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Other urls found in this thread:


>uhhhh, right in the icicles

>white people saving the day again
fucking reddit tier, where's the PoC representation

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>oooooooooooooo right in the icecubes


Could she kill Thanos?

they got wiped out at the start of the fight and the rest were used as human shields to protect the whites

Can someone PLEASE explain what the actual story is?

Is this a real shot??

Does Western media just have the same dozen Jewish writers writing everything or something?

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>I don't care where you are from, that has gotta subvert!

Grey Worm survived which is a God damn miracle in itself since the unsullied were used as the rear guard

>ouch right in the snowballs

>(((Children of the Forest))) lose control of their golem.
>That's it.

At least I was expecting her to sacrifice herself, but she didnt even die. what the fuck?

dragons and tits

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Kinda, I amped up the contrast because you literally cant see shit on the actual episode

*Ghost covers eyes with paw*


GOT confirmed based and redpilled?

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and to think this was once my favorite show

I was literally sighing and checking the time with all that annoying slowmotion buildup because I knew a Deux Ex Machina was about to pop up and yet it still managed to disappoint me.

Unironically yes.

As an aside I love...
> It's a fight for your life
> Sucks that you don't have firepower because we said no
> Oh well :^)


When she said she wouldnt survive until the dawn I was expecting her to go all out sacrificing herself throwing fireballs left and right. This was so pointless, she could have still been useful.

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This was next level bad. Not even just the resolution. Easily the worst great battle in the show. Tragic

>theon has his charge
>arya appears and distracts viserion for jon with her parkour, jon arrives in the weirwood tree
>jon 1v1s the night king while being watched by the white walkers and bran, real solemn kill bill / matrix fight moment
>jon is about to be defeated, ready to heroically face death in a scene similar to sor arthur dayne vs ned stark
>theon backstabs the nights king like howland reed did to sor arthur dayne

It was so painfully mediocre. Not good at all, barely watchable at times, never once thrilling.

She felt godawful about her earlier actions in GoT, so she chose to go out this way.

It was impossible to see what was happening.

If he's fast enough to turn around and grab her, why wasn't he fast enough to use his other hand to stop her stabbing him. He could clearly see what was happening.

They couldn't actually give Theon some redemption. His whole arc is being a thorough fuck-up.

Her entire purpose was to fight the Night King and his army. With that purpose fulfilled she saw no more real point to living any longer since she's well past her expiration date. She doesn't care about the war between kings and queens.

I find it hard to believe even the regular normie retarded audience would buy this shit but no, they loved it. Are we really that detached from the crowd?

Yes, this is probably the most egregious issue. The entire season has been TOO DARK and this one took it to 11.

At least KL scenes will be shot in daylight, looks like.

Oh nononono

Didn’t end the episode with the sun rising.
Trash writing

She should have died right at the point where she lights the trench on fire. sacrificing herself to save everyone, maybe even burning herself to death in the process for the extra irony.

>didn't just run to him

>somehow got by

>changed directions

>jumped AND thrust a weapon

wow. magic is real! remind me how Cersei stops a teleporting assassin?

I think the only consolation is that she and not Cersei is gonna be the true final boss. There's still that to look forward to

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People think “Heisenberg” is a badass.

Betting on her killing Cersei as well instead of Jaime
Writers care more about plot twists than a good narrative

That was so anticlimactic, I fucking hated it. Fuck Game of Thrones.

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I thought it was fine that she did it, but not that she jumps from nowhere and does it. It's going to take some mental fortitude to ignore that kind of thing.

At this point is there any chance arthur reed makes an appereance?

So, another big Chekhov’s gun I just realised was ruined. We’ve established Bran can speak to the past, yet never uses this. We also established Bran can induce insanity after the hold the door incident. So...

>Bran is looking back when Wights attack
>Burn them all
>I better warn the past so they can prepare. The last Targaryen King was the last guy with the resources.
>Burn them all!
>oh no I just made the mad king mad

Even if Jon had wounded the NK in some way on the battlefield during a sword fight this all would have made more sense.

Lmao more proof women are only useful when you fuck em

The real wonder is how mouth-breathers like D&D were put in charge of this show.

Contrast with The Expanse, where the showrunner is a PhD in physics.

>ouch, right in the bloody hailstones!

Its awful character decisionmaking since its typically people of her type who end up being teachers, mentors, witnesses, and historians. Her dying basically means the world lost one important viewpoint of this era in the history of Westeros, and that her death is ultimately a tragic loss of knowledge motivated primarily by personal guilt.

But hey, gotta mark one more name off that bingo board right?

Show has been shit since Jon came back to life, you needs deserve this. You KNEW disappointment was coming, and if you didn't you're dumb.

>they loved it
They hate how it was executed, but they're fine with it being Arya since it was set up ages ago.

Prospects for killing the Night King:

The Jon ending was predictable, so predictable I figured it wouldn't happen, but it still would have been pretty good. Would have been 6/10.

Having the Hound overcome his fear of fire to do it would have been great, especially if he did to to save Arya who is kind of his proxy daughter so it would have been moving and very satisfying as part of his redemption arc. Would have been 9/10.

Having Jaime do it would have personally been the best, again because it's part of a redemption arc and also he is famous for being a Kingslayer so it has symmetry and now the named is earned and is a source of pride instead of shame. Would have been immensely satisfying 10/10.

Instead Arya teleports behind him even though he's got a dozen elite WW guards standing directly behind him, flys through the air, drops her dagger and catches it and that's it the entire thing is over. Incredibly stupid. Incredibly unsatisfying. 0/10. I can't even believe it happened honestly. Like I'm typing this and I can't believe this is what they went with. We... we waited eight years for this? For THIS?

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Someone give me a QRD of what happens during the episode. I don't watch the show, but I like the books. Did they really go for the "kill the boss and all his summons die instantly" Dark Souls 2 meme?

The Expanse is a way more interesting show than this, even with the shitty actors.

Couldnt she at least have died while doing it? At least it would have had some weight on the stakes.

I felt literally nothing watching the episode, just apathy.

Stupid theory while also ignoring that the mad king is mad thanks to targaryen incest, it wasn't a singular moment in time rather a slow escalation

Yeah, because it's made by talented people

Ahhhhh, classic Yea Forums contrarianism.

Shine on, you crazy diamonds....


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She will die while trying to assassinate Cersei, because SUBVERTING EXPECTATIONS.

while the flames of the dothraki swords being snuffed out was cool visually, how about this instead to make the battle slightly less dumb?
>the army is (behind barracades) waiting for the enemy
>all you can see is pitch black
>suddenly you hear the cry of dany's dragon, with her holding a small torch to set the scale
>she sweeps across the field in the distance and lights up the ground
>in the flames, you can see the silhouette of the seemingly endless approaching army
>it gets larger as the flames die out and the silhouettes become discernable wights, giants, and riders
>battle can start now with dothraki charging because it's their thing
>and then the rest of the fight is smart, utilizing choke points, barracades, tar from the walls, catapults, etc

Yes, but I was expecting that to happen. I was not expecting fucking ARYA of all people to kill the fucking Night King. Jon doing it would have been predictable, but at least it would have been somewhat satisfying.

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No she had to be there later to shittily foreshadow to us why Arya is going to kill NK.

He's the only actress they have left in the main cast that willing to do nude scenes... Too bad no one wants to see it again.

literally star wars fight between the girl and red guard

The whole dothraki charge was retarded. Charging with a sword is dumb. Charging with a flaming sword is really dumb. Charging without a lance, and using light horse in a charge is dumb beyond belief.


Yeah pretty much
Their plan fails horribly though, Jon and Dany get baited by the night king into abandoning the castle for a period of time, drogon is now the only dragon left, wights do end up being raised in the crypts but kill no named characters, Theon is MVP simply for buying enough time for bran to not die, who knows what Bran was doing the fucking entire time aside from watching the battle with some birds, dothraki are 90% dead, unsullied are 99% dead, Mormonts no longer exist, Arya stabs night king because he forgot she has two hands


I'm thinking Cersei goes out like her mom - childbirth to a midget since she cant stop having incest sex.

She used up all the magic she had.

That's why the stone went out. Thought it was obvious.

Really just charging into an army that doesn't suffer morale loss is dumb. The main point of a charge is it can break lines and morale.

Since season 5 I thought Game of Thrones was at its best when there was no dialogue, just action and cgi. Even with a retarded story the battles used to be good for the spectacle alone.

It's a sad thing that they even managed to fuck up the one thing the show still had going for it. What an awful episode.

Dude she's literally 400 years old at this point, she aint gonna teach shit, she was holding on for dear life to witness the War for the Dawn. She saw it and slipped away.

ghost confirmed not dead in next episode

i wrote it for someone who was saying dothraki charging is fine because that's kind of their whole gimmick
desu they just shouldnt have been involved, they don't work well defensively

You know the answer and it involves a lot of parentheses.

Fuck man Star Trek finale all women save the day, Endgame women save the day, GoT women save the day, Star Wars women save the day. There's no way you can tell me this wasn't a joint effort somehow.

The giant did kill Lyanna, though. You see her turn into a wight when John runs into NK.

>drogon is now the only dragon left
Wait, did Rhaegal die, I didnt even realize that.

You don't go made from banging your sister. You're born mad because your father banged his sister.

>Cersei is last woman standing
>Dies giving birth to an incest monster
>The incest monster takes the Iron Throne.

>Dothraki didn't just shit all over the night king with a billion obsidian arrows
What the fuck is the point of having mounted archers against an enemy without ranged weaponry if you don't fucking use your advantage

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>The Jon ending was predictable, so predictable I figured it wouldn't happen,
Frankly it was so obvious they'd "subvert" it the real subversion would have been it actually happening.

ep. 4 preview shows 2 dragons

What are you, some sort of bigot? It's (the current year)!

I waited 8 years for this, I'd be suicidal too if I waited 50 times that for this bullshit.

He's pretty fucking dead or in a coma somewhere
He never got up after crashing with Jon and doesn't join Dany at the end with drogon

You know, I was fine with Arya killing the Night King because I was expecting it, heck I was even fine with her jumping up to him out of nowhere like it was some anime. Where I literally yelled FUCK OFF at the screen is when she pulled webm related move. Why is this move being shilled so hard in media as "le epic I AM NO MAN mary sue" special finisher?

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If Mel didn't show up what the fuck were they going to do? They only had normal swords.

>Dude she's literally 400 years old at this point

So was Yoda, and he didn't even win his war. And he still peaced out to a complete shithole, hoping one day that someone comes along to inherit his knowledge.


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The show writers, in order to make it surprise, show nothing of how Arya got to that point without being caught
Reddit had an actual good idea of stealing a wight's face to sneak up but clearly they lacked the budget for that shit if they couldn't be bothered to show ghost fighting or even surviving instead of leaving the next episode teaser to tell us he ain't dead

they're all callbacks to western culture's most treasured moment, the 1992 Michael Jordan hand-switch

Expanse is literally the only show worth waiting for this year

They were going to charge into a wall on undead in a zero-visibility environment, on light horse with no baldric, and without a lance.


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Nah that would have been retarded because we'd be wondering why the Night King would randomly decide to 1v1 Jon for no reason. We already saw he was smart enough to not do that earlier.

if you're gonna use an example, use winter soldier, since it's also a knife and not a sword

The show literally wastes 10 minutes to demonstrate that Arya has ghostwalk abilities. Was the presentation dumb? Perhaps. Was it out of nowhere? No.

I thought Grey Worm was going to grab the torch and dive into the pit to light it.

jeez guys, I was watching this with some friends and when arya kills the NK this girl starts screaming YES ARYA ARYA YES ARYA, I wish this was a joke but no

He can't because it didn't work in Winter Soldier.

Same shit happened in Last Jedi, too.

That would've been funnier when someone called them out on someone being able to sneak up to a hive queen by putting on a mask

You're retarded if for some reason you think that seen shows Arya being able to sneak around in the field of vision of wights, let alone when there's walkers around

feel the same, cat bro

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Nah, my example works better, because it showcases that it's a trend that's being applied systematically to bad feminist self-insert mary sue characters.

great, they pulled the same shit with ghost AND a dragon

>dropped muh lightsaber move
seriously how much did disney pay to have this scene added?

Jon was tired as shit and could barely stand before Viserion, there was no way he would stand a chance before the NK.

It was “can humanity survive”, but now it’s “humanity will survive but will the wrong people rule while it does?”

>so it has symmetry
you forgot the even bigger symmetry. first ep he hurts bran, ends up fighting to protect bran

We're both retarded for watching this show. But you're extra retarded for denying something that is demonstrated in two scenes this episode.

What a cheap ending. I expected Jon to face the night king in epic combat. Maybe cliche though. So Arya is confirmed to be azhar zhai or whatever that was.


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Bitch ain't Yoda, and he waited for a successor strictly because he lost his war.
She won her war.

Even if it was just those characters all getting pushed back into the old wood with Bran and fighting the WW henchmen while Arya shanks the NK it would have been far more satisfying. Just having Arya teleport in was literal brain rot.

there is literally no demonstration she can somehow avoid detection in field of view
they make it explicitly know that she has to not be spotted or even make any noise

Seriously what the fuck.

don't ask questions
just consume content
get excited for new content


Bookfag only here.

Tell me what autistic shit has just happened in this episode/season. I need a good laugh and cringe.

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>Reddit had an actual good idea of stealing a wight's face to sneak up

Makes even less sense than what we got. Creating a face is a meticulous and drawn out process. Even if you ignore that, wights shatter into ice when they die so there's literally no way to acquire a face from one.

why would anyone keep doing this bullshit after it killed fucking Star Wars, how can someone be so fucking retarded?

is there a reason why people scream when they try to sneak up on someone like that?

Did he forget that he has a right arm?

When Theon attacked NK he was immediately killed by a counter attack why didn’t NK immediately kill Arya instead of dangling he there

Arya jumped on Night King out of nowhere and killed him with a knife. All that build up ended up like this.

Why did theon not have a fucking sword who thought it would be a good idea to guard a cripple from an army of hundreds of thousands of zombies with 30 archers who had no close range weaponry

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This is what you do when you're a hack who ran out of material to adapt.

>meticulous and drawn out process
yeah except that time Arya cuts of the waif's face in like a minute and puts it in the house of the undying while it's still bleeding

arya killed the night king int he most ridiculous copout in television, ending the long night in one episode, 8 years of buildup destroyed in 5 seconds


omg this show is so bad


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>wights shatter into ice
they haven't shattered into ice in a long time, they've been falling into piles of bones and this episode in particular has no shattering for wights

same could be said about the East's "artists"

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He used all his action points to counter her initial attack. Obviously, Arya knew he didn't spec into regeneration so she went for the wombo combo.

Every producer has to get a YAS KWEEN moment on their resume. That shit is golden in the #MeToo era, because people are craven and stupid and fall for it.

how much did disney pay for this to be added? this move is women writing action sequences in a nutshell. i makes no fucking sense.

Arya is the hero of the show. Of course she was the one who was going to do it.

The had the dothraki charge the army of the dead for no real reason and they all got merked in about 2 mins.
They also had their forces stand in front of a trench making it effectively useless when it would have benefited their phalanx tactic greatly to be behind it. Jon does literally nothing... Ever...

How did she get past the guards?

but yea... that sucked
and it wasn't like anyone knew it wouldn't or can't happen... they just DID NOT want it to happen... and after all that build-up... jesus

but why did the Night King even want to kill Bran?

Theon charged because it was his last out. Retard.

same thing happened in gungrave

Jon’s dragon dies saving Jon from the defrost wyrm. Theon holds off the night king who toys with him suffering many wounds. Jon busts into the courtyard from a less guarded area and blocks the kill shot intended for Theon. Night King Simmons his dudes Firth to wreck Jon. Dragon, not dead but dying let’s out one last breath weapon to split up NK and Jon, bran, and Theon from the walkers. Theon is near death and NK starts owning Jon. Jon is on the ground about to die but NK stops in his tracks. Brans goofy warging comes into effect finally and is having some prof x battle with NK. Bran explains that he may never come back from this and still thanks theon. Theon bleeds out. Jon recoups and goes to drive the killing blow on NK. A reanimated Theon blocks the attack though. Jon and Theon battle as NK works to undue Brans stun. Arya sees the battle from inside and knows she has to get there to help Jon. She fights and sneaks her way to the courtyard and is about to be overwhelmed by wights. Clegane saves her and they share a moment. Jon defeats Wight Theon and once again goes for the NK, who recovers just in time and dodges but is wounded, maybe loses an arm? But he answers back and wounds Jon as well who is now at his limit. Arya is distraught but can’t make it to him. Sandor sees this and picks up Arya. He suffers attacks from the white walkers and he confronts his fears and runs through the dragon flames. He collapses on the other side charred and bleeding. Arya falls down in front of him. They share one last look as the hound succumbs (maybe only passes out). Arya then dashes in to save Jon. Could end the same way from there? Or Jon and Arya family team up stomp him. Either way it is more engaging...

So it could look cool is why
I was hoping Theon would throw a dagger or something as a last resort but rip that dream.
Arya killing the night king is Martin's decision, he told them it was her years ago. Unfortunately we ended up with the finishing move being shown already in the arya/brienne fight

I liked the part where they put the field artillery outside the walls and in front of the infantry.

Imagine being too poor for a modern tv

Just turn off your brain lol

me third

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She was tapped out man

>mfw just played this part earlier

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She presumably snuck most of the way, so probably along the walls until she got to the godswood. After that who knows, unfortunately Maisie hasn't shown to be a fast sprinter, getting caught by wights every 3 seconds earlier in the episode

Right... So who is the Azor Ahai supposed to be and what is it supposed to mean? Also, what is the point of Bran as a character?

And to think people were hyping this up to be as good if not better than Helms Deep

Rhaefal didn't die.
And he appears in later episodes.

What I'm really irked about, is that, since the Arya killing NK was real, Tyrion getting executed and setting King's Landing on fire also is.

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Only it wasn't

The tactics used were honestly mind boggling. The only smart decision I saw was pulling the archers off the walls when the wights were about to climb over.

>Charging straight into darkness, dothraki are legit surprised when they run into the undead
>Trying to hold a field against an army that outnumbers you at least 10-1
>Defenses within the castle collapse nearly instantly, no attempt to use formations

Well for a moment there
She was moving without being louder than a drop of blood. She's always sneaking up on people.

She also knows the castle like the back of her hand. Who knows where she was hiding.

worse. Azor Ahai doesn't even matter.

>shes stopping a weapon from clashing to her face
>somehow able to just let go and duck with enough time to grab the sword and slice

why the fuck are you comparing her to Yoda? Plus, as the op already told you, the only reason she kept herself going was to stop the Night King

bro just turn your brain off, just consume and don't ask, yas queen slay!!! arya ftw

You’re out of your already stupid mind if you think that scene was demonstrating Arya has remarkable stealth skills. That scene was standard “frightened person sneaks”, no different than the kitchen scene in Jurassic Park.

Azor Ahai has been forgotten. Bran is bait for NK and that's it.

this also
>only fire siege weapons once
>hold back their entire army with a wall of fire only to just stare at them

now that would be an actually good subversion of expectations, but would they do it?

The godswood is literally the only part of the castle with nowhere to hide in lmao

He has no point, they ruined the show.

Jon kills Dany for burning kings landing to the ground

Oh dear lord that was real? I honestly thought I was having a stroke and seeing things backwards because I didn't think it was possible for something so stupid to be real.

They all follow the same guidelines for attacking the minds of their enemies through propaganda, so yeah

Yea, I can just picture it now. Super stealthy ninja girl sneaking around in the background before giving a barbaric warcry and charging in. Wait, which class is she again?

Good thing plot armor > the big bad

Well, at least it means the show is clearly a deviation from the books and that, if the last two books should ever be released, it won't just be rehashing all the nonsensical show shit.

>Arya killing the night king is Martin's decision
There is no night king in the books you moron

The Dothraki are stupid. They're used to fighting white humans that just stand still in formation and are afraid of being charged. They couldn't comprehend fighting an enemy more chaotic than they are, and with total lack of fear.

I can't believe I stayed up late after getting home late to watch this fucking nonsense.

yeah it reminded me of The Return of the King

The most predictable things always happen. Every Marvel endgame theory that went way off course was wrong. It has to be simple and easy for the retarded fans to understand. Especially if this is the very end of the series. So going forward the most obvious things that could happen probably will. These aren't genius writing we're dealing with.

What, you think they just made him up? They showed him before they even started going off script, back when he turned Craster's baby.

They were still presumably being told how to stage themselves.


The proper choice would have been to dismount them and use the horses for food, then just let them fight on foot. Probably a better option than committing actual suicide

I refuse to believe even normies will find this satisfying.

Standing in formation is the best way to defend against a charge, being as dense as possible and pointing a bunch of spears at the horses basically ruins any cavalry charge


In the books, I think it’s still being set up as more like a Godlike force that opposes the red God.

except for all the trees and bushes

I was under the impression that the charge was planned by Danny and possibly everyone else. I could believe them charging on their own accord but I figured they were trying to make the people in charge seem clever, at least Tyrion of all people

>They showed him before they even started going off script

Them showing him is going off script. Because he doesn't exist in the books outside of a story from like a trillion years ago.

Jaime doing it would have been GOAT. But also should have been a team effort, with it requiring several different attacks to bring the Night King down.

twitter and reddit are having a field day

It's funny because she literally does nothing.
>Flame enchant on the Dotraki swords
>Dotraki get slaughtered
>Flame enchant on trench
>Zombies break through anyway

Normies like what blue-haired journos tell them to like, the actual quality of the content is entirely irrelevant.

You be amaze what normies enjoy.

>Endgame women save the day

what the fuck are you even talking about nigger? it was a team work and a man gave the final kick in the ass to Thanos

>Ubisoft is more original than GoT writers

yes they will because feminism

I knew the episode was going to be dumb when they threw the Dothraki away pointlessly.

Oh they do, facebook and twitter are full of yass kween faggots

If it was muh feminism could have had Dany do it.
I refuse to fucking believe they'll find it good.

Yes, I have read the books, they just made him up and added him to the show as a sort of single personification of the baddies, since people that watch this show are retarded

bruh she came from the ground and it's shown that the walkers have their hair blown as she runs past


Night King and Night's King are not the same

I mean, couldn't they AT LEAST use Nymeria? It's so fucking bad&cheesy at least make her "spirit" animal come back in this dire situation and jump over WW? Sacrifice her to give Arya the jump or whatever. How the fuck are they mailing it in that bad with 2 years of production. Do your fucking gurlpower/grm wife fav character bs but at least do it proper.
Btw, congrats to everybody, all the good theories are dead, it's only "Bravo Dabid" from now on. Can't even hope for anything good, everything is butchered.

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I think they could have made the Arya one work better if she was one of the generals walking slowly towards him. Actually that's trash, but maybe less trash than the teleport stab.

Ghost, like Rhaegal, doesn't die off screen and shows up next episode
Clearly they wasted their budget on fucking something

That even further proves my point, in that case. They just made up a character.

oh my god its even worse re watching it holy fuck how did they fuck this up so bad

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Arya needed a man's semen in her womb to defeat the night king.

>Are we really that detached from the crowd?

Look at the posts on page 1 at any given time. 4channel is the epitome of brainlet normie tier. You faggots aren't removed one inch from soi chugging reddit posting nuhumans.

Also there's a whole lot more going on with the WW's in the books.
>that feel when no Other gf

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I thought this in real-time while watching the Snoak scene.
> "Ohoho, he's talking about "his enemy", you're supposed to catch the ambiguity so you think he'll kill Snoak, it's gonna be subverted by playing it strai-"
> "Ah, fuck"

wrong because they need as much female in position of power/influence as possible

Dany will rule
Arya will be the hero
Cersei will be the main antagonist
Sansa will rule the north
and so on

Yeah. She's fast. It's a fantasy show and she's a fucking assassin.

You wanna get into it about how it's dumb that elves can walk on snow?

i seriously haven't laughed this hard at any sort of show or movie for over a decade. this is about the stupidest fucking thing i've ever seen. what a fucking mess lmao

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>Arya is pregnant right now
>new life defeating death
Obviously Jon should have fucked Danny more, until she was knocked up good and proper.

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not everybody is a contrarian faggot like you, user

used all her "keep me alive" magic to set shit on fire. Mana got depleted

Even the washington post disliked it
>These visual missteps alone might have merely diminished a great episode, had this been one. But if “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” prepared us for the possibility that a significant number of important characters would meet their doom during this critical battle, the show seemed to lose its nerve and turn to the sorts of traditional fantasy tropes it had once upended.
>Once, we knew that Arya’s training in the House of Black and White and the murderous road she’d walked to get there had morally deformed her. Now, her skills with Valyrian steel and dragonglass (not to mention her foresight in weapons design) have turned her into a mere badass. How did we get to a place where Arya’s assassination of the Night King felt like an intellectual letdown, where a big episode of “Game of Thrones” felt like badly shot and edited fan service rather than a genuine revelation?
>But “The Long Night” was a powerful, late-in-the-game example of how its showrunners and directors have too often mistaken the show’s weakest qualities for its strongest. But if you asked me whether “Game of Thrones” is a genuinely great show, after “The Long Night,” I’d have to answer: not today.


The Others are cold. Among them, everything cools down instantly to extreme temperatures.

Arya should have been insta-frozen the moment that guy grabbed her.

Fuck this show. Fuck these hacks who wrote it.

I haven't watched the last 3 seasons and I know I have not missed anything.

Why are you just now posting this? She does the move with Breanne in another season.

>She's fast
Not fast enough to outrun wights in hallways as shown earlier in the fucking episode

>We... we waited eight years for this? For THIS?

You. You waited eight years for that. Anyone with an IQ over 90 could tell you this show was garbage that was going nowhere mid season 3. I'm so happy all you normies are disappointed your Dragon and (formerly) tits show ended as shittily as the rest of us knew it would.

Elves aren’t human, retard. Arya having inexplicable super powers is cheap fan service.

Youre already normie for watching game of thrones faggot, get over yourself

They didn't read the books even from the first season, when it comes to the White Walkers.

The Walkers are supposed to be beautiful and serene. They thought that every walker-related thing was some kind of wight/zombie.

>foresight in weapons design
Why is this a complaint, she's trained to use a staff and daggers and asked for gendry to make her a staff that turns into daggers
The weapon has literally no significance to the plot

This show sucks dick lol. The only reason "people" still fawn over it is because a lot of women are obsessed with it because they think its "cool". Literally THE only reason the show is so popular still.

If you hate the show you are an "incel" or some other fun hating bullshit term.

Most guys are gonna go along with whatever bullshit happens because they dont wanna look weird in front of their wife/gf/potential gf


does magic rely on body energy in this universe? I always thought it was favors from gods that kind of works when the gods want it to.

A lot of "legends" in this story turn out to be bullshit like the kidnapping and rape.

this is not an established trait of white walkers in the show

Literally this.

Season 1 was great. It's only problem was that it lacked a lot of the dream sequences and references to Rhaegar's war. Which would have been hard to translate to film, admittedly. But they were able to stay pretty faithful.

It was all downhill since then. If you watched past season 3 you're honestly a retard.

Her magic was stored in the stone on her necklace.

It just occured to me Spartacus was the last show like this that had satisfying conclusion.

We are all fucked.

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That's not a legend you moron, that's a political lie

So, what was the point of the whole white walker plot line for the past 8 years?

Yea she trained for a couple of weeks and became a fighter on par with the best in the world. Why do people like Mary Sues so much?


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Honestly I thought his fear of fire was gone and he was still just afraid of dying in something like that. He didn't seem that bothered by fire over the last few seasons

Jesus fuck, it even shows that WW's mullet being blown by the wind of Ayra's nothing personnel sanic sh-she's fast nani!?! *teleports behind u*. Literal anime level shit. Fucking terrible.

>that feel when I started watching in season 6 purely for shitposting on Yea Forums and only watched half of the first season and nothing else
We witnessed history. Generations will speak of this show's disappointment, just like we speak of the finale of Lost and BSG.

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99% of anime is made up of the same tropes used over and over again. So it's not a "western" thing.

We didn't even find out what his tax policy was!

>climate change bad!

To make Arya "the coolest" without any actual effort.

Should we expect "subverting expectations" to be the go-to defense for this shit in the media?

Oh come on. She was useful. The trench lighting was also to show Dany where winterfell was since she was lost in the blizzard. Plus the trench being on fire gave the surviving unsullied time to run into the gates.

We actually did. It was 0% across the board.

>That's why the stone went out.
nah, she took the necklace/stone thing before when she was at Castle Black and the stone went out too.

Remind me not to get invested in things that last almost a decade. They payoff is never worth it.

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What an epic mature show. Take that tolkien you hack. This is the new genre defining fantasy. A grown up show for adults who appreciate smart witty writing.

>couple of weeks
You're not this dumb are you?

But Dany doesn’t do anything in response to the trench being lit.

>white walker's hair moves
>gust of wind
It was literally an anime scene.

Endgame had a good enough payoff, probably should have invested your time in disney

the move is from IDF basic training

MCU was. Unpopular opinion on Yea Forums I know. Also, Godzilla's cinematic universe (yes, it has always had one) regularly puts out good shit.

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>she's walking out
>sun is finally rising up but you see her withering away
>she walks a bit more and finally collapses as the sun rays hit around Winterfell, showing they survived a nightmare

Nah, that was an oversight.

You see it glow when it's on a rack once and when she gets poisoned and it does nothing to her. Stone was the source of her power.

She does. She looks at it, and flies towards it. That helps her meet up with Jon to fight the night king.

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>muh no buildupp

sure is reddit in here

It's perfect and only brainlets can't understand. The night king was just a representation of pure evil. A big bad boogie man, like Sauron and his big ugly orcs. In case you haven't noticed, this isn't lord of the rings, it's not a children's story; GoT is more nuanced and complex and thrilling than simply good vs. evil. We all KNOW good always triumphs over evil. But...

But what happens when things aren't so black and white hmm? I'm glad the NK is out of the way. And they did away with him in a manner that BTFOs Tolkienfags. I'm way more interested in the battle to come at kings landing. We will see something much more intriguing than simply good vs evil. We will see betrayal, cunning, tyranny, and a whole array of mixed emotions.

This. She only has her power when she has the necklace, that's why without it she becomes an old hag. Necklace was always the source of her power.

She out ran a bunch of them but superior numbers grants the advantage of being everywhere. That's why she got caught up. Her kill count was one of the highest on her team. She was trained as a faceless assassin who's abilities border on the paranormal. She bested one of them in combat.

I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that she kills the nightking. I did think it'd be alittle more complicated than that but hey.

she ran out of mana.

Was it the Lord of Light's plan to throw off the audience as to who was the true Azor Ahai? What would the Lord of Light gain from this? Was it to trick Bran into thinking that Danny and Snow were important, and thus should be used as distractions while Arya would be unaware of her destiny and thus come in last minute?

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>he grabs you by the neck
>you can still move your arm
>drop your dagger for some reason to the other arm
>stab him in the gut

Damn, shouldn't have casted that last magic missile.

they are not the always the same godzilla universe, moron

>Nigh tking sneaks up on bran
>Bran: "You're the spider... in my dreams"
>Bran breaks down and starts crying
>"I love you"
>Bran gets pinned down
>The night king fills him up
>Bran is now the new night king

Yes, the mana in her necklace.

Showa was undeniably cinematic universe. Sorry, but it's true.

She’s not in Braavos that long. And she’s training maybe 20% of the time she’s there.

I think it's fine she kills the night king, I just think it's moronic she did it by running out in the open instead of being sneaky. Like fuck, at least jump out of a tree or something

War has often been used by politicians to get rid of undesirables. Danny didn't want those horse niggers on her land after the wars were over.

>Arya killed the Night King thanks to stronk Baratheon seed.

Arya killing the Night King is extremely contrived “subversion” that doesn’t keep with the central conflict that’s been built up for the entirety of the show. She didn’t even know about the White Walkers for most of the show.

Anyone else wanted Theon to kill the NK?

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>Who was the Azor Ahai?
>Where was the Lightbringer?
>What was the point of Bran's entire character arc?

IMAGINE this shit is what happens in the book. What the fuck would they do with Aegon?

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yes and it really fucking shows

Just think, we thought she might bring warlocks or shadowbinders from Asshai or something

I knew that Rhaegal was just injured, because I Viserion fucked one of his wings up and gouges his stomach. I don't know where the fuck Rhaegal was afterwards, though. He fell outside of Winterfell, where all the wights are. Did he just take a nap afterwards?

I bet they won't even have Arya disguise herself as Joffrey to fuck with Cersei like they should. This show is just too disappointing to believe anymore.

>Be Dothraki
>Follow strong leader into many battles.
>Love horse. Horse loves me.
>Leader mates with some blonde woman. Mounts her like horse.
>We are all proud. He promises glory in an unknown land.
>Leader dies. Pretty bummed out.
>Leader's blonde bitch takes over and promises glory.
>Wander around freeing slaves. We're not conquerors.
>Wait around in some city. Nothing worth killing. Horse is bored.
>Finally cross the ocean.
>It's cold. No grazing lands. Horse is sad. I am sad.
>Fight skellies. This is not what I signed up for.

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It would have been better but still weird. What could have been a lot better would have been a collaborative effort but it should at least include Jon and Dany ffs.

What even is the song of ice and fire? Seems more like this song was about Arya.

how do we even know she died, we have seen her go to sleep without the fucking amulet


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Or, you know, maybe you could give the NK a sympathetic motivation instead of just tossing 9 years of build up into the dumpster while yelling "lol, sike!"

Magic from the amulet ran out. She served her purpose the minute the Night King died.

Best king.

Unironically would have been 10/10 if the MANNIS came out of FUCKING nowhere and stabbed the Night King with his fake (actually real) lightbringer.

One of the most pointless characters in the show.
>lights a bunch of arabs swords
>they all die within the next 5 seconds
>lights a barricade which should have already been lit by idk torches
>baracade gets stomped out in a couple minutes

She should've put a protective force field around winterfrll or something if she has magic. Instead she was just some lighter fluid

I saved all my calories by fasting, loaded up on lasagna and diet soda. And got left with a bigger case of blue balls than when Lonbluewolf raped and murdered my waifu. What a ruined orgasm after what... nearly a decade of edging? Sam didn't even do anything notable and the only good thing that happened was Jorah dying. It was completely gratuitous fan wank from the lack of meaningful deaths to the point the only people that lived were the equivalent of fucking unkillable Fallout NPCs fighting on a pile of corpses as the last men standing, to the siege weaponry left exposed and the meaningless failed charge. The Arya shit was flat out empowerment garbage, why would a fucking king expose himself to personally kill a cripple out of pride?

Also loli ryona guro giant bad end was good, was sick of that little cunt barking orders, too bad he didn't get two scoops and got rid of Arya too

You forgot the most important one of all.
>putting the artillery in front of the infantry

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>Arya kills the night king
This show is trash

Normies are leftist and naturally love seeing women dominating white men.

>She doesn't care about the war between kings and queens.
Just like the viewers at home, yet they give us 3 cercei episodes after the dark lord has been beaten

NK is literally just a Loli Elf weapon that won't stop killing. All he cares about, if he even 'cares' at all, is destroying humanity. It's sort of a 'artificial intelligence run amok' situation, only with magic and zombies.

apparently none of the wights went after fucking Rhaegal and only went for drogon
Also Dany is a moron and still hasn't learnt to take off from the ground earlier, her dragon isn't stupid enough to stay down either

This. Magic in the gem was like a fire that was going out, it's why she had trouble lighting the fire and why she knew she wasn't going to last until dawn. The necklace is what kept her alive for centuries and it was fading.

wrong pic

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There’s really a deep tragedy in that. And something I doubt the showrunners want to even glance at. At most, it’ll just be framed as Dany’s deep sadness at losing her friends, without considering how colossally exploited and wasted they were.

I also thought it was kinda sad how the Ironborn get flattened into generic extras. It’s already been established that they’re culturally not into this shit and I’m supposed to believe they just agreed unquestioningly to die “saving the world” just because THEON is leading them, of all people.

how was he fast enough to react to the jump attack but not the oldest trick in the fucking book

Why didn't he kill brain or Jon's fat friend if all he cared about was killing?

who the fuck taught the dothraki how to build trebuchets?

also why are there catapults next to trebuchets? do the show writers think they have the same range?

I'm so fucking glad I only watch this for the shitposting.

Because the writers are hacks, end of story.

So, this stops the faeries final solution against humanity or will they still keep trying?

>night king can't take more than 1 hit of dragon glass
Should have just sniped him with a bow.
Also Arya's story arc was fucking awful, a few weeks of training literally turned her into a ninja god teleporting all over the continent to "shh nothing personal kid" people and fighting the strongest characters 1v1. What a stupid show.

They'll keep trying. I think that's the plan with the Three Eyed Raven, he's NK 2.0.

Women are the new men of the last few millennia

Ignorant, stupid and willfully without intelligence 99% of the time.

Remember the dark ages? Women are bringing them back! Because it's THEIR TURN to ruin everything!



I feel you lad about suicide
[/spoiler]not for this hack show

night king is a frail bitch who can't do shit, why else would he make an army that huge before invading


Children of the Forest created the Night King, so they could do it again if they felt like it. Unless Brann goes Final Solution on them instead to ensure it doesn't.

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Please stop misusing the space bar. Use paragraphs for full ideas.

The show makes the point that he was created with dragon glass, clearly it's meant to be his kryptonite

That in and of itself doesn't make sense. How is what created you also what you're weak against?

dragon glass is magically bullshit in GoT
you can make obsidian candles that burn blue and never go out

>spacebar is for making new lines
Really, nigger?


Nah, making stuff easier to read on the internet is how it's meant to be, child.













It's canon in the show they are all dead.

That's fine, but would it be so hard to have TWO magical bullshit in the world? Like, dragonglass for fire magic and something else for ice magic?

That's not what he did.


Why is that hard to read? How much of a newfag are you?

Like Valerian steel?

Gonna have to report that.

Really? I thought there were like seven hanging around the Three Eyed Raven when hold the door episode happened. That was all of them?

I think the Unsullied were building them in the episode prior, which might explain why they were too fucking dumb to put them behind the infantry, either that or the directors are just clueless. Should've at least been catapults on the walls, and trebuchets behind the infantry. And horses waiting around to flank something, not charging aimlessly into the dark.

It's simply not proper English. It's fine to double space occasionally, that's not the issue, it's double spacing every sentence that's the problem. Related ideas should be in the same paragraph.

you realise valyrian steel already exists and was what he was actually stabbed by right

Calling it now.
Dabid has Double Dabided us.
Night King isn't dead.
It's only like when Sauron had his finger cut off.
He will reform and he'll raise his army again once the army has already gone south to face Cersei, thinking they won.
But only the true Azor Ahai can kill him.
Fuckers will do it.
I guarantee.
Episode 4: Cersei is the villain, and she's casually killed at the end while we get Cleganebowl.
Episode 5: Dany turns on Jon becoming the new villain and is killed.
Epiosde 6: NK rolls up and cleans up the pieces. Maybe gets boddied permanently by Sandor Ahai.

That was the last of their people.

You'll see them again in the prequel series.

>catapults on walls
their walls were piss tiny, you're not getting very many catapults out of winterfell
they shoulda just made more fucking arrows out of dragonglass and had the dothraki shoot while mounted since we already know they can do it

Fuck off faggot nobody gives a shit about your gay prophecy

top heh

John Wick and Godzilla better be good

John Wick vs Godzilla is gonna be great.
