You’re just mad because it was Arya

They pretty clearly established that she can sneak up on people in the Godswood. She literally sneaks behind Jon. It was foreshadowed.

Also, Bran gave her the dagger as a checkmate move. It was the dagger that started the war of the Seven Kingdoms, it was fitting.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Foreshadowing bullshit doesn't make it less bullshit.

How is it bullshit though? She was trained to be a ninja. The Night King was absorbed in Bran in front of him, probably diverting the shared consciousness with his wights. He let his guard down.

Also its not implied that she snuck through the whole crowd, only the front row.

It was good, Yea Forums is just mad they didn't predict it

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>defeat the leader, defeat the whole army instantly trope

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Arya to Night King

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It was foreshadowed but that doesn't mean it's satisfying.

She didn't earn it. She's a smug little cunt, has never done anything for anybody but herself, and is only lucky that adults felt responsible in protecting her.

Jon fucking earned being the one to kill the Night King and he was robbed.

She snuck up to him while the area was empty.

In the battle she ran past like ten walkers and a hundred zombies without them doing anything to stop her.

Imagine if Legolas came out of nowhere and killed Sauron 20 minutes into RotK and the rest of the movie was the fellowship fighting Denethor.

That is what GoT became tonight.

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not gonna help her get through a solid wall of zombies
also the juxtaposition of her meme anime tier knife drop with Theon's vain tard charge really ruined the end for me

Literally all they needed to do is have the same ending except it's a random wight that jumps at the Night King out of nowhere. Then when it pulls the knife you realize it's Arya wearing a wights face and that's how she snuck up on NK. Could have been kino and made use of her actual talents and faceless magic. Instead she somehow "nothing personnel"s her way over an army of wights and White Walkers with some sick backflips and kills NK.

should have at least let Jon kill the dragon right before NK died. Jon looks pretty fucking useless at this point

>the night king got stabbed in a flashback foreshadowing he could get stabbed
bravo dabid and den

In this very episode brainless wights hear BLOD DROPS DURING A BATTLE.
She “sneaks” up on the Night King by teleporting and screaming before making contact.
The Night King is shown fast enough to turn around and stop her, but then is immediately shown slowly watching the dagger drop while doing nothing

Yes, I am mad *mainly* because it was Arya. A lot of the other parts were bad, too, but it could have all been redeemed. Also she wasn’t able to sneak past Littlefinger’s perception.

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Who's denethor

I don't care at all that it was Arya. I care that they built up the NK as the ultimate threat since season 1, but now we have three episodes left to deal with fucking CERSEI of all people. That bitch should have died last season. This was supposed to be the great war. Not a single mediocre battle.

>Dad has been earnestly arguing that Arya would kill the NK because she "is a badass"
>Told him that he was stupid, and it only really made sense for it to be Dany, Jon, or Bran thematically.
>He gave me the biggest shit eating grin after the episode.

Fuck you D&D


she wouldnt have been able to kill him if jon didnt take the night king off his dragon

Your dad jacked off to the Arya sex scene

This. Why would the Night King even be there I’d he was so pivotal to the WW survival? Why not just bury himself in a mile of snow and let his goons do the work? They were about to kill everyone. Fucking D&D trolled me again.

The cunt is probably going to die in episode 5 or 6

Nigga she couldnt sneak past those zombies at a library without the hound saving her

Melisandre gave her the clue like 20 minutes before the wights got to the godswood. She could have got there, snuck to a prime location, waited for the wights to line up and for the night king to be distracted and sprung.

Shes an assassin, I dont get what people dont understand. Lying in wait and springing is what assassins do.

Except it literally does. If the character is established as a master assassin and was given a magical dagger that can kill a specific enemy then how is it bullshit when she sneaks up on said enemy and kills him you fucking moron

Arya is one of my favorite characters in the books. Easily top 3. The show version of Arya doesn't resemble the character I love at all. She's a fucking monstrosity created by D&D.

It makes no fucking sense for it to be Arya. Why. My expectations were low but god damn. What a faggot clusterfuck of a tv show. Not even mildly interested in seeing how the rest of this plays out. I should have checked out many seasons ago.

I don't mind that it was Arya or that it was ninja shit. I mind that the walkers were resolved in a single battle in a single episode. Even if they cut to black when the Night King walked into the wood and then started the next episode with this exactly happening it would have been better paced

I also hate the "kill the night king, all the walkers die too" shit but that's not Arya's fault

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Jon isn't a 10,000+ year old super powerful snow demon. Its understandable she can do that to humans but to a fucking all seeing night king?
i feel almost personally insulted by that ending.

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>Death incarnated
>killed by an assassin in one shot
That's some shit-tier D&D DMing here

who didn't?

It was already established that the only reason the white walkers are around is because he is mentally controlling them so it makes sense they would all die when he does

I agree it's a retarded trope though, but I don't see how else they could believably defeat an army of millions of dead people

>Even if they cut to black when the Night King walked into the wood and then started the next episode with this exactly happening it would have been better paced

How the fuck is that better pacing?

>doesn't make sense for a Stark to kill NK
>a Stark has no history with NK
No one would have said this if it was Jaime.

the crazy old king who cried about his son and jumped into fire or some shit. so the correlation w cersei is spot on

THIS. Thematically it makes not a lick of sense.

He also jacks off to black cuckold porn so it really stings. Imagine losing to your cuck dad AND having a plot line you've followed for decades end with an anime back stab.

Yeah, because Jaime had the Azor thing going for him. Quasimodo is just a shitty character with nothing that could possibly tie her to the NK thematically.

Because the walkers aren't resolved in a single week and the audience has to suffer

It probably would have been actually better if the ep cut at Jon surrounded by the walkers

they even look like a like too kek

Then start the next episode off with the NK dying right away? That'd be bullshit.

1. She's sneaky and stuff and he was probably distracted I dunno.
2. Main characters are better fighters than rando peasants?
3. The giant did kill lyanna that's why she turned into a wight later.
4. They were about to get killed but Arya saved the day.
5. They lived cause the wights got resurrected but didn't have any weapons so I guess killing people with your bare zombie hands is hard.
6. It's not like Bran can get up and fight, we don't know why he was worging but it was probably important. Plus he knew theon was gonna die anyway.
7. He knew he was gonna die, might as well do it heroically, that was his whole shtick.

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You are retarded the entire show is built off of inverting fantasy tropes you fucktards. Why would you think the deus ex machina dragons or the literal walking trope that is Jon would win the war? That would be extremely out of character for GoT thematically

her whole storyline is one of pain and trials. what would have made her earn it? You guys really are seething faggots

Can we agree the White Walker subplot was a waste of time and the entire series would be better without it? Like what the fuck was the actual point of any of this shit?

>Bran playing 4D chess, gives Arya the dagger
>Knows that luring the Night King into the Godswood will work because he’s cocky and pompous (he smirks at Dany for fucks sake)
>Melisandre privy to Aryas fate, gives her a nudge to go to the Godswood and lie in wait, like an assassin would do
>Night King distracted, drinking his victory in
>Arya springs forward from her hiding spot (she could have been there the entire time during Theons death)
>Doesn’t sneak up on the Night King because he catches her
>Uses an assassin move to stab him

It makes 100% sense, you’re all just butt hurt it wasnt Jon or Jaime.

The Night King would smoke them in a 1v1


This was some shit.

>Badass ninja assassin kills the NK with a special weapon like a Shonen anime

every character's storyline is pain and trials.

Jon earned it solely because he has fought the Night King before and died trying to save the wildlings from him.

>You’re just mad because it was Arya
I'm mad because it happened in episode three and overthrowing Cersei is trivial compared to stopping the Long Night. Honestly it beggars belief that they could do something so stupid. All the build up, eight seasons, for... that. It wasn't even shot well. The editing was all over the place at times.

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Why would faceless magic work against something that doesn’t even care about faces?

>I'm going to ignore all the plot holes and hypothesize cause my mary sue character is literal Hollywood trope now

No it isn't you literal cocksucker. Subversion of fantasy tropes does feature in the series but it isn't the entire essence of it especially not in regards to the Azor Ahai vs NK bullshit.

>Also its not implied that she snuck through the whole crowd, only the front row.

So the entire crowd just didn't notice that the one person without blue eyes didn't have blue eyes? The one person moving in the crowd wasn't the same when no one was moving in the crowd, probably due to the Night King's orders?

Why was Bran so smug? How did he know it would all work out for him?

this is a brilliant comparison

The problem is that she became this all powerful assassin at all
Her even being powerful enough to magically sneak through an entire horde of white walkers to get to the Night King is absolutely moronic, because we've seen her training and nothing she did would ever lead you to believe she should be that capable
Also, her using the dagger on the Night King isn't poetic. The Night King has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the war of the seven kingdoms. If she had used it on Cersei, then your point would make sense.

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k, it sucked


She's a Stark, and she literally just killed the God of Death, the God of the faceless men.

She wasnt moving through the crowd tho dumbass.

She got to the Godswood and waited LIKE AN ASSASSIN.

The Night King would destroy everyone in 1v1 head on combat, Theon showed this. She had to pounce on him.

No, it's because they used the most tropiest way to dispatch the main threat of the whole show leading up to this point. It was incredibly lazy writing to have everyone get dramatically overwhelmed and then all of a sudden the threat turns to dust.

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>sneaking up on a human being alone in the godswood means you can sneak up on the physical embodiment of death and winter surrounded by his homies

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He has the power to read the script to see where the story is heading

Sneaking up on someone when you're able to is different then sneaking up on someone surrounded by dozens if not hundreds of minions. The kind that we saw in the library scene have very acute senses

You'd rather have Jon defeat him in a sword duel? That'd be boring and cliche as fuck

Arya was also foreshadowed a hundred times over as the one who would kill the NK you being pissed because it didn't match your headcanon doesn't make it bad writing

the nk kill belonged to varys.
he should have stabbed him from behind, dressed in black like when he visited ned in the baclk cells and said "looks like i am a hero after all"

pointing out that they all earned it doesn't really refute me.


I thought naming the series 'A Song of Ice and Fire', and pumping this whole 'Prince Who Was Promised' prophecy for the entire series, a prophecy which actually set the entire sequence of events that let to Robert's Rebellion into motion, would be foreshadowing.

But apparently George R.R. Martin could have named his series 'Bullshit' and it would have been a more accurate description of the series' contents.

the whole point of the Faceless Men is they can kill you and you'd never know. like (book) Balon dying while falling off a rickety bridge. Which only happened because Euron had a fucking dragon egg and gave it to the FM. Meanwhile in the show it's just Euron showing up like a retard and getting away with it because the Ironborn are more retarded. Dumb writing by dumb people for dumb people.

>Arya was also foreshadowed a hundred times over as the one who would kill the NK

No. No she wasn't.

Yeah, but he didn't have an army surrounding him

I would have been more okay with Brienne or fuck, even Sansa killing the NK desu. I just really don't like Arya

Nah, it was completely retarded. That said I didn't really care. I was 10x more offended by all the:

>Important character is literally being swarmed.
>Scene cuts away
>Scene comes back later and now the character is fight off walkers one by one again.

The only problem with Arya killing the Night king is that it makes all the things Rheagar did to breed Azor and all the shit that happened because of it worthless. But D&D stopped giving a shit about the plot ages ago so why should we care? Just laugh at it all till it's over.


The white walkers saw her and it was too late, and the NK literally caught her mid air.

How the fuck was Jon or Jaime gonna 1v1 him?!

She got to the Godswood early, sat in a good spot, and while the night king had his back turn she ran and jumped.

She didnt sneak through the crowd.

>inb4 muh eyes dialogue
This sounds more like what was going on during Arya's arc during that season (ie. her list) than the actual events.

Bran is the only character who should have killed him. Every other answer is wrong.

Does the prophecy feature in the show at all?

if she can sneak up on anyone why isn't she murdering all the white walkers in the keep and is HIDING FROM THEM INSTEAD?

shitty writing

I think the human characters are more interesting than the night king. Who was just there to give them an excuse to unite. He wasn’t really THE bad guy or the path to the Iron Throne. The story is about uniting the seven kingdoms and who takes the thrown. Not CGI fights with some supernatural villain doomed to be defeated in any story.

>She worships the one true god, Death
>NK is a false god.

It'd actually be fucking cool and make sense if it was Bran and he killed NK with the dagger.

the set-up was bad but the knife drop was the worst part. if she logically got there it could've been ebin, if she was killed by the Night King it would've been ebin. instead we got the worst of both worlds

>runs by super fast

>ends up in the AIR, BEHIND the night king

that's a teleport, lad

It was Jon’s entire arc, they shat on it. His resurrection, his whole path was pointless.

So mad.

I actually feel insulted by how this turned out. Like holy fuck. I knew it was going to be bad but wow take a fucking bow D&D.

>shes an ebin assassin so naturally we will have her overlooking the castle and not in the gods wood to begin with cause shes gonna need a character shes only met once to say more s1 fan service lines so she can compete her trope

>yfw azor ahai, the prince that was promised, and lightbringer were all red herrings in favor of le epic zoomer assassination

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>How is it bullshit though?
Because they made us hate her on purpose. It turns out, she was supposed to be a stealth/assassin. Her entire show-winning, endgame hero move hinged on skills appropriate to a stealth/assassin (library scene and godswood). Yet, they had us sit through several seasons of dick-swinging swashbuckling "badass" for literally no reason because it turns out she never needed those skills anyway.

The show went out of its way to have her humiliated by Thoros after her swordtraining, specifically laying-out that she's not a swordsman. She then got assassin training. Fine. But why the warrior badassery arc? It turns out, it was totally unnecessary and just made us not want to see the scene that we saw when had they just been more realistic about her character, people wouldn't have been so annoyed with her and maybe it would have actually gone over with more skeptical viewers.

It wasn't even Jon though. That was Dany come back to help him while the dragons were biting each other in the air.

some earn it more, Jon fucking died and came back, Arya already avenged Robb and Ned

nah, none of that would've been possible without his efforts.

So all that breeding and destiny is complete bullshit that was never needed. The lore of GoT is just pointless at this point.


Even in real life, people are geared toward certain greatness.

YES i AM Fuck you man :(

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>hurrr how did she sneak past the zombies?
Maybe because the Night King knew she was coming and figure he would kill her easily? The same reason Theon was able to run past several lines of wights at him.

So the FM is totally okay with her becoming a FM then breaking all the rules and dipping out with zero repercussions. She better get her throat slit as payback.

>You'd rather have Jon defeat him in a sword duel? That'd be boring and cliche as fuck

Azor Jaime would've been subversive and not hilariously bad writing.

I thought this too, but watch the scene again. She didn't jump out of the tree. Bran is sitting beneath the tree and the NK is facing him. She appeared behind the NK, which was nothing but an open space encircled by white walkers.

His whole character arc was to stop the army of the dead.

>no major character deaths aside from Jorah and Theon, Beric too I guess, other characters were secondary
>no combat against white walkers, just the fucking wights
>Jon doesn't even at least fight NK they just rehash what happened at hardhome
>no azor ahai
>8 years of building up NK and his army just to have him far cry 3'd by Arya out of fucking nowhere
I thought Yea Forums were just being contrarians when they said it but D&D really are fucking hacks. GRRM too you fat fucking cunt.

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No it fucking doesnt. Thats why i have not understood why brainlets on this board keep crying about the Azor Ahai when its never been a plot point coming up

Didnt she give the dagger to Sansa?

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what fucking poverty bathroom is this?

It's like having a sequel to Armageddon in which Ben Affleck takes Bruce Willis to court over an unfair dismissal.

>She was trained to be a ninja.

didn't look like a ninja to me when she was queefing herself trying to bypass some wrights in a library

now what, she shuffles past the actual white walkers? and does a screaming lunge attack anyway? fuck off nigger

You know what would be funny:
Jon gets ready to sit his ass on the throne. But just as he’s about to sit, Arya says “too late” and he finds himself sitting on her lap. He laughs, she laughs, everyone laughs. Then she says “now get the fuck out”.

I'd say that's a failure on the writers part then. Also even without the prophecy it still makes little sense for it to be Arya who kills the NK. It should have been Bran.

Arya really isnt the worst choice. It does make a bit of sense....

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You all rag on this show for being dumb, but the most brainlet responses to the show are found in these threads.

Bran gave her the dagger because he knew exactly what would happen. He checkmated the fuck outta the NK, who literally couldnt be killed any other way.

Jon or Jaime could not fight him face to face, he was way too powerful.

Why is it so hard to accept that Melisandre nudged Arya to the Godswood, she sat there waiting, and then jumped out of her hiding spot?

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>no combat against white walkers, just the fucking wights
This pissed me off the most. I want to see Anime tropes of 1v1 battles.

NAKAMA VS NAKAMA. Or at least DBZ shit where someone goes SSJ2

Nothing will ever absolve Arya in my eyes. I had to sit through season after season of filler bullshit like pic-related cutting out valuable time that could've been spent on actual relevant plotlines.

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>establish that bran can literally call out into the past, potentially setting up any number of interesting outcomes
>do exactly NOTHING with it

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>It was foreshadowed but that doesn't mean it's satisfying.

pretty much this. Arya is my favorite character, but the death of the NK this easily, this quickly in the season by her just felt so unsatisfying

Na, it was a random obsidian dagger.

>hurrrrr I'm an 8000 year old ice wizard that sees all and can see who's coming to kill me but not how

Fuck imagine being this autistic

Who says it's over, gregor clegane is undead. ;)

The fight being in her home is what gave her the ability to sneak up to him, not the training;though that obviously helped. I don't understand the "thematic" argument going around. Honestly, so much time being devoted to her bullshit throughout the show wouldn't make sense unless she did something really big.

It's not about her killing the NK, it's about the anime-esque way she did it.

Yes it has, the red priestess talked about it all the damn time, she thought stannis was it, then it was building that jon was the main man. Now we don’t even know why the fuck the night king even wanted to invade the south or much of anything about him. He got snoked.

No, its retarded that the writers created this incredibly elaborate plot surrounding the terror of the Night King and then wasted the prior episode watching everyone casually chatting. They wrapped up the biggest threat to everyone in Westeros in one fucking episode, which means that they now have to go against Cersei.

Now we just have to watch how Team Khaleesi will be beaten back with some totally surmountable obstacles and then she'll somehow win because Jon or some asshole will find (((elephants))) and Cersei will just be like "aww shucks". For a tv show that prides itself on creating intricate plot lines, this was the biggest disappointment of the entire series.

You think you'd at least draw out the death of NK by one additional episode by letting everyone get pummeled and then allowing Arya to track him and dl assassinate him. But no, they just took the easy way out.

it was probably some character they didn't introduce because they had their had up their ass. I would guess House Dayne myself was the big mistake.

Some Kings aren't cowards who lead behind the lines

>Now we don’t even know why the fuck the night king even wanted to invade the south or much of anything about him
Not that user. But this shit has been explained several times throughout the show.

she already did something big and avenged robb and ned

fucking kek, depressingly good analogy

D&D are hacks

She already killed the Freys and Littlefinger. That's not big enough? It would make more sense if she killed Cersei (which will probably still happen) instead of the Night King. This was supposed to be Jon and Bran's battle not hers. Fuck you.

i agree that's an issue. however, a massive number of posters on this board are complaining that it's a problem that she did it.

Where could she have possibly been hiding? The one Walker noticed a breeze and then Arya leapt from the darkness to murk NK.

You're telling me that Arya was just watching all the Pykemen dying from behind a bush without any Wight or Walker or the fucking NK noticing her?

Wasn’t there a giant gap in the horde though? Watch it again. She could have easily ran through the gap that was directly behind the night king

>hah, got you by the arm!
>wait, you have TWO arms!?

>Night King distracted
No he caught her and should have killed her instantly like he killed Theon, but plot armor
>Arya comes from hiding spot
What hiding spot? It certainly wasn't from the tree. Unless she was hiding under the snow, but not only is that impractical, but the NK would have noticed that quickly as well. The only thing that makes sense is her pretending to be a white walker, but even then they should have noticed her.

yup. he jobbed once again

Where's the far cry 3 gif?

This should logically be the end of the show but it won't happen

Even if it were possible it doesn't make sense story wise.
Arya's story hasn't been connected to the whitewalkers at all.
It was a pointless subversion because DnD simply lack the talent to do something interesting.

Directly past all the walkers and zombies?

>It was good, Yea Forums is just mad they didn't predict it
What are you talking about, sending an assasin to take out the night king is/was one of the most popular theories.

It reminds me of the final season of Samurai Jack that came out a year or two ago. They spend the first episodes wasting time and with tons of filler. Then they cram the entire resolution to the main plot of beating Aku into a couple minutes at the end of the very last episode. It was rushed and poorly paced and incredibly fucking unsatisfying.

That's like what happened here, except it's even worse because now we're supposed to get hyped up for #TeamDany vs #TeamCersei, as if anyone should care about noble families squabbling over a throne compared to the existential threat of the living dead killing every last person in westeros.

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stupid Sephiroth didn't even cast Super Nova

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Watch that scene again. She wasn't in the tree because she came at the NK from behind, not above.

>Arya gets to kill Walter Frey
>Arya gets to kill Littlefinger
>Arya gets to kill Night King

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Fucking make Bran interesting again, FUCK

>Shes an assassin, I dont get what people dont understand. Lying in wait and springing is what assassins do.
You're ignoring context. They made us sit through several seasons of the World's Most Conspicuous Assassin for apparently no reason at all. She never needed swordfighting or warrior skills. Her archery scene and staff fighting scenes were unimportant. Her two "best" scenes were the library scene leading her to Melly Sanders and then the showdown in the Godswood. Both of those were "assassin" scenes.

If they would have just stuck with a more plausible, balanced later-season Arya, it would literally have hurt nothing and taken nothing away from the ending. And yet, we know why they did it. It's for this exact reason: they knew it would piss some people off. I honestly believe they think they're pissing off a handful of "alt right incels" when in reality it's probably at least 3/4 of their audience is rolling their eyes at this shit, if only to themselves.

It at least would have been pottery if Jon fought the Night King, was defeated and about to be killed, and then Arya or Theon killed him from behind.

>20 minutes

We've had almost a hundred hours of television to build up to this point. Also ROTK did have that in the scouring of the shire, which this is.

Yeah her storyline had trials and shit but where in her arc has she had to deal with the night king up until now? Jon's entire arc wraps around the night king and the undead assholes, Jon should be the one to kill the NK or at least have him die trying

honestly, I couldn't care less who got the final blow on NK

my problem is that they built up this character and group for 8 years only to wipe them out in a rushed single episode and now we have 3 episodes left

>teleports behind you
>nothing personnel kid

>Jon makes it to the godswood just before the Night King kills Bran
>Everyone white walker commander turns to Jon
>Moment looks hopeless
>Bran's eyes rollback into his head
>All of a sudden, Jon's dragon flies in, worged by Bran
>The dragon blasts the entire area, killing everyone but the two who can withstand it, the Targaryen and the Night King
>Final battle of Ice and Fire takes place in the the kingdom of ice as it's alight on fire, by the respective embodiments of ice and fire.

Attached: night-king-game-of-thrones-season-8-episode-3.jpg (1200x1200, 88K)

But Arya was Azor Azhai all along. The Prince what was Promised

>I have supernatural reflexes and can catch you in midair despite not seeing you beforehand but if you drop your dagger and I see that you drop it I can't stop you after you catch it and scream


He wouldn't have caught her if she wasn't screaming at the time. Classic blunder.

Bran as the three-eyed raven should be the MOST interesting character in the entire goddamn series. Instead they continue to completely waste his potential, by both having him never say anything of actual value, as well as never having any other characters ask him anything or even react to his weirdness. It's so poorly written; it's like every other character has selective hearing and doesn't at all hear Bran. Or even see him. They just have this massive Bran Blind Spot and ignore hm over and over again.

No they're not 3/4 of the people loved it. Arya was COOL!!!

FFS if I wanted to see shit pulled out of my ass, I would watch Anime.

>Arya is a badass ninja that can kill over 20 wights effortlessly
>She is then overwhelmed and terrified by a couple
>She is franctically escaping them in the building
>Melissandre tells her she has this shit
>She goes to the biggest threat and teleports behind him killing him

It was a shit development, they could have shown her overwhelmed but not desperate and then back to badass, itwas ridiculous

Scouring of the Shire was only in the books cocksucker. Did you read the books? We're comparing a tv show and a movie here.

I'm not 100% sure the show's done with the NK.

Bran doesn't come off like the most in-tact autist, so you might have a Horcrux situation (remember, the show now delivers everything in cliches).

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Ok, lets say this would happen, than the plot were the 3 eyed raven would sniff him out and they send assassins, or the red lady drops a magic fire bomb on him and nukes him, the end and 0 deaths, are you retarded?

He literally waited until the last second to reveal himself, but he didn't realize the only enemies left were essential npcs. I loled at Sam just doing the bethesda panting on the ground routine.

Then they should've had the NK win and everyone die.

I mean is it really that hard to believe that he can sense someones presence. Not neccesarily him seeing the future and knowing exactly what their actions will be???

His hands were quite literally full with her throat and other hand respectively

What is Necromancy, Alex

What happened to that based Scotsman in the end?

>NK thinks Dany and Drogon are out of the picture
>Jon stands by Bram
>They look up to see Dany riding Rhaegal
>Jon protects Bran
>NK and Jon 1v1 while Bran helplessly watches
>Jon gets plunked out and is on the ground
>Arya appears from trees and stabs NK in the back, momentarily distracting him as he starts in on Arya
>Jon chops off NK's head from behind as NK is about to kill Arya

Or almost anything other than what just happened.

"Beautiful, gut wrenching, soul crushing and powerful. A complete culmination of every emotion Game of Thrones has made us feel so far. I had floods of tears, then elation, then floods of tears throughout. Another truly iconic and groundbreaking piece of television that leaves me wondering what is still yet to come this season."

top review on imdb

The zombies got the command to stay still and do nothing, just like with Theon he let her do the attack so he could kill her.

>jon entire fucking story was leading up to fighting the NK
>d&d would rather SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS and write an awful mary sue moment for Arya instead
>whole character arc about finding out who he is
>melissandre drops the pill and tells him he's the chosen hero
>he finds out he's actually on the lineage of the Azor Ahai
>arya kills the NK instead, for absolutely no reason

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>Be Arya
>Receive ninja training
I'm no one now.
>Don't actually change at all
>Still very much Arya stark same as before
Heh became ninja and sacrificed nothing

This entire time we've been led to believe that NK has some sort of ulterior motive beyond just wanting to kill everyone, and that he's drawn to the Three-Eyed Raven for some mysterious reason, whether to kill him or do somethign else with him and we don't know what the outcome would be regardless. and that's what we were all excited to see.

Instead it's literally just nothing and NK just has some autistic desire to personally kill Bran, with no other significance to it than that.

There was a giant part in the crowd you fucking braindead autists.

She outran walkers all episode, she literally just ran through this gap past them.

Holy fuck you people have no sense of fucking anything

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I'm not mad that it was Arya. I knew Arya was going to kill either the Night King or Cersei. I doubt she kills both. Now that Arya killed the Night King, who will be the one to kill Cersei?

My money is on Azor Jamie. Cersei, in a jealous rage, grabs Brienne from behind and puts a knife through her throat. Jamie approaches, sword in hand. Cersei makes an ultimatum to Jamie — Slit your own throat or I slit the throat of the big woman. Briene looks at Jamie with love in her heart, and orders Jamie to "be the prince that was promised. You know what you have to do". Jamie plunges his sword though Brienne and into Cersei, killing both women.

>didn't look like a ninja to me in the library
She got hit on the head after her lance fight scene which turned her retarded until meeting Mel

>Thanos dies to bullshit
>Night King dies to bullshit
>Nicol Bolas dies to bullshit


how would she do that without being noticed at all?

I am mad that it was Arya. It makes no sense for it to be Arya. It was the classic subversion of expectations that we've all become so familiar with in the last few years. This should have been Bran's battle or possibly Jon's.

Thanos had a good send off I thought. At least it was Tony who did it.

You're fucking brain dead. She's a Stark receiving super combat training for 8 seasons, even children could pick her out as an obvious hero

white walkers can hear a drop of blood hit the floor, can't hear a lil cunt running on snow
ay lmao
also conveniently placed gap
implying they wouldn't have closed the gap after letting nk pass

Except the last season of Samurai Jack was amazing. The ending wasn't great, but EP 2 is one of the most kino episodes of an animated show around.

>the entirety of the plot and everyone that died from Robert's Rebellion onwards was pointless because the prophecy Rhaegar believed in was just bullshit
Fuck this show.

>I'm not 100% sure the show's done with the NK.
he's dead chief

>imagine ignoring 8 years of buildup, foreshadowing and prophecies just to subvert expectations

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An old incestuous chick that was forced to walk naked down her own streets by a dried up old barefoot shitter in a sackcloth robe like 5 minutes ago.

And you're fucking gay. Jon and Bran were built up to be the ones to defeat the NK. Arya had nothing to do with the White Walker shit. Let her be the one to kill Cersei not the Night King. You understand nothing.

except she received training in how to kill people without anyone noticing, not how to be a ninja

Thanos dying to Tony was well done, and Tony deserved it. A bit fan service for sure, but who else would have been able to do it and it be as satisfying? Cap maybe, but they've really set up Tony as the one haunted by Thanos the most.

Ask yourself this: do you think you'ld still hate it if the last time you saw Arya in action was leaving on the ship to Braavos and then not again really until the library scene? If the NK's ending didn't work for you it's probably because you already hated Arya and you probably already hated Arya for good reason: the show made her an arrogant, quipping, unrealistically OP cunt and apparently for no reason other than to make you hate the ending.

it was gay and underwhelming

Except her character has absolutely nothing to do with the night king
Her whole character is built around revenge, if she was going to magically kill anyone it would be Cersei
Her killing the Night King makes zero thematic sense, it has nothing to do with her receiving "magical assassin training"

I think she has the highest kill count in the show, killed all the frey and now all the undead

Night King's daddy is going to show up before the end of the season and Jon will get to kill that one.

>tfw GRR didn't know how to end the books
>tfw he let the writers for the show come up with something as he sat on his ass
>tfw he's analyzing the fans reactions right now so he can know if he needs to change the story and what to improve on

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>It should have been Jon the most obvious shit possible
Holy fucking kek I bet Ned Stark's death shocked you, when has the show ever done the most obvious thing possible? That's its whole reputation that it doesnt do that.

so none of the wights saw her run by and made a noise to alert, or the ones on the other side facing where that hole is?

But they CAN hear her running. It was a fucking gap they couldnt grab her quick enough.

She didnt sneak up on anything the night king literally caught her

jon = 1 person
There was a shit tons of walkers and the generals of the Night King were there too

>The Night King was absorbed in Bran in front of him, probably diverting the shared consciousness with his wights. He let his guard down.

He can control 100,000 wights while riding a dragon and fighting two other dragons at the same time but looking at Bran distracted him?

You dun goofed m8.

>ran though this gap just to do ebin olympic jump to kill NK that moments before took a full blast of fire from the strongest dragon and laughed it off

But go on defending fan fiction like the good little cuck you are

And I was specifically comparing it to how they completely rushed the final confrontation with Aku and it felt like shit as a result, even if the rest of it on its own was good.

>It was good, Yea Forums is just mad they didn't predict it

I saw it coming years away.

It's stupid that the other white walkers shattered as well.

Better yet, Bran was Arya all along.

This was TLJ tier. A real social Marxist shitfest of nonsense.

The battle has just begun. Winterfell is in ruins. The people are hungtry, tired, and wounded. Cersei's massive army will soon arrive to finish off what the Night King started. Expect a full retreat of Winterfell soon.

The battle of the Iron Islands is in play.

The first men pushed back the dead without killing them all before they built the wall, so we know its possible

>It makes no sense for it to be Arya

uh yes it does sweetie.
You see Arya is a badass female. And she was the ONLY deserving person to take down the blue eyed male villain. duh

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>She never needed those skills anyway.
Did you miss the part when she was wrecking shit on the wall? You fucking mongoloid

>It was good

They were too busy watching Theon gasp out his last breaths.
"Bruh, does that guy have no twig and berries?"
"Nope. But neither did those brown faggits with the spears and skirts."
"The fuck are they even fighting for?"
"Oh shit m8, did that little kid just ice our kang?"
"I think she di..."

Arya didnt see him get blasted you fucking moron

Would have made sense if Bran warged into Arya to run around on the roofs and shit or something.

actually would been good

or at least a lot better than omae wa

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Kek, but that wasn't Sam that was Jorah after he teleported past a bunch of wights right to where Dany was to save her and was panting and getting back up constantly. He only died during his story scripted event.

We only have Ghidorah now

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No because I read the books long before I ever watched this dumpster fire. I understand this series. It isn't about killing characters off unexpectedly and epic twists that nobody saw coming. That should be bullshit that is reserved for Walking Dead. Putting all that effort into foreshadowing and prophecies just to subvert all that? You'd do well in Hollywood as a writer.

>They were too busy watching Theon gasp out his last breaths.
ALL of them? lol

I'm mad because it makes zero sense for the Ice Man to go into Winterfell until everyone is dead. Like he's willing to go through all these machinations to get to this scenario and then he pulls a generic villain blunder.

wrong, the first hour was amazing. can't say that about TLJ

>The dragon blasts the entire area, killing everyone but the two who can withstand it, the Targaryen and the Night King

I was 100% expecting exactly that.

That's just my point. She didn't -need- to be "wrecking shit on the wall", mongoloid. The only scenes that needed her were the library scenes leading to Melly Sanders and the Godswood. They made her an OP warrior for no plot reason whatsoever. She only ever needed to be an assassin.


Made her saving throw
At least that snotty girl got punched by a giant

You're fucking stupid for thinking a prophecy needed to come true in this series when breaking fantasy tropes is its whole thing. Like people were saying from Day 1 Jon wouldn't be Azor Ahai or it wouldn't exist, you somehow missed all of that.

Well, it wasn't useless until this episode. This episode destroyed the entire white walker plot. White Walkers were actually extremely interesting and I THOUGHT would end up being a major plot point.

This episode let the entire night king army die by a little girl with a knife. Retarded.

Why can't you people just write an interesting story? Why do you have to rely on politics and public shaming to get people to like your crap? Why not make killing the night king a big deal? Why not make it a challenge for Arya. Make Arya show us everything she's learned during her hardships. These writers are untalented and lazy. That's all there is to it. If you can't make Heroes vs. Undead King an interesting fight, then you should be writing recipes not fantasy.

No it wasnt. The tactics were retarded, half of it was men cowering. But yes the first half wasnt TLJ tier

>tfw he dies before finishing anyway.

Yep. All of them.
"I can't watch this dude kill some numbnuts in a wheelchair."
"Me either, lets just watch this dickless sensation turn into a wight and lol at him."

Based dadbro.

I'm not too upset that Arya did it.
I just think "teleports outta nowhere" is a poor way to handle that. Also I felt that Jon basically got cucked outall the potential of having him face NK 1 on 1 (post Hardhorn). Hell, he didnt even get to do something particularly notable like slay the undead Dragon. Even Danny got a shot at burning the NK.











>You think you'd at least draw out the death of NK by one additional episode by letting everyone get pummeled and then allowing Arya to track him and dl assassinate him.

But that is what happened, this was twice the length of a normal episode. They decided to show it to us now instead of what would have been an infuriating wait.

>why isn't the story realistic/hyperrational at the expense of drama/excitement
also you could assume he was too proud, arrogant and bloodthirsty to hide behind his men

It's retarded and you know it
Night king perfectly catch her in the neck and the arm, stare at her insteaf of breaking her arm or her neck, then he can't fucking catch the valyrian dagger?

>overthrowing Cersei is trivial compared to stopping the Long Night

not so trivial when Jon's entire army is dead, they literally have no one left to fight, while Cersei has Euron and the Golden Company's armies.

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I would actually apreciate this, I'm a big fan of fantasy elements being used in a smart/strategic way.

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>, then he can't fucking catch the valyrian dagger
Or just fucking throw her or crush her neck or anything but stand there waiting for 10 seconds. The writers are complete hacks and if i ever see them irl i will tell them to their face.

Pretty much the entire cast was doing that at some point.

After he pulled the, "I'll let my minions deal with you" thing with Jon, I knew this would happen.

Didnt mention anything about Arya not seeing that but I guess your autistic mind is grasping at straws trying to defend this shit

arya just makes it extra gay. white walkers shoulda just fucked everything up and headed south

what was that dream with dany in the throne room with winter all around her? that would have been a bad ass ending. all the bullshit fighting and they get wrecked by white wiggers

Hmm, the most obvious way possible isn’t good.
Well, time to die of fatness.

I'm only mad at myself for continuing to watch this slop.

>first 2 episodes were filler (specifically the 2nd episode)
>3rd episode was a rush job and killed the nk and white walkers off completely
>last 3 episodes they'll be fighting cersei for king's landing

what the actual fuck is this season

Breaking tropes is fine, but you can't just build up a theme for the entire show and then throw it in the trash with no closure. The entire show they are showing that the lord of light has real power. They could have done other things with that other then fulfill the prophecy. Maybe the lord of light is actually an evil force. Maybe the prophecy is meant for another time, anything. Instead they just forget it ever happened and the red woman goes off and dies. It's just bad writing, there's no excuse.

However I do think it's possible that this was a 'false victory' and the real threat will emerge after Cersei. But I don't have high hopes, I don't think these writers have any idea what makes an interesting story.

Yeah, Jon slaying the dragon would have been an acceptable compromise to me. That would have been cool as shit.

Cant believe i was on here for hours anticipating this shitty episode

only ep 5 would have a final battle between the kings landing forces and the northern forces + greyjoys

the rest will be stupid filler talking.

Jon = Bernie Sanders

Harris wins 2020.

Libcuck jews try to write epic fantasy and fail miserably

Yea but what's the worst thing that happens if Cersei wins? You have a queen bitch on the throne being a bitch for a little while. Eventually she dies and probably gets replaced by someone better. The stakes are so low compared to the threat of the night king, why even bother?

What is fucking going on? The series

It’s useless because they made it useless.
Sparrows..fuck it, useless
Stannis...fuck it, useless
Muh super plague...fuck it, useless
Little fingers endless plots...fuck it, useless

No, Jon would've kicked the Night King's ass easily which is PRECISELY why Arya had to be the one to do it. The whole Battle the Night King wasnt letting Jon anywhere near him because he knows that guy is going to kill him if he gets close enough to, So The Night King throws every obstacle he has in his way.

Biden will get the nomination and lose to Trump. Jon is nothing like that sellout jew fraud Sanders.

oh I thought Jon Snew defeated NK by yelling at le zombie dragon xD im dumb

> real threat after cersei

your naivety is cute


makes a lot more sense that he wanted to kill bran personally. so her essentially shut off the wights in godswood area

>Why not make it a challenge for Arya. Make Arya show us everything she's learned during her hardships.
She shows off several (unearned) skills both in this and the previous episode. She's fighting all episodes, gets wounded and nearly dies after she goes inside for inexplicable reasons and there's that entire long sequence in the library and then with her running through endless hallways. She trained to be an assassin more than anything, it makes sense she'd assassinate the Night King rather than fight him fairly. He would've been too strong for her.

The problem I have with Arya's character is how strong of a fighter she is despite her size and the fact a lot of the skills/weapons she uses were never taught to her. We're supposed to take her seriously as an equal or better fighter to a lot of the older characters who have been trained and fought for a lot longer than she has (e.g. Brienne).

he meant king stewart

This show is undergoing the same issue a lot of new stories have. Mysteries are great, but can be destroyed by a bad ending. It's infuriating when a mystery is revealed to be hollow and meaningless and was only ever added to be "cool" and "interesting".

The Haunting of Hill House had this issue too. Cool mysteries, retarded conclusion that ignored half the mysteries, rendering them hollow.

They didn't defeat the dead, they sent them 8,000 years forward in time.

Yeah, that's the entire point. Rhaegar's prophecy was always bullshit. Rhaegar was a fucking arrogant dandy who thought the world's fate revolved around his dick spurts and destroyed the seven kingdoms to do it.

Ned's death was obvious though. It was built up throughout the season due to his many failings.

The only thing I'm mad about is I lost a bet.

>You’re just mad because it was Arya
well yeah thats the point, are you slow? it wasnt coherent

They weren't any where near there. Watch the ending again, Melisandre was near the gate and she walks out to her death.

>(he smirks at Dany for fucks sake)
what does this have to do with anything?

GoT Was never LoTR Faggot, That's like expecting Sean bean to die in the end of the first ac....oh.

Im mad because there has been years of buildup, and thats it? I dont even care what else happens now, thats it? Its all so incredibly underwhelming, that this was what years of work is to end in, really think about that, its all been for this.

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if they kept her as just a pure disguise/assassin i wouldve accepted it but having her be Rey from star wars is just shit

Yea she showed some skils when fighting the regular zombies, but for the night king she just appeared out of thin air. She had more trouble hiding from the shambling corpses in the library. I'm not saying that Arya shouldn't be able to assassinate him, I'm just saying it was a very anti-climactic way to do it.

This is the point though. He didn't wait to kill Theon, but he watched Arya drop the dagger and didn't catch it or block her arm. Someone needs to make a webem for that exact moment so people can stop saying "muh assassin skills."

Origin story showed him being a random shmuck being revived by forest people for whatever reason and he just didn't like it; and last episode was literally stated that he wants to provoke an eternal night and Bran being the 3-eyed raven would be an obstacle to that because "Bran had a memory of everything, and remembering the NK's past meant that he had a soul at some point, therefore killing Bran would also erase everything that could affect him".

I get that they're doing predictable shit since S6, but at least they set up their predictable shit.

>disarms and dispatches Theon with 0 hesitation
>stares blankly at le ninja girl while she's holding a dagger that is poison to your kind
>stares blankly at the dagger when it's dropped
bravo dabid

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Based Linda weighs in

holy shit that was terrible.

besides Edd, Lyanna mormont, Beric, and Jorah did anyone fucking die?

It has to be difficult to satisfyingly tie up such a large amount of long, winding, intricate story threads created by a better writer who has much more time and way more pages to do it in. I agree though if they weren't such dumb hacks they could've done a better job, especially with Littlefinger.

Quads of Truth. I've been saying for years that the best twist would have been if the wall had held and the walkers and undead were all a giant red herring.

But this was a waste of budget and narrative. And the battle was so shoddily shot that it was basically blanketed blackwater 2.0 (night, foggy, can hardly see anything).

>be zombie giant
>crush every soldier that crosses your path
>armed little girl runs at you
>grab her and put her in front of your huge eyes

Should've been Jaime. Would've been even more fitting if the infamous Kingslayer pulled through in the end by becoming the famous Kingslayer.

based and redpilled

>as well as never having any other characters ask him anything or even react to his weirdness.

This is the most appropriate reaction to anything Bran says.

Why hype up a character for almost a decade just for him to be stabbed once and die. Its so fucking pathetically unsatisfying. At this point I am convinced we are all being trolled and that the night king comes back at the end of the season, otherwise I have no idea how people can like this sheer trash. Everyone that defends this is either baiting or autistic. Bye

I'm not mad at anyone but myself. Why did I even get my hopes up that something good might happen?

heres why im mad:
-sams fat ass should have been in the crypt the whole time. jons nights watch bro died for nothing
-arya stark learned to sword dance but somehow shes strong enough to push 2 ice zombies with her dumb spear
-the hound is a fucking coward and a crybaby, muh fire boohoo. he bitches out every single battle
-all the night lords get ice shattered like they are lowborn ice zombies just because the main night king died
-bran stark is basically a low rent dr strange at this point, what did he do, watch the battle the whole time with his crows?

I'm so glad I dont watch this garbage.

so anti-climatic YIKES
what the fuck was Kellogg's Raisin Bran® doing when he turned into a birb?
and what were Jon and the Bitch that was promised doing up in the sky? wasnt the plan to lure the Ice King to Bran?
and why were they just staring at the zombies once the firewall went up? why not prepare or start sniping them?
Jon was literally useless, didnt do anything at all.

Right because he doesn't really believe that he's a Targ and resisting the fire would have been the proof he needed.

Don't worry there's still time for the white male protagonist to die for everyone else after a lifetime of pain.

>blood drop

That was just a ripoff from Spiderman. It made sense in context for the Green Goblin to have super hearing. That wight must have been an Osborn. They even resolved the tension the same way, by teleporting out of view.

she can pounce on me ;))

Jon not getting to at least fight the night king is a travesty beyond belief. I fucking hate this show now.

He literally got burned in season 1 when he killed that wight. He has no fire immunity.

>$15 million per episode
Can't see half the episode. Hope the writers worked for free.

You and I could be frens

They weren't shut off because they noticed Arya's Sonic run past them.

>tv didn't shitpost about PSSH NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID as a worst case scenario we've come to expect from DABID
When that walker general took all his zombie platoon with him last season it was assured that the NightKing would die in a 1:1 with an MC.

I haven't seen the show the moment G RR shifted his story to placate Identity Politics, so I personally don't care, because this kind of shit was expected, however, I do feel bad for the lingering fans of the show. This must've been a heartbreaking let down.

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>Jon fucking earned being the one to kill the Night King and he was robbed.
I mean, that's how the books work as well. But the exact situation looked like it contained too many obstacles for Arya to realistically overcome, which makes it weird when compared to the show pre season 5.

>I guess you weren't here long huh?

Who cares about Cucksei, she's a literally who in context.
That's like having Sauron die to Frodo, mid way through Two Towers, and having Return be about fighting the Gondor Stewart.

you guys are just mad incels

fuckin Dungeons and Dragons you hacks REEE
what the fuck did Jon do? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING!
the show has been following him and developing his character for fucking what?? I feel cheated I want my money back!

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No, pretty much everyone outside this contrarian hellhole enjoyed it. It's just you guys.

When did the show shift precisely?

I have a feeling that episode 5/6 will reveal more

Shit, you should be writing these episodes

tyrion "wants to do something" but he doesnt even have his own sword in the crypt

that would be wise move

No, they’ll just all forget about it like every other plot point.

>mfw i knew Arya would be the one to kill the night king
>mfw i called it she would kill him with the dagger
>mfw it makes perfect sense which is why it was so obvious and predictable to me
>mfw i knew Yea Forums would hate it and sperg out because they hate Arya and hate even remotely capable female characters in general in tv/movies
>mfw i come here and like clockwork there's nothing but angry shitposting from clueless retards
You plebs are the most predictable fags on the planet.

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First, dragons, then the living dead, then essential NPCs and now sending an unbeatable enemy into the future.
This is basically Skyrim now.

i thought it was a good ep and it ended how it should have ended

That scene were all the female characters are circlejerking each other about female leadership could be it.

I can't tell you how upset and pissed I am... I'm once again disappointed and let down by humanity

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This is what I'm hoping, but based on how the last 2 seasons have been, I don't think the writers, or D&D magically got smarter all of the sudden


>if they kept her as just a pure disguise/assassin i wouldve accepted it but having her be Rey from star wars is just shit
She's never been a normal pure stealth assassin though, the Faceless Men have had plot breaking death magic powers going on every time they've appeared.


JJ Abrams syndrome
All hype, no substance

It seems to be a theme these days. The current season of Star Trek sent the borg data into the future, I shit you not.

>british slag meme
>oi u cunts ave me fuckin' fare for me taxi ey
>listen u can take me home yes and ill make it up to you m8, ill suck ur knob at me home u cunt

It's sort of like Marvel movies, I can't even remember when that happened. It's become so forgettable.

Exactly. Only thing that the episode was missing was a showdown between night king and jon. They should have let jon have a duel with the night king before he resorts to rezzing everyone to get away and overpower everyone.

The scouring of the shire?
They left that out of the movie to subvert bookfags expectations.

Shit. Im going to remember this quote for the rest of my life.

They can always wheel in Brandon Sanderson like they did when Robert Jordan died.

>wasn't the plan to lure the Ice King to Bran
At the very beginning after all of the cavalry is killed, Dany in her usual impulsive way decides to rush out to help the men. Jon tries to stop her but she pushes past him and he decides to join her.

It’s a standard tactic in warhammer.
Always defend your necromancer.

Jon would've gotten rekt by the NK, he could barely stand against Viserion.

>implying that she wont kill Cersei with the dagger

nigger, we are beyond the point of stupidity with this shitty fucking show.

member when that little girl flew threw the air and killed the hardest guy to kill

They said that the death of night king by the hands of Arya was planned since 3 years now,really ma nigga

No theme / no relation between them and yet we have this because muh subverting expectation and shit all over again
Truly this is the darkest timeline!

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>how do we write the horses and Dothraki our of the story?
>make them charge the undead first
Would’ve made more sense to use dragonglass tipped arrows and skirmishing tactics

Would have made more sense had theon grabbed his leg or otherwise distracted him instead of exchanging awkward glances and then promptly dying.

I literally cheered when they killed off that little cunt.
Then she came back and I booed

Why not show her hiding in wait? Why should the audience be expected to fill in the gaps when all you need is one minute max for filming Arya finding a hiding spot? Show don't tell.

I don't even follow the show, but the idea of a paranormal undead entity being killed by a mundane assassin is absolutely ridiculous.

Grrm said the story dies with him
>this is the best ending you’ll get

Yeah, they could have done some damage kiting the horde, but running straight in, come on. It did make for an extremely effective and chilling visual however, I would expect GRRM to have them employ proper skirmish tactics similar to the mountain men at Blackwater. The scene makes no sense outside of a film context.

If it 'subverted expectations' then how come it was incredibly obvious to anyone with an IQ above double digits?

Literally the only character that has any relation to the night king is jon you fucking retard that doesn't mean jon has to be the one to kill him. Arya was set up to kill him because literally the entire show has been setting her up to become this killer and assassin and her entire motivation and theme is avenging and protecting her family. This whole war took place at their home in the north where all of her remaining family was gathered and night king was specified to be going for bran because he's the three eyes raven now. Killing the ultimate enemy and saving both her home and family is entirely within her character and makes perfect sense.

Just because you are too stupid to understand and see very basic story patterns doesn't mean they don't exist you clown.