"Anime is so unrealistic with little girls running around fighting monsters and being better swordsmen than grown men...

>"Anime is so unrealistic with little girls running around fighting monsters and being better swordsmen than grown men, I would never watch that gay shit."
So, where do we go from here?
What's the point of a gritty, realistic low fantasy show if it has the same tropes as an idiotic fanservice anime made for 12 year olds?

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anime is fucking trash

I’m attracted to Saten..

if got were anime arya would at least be attractive.

asoiaf was always anime as shit, people are just retarded
arya is like a 9 year old shadow assassin in the books

loli eating hot dog

Touhou is basically capeshit done right desu

Anime is for soiboy pedophiles.

Didn't GoT have a sex scene involving a character that's 13 in-universe?

>soiboy pedophiles.
So cringe but redpilled

I blame you anime niggers. Anime’s growing influence is reaching Hollywood and now we get shitty garbage like tonight. Ban anime!

Enjoy your super-powered lolis in everything user, shame they're all going to be ugly goblinas.

The era of good anime ended over 10 years ago. If you still watch anime you're a faggot and quiet possibly a weeb fantasizing about cartoon little girls

Anime is ok
but moe-shit is moe-shit

Considering this is in a thread about a series that has so far had 3 underaged sex scenes and multiple underaged characters getting raped, that doesn't mean much.

t. spic

yup, a lack of realism is the only reason why anime sucks ass. It's JUST because it's not realistic.

Doesn't mean anime isn't gay and fucking terrible. Most anime and mangas are full of plot holes and shit story telling. All the terrible tropes such as Deus ex machinas and retcons appear frequently in anime. At least GoT had 3 decent season's.

>Most anime and mangas are full of plot holes and shit story telling. All the terrible tropes such as Deus ex machinas and retcons appear frequently in anime.
Sounds a lot like GoT.

People still watch game of thrones because the first 3 season were good. Anime is never fucking good. The only faggots who watch anime are pedos who are unironically in love e with their animated little girl waifus

>pedos who are unironically in love e with their little girl waifus
Sounds a lot like GoT's fanbase.

Haha that's great, OP. You can start by

GoT had 5 amazing books to draw from.

Many times anime's source material is rushed out due to serialization.

>how can GoT compete?

Attached: GoT shit.png (1200x1781, 1.29M)

lets be honest only the first 3 books are good

implying anime ever sucked

Game of Thrones is a show mainly for GIRLS they don't give a fuck about realism