Why show us NK turning him into a White Walker only to never have it brought up again? Is he going to be the new NK? Is he dead now that NK is dead?
What the FUCK was the point of Craster's Final Son?
I don't remember much about it but wasn't it just to show how the white walkers added to their ranks?
They forgot about him
le ebil spooky man he does stuff with a children so he evil bad man oooo so spooky such evil
im pretty sure he just grew up fast and is now a walker, all the walkers are probably crasters children
Why anything?
Why did the NK do any of the things he did, how, since when, for what grand purpose etc etc
You will get absolutely nothing.
Cersei will find out about how the white walkers are made (or Qyburn will discover it) and she'll become the Night Queen, turn all of King's Landing + Golden Company into undead, and that'll be the final battle.
Nothing to do with the white walkers was ever constructed buildup planned to lead to a payoff or be explained. It was literally all just empty theatrics to keep you watching.
As an addendum, I refuse to believe that the show bothered to show how the Night King came to be unless someone in the show would repeat that same method.
With Gregor literally already being a zombie and with Qyburn's interest in the dead, all the pieces are in their place for this.
Whoa whoa whoa, I think you mean Queen's Landing
Kk was making his army you fucking retard. This show has a bottomless well of problems but this ain't one of them.
this would be great
That was just to show you how the generals get made.
Would unironically be better than the ending we can all see coming.
The point wasn't to establish him as a character. It was to confirm to us what the white walkers had been doing to his sons.
To differentiate between Walkers/Wights brainlet
This has never been pointed out you sped. Please explain to us what is the point of turning a baby into a wight if the creature will never grow to combat age (since you know, it's fucking dead)
it was faked bro, bran is the new night king
its not a wight its a white walker and its not dead you fucking imbecile
You give them way too much credits
Never explained too, go on and make some theory out of your ass about the eyes being different from wights or some shit.
HEH. Nothing personal men.
the show was disemboweled due to the cost and so d&d were tasked in wrapping this shit up, they don't give a fuck
And yet it won't happen.
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... FUCK