flaming scythes.
You dont need scythes! Obsidian spears and lances and a few daggers!
Not exactly making the sword of Mars here, man!

I get where you're coming from, sort of.
Wights most definitely dog piled people before this episode, albeit in smaller numbers.

there are three more episodes. wtf we're they going to do if they killed all of the characters

That's not how air works, user. You can go above the clouds in a fucking paramotor and be okay.

Not the trench, dingus. the dragons lighting fires behind the wrights and to the side, cutting them of and just napalming the fuckers.

I liked the shot of the dothraki being snuffed out steadily
it made no sense but still looked nice at least
I also liked the wider shots of a shitton of zombies swarming over the dragon, but I'll watch it again later and see if it holds up when I know whats going to happen

based on what?

Jorah was a waifufag after my own heart, I wish I could die like him for mine.

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>sides and rear
>implying any wights did anything but run forward.

yeah but they dont swarm like a literal wave OVER people.

That's just goofy.

When did ghost die?
Puppers needs a proper sendoff

No oxygen reduces with height meaning you would have trouble breathing at plane altitude dumbass.

mfw jorah died because dany was looking around like a dumbass and not flying off with her dragon

>Nightwatch guy
have some fucking respect for Edd you casual cunt
bet you didn't even read the books

>Forgetting what the dothraki are
>Savages on horseback trained in the martial arts of militarized farming equipment
>Forgetting they fucking hate spears and have gotten their shit pushed in by unsullied in the past with spears, they have their own "culture" around horse warfare

I honestly thought they were gonna napalm those undead fuckers first and make a visible torch of the flaming dead and increase visibility for the living soldiers, instead they send their calvary to die.

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battle of the owo bulge but the bulge is actually a wave of niglets snuffing out the flames

it was a kino shot, but made no sense.

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Can someone post a webm of lyanna getting punted by the giant? It was the best part of season 8.

this, wtf was the drangoncunt thinking

you might get lightheaded but people climb mountains and spend days in areas with low oxygen

night king's first appearance was in season 4

Which makes them easier to cut the fuck down and get behind.

What kills faster?
One wall of troops killing a horde?
Or one wall killing a horde while made horsemen are on the other side of said horde chopping away?

It takes months of acclimation for your body to get used to it. If you just flew up above the clouds without preparing for it you'd die within 2 or 3 minutes due to lack of oxygen.

I wouldn't blame my panicking waifu for making a mistake in such a desperate time, and neither would he. Truly she did not deserve him.

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Fucking cumskin came into the wrong neighbourhood.

Did you expect them to fight a shield wall like humans would?
How do you see a wight combating a shield wall formation other than flooding it.
Hell, they did that to get over the wall, too.

Do agree it looked goofy, but it seems like a bunch of thralls would do inhuman tactics.

Melisandry's death was such bs

Is Cersei the only female that will die w/o a positive character arc? Even Melisandrei had her redemption tonight.

This was supposed to be the climax of the greatest conflict in the entire show, and THOSE are the fucking impactful losses we took? the only ones that made me sad were Jorah and the Loli since it means that Mormont is totally wiped out.

shit episode tbqh
full of plot armor and retarded decisions just to be "cinematic"
I guess now they're gonna try to keep Jaime prisoner now that the zombies are over, Tyrion is gonna free him to pay his debt and that's why he gets executed

The worst thing about it was that you could barely see the combat. I can't really think of anything that stood out or was impressive. The horse guys fire swords blinking out one by one in the distance a nice touch. Why did the giant pick up the little girl and hold her for so long? She should have been squished immediately. These writers have no balls.

Literally took all of the diversity down with him. he was a hero and will be forever remembered as the savior of Westerosi demographics.

Figured she was going to get attack on titan'd

o2 is only a small part of the air we breathe anyway

>hate spears

Since fucking WHEN!? I get they favor the scythe thing, but god damn....fucking zombies you twats. Grab a god damn spear!

It's almost as if everyone is commenting on how humans fight other humans.

You would pass out

This, it would have been nice to have a new Red Wedding with the Night King basically massacring everyone.


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Cersei's positive character arc is that she did what she had to do given her fucked up circumstances.

I'm just curious how Tyrion is going to betray Dany

What do you think happens next

That's my thought exactly. Sansa made that "how are we going to feed them" to remind us that this is the "but what about his tax policy" kind of show. I guess that solves the problem of integrating foreigners into Westeros. By the way, what happened to all the dothraki women? Are they all back in Dragonstone? I guess Danny will hand them out to the survivors of Winterfell as a reward.

Hey thing about a shield wall is that THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO APPROACH IT!

It doesn't matter they're undead, they come in full frontal, they hit the shield and get speared.

They dont fucking fly! What inhuman tactics will be different than what the persians did zerg rushing a shield wall at the hot gates?

Dude did you just compare mountain height to cloud height? How retarded are you?

im so enjoying you faggots reeing over this shit. s.oyboy faggots the lot of you.

wouldn't they just keep piling on until it's just the weight of a godfuckton of dead niggas just pushing onto the shield wall

cloud height can be as low as 6k feet, you are making a problem out of something that doesn't exist

It did get video games towards the end.
>zombie stealth
Weren’t there like a million of those fuckers? How did the castle get so quiet?
Also, Sam Tardy being a fat fuck lying on zombie corpses for half the episode. Plot lard is thick on that one

exactly-moral of the story is based britbong genes will end everyone.

Since the books.

They include a nice long history of the Dothraki.
Essentially any settlement near the Dothraki plains bought/raised unsullied or got its shit pushed in

Melisandre should have showed up with a bunch of Red Priests and Priestesses. I mean this is the big fight right? She could have gone back to Essos to recruit her entire faith and then we could have gotten sick shots of random priests and priestesses reviving the troops that had fell during the battle but instead we just get here showing up out of nowhere

This. Was expecting a decapitation by mouth.

All they did was zerg rush and tackle.

Whoopdeshit they climb walls, still humanoids using full frontal attacks.

They can still be held back by a proper shield wall and formation, they're ONLY zombies.
If they were vampires, you'd have a point.

how retarded are you? there are plenty of peaks about the cloud point

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I ended up having to download a 720p version and stream it to chromecast using VLC. Turn up the backlight.

If you like this episode you are a retard from Reddit

We didn't see Ghost die.
I mean the fucker has disappeared for all but 4 scenes the past 6 episodes. He probably disappeared in the battle and through bullshit somehow survived.

Yes and you can just move a shield wall back or forth and they dragosn to light them on fire if they moved back.
This would allow them to rotate the troops out front to the rear, roman style (anyone watch Rome?) and prepare for the next assault while refreshed, in which case you can actually save a lot of lives, use archers and artillery support, and hold the wight long enough for the dragons to come in and thin them down to a row of nothing.

I thought I saw him retreat after the first wave but it was so dark I was probably mistaken

>they fucking fly!
My dude they literally climb over one another.
Thralls don't give a shit about each other so they dog piled the shield formation until it was ineffective.
So what if they get speared, they're fodder to the night king.
Numbers mattered more than some highly trained, dickless men standing in formation

You know, I don't have too many complaints about the strategy. The cavalry charge was silly as everyone pointed out, but it was also a really cool scene. As for the catapults, it makes sense for them to be outside, as they'll be useless once the dead reach the walls, and the catapults will take up too much space if they're inside. That aside, the battle was quite disappointing. It dragged on for far too long, and since this is neo-GoT, we know that nobody important is going to die. The moment the red priestess said that Arya's going to shut many blue eyes, I knew that she was going to kill the Night King, and she did. That eye-fucking between Sansa and Tyrion at the end dragged on for too long. I guess there's nothing wrong with it in principle, but it became comedic rather than dramatic after a while. Way too long. That's that I guess. Another thing: is it just me, or has the dialogue been "marvelised" a bit? I don't remember the earlier seasons very well but I swear we got more marvel-style quips in season 8.

Who was the Azor Ahai?
Where was the Lightrbringer?

to which my response is....End of the world....Get the fuck over it, you are ALLIED with the unsullied.

its doesnt help, i downloaded a 1080p version and boosted that bitch.

The episode was dark as fuck, I thought it was just me, but every stream I watched was the same. Probably the darkest episode of the series. Had to hide all that cgi!

Clouds can be right against the ground, that's what fog is

In this moment we are all Azor Ahai, and Lightbringer is the friendships we made long the way.

why do we call it fog then faggot?

>My dude they literally climb over one another.

see Climb over each other is a non issue in a tight shield wall/phalanx formation.

They paid the iron price, user. F F F F F F F.

Clouds are sky fog, fog isn't land clouds. Fight me faggot.

because spending all this money you couldnt have helms deep blue lit it with a ton fo people in make up and saved the CGI for wide shots and other points.

Nah...Just make us not see a god damn thing.

>archers and artillery support

why didnt any other red priest know what was going down in the north?

because Mellisandre is Azor Ahai, but the show scrapped all that

it's code for FAG which people like you use to signal their receptivity to homosexual congress

Confirmed ripoffs in episode:

>Essential npcs hovering at 1 hp for half an hour while everybody else dies

>Jorah falling down and getting up again

>Blood drop scene stolen from Sam Raimi spiderman

>That knife drop from far cry 3

Bros, I can't bother squint at it any longer. When the Night King throws his broken spear or whatever at Dany, what happens actually? She yelps but returns unscathed few minutes later. Thought she may have been hit.

You pass out
When you pass out you breathe shallower, and need less o2 anyway
You would eventually regain consciousness as your body begins to adapt to the lower o2 airmix at that altitude -
that said if you don't freeze to death or crash the aircraft or other vehicle you are manipulating at that height in the meantime, which is why we have pressurized aircraft and oxygen masks for aircraft, as they cannot afford downed crew and also have factors like rapid changes in altitude magnifying the problem.
is correct
6k feet doesn't mean shit, you are only going to see the onset of shit like till this past 15k, and it's the reason why Everest, Kilamanjaro, etc have base camps at varying altitudes.


game of gays is fucking dogshit lmao.
How does some cunt get through so many undead generals and kill the knight king? AIDS

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tell me they couldnt have made a shit ton of obsidian arrows instead of JUST fire arrows.

Or use a trebuchet or catapult filled with lit oil.

Hey here's a question...did the show runners forget about Wildfire?
is that ntoa thing anymore?

So you're both going to expect that tactic works when they have zero terrain to retreat to since there's a big wood ditch a few meters behind them.

The Unsullied were the MVPs of this. I wish we saw a bit more of them.

Changed the lighting in my living room and on my tv twice to attempt to watch some scenes. Fuck you HBO

If she didn't show up was the plan to just send the Dothraki pointlessly to their deaths? Because they only had normal swords.

She was almost hit and yelped because it spooked her.

"muh white walker king" was the shittiest part of the show anyway
We're back for the usual treachous shenanigans for the rest of the season and I'm happy this shit is finally done with, so I can watch the real Game of Thrones now.

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>That knife drop from far cry 3

been used in a TON of movies and TV shows.

Dragonglass arrows would've made a great deal of the fight trivial, but it looked like they had fuck all for archers going off what we see.

He charged into the night with the dothraki so no.

They're all fucking off in Essos, specifically in Asshai and the Shadow Lands.
You would fucking think they would send more considering the Night King is a threat to all life on the planet.

I'm pretty sure we've heard throwaway lines about making dragonglass arrows, but the only archers that seemed to have them were the iron born in the godswood. they didn't use their artillery till after the first charge had started. D&D should have played some total war or something ffs

Great sendoff for the dothraki horde. Get killed within 2 minutes using their open field combat strength.

I think it hits the dragon on it's wing and it flies off so Dany can get it out like the ballista bolt in S7, I think when the dragon shows up again there's something that looks like a piece of the spear stuck in his wing

yes, he is in the preview

Why werent they positions more outfront then?

They're not on predetermined starting points. THEY CAN MOVE BEFORE THE BATTLE!!!

remember in the books there are other walls in essos up north like the Black Gate or whatever it's called, we have no confirmation this is a localized problem

>spend 8 season and 10 years to build up a threat that is just a red herring because lolwimmin and GRRM is a pedo who wants to fuck Arya.

>to which my response is....End of the world....Get the fuck over it, you are ALLIED with the unsullied.
That would fucking make sense but Dany is a TERRIBLE LEADER

Then they would have made those archers 10 times more effective and maybe have nailed the ice king sooner.

The entire season looks like a dumpster fire, the writing jumped off a cliff, it doesn't even feel like a GOT season. The fights are all shaky cam shit to hide the piss budget.

sounds about right since they started killing off people like ser barristan to a bunch of kitchen knife wielding hobos

Total war? Nah, I would have made them marathon shadiversity, and other youtubers.

Or fucking watch gladiator and kingdom of heaven.

Quasimodo is 22

Would have made more sense if she just had another knife, there were plenty lying around.

They should have shown her jumping out of the fucking Weirwood tree, because that would actually make fucking sense

Honestly if she had died on that first impact I could have forgiven all the other bullshit of this episode. My sides ascended to the celestial plane.

Let’s put the catapults in front of the troops

>Why werent they positions more outfront then?
I agree there, but them holding a castle versus an enemy like that was retarded, too.

The whole idea of defense versus an army of undead would be retreating your ass to kings landing if it called for it.
The dead becoming wights highlighted why

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Double dubs underrated

I'm okay with a drop of realism. Gendry already fucking produced thousands of obsidian swords, axes and whatever and fucked Arya over the course of one day, he didn't have time for arrows.

> Visually stunning

If you say so. Couldn't see shit myself.

Thank the gods for Bessie.

The books are even worse than the show, litlet

The character is not. Im not talking about the actress necessarily.

I think they did. Whole episode felt tense except the little screech she let out when she got slammed by the giant.

They also patiently waited for the enemy to arrive before firing another volley. Excellent strategem.

Unsullied also didn't have very close ranks, HBO Rome Romans were closer to each other, then again they were armor and had a large shield instead of thin leather and a short spear.


Maybe they should have build fortifications along say...a river?

You fail to realize how important a lack of morale is.

> Those fucking dogs

What a dead end plot point those were.

you dipshit. both of the dragons got fucked up. one of them had about 100 zombies crawling all over it stabbing and ripping and the other got clawed in the chest.

those are torn wings.

This, Dolorous Edd is based in the books.
Also nice trips.

cmon dude she couldnt fuck him right there infront of the kid.

Mobility would be best, but that checks out too given their water issues.
(overlooking how they got chains around a dragon in a frozen lake)

The Black Gate is at the Night Fort in Westeros, on the Wall.

In Essos it's the (connected) Five Forts of Yi Ti, and the greylands beyond BUT ALSO ELSEWHERE the lands beyond the Shadowlands of Asshai

It's probable other shit is going on, but we don't know because GRRM is never going to finish another book

Arrow heads are easy to produce, just pour molten obsidian into pre-made molds. Can probably make 500 arrow heads every 30 minutes. If they had a whole team of 100 blacksmiths, probably 10000 easily.

>literally couldn't see a giant white wolf because the episode was so damn dark

That's some serious darkness!... Doom 3 types of darknes!

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Why did General Custer tell the Dothraki to attack the undead without seeing them and having Winterfell to defend and protect them?

Was Edd a Stark? If not, no one from the main families got rekt.

Bullshit, its fucking obsidian.
You know how you make obsidian and stone arrowheads?

Knapping, 10 times faster than FORGING OBSIDIAN.

You cant reforge obsidian, thats not how it works!

So at this point hend out massive chunks to all the archer and tell them "start knapping, cunts, make 100 arrows by the end of today."

Was anyone else disappointed we didn't have a headless sean Bean trying to kill Sansa in the crypts? I mean he could have still had his head, maybe carrying it on the side in one arm so we know who he was.

They should have been behind the battlements that Meli C set on fire, they obviously wouldn't have been much effective behind the walls

ffs just increase gamma

morale means jack shit when its the end of the world and your goal is just to slaughter.

Fuck it, just kill and kill. Doomguy this bitch.

You fail to realize how effective a phalanx with extremely long spears is on stable ground. They would have been overrun, but we would have seen the battle last into daylight easily.

are you guys all fucking idiots. you know clouds can be very low - especially in storms. have you ever fucking flown in a plan!?!?!??!?

jesus fuck.

>being intentionally dumb

>unironically uses "hater" on 4chin

>tfw he didn't light himself on fire to make himself immune from wights while going super sayan x2 and dual wielding long swords...
I legit thought that at least on character was going to go out in a literal blaze of glory, but I guess they didn't have it in the budget.... Or the lord of light is just a weak as bitch of a god.

>the kid who just lost her virginity

I don't want to die like tony stark

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Again, logic against a foe that has the fear of death.
You do not rush into phalanx lightly because of it's inherent threat. People are not stupid.
A fearless foe is just that: fearless.
you will drown in the enemy.

When has Jorah been known for doing anything exceptional in combat BESIDES the raid on the Iron Islands?

He's going to overlook the hound giving up because muh rip and tear.
Let him be dense

It sucked. How you enjoyed this shit show makes you a pleb. It's shit since Martin left.

This, just a tiny bit of obsidian would do the trick. Plus it would have the added bonus of literring the ground with obsidian even if they miss wights with their volleys, killing the wights that walk over obsidian. Just touching obsidian kills them right?

The hound has been sick of fighting for a long time.

why didn't he just make armor from dragon glass

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This episode sort of ruins the point of Episode 2. That episode was the last night in the world for all those characters, and nearly every single one of them survived.

Podrick singing Jenny of Oldstones was meant to be like an ode for what was to come. That scene was my favorite scene from the entire series, but now its been soiled.

so Arya just escaped the chapel the she, the hound, and the Red Woman was stuck in?

It makes Rankin-Bass' The Hobbit look like Jackson's The Hobbit.....

Again, morale wont matter, you already know the point is to kill them all.
The phalanx formation will keep YOUR morale from breaking and likely give your men a boost.

A phalanx can kill THOUSANDS of them in minutes.
You wont even need to route them, they will be mowed down and you can even advance into them.

Yeah after the castle was already overrun and him being a bitch around fire.

It has to pierce flesh, quite of the bit of the weights still have cloting, rags and such

My biggest issues with this episode is literally everything to do with the crypt.

Everyone had been extremely well informed that The Night King could raise the dead. How did this get by every fucker in Winterfell without a second thought?

But even more confusing, why have the people who aren't going to fight stay in the crypts where they would absolutely 100% die if the war is lost? Why not send them anywhere else? They had more than enough time.

five forts moar liek five FARTS amirite lel

>I don't remember the earlier seasons very well
I really want to go back and watch seasons 1-3. Did the characters teleport back then? Was every dialogue a competition to have the wittiest reply?

My favorite change is that the entire country of Dorne was essentially a single set. That courtyard was like Jerry Seinfeld's apartment, the characters teleported there to make jokes and then teleport somewhere else.

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Normies fucking loved this episode. They think it's pure kino and think Endgame is one of the best movies of all time. I want off the fucking ride.

they did anal she's still pure

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Does it not?
i was under the impression that since most of them are just skeletons anyway just being touched by the stuff kills them.

I wouldn't imagine putting a few spikes of obsidian on the shields, maybe lining the outside with rows of them like those aztec clubs, would do more harm than good.

unironically better and even does forced feminism less obnoxious and it had fucking brie larson in it.

Just how?

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>Yeah after the castle was already overrun
it's almost like morale was falling and bodies to boot.

The armchair warriors talking about historical shield tactics in a battle against meat puppets is hilarious.

We seriously should have had the death of a main character - Samwell, Sansa, Jaime, Brienne were all prime targets.

Instead we lost Jorah (potentially), his niece, Theon, Berric, that redhead watch dude.
I don't even know what the fuck happened to the wildling leader who had the hots for Brienne, you would figure they would be fighting alongside one another.

I just realized how effective god damn Aztecs and Mayans would have been against wrights

> this isn't Spartacus.

More's the pity, Spartacus was at least fun.


Girl Power!

You know who's a great actress? Emilia Clarke

My man I loved when you smacked the loli across the ground, big fan, keep it up

Must have worked great for Justice League film, right?

Honestly, the battle against the Night King should have been won at Dorne, it was the only place in Westeros that would have had a realistic fighting chance, being warm regardless of the season.
But the Night King just HAD to have Bran for some reason

The morale wasnt the issue or why the castle was over ran.
it was the fact their battle plans were FUCKING RETARDED.

morale being gon means they RUN AWAY from the fight, not just got their shit stomped because they're stupid as fuck.

> talking about historical shield tactics in a battle against meat puppets is hilarious

They clearly established rules on how these wrights work. We can make logical assumptions about them and how to counter them.

Yes they're essentially fast zombies....however...they're just fast zombies.

We're not facing an army of Predator's here.

i'll take that shit over arya

>Battle at night
just to cheap on visual effects. It looked like trash. I hate how now every heavy CGI movie is "dark" just to make it cheaper.
Really shitty. making long takes for dramatism and suspense, in the most tacky ways. It was a redundancy.
that was the most retarded military action in history.
>fighting balance.
The army in formation is destroyed by the zombies but then a few generals can contain them like greek heroes... bullshit. You can play that card in a sutile way, but this episode did in the most grotesque way possible.

the good things about the episode:
>Bran sending the crows to do something.
Is interesting to have that to figure out what the fuck those ravens did and how is going to impact in next episode.
>Red witch
i wasnt expecting here there and i like how she goes in the end. Elegant finale for a great character.

In my opinion they made the battle just too long for dramatic purpouses, they could do it shorter and gave us a little bit of the aftermath.
Overall it was a ok episode. it could be better.

>tfw stannis was azor ahai the whole time it just didnt matter

Even taking into account the best possible tactics in human history, they're trying to defend a castle with an immense numbers disadvantage.

Compound that fact with an enemy that does not need what a human needs to keep the castle surrounded indefinitely.

Defending a castle was the issue no matter how they went about defending it.

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>In my opinion they made the battle just too long for dramatic purpouses
Was this the record setting battle scene everyone yapped about?

Because if it was, i call bullshit, at least 30 minutes wasnt the battle but dragon shots, arya sam fisher stealthing, and the crypts as well as people staring.

We were soldiers had a collectively longer battle scene.

Makes sense. This cloths though, and shoes with holes.
Yeah pretty much. Arrow volleys Bolton style would have btfo a few wights.
Phalanx has been proven to be effective vs large numbers of enemies. Wights are just mindless zombies that keep charging, phalanx guys would need a lot of extra long spears in reserve though. Since the wights haven't heard of using bows or crossbows you can have even more long spears in the front. Writers should have hired a armchair historian, could have made the battle more tense as they are overrun even when using believable good tactics. Shame Ramsey wasn't here, those pikemen of his would have held the gates of Winterfell.

Its better than whatever the unsullied were doing, waiting in line to die.

Yeah if only they hired a historian to say "eh just mow em down with dragon fire"

Ok so lets ignore the fact they met the enemy first OUTSIDE of the castle so that point is nonsense at that point.

If they wanted to defend the castle they did it in the most RETARDED way they could possibly do so.

They got pushed in way too quickly for how they planned on having the NK die, so they had to show us all those scenes of the main characters single handedly killing hundreds on wights while they only rushed like 1-2 at a time. Just more shit writing.

You really need an education, holy shit.

one hundred percent agree

>Yeah pretty much. Arrow volleys Bolton style would have btfo a few wights.
Even if they took out 10% those arrows were effective.
Especially if they wanted to say....Hand out javelins, darts, ect.

Kek forgot about that too. They only did a few passes over the enemy before they left to fly out into the air for Le visual spectacle.

How many unsullied are left?

They started with 10K, probably about 9K at this point, so what now?
like 200 at best?

Is the north and Dany just completely fucked military wise?

For all the CGI and shit they failed to show proper sense of scale, doesnt help it was all dark and i couldnt tell who was who in the killing.

God that was so dumb. Those dragon alone should have made them win the fight completely.

Just get on the horn and yell "BROKEN ARROW!"

Ramsey and 10 good men could have raided the night king and impaled the king and a few walkers and saved the seven kingdoms.
That is why they had to kill him off, it all makes sense. He was too much of a military mastermind.

The Davos scene in the previous episode showed that most of the good soldiers were killed in the fights before the night king breached the wall.
They were forced to conscript peasants the day of.

Could explain some of the retarded tactics/morale

They had like 12 military masterminds with them!

Fuck! A 5 year old playing total war could have done it.

melisandre should have raised him one last time as ultra undead rhllor zombie with like fiery eyes and shit and then he goes out and allahu akhbars the night kings liutenants, leaving the path open for arya/the hound the double team the NK.

that whole fuckign sequence of beric and the hound teaming up to save arya and then barricading themselves in with mel who says the magic words to give arya confidence is just SCREAMING for a teamup moment where they each play a part. how can the writers be so incompetent.

Does nto explain the incompetence of the LIVING military masterminds, the 9K+ unsullied, entire dothraki, ect being absolutely skull fucked in minutes.

This is fucking retard level sperging. The way they really get that subversion is to have them win, but the night king has gone to kings landing, killed everyone and made Cerci the night queen and marches on the Winterfell. Everyone feel to the iron islands, the ocean feezes with big ocean battle and then in one fell swoop....we cut the the ghost of ned stark blowing a man who begins explaining the opression of minorities within the 7 kingdoms. Then all the male characters get hit the balls or have their masculinity broken in front of everyone. We are all supposed to laugh because women really should be doing it all. Then the night king finally goes in the kill Bran, when arya swoops in and they have a huge sword fight where the Night King is clearly out classed and physically weaker. We return to Ned Stark, face covered in cum looking with pride upon his 16 year old daughter who is now a super saiyan. We call clap, Its touching, Rian Johnson.

Now that Mel is dead, nobody will ever mention Azor Ahai again lol.

Shadiversity planned out a better fight 2 weeks ago!

i really wanted to enjoy this episode and i nearly did many times, but every time the suspention got high, i stopped worrying for the character's safety. important characters just don't die anymore. too many fucking last minute "unexpected" saves where people were about to die. ive lost all respect i had for the show and the writers.

shadman made a youtube?

He also mentioned the futility of holding a castle against such a threat

No shadiversity.

Though shadman has a youtube as well, but thats neither here nor there.

majority of them have to be dead, easily less than 1k alive if that. No idea about Grey Worm, they pretty much stopped giving a fuck about him halfway through. Dothraki are all gone. The dragons are hurt/dead. They didn't really specify between wildlings and regular northpeople so no idea.

You'd assume they'd be totally fucked on manpower, but I'm sure D&D will find some way for them to pull this one out of their ass too.

flanking only matters when youre fighting human beings who react poorly to the thought of imminent death. to a zombie it's all the same shit. you aren't going to disrupt them, you aren't going to start a rout, you aren't going to sow confusion or cause doubt. you are going to kill a couple extra zombies and then find yourself bogged down in zombie swarm like you would if you fought them head on.

Hence why i earlier states river with a bridge as a choke point.

>My friends and I had fun laughing at it
damn you guys sound cool

They couldn't, there's like 100 people left alive at this point.

nk can freeze the water