
>nearly 100 threads about GoT
>Barry thread archived
Quality HBO content thread. Let's discuss Bill Hader's magnum opus.

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Other urls found in this thread:

"she's not of this world"

Anyone else think they deliberately snuck in that Hot Fuzz tribute with the fences?

wasn't a fan of this episode, but i still appreciated it. didn't expect the ending at all thought that was great

Felt bad for the dad desu

absolutely 110% come on mang the flip at the end was a carbon copy. its cool they tried a comedic episode
>"ok up you go"

every thread is only gonna survive about 10 minutes until plebs are done whining about game of thrones

Now who should I trust?

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All of the pomp and circumstance FOR GOT, and Bill Haders comedy about assassin turned actor was the show that had me on the edge of my seat. It's amazing what good writing can do

It was both ridiculous and kino.

That was a long as fuck opening

>Try to watch the murky incoherent nonsense that passes for battle in GoT.
>Give up and watch Barry instead
>Treated to the most hilarious and thrilling fights on tv in ages.

I love this show.

OP of that thread. It was ridiculous but in a good way. In an excellent way.

because going by the title and promo material it's going to focus on male hesitation, like everything these days. Like the "dead in a week or your money back" type bullshit.

I love it the same way I love The Neon Demon
>it pisses everyone off

Will we see the girl again? What will become of her? Will she and the one good Chechen team up to replace Barry for season 3?

10x better than this weeks GOT battle scene

does anyone else think that this weeks episode long fight scene coincided with GOTs?

fuck me dead, that was some absolutely fantastic television

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did anything think it was intentional *

this show is great

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Damn those cops just shot an unarmed WHITE guy

he just murdered a guy with his foot though

He was going to produce a whole new species of unstoppable daughterfus.

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>couldn't find a house with the tree in the right spot

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Yeah but they were like 8 feet away so unless Ronnie is Liu Kang and can do a bicycle kick he shouldn't have posed a threat




Ultimately it's just realistic to say, if you kill a cop, other cops will probably shoot you. But it still would have been dangerous to try to take down and arrest a drugged out dude who just killed a cop in a single kick.

>Baaaaawrry, you are just super-great guy, you know?

This is the best character on television right now.

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he looks like powder


I mean it's probably just easier and safer to do it this way anyways.

Barry is the only show on hbo worth watching.

>if you kill a cop, other cops will probably shoot you.
True. Being a cop killer basically paints a huge target on your back

I'm only three episodes in but fuck I hate Sally.

this is true

You're supposed to hate her. She's a bitch.

easily the best show on HBO.

GoT is just a memes. Barry is the true kino.

I'm sad there aren't more threads up

Just shake her off

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The kid acting like a dog was kinda unsettling

Well duh she's not of this world.

Just wanted to say last week's episode was amazing and that whole lead up to the final scene was one of the best things I've seen this year. The complete cartoonish episode this week was not what I expected, but it was also great. Really does amplify how shallow GoT is coming right after it.

Yeah this episode was pretty good even with little dialogue.

So one show got icy zombie.
But we got girly ninja zombie. And her father smokes PCP-laced weed.

One got BTFOd by a teleporting gremlins.
The other is still kicking ass.

So do we think Lily is gonna show back up later in the season?

For sure. why even bring her up if they wont

I save it as a palate cleanser. To sleep in good spirits. Had to shit talk GOT first.

I don't get how people still watch GoT. Quality took a nosedive

GoT -> Veep -> Barry

I didn't like the episode
they wanted to do a Sopranos Pine Barrens thing but with more comedy and it largely failed
It bothered me immensely that Barry wouldn't keep his gun at the ready even when telling I guy he wasn't going to kill him (even AFTER he knows he's a blackbelt). That annoyed the fuck out of me.

North Hollywood Hank is the GOAT


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a cute!

Goat episode + works as a good pleb filter

What was good about the ending?

Well people are comparing it to Pine Barrens, did the russian guy ever come back?

It wasn't like Pine Barrens. That episode is a big standalone thing. This is an integral plot episode. Obviously it's not as good a Pine Barrens, but it definitely wasn't trying to emulate it

I'm dumb, what am I looking at here? Someone explain

Only thing I didn't like was Loach getting 1-hit KO'd by a kick. Loved everything else but that was a blunder narrative wise in my opinion (not to mention overly corny)

the tree was cgi'd in

They explain in the behind the scenes bit, Hader had a specific idea of what kind of house it would be and where the tree would be to allow the girl to do what she did, and I guess they couldn't find a house they could use that had a tree in the right place, so Hader just insisted they set up that.

It's funny when a fat idiot gets cucked to death.

Won't Barry be on supermarket camera now?

Thanks, that's legit really interesting

Should I wait until next week so I can download them all in a pack?

Yeah. I mean when you look at the picture it looks pretty CGI'd but didn't really notice when I was watching it on the tube

>1-hit KO'd by a kick
Not really a KO, more of a fatality but goddamn that fucking Kick knocked him into the shadow realm


There's 3 more episodes this season, not just 1.

I was just looking at the wiki page for this and the viewing numbers since GoT came back have nearly quadrupled. Are Thronesfags actually watching this or just leaving their tv on?

If you're not itching to watch it, you could totally wait until the end of the season. Unfortunately, the show doesn't get talked about much. Most week it's just "Hank is best boy" and "Sally is a bitch."

The girl's gonna get killed. That's my bet for the ending.

>that nunchuck scene


Oh damn youre right, guess ill just download them now

Holy fuck. I just finished it. I can't sing enough praise to it. Checked AVClub review afterwards and their take was pretty on point. What an episode. Is Hader directing more episodes this season? He really picked a lot of cues from Hiro and the other regular directors, it was remarkable.

He's directing the finale.

Actually the best HBO show on Sunday.
Season 2 has been so much better than expected.

So won't be get arrested?


Definitely got that impression. This ep really stands out and can easily be enjoyed without a larger frame of reference. It's the type of episode you use to convince friends and acquaintances to give it a go. So the fact it aligned with Winterfell Battle seems like a conscious move by HBO.

Even if they id him he does absolutely nothing wrong in the supermarket.

The suspense of waiting for new episodes is pretty great with this particular show. I'd say for Barry it's better to watch each week than it is to binge, though that isn't the case for most shows

Why would they arrest him? On video he'd just be some bystander that was getting assaulted and bailed when bullets started flying.

Plebs hate it, the last thread on this board and all of Reddit are complaining that it "wasn't realistic"

>episode 7 has the same writer / director combo from when Barry killed his friend in the car
Yeah, I'm thinking kino's back on the menu.

I suppose you're right, but won't they wander why he was so bloodied up in the first place, and why the guy "randomly" started attacking him after previously behaving like normal in the store?

Was Loach always planning to kill Barry, even if he did the hit as planned?

Man, the writing this season is so tight that the best supporting character took a week off and the episode was still nothing short of amazing.

That's obviously backwards.


Good question. It's hard to say since he had such a perfect opportunity there. It'd be real ballsy for him to just go after Barry if he just called in and said he did the job and was at 100%.

It's doubtful that the store cameras would have enough resolution for them to tell that it's blood and not just facial hair and Ronny's behaviour would just be chalked up to the PCP


That post is listing the order in which the poster watches those shows. It's meant to be a steady improvement, a palette cleanser as noted.

Reddit plebs:

>Feel like this is gonna be an extremely polarizing episode. Personally I really didn’t enjoy it and it’s the first episode I’ll probably skip on rewatches. I just don’t think you can do surrealism with this show halfway through season 2. With something like Atlanta where they established the bizarre aspects from the beginning, I’m all for it, but this was just jarring and not in line with the show we’ve been watching.

Crucially they wouldn't see the back wound or anything. It's uncommon but really not that absurd for someone to have a lot of blood around his nose go to buy bandages.

I really don't see how any of this is so far off-tone for a show with NoHo Hank as a major character.

But at the same time I'm sure he wanted to tie up loose ends, and probably did even want to avenge Moss on some small level (despite saying that he didn't, cops hate cop killers)

Where are people getting this PCP stuff from? As far as I could see Ronny just smoked a joint. Why are people saying it was laced?

Depending on the camera quality might just look like a beard. He could always claim it was just a nosebleed.

Well said lads, you've changed my mind completely on the security cameras being a big factor. Now he just has to worry about the daughter

They're idiots. The same people criticizing this show for "introducing absurdism" late in the show probably loved it in Breaking Bad when Gus straightened his tie after half his face blew up, or Lando jumped in the air like a cat and crawled through vents on Better Call Saul

> It's a Bill Hader thread

Pity reply.

I felt it didn't break the show's logic, just bent it a little. In a positive way. Sure it's a departure, but we had many previous gags that thread that absurd line, like the translator and the chechens. And it was so well executed that it felt natural. It was a bold choice that gives the writers a bigger toolbox to work with. And if they are too boring to accept this then chalk it up to unreliable narration. It's a bloody comedy, it's supposed to take unpredictable turns. I mean Madmen had a lot of self contained surreal moments, there's no rules saying it has to be there from the start.

I agree, I took that dumb comment from Reddit. Tons of plebs are criticizing this episode. I thought it was great

I love checking those behind-the-scenes videos after every episode for writing insights, was left wanting more thus week and luckily here's some

I think I have a general idea of where things are going:
>Fuches is now aware of the Chechen connection
>will end up connecting with that one skillful guy
>will get him to kill the little girl, who was a loose end
>set up third (and hopefully final) season with tension in Barry between feeling compelled to stop Fuches, NoHo Hank, and co., and wanting to walk away and just do acting stuff

I kinda agree with him.
you cant have all this weight and foreboding behind being exposed as a killer. the weight and buildup to him killing the cop to preserve himself and then have a feral wolf girl run around LA without calling the cops, a fight in a grocery store with the cop showing up out of nowhere on a random call without any explanation and with barry leaving behind his blood, destroyed house, security cam footage, cops being called, a witness and being mortally wounded.

I mean the whole lipstick camera thing cant keep coming up. and the tae kwon do guy was even out of step. being beaten with nunchuks like that would put any man in the emergency room with multiple broken bones.
and he was stabbed 2 or 3 times in the back. and beaten with a frying pan.

you cant use fear and weight behind actions to justify an entire season then have an episode and throw that out the window for laughs with a few thousand other loose threads that are a dozen times more dangerous to him with zero repercussions.

they coulda done a funny fuck up buddy episode without the girl and cops. that just opens up such a can of worms.
good episode but I mean
>mournfully murders a woman after desperately pleading with her to reconsider to protect himself
>angrily butchers one of his few remaining real friends out of desperation just because he might talk
now both of those scenes mean jack shit to me and the show as a whole is kinda fucked
especially him murdering his war buddy just off of him losing his cool
that was some cold ass shit that was really heavy
whats fucking next? him and noho hank join the groundlings and start touring doing improv together?
and what the fuck is the point of bran? his whole plot arc was just thrown away and revealed what a waste of time he was?
fuck even veep let me down after that.
0/3 hbo. youre outta here. fucking jew writers are running on empty at this point.

just an absolutely retarded episode. everyone giving it praise is a dipshit manchild that salivates over “random” shit. especially in a show that has been devoid of any major surreal tendencies previously

Off yourself you wanna nazi

agree with you about this being an episode where any previous loose ends seem trivial after an episode like this. but the whole jew writer thing is a pitiful schtick. grow up and realize media can go bad without throwing in your childish delusions

>Devoid of surrealism previously

>Barry being shot at in his home by a hitman who keeps missing
>Barry being chased by monks
>Barry seeing Fiches on a ledge, climbing 2 stories in less than 5 seconds and then getting caught by a cop who wants to hire him

I bet U like Avengers

Based. Like anyone's going to take tv show criticism from someone paranoid about a literal boogyman just because a fat German said they were bad in WW2

Am I the only one that thought and still thinks he might somehow take the little girl under his wing and help her to become an amazing assassin or would that be too similar to the arya "yassss queen powerful little girl slays big men like it's nothing" bullshit in game of thrones?

learn to read faggot and also have a basic understanding of surrealism. i said a show devoid of any major surrealism. being chased by monks isn’t surrealism in the slightest

>being chased by monks isn’t surrealism in the slightest

You didn't even deny liking marvel movies..

cool response. go to bed kid

HBO should switch Barry's timeslot with GoT once "by accident". Imagine how many more people would realize GoT was shit after seeing real television...

So you do like them? I knew it, scrub. It's evident in your comments

Best show on TV right now

Based idea, too bad HBO stands to lose a lot of money if people realise GoT is trash

Yeah, since You're the Worst ended

to be honest, i hate them vehemently and think they're for children. much like this episode of barry that appeals to retards

Alright, fair. I respect your opinion then. But shows like Breaking Bad had much less plausible shit than this episode

yeah and breaking bad can suck my dick too. what's your point? that because one show sucks in ways means another can't? have some integrity and realize not everything can be good all the time

Okay good, just checking you're consistent at least, and not just an idiot. That's fair then


what an awful episode. completely destroyed the vaguely realistic setup. it also setups up the gigantic plot holes if the next episode is Barry getting arrested immediately for attempted murder and assaulting a kid.

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from what i could tell on the "on the next episode" segment on hbo, all is back to normal with the acting class and fuches has a bandage on his cheek implying that they got away safely and nothing immediately happened. an overused trope, but i do think the series jumped the gun with this ep

jumped the shark, rather

>Loach shoots the guy


great episode.

>The episode where they’re on the roof trying to shoot Barry

NoHo Hank just keeps getting better and better

THIS was the episode I introduced to my drinking buddy after our GoT party

Got him hooked

>drinking buddy
I'm so sick on this internalized homophobia. Just say he's your part-time asspussy.

is he your drinking buddy or your boyfriend you fucking fag?

>hey bro have you seen my sweet chick empowerment show with the ugly women

The kid assaulted Barry, not the other way around, and the girl didn't see anything other than that her house was messed up. The guy was stoned and murdered multiple people at that store. Why would they go after Barry at all?

this is a terrible take. Barry is an absurdist show. How do you not know this by now?

barry entered the house on his own, barry and fuches tracked down the child on their own, barry has a documented history with the cop that was killed at the grocery store, and he was seen on camera and by cops at the scene. no way they can just say he walked away clean, regardless if the guy was stoned and murdered people

Absurdist without a suspension of reality, sure. Absurdist in concept. But not previously absurdist in the sense of the supernatural; a young girl able to jump and attack in a way not physically possible and able to dominate a trained assassin and Marine. There are other ways to show Barry is not invincible without resorting to the idiotic, meme sensibilities.

>barry entered the house on his own
Who's going to tell the cops that?
>barry and fuches tracked down the child on their own
While that's creepy it's not illegal to check on kid who's dad is passed out stoned in his closet
>barry has a documented history with the cop that was killed at the grocery store
How would anybody know it's Barry? If anything that give the cop more motive to defend his acquaintance.
>he was seen on camera and by cops at the scene
He's still not done anything anybody can prove that's illegal, and there's nobody that can id him

That's pretty clean getaway if you ask me.

What did she do that wasn't physically possible? And as for dominating Barry, that can easily be a case of him not wanting to hurt her/underestimating her capabilities because of her white belt.

What did Loach mean by this?

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Jumped 8 feet through the air to attack Barry.

if they cant get barry on the blurry lipstick cam, someone will get him on grocery store footage. i agree with your other points, i didn't think them thru enough. but if they went the route of dna on scene, which the series hasn't previously, they could find him. especially since there was his blood at the house. but if the series hasn't gone to forensics before, i doubt they will now. but after this episode who knows

Shiiiit. Maybe he faked his death and this is a hint the these OK

ffs I audibly keked while I'm trying to eat dinner.

Jumping around the kitchen at great distances, a child being able to latch onto a man's cheek and ripping flesh, climbing up the tree at an accelerated rate, and pretty much everything else she did. You really think anything she did was physically possible for a 10-13 year old?

you are taking everything top literally. it's all about sensations. the show has mainly focused on absurd realism, but this episode was singular. it took on the black comedy of inevitable dread. you walk in to kill a guy, and bam, he's a kung fu expert. you break his wind pipe, but hours later he's still alive and trying to kill you. you encounter his daughter and she's also a fighter who will cry after initial instigation but pull off the car and tree tricks.
it's all just dark comedy.

>Barry is the only show on hbo worth watching.

ope, forgot to click and reply

There's no way they could clean the house of all the shit barry left behind

Considering the girl did all those stunts herself, yes.

>see's his face
>leaves his blood and physical evidence all over the home
>trashes the house in a violent confrontation
>goes to the grocery store on camera in the same clothes he wore when attacking the girl
>noho hank has tried to kill him twice now over nothing
>but this guy has murdered friends and people he was close to in order to protect himself and also killed strangers in cold blood for money

honestly they should have just thrown away the entire IM SAD IM SUCH A MURDERER storyline gudboi plot
should have been barry taking out contracts with a double life and been the best of both worlds
this episode kinda ruined everything they built up over the 1st season
really the whole barry moral dilemma thing has done nothing but stall the show and undid a lot of great work

also please tell me how the cop loach just shows up, without backup before uniformed officers to a disturbance at a grocery store?
this episode really threw away all the gravity of everything before it.

really should have just kept barry a murder for hire day job schlub who uses his work to perfect his craft in acting class
>fuches double parks with his hazards on while a murder suspect is bleeding to death in his passenger seat with the windows down
I wanted more grosse pointe blank the series
not some guy who tries to convince a guy to leave town without even pointing a gun at him and leaves his daughter as an eye witness to run around the suburbs with zero blowback

Great episode but why the fuck are people saying this is a comedy? There's some humor here and there to lighten up the mood but it's nothing to actually laugh at.

it's a dark comedy.

We saw it through Barry's eyes. He was panicked and out of his element. Stress makes us perceive things differently

sure, i agree with you. and i can see this episode as singular, but from what i can tell of the next episode's preview, it's not going to be a one off. i'd love to be wrong but i think they're going to play this off as regular as any other episode. this episode would be a great as a surrealist dream; if barry would have been knocked out at the house, and the rest as his dazed recollection of the events. but to be taken as reality? doesn't fit the theme of the rest of the show, which is obviously ridiculous, but nowhere near this level of impracticality. hopefully it just pans out as my least favorite episode, which i'm fine with

Honestly that's what I was thinking when I was watching it, but then he didn't die in the house so I just looked past it.

yeah as an actor with editing and cgi you fucking retard

>also please tell me how the cop loach just shows up, without backup before uniformed officers to a disturbance at a grocery store?

Tracked Barry's phone because Barry hung up on him and he wanted to make sure the guy was dead

Really epic insight dipshit.

Only CGI was the tree dipshit.

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So by this explanation, the events shown in this episode don't exist in an objective reality? But through Barry's "stressed" perception?

interesting, I didn't even watch the preview as I usually don't. I took this episode as being a one-off because it was so much different than every other episode. I actually thought it was a response to the GoT episode that aired right before it and was billed as being an action epic. This episode delivered on that promise imo. I don't see next week being a continuation of this theme, but we'll see. And this HBO rivalry has probably just been imagined in my head.

i'm talking about editing as far as the perceived speed and distance in which she traversed the rooms in the house, jumping the fences, and climbing the cgi tree and onto the roof. grow a brain faggot

>leaves his daughter as an eye witness to run around the suburbs with zero blowback
What exactly did the girl witness? Her dad getting high on pcp, beating the shit out of some random guy that stopped by, and destroying their house?

>easily the best show on HBO.
there has been so much kino on hbo recently
My Brilliant Friend is the best though

And I'm telling you she actually did all those things in real time because she's an experienced stunt double you smoothbrained nigger.

ah i understand. i don't watch GoT at all so i don't see how they present barry. given that context, i can see why they tried what they did with this episode

>ronnie calls 911
>nothing happens
>ronnie survives
>instead of calling the cops or paramedics
>walks to a fucking rite aid to get a neck brace

oh and his zombie daughter knows what both barry and fuches look like up close. and is running the streets. without calling the cops.
oh and fuches backs into a cop car. oh and they flee a double homicide with a dead cop. oh and the cops gun has a silencer when he shoots ronnie. oh and he announces drop the weapon out loud for exactly zero cops around him outside in the parking lot instead of just smoking barry right there.

they went for a coen brothers comedy of errors and it was a fucking huge misstep.
I mean shit. they could have done this in the desert with a chechen and been fine.
this is like a horror movie when the girl drops her phone. runs upstairs. locks herself in a closet and just sits there waiting to get killed.
but at least that movie only gives me a 30 seconds to think about how dumb that is. not a fucking hour of WHY?

>Tracked Barry's phone
so thats why the cops never arrived to tae kwon do guys house even though he left his phone open while online with 911?

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it's cool seeing you not realize how scenes come together and how you resort to edgy racial slurs as a retort. my point still stands that this girl's character and actions don't align with the shows perceived notion of reality. if the way she acted this episode was present in the reality of the show, hank would have snuck into the buddhist temple like spider man or whatever the fuck

yeah this really bothered me thru the episode, they would easily have been there within minutes because the caller did not respond and hearing the proceeding loud ass fight that was obviously heard on the phone. they only showed up way later at the grocery

He tracked BARRY'S phone, not the ninja guy's phone

Shill thread


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Meant for this

ninja guy is the one that called 911. barry didn't use his phone during the struggle in the ninja guy's house

>One thread about Barry
>8 about GoT
>More than 10 about Avengers

Yeah, THIS is the shill thread. Idiot

where's my fuckin paycheck then

Attached: Barry S02E05 [20.29.311-20.47.705].webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Why would I care what network the show is on? Do you have some kind of loyalty to the network? Is that your team?

That's exactly what I'm saying. Loach must have tracked Barry's phone, so when Barry called him and hung up, Loach followed him to the supermarket, meaning he got there before the rest of the cops

>Was Loach always planning to kill Barry, even if he did the hit as planned?
I mean, why not? Killed his partner and you tie the loose ends.

>tell that it's blood and not just facial hair
That's probably exactly why it looked like facial hair.

ah that makes sense. didn't really think of that

yeah because a show where a person gets their brains blown out yet still manages to stay standing, turn around waving their arm around then walking over to a chair and sitting in it without falling over is just so realistic.

>Why would I care what network the show is on?
The point is not that it's on FX, the point is that FX is known for making garbage and the show fits with the rest of the garbage FX makes.

It COULD be an exception... but it isn't.

That's just my guess, hopefully they'll provide an explanation like that

HBO has tons of garbage too, yet Barry is great. Every network has shows in both categories

that's an absurdist way of presenting a murder, not a fucking vampire karate child able to do whatever they want and escape unharmed

>especially in a show that has been devoid of any major surreal tendencies previously
Are you blind or retarded?

Attached: Barry.S02E05 00:25:17.jpg (1920x1080, 462K)

>everything is equally bad
What a tired excuse. Some networks make a lot of crap ("Lifetime Movie of the Week"), some networks make less crap.

Anyway user deliberately misinterpreted the point. There might be a diamond in a landfill, but most likely you'll find garbage.

sounds like you’d be in expert in both. show me substantial examples of anything like the events of this episode being present in previous episodes

>muh favourite team network
Fuck outta here you brainwashed idiot

>military man tank going berzerk and killing an entire warehouse full of chechens for fun

Wow it's like you didn't even read the post

FX sucks HBO rules!!!! I just bought 10 HBO shirts. They swear AND have nudity. God fricking dang it I love Game of Thrones so much, it's so based.

>show me substantial examples of anything like the events of this episode being present in previous episodes
All the Noho Hank scenes.
The incompetence of the Chechen mob
Vacha and Ruslan making things like stocks instead of just gutting Fuches
The Bolivian mob boss being a self-help guru wannabe
Leeeeroooyyyyyy Jennnnnnkins taking out the entire stash house nearly by himself.

And that's just off the top of my head.

I mean the show is about a hitman thinking he can become an actor when he's actually not a good actor. It's silly, but it works because its a comedy.

an insane, bloody thirsty man that has the training of a decorated marine doing that has more basis in reality than a 10 year old girl taking casual karate classes being able to maneuver physical space like she did and essentially taking out a grown marine. i see what you’re trying to say, but absurdist plots based in reality are different than the element of supernatural that this episode presented


dude just step off it, you lost.

none of these things are the same as a fucking supernatural vampire-esque child doing what she did in this episode! all of you saying hank scenes are the same as what happened in this episode are either genuinely retarded or just void of any concept of a given scene’s reality in the established show’s world. grow up

cool sameposting faggot. i’m not trying to “win” or “lose”, only defend my opinion that this episode is so far off of what has been established previously in the past two seasons

No one said they had to be the same, he fulfilled the conditions of your question. They've been playing with this kind of increasingly absurd stuff for a while

FX is one of the best cable channels user idk what you are talking about

>an insane, bloody thirsty man that has the training of a decorated marine doing that has more basis in reality than a 10 year old girl taking casual karate classes being able to maneuver physical space like she did and essentially taking out a grown marine.
Are you retarded? The point is that this man doesn't want to kill people anymore, much less kill a little girl.

>tormented man reluctantly kills his best friend just because he MAY be a liability
>lets a wolf child girl able to ID him, a guy who tries to set him up for the cops, and a bald fuck who's tried to kill him twice stay breathing because.........................

but not in the same way it was shown in this episode is my point

>supernatural vampire-esque child
Lol she's not even supernatural you loser. She just kicked his ass and climbed a tree. The girl was literally the child of stuntpeople and did all the work herself with some wires to make it look even funnier like the dog fight scene from There's Something About Mary. It's a fucking comedy. Relax, nigger.

Yeah but it's not his favourite channel, HBO. He's not allowed to like any shows that aren't broadcast on his home team channel. It's called brand loyalty. He loves Disney and Marvel too

yeah that’s obviously the moral point of barry’s interactions with the girl. i’m talking purely about the way the girl is able to physically act within this given reality

yeah they ramped up to the kind of stuff in this episode

no one wants to kill a child you sperg

>i’m talking purely about the way the girl is able to physically act within this given reality
It's called comedy.

again i’m not talking about the real world implications of the scene. i know she’s a stunt actress or whatever and obviously there is wires used on set. i’m talking about how she is shown in the show itself, given the show’s established “reality”, and how this episode was way off as far as that

Barrys been shown to be reluctant to kill from the past few episode maaan.

Where's the first place investigating cops are gonna go when they shoot someone? His house.

actually the more i think about it, i guess i just didn’t find this episode all too funny and that’s my beef with the girl’s character. guess i gotta project my anger about this being my least favorite ep on this child

>given the show’s established “reality”
Asshole, the show is not realistic. That's the whole point. Noho Hank would not exist IRL. It's done for laughs.

i was talking reality as far as physics. hank is a different thing

>i was talking reality as far as physics.
It's comedy, you fucking autist. When has comedy ever had real world physics? Did Marv really turn into a Skeleton in Home Alone? Do people just look black when exploded?

i get what you’re saying, but barry as a show has established a certain reality in which it exists in. a “real” one, as far as physics go. that’s my only point. this episode broke that. and if they continue that going forward, it’s fine, but if this the only episode that does so, i find it inconsistent with the reality they’ve established

>i get what you’re saying, but barry as a show has established a certain reality in which it exists in. a “real” one, as far as physics go. that’s my only point.
So you had no problem when Leeroy Jennnnnnnkins took out at least a dozen guys coming at him from 3 different directions? Or that almost everybody in the Chechen mob happens to fire a gun like a woman with Parkinsons?

again those are situationally absurd, not physically absurd

It's an open and shut case. What are they investing? The only way anything happens is if they listen to the raving of a feral child.

Or Barry and the friend he ended up shooting in the face getting out of a car crashing at bum rush speed after getting shot with assault rifles and flipping over with no serious injuries?

Or the Burmese female leader stabbing her own hand just for fun and laughing about it to her new buddies?

>send units to secure his house
>holy fuck there's blood everywhere.
>what the fuck there's a bloody knife?
>oh shit he has a kid
>where is she?
this would literally instantly become the biggest story in the entire city and possibly the country

>It's an open and shut case.
Imagine being this retarded.

You think they won't investigate the dead guy? also the kid isn't feral you tard.


If somebody told me ten years ago that the SNL dude from the Pinneaple Express prologue is going to be a co-creator and main actor in one of the best comedic series of this decade I would laugh at that person. How wrong I was, dude.

i'm trying to catch up on old hbo shows like curb & sopranos.

should i put those old shows on hold and watch barry kino? i love hader

If you love Hader, you will love Barry so fuckin much that you are going to explode. Sopranos is Kino of the highest caliber and Curb is an excellent series, but this Barry here is a completely different beast and one hell of a masterwork.

Yeah so that you can watch it while it airs and join us in the weekly suspense

>Just finished s1
>Oh wow, Yea Forums has a Barry thread!

Attached: 1555284816961.jpg (1200x675, 114K)

That´s how you write a lethal girl without exposition or previous development, GOT retarded fanons.


well yeah

>gotta wait a whole damn week for the next one

How do I cope, lads?

get a job

Watch Kimetsu no Yaiba for more feral murder girl content, obviously.

I have a job. If you had one, you'd know it just makes time feel slower

I don't watch anime, live action or otherwise.

Missing out on some good shit. Catch up to Billions then, if you're looking for more cartoony fun times like Barry. No action, though.

>you'd know it just makes time feel slower
sounds like you have a dead-end job, then

Yeah, I do. Like 90% of people in the real world. I work in an office.

that sucks, user. should have studied harder.

do you even have a job you piece of shit


doing what?


For the sake of the world. I hope that's not true


You’re the one virtue signaling faggot
