Spends like 2 seasons training with the faceless men

>spends like 2 seasons training with the faceless men
>learns how to be a sneaky assassin
>learns how to wear another's face
>uses this to disguise herself as a white Walker and sneakily assassinate the night king
>Yea Forums spergs over this

This was a great payoff and made total sense. Melisandre even said it was her and Beric's destiny

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're dumb.

it made no sense
she had no stakes in the night king plot, her stakes are in the cersei plot
the entire point of 8 season of jon snow was this one showdown with the night king and he did nothing and SUBVERTED.COM just for this cheap twist
and the worst part is every dumbass like you will praise it

Why didn't see disguise herself as Bran. Could of been kino desu

>the worst part is every dumbass like you will praise it
Those dumbasses are the majority of the audience and if you didn't realize this and drop the show sooner you would not have wasted your time

Yeah but she’s ugly


Damn youre so right

>could of
Kill yourself faggot zoomer

I don't care about Arya killing him as much as I care about Cersei being the final boss and the 8 season build up fizzling out without any major repercussions.

this faggot is right

It should have been Jon Snow that killed the Night King, not Arya Sue.

He got the entire army to band together for that battle. Jon killing the mad king was too predictable and boring.

The real argument is how the fuck Arya got there in the first place and why that scene in general was so pants on head retarded.

>uses this to disguise herself as a white Walker and sneakily assassinate the night king

When in the fuck did this ever happen? She was never shown killing a white walker.

what about the whole prince that was promised.... what about that. You're telling me some random comment Melissandre said 5 seasons ago trumps all the built up lore, oh right subverted yea. Gotcha.

it doesnt fucking matter if its predictable or not you stupid kike
it made sense in the story and by jon snow not killing the night king it effectively made his entire character arc completely pointless because he did nothing and his entire army was btfo'd in 2 seconds
its like why did he even bother when arya can just teleport behind him and one shot him

She disguised her self as a White Walker. Melisandre literally told her to do it

this homosexual is correct

If she used a White Walker’s face, why would she take it off before trying to stab the Night King?

the fact it makes you so angry is worth it

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What part of the episode did she disguise herself? I must have wandered off for a minute

Tumblr assimilates everything and turns it into YAAAS GIRRL POWER

Melisandre literally prophesied that she will be the one to kill the Night King during the battle. That might not have been the writers' intention but that's how I took that gay quote and it's probably how most other normalfags took it, too.

>its like why did he even bother when arya can just teleport behind him and one shot him
she didn't teleport, retard.

Very easy, maybe she told her to assassinate the NK too so she just did it?
Nevermind the fact she was wounded how the fuck do you get a face from a whitewalker when they just explode when stabbed with dragonglass, their only weakness?

Melisandre said to do it after Beric died. If they showed her kill one of the WWs or maybe even wights it would have spoiled the surprise.

>she had no stakes in the imminent end of life on the planet plot

Okey dokey, pokey

There was no fucking surprise. She literally told the audience that she was going to kill the Night King and everyone already knows that she's a fucking oracle.

he is right you know, learn character arc and themes thanks

>it made sense in the story
What the fuck kind of argument is that?

The whole show has always showcased characters with purpose meeting untimely ends or failing when expected to succeed. Its the whole realistic unpredictability of outcomes that made this series famous in the first place. Besides, you are a retard if you think Jon had nothing to do with the Night King's demise.

The whole teleports behind you is the whole issue i mentioned I had with the episode but you are too retarded to realize that it seems

It should have been him.
It should have been him.
>be Clegane
>burned by fire and develop an intense phobia of it since childhood
>go through the best character development in the series and turn into a hero
>become best friends with a red priest who brings you North
>Red Priest convinces you one last time to be the hero, overcome your fears and save the girl
>he dies helping you
>Melisandre looks right at you
>”he was brought back for a reason”
>Clegane, free of fear and doubt takes up the flaming sword
>the fire immediately turns a bright green, for he is the lord of light and wildfire is his to command
>cuts his way through a swarm of the dead to face the night king
>defeats him in single combat
>three episodes later his half dead brother becomes the new “night king”, a dead thing made from science
>the two brothers are the song of ice and fire
>last scene is them raising their blades against one another
>cut to black sopranos style
You know I’m right

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>Spending a few months to a year will turn a 12 year old girl into a master-class swordsman
White people

Yeah she didn’t learn about Death or anything as her central arc..

so then i ask you again
what the fuck was the point of the 10s of hours of jon snow if it didnt matter at all?

Bran was marked by the night king and would have known it wasn't him.

Plus she needs to literally take their face to do it, and I don't think she'd kill her brother.

>taking the time to save a bunch of Clegane images, write this out, and spam it in every thread
what are you doing with your life man?

Nah Clegane bowl is what he's for.

>spends a couple of months training
>doesn't even finish said training
>is now better than everyone else
It was dogshit. Also she never disguised herself a White Walker.

Would have been even less believable than Arya imo

12 year old girl was already gifted in the combat arts i.e. season 1. What she needed actual learning in was being sneaky and being smart.

desu It's perfect and only brainlets can't understand. The night king was just a representation of pure evil. This isn't lord of the rings, GoT is more nuanced than simply good vs. evil. Pure evil loses to good. But what happens when things aren't so black and white hmm? I'm glad the NK is out of the way. And they did away with him in a manner that is a bit of a slight to Tolkienism. I'm way more interested in the battle to come at kings landing. We will see something much more intreiging than simply good vs evil. We will see betrayal, tyranny, and many mixed emotions.

Her mentor got caught and jailed, and he kills literally whos. She more or less surpassed him through real world experience.

>A gifted 12 year old is a master class swordsman because she was somewhat competent and spent a few months to a year training
Are all white people like this?
Serious question.

>12 year old girl was already gifted in the combat arts i.e. season 1
Learning basics isn't being gifted in combat arts


I liked it because fuck Jon Snow. His faggot character should have stayed dead.

She didn't have that much real world experience in combat. The Hound did most of her fighting for her before she did the training, and then after that she was a 2cool4you ninja who could do anytihng.

It did matter, he brought the fucking north back to stark territory, and got everyone together for the final confrontation.
Just because he didnt kill the Night King doesnt make it all cor nothing when they fucking won.

>We will see something much more intreiging than simply good vs evil. We will see betrayal, tyranny, and many mixed emotions.

lmao no we won't retard.

was that ever said in the show? All i remember was melisandre looking in aryas eyes saying shes gonna kill people and be death or something.

>no stakes
>previous two episodes dedicated to bringing all the characters together
>literally the end of the word

The NK has been avoiding Jon the entire show, it's pretty obvious he knows he can't best him in 1-1 combat.

It's pretty believable that the person who was trained by the league of shadows is the only character capable of sneaking up on the NK. You're just autistic and don't like it when little girls advance the plot

>trained by the league of shadows
>doesn't even finish training

2cool4you ninja is dumb development, but its the development the story rolled with for like 3 seasons now.

tv is literally retarded. she didn't use the face of a whitewalker, she just apparently moved really fast to get by the whitewalker guards. they show this with one their sideburns swaying in the wind.

It been dumb development that ended up resolving the conflict that's had the most build up throughout the show. It was awful.

>turns on stealth mode
>hits the sprint hot key
>runs up to the boss and does the execute move

clearly theres a reason why Yea Forums is not Yea Forums

you dumb faggot

>sneaks around in the keep to avoid white walkers

>magically, she can teleport and kill THE NIGHT KING


Here’s a theme for you: a shitload of people died because all the houses were too busy fighting over a chair to mobilize constructively against a zombie apocalypse. Arya being able to set aside her grudge long enough to do something useful is part of the entire setting’s arc towards unification and cooperation.

People are mistaking the White Walker giving the side eye, as being Arya in disguise. When in reality, he probably just noticed her in that instant. Which is why the Night King knew exactly when the turn and grab.

I don't care if she was the one who killed him. I just hate how it was executed. Like she came out of no where and it was a 3 second scene and the NK dies.
You literally can't make it more anticlimactic than that.

>set aside
>go home to your castle to see your siblings
>a few days later the night king is outside and you can't leave unless you kill him

The saddest thing is that there are people in this world that honestly believe this

How does one sneak up to someone by going past, and then in front of a bunch of white walkers?

She didn't disguise herself, people are just being retarded.

She just moved fast as fuck like in your chinese cartoons, the wight noticed it and the NK intercepted her

How does "you will shut blue eyes" mean somehow transform into a white walker?


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>Tards were praising show and books for not going by the tropes of usual fantasy
>Show doesn't follow the tropes of the fantasy

lol they got past the wall with a dragon that they got in a comical scene where a raven flew 1000 miles in a day to get a dragon to fly 1000 miles in a day to save some guys on an ice float.

I don't know why you retards are reading that line wrong but she said no such thing. The line was about KILLING THE NK not becoming a WW. Plus, there is literally no scene implying she turned into anyone. DOUBLE PLUS why would she transform back during her jump kill? Not to mention, just before the kill there is a scene with a WW's hair flowing as something fast gets past him...implying she just ran in.

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>>Show doesn't follow the tropes of the fantasy
Unless you only consume western media, "little girl kills the big bad" is a HUGE fucking trope.
There's an entire fucking genre dedicated to it nowadays.

>Show doesn't follow the tropes of the fantasy
>kill the head honcho and the entire army drops dead

Just like in my lord of the rings movies!

I expected a subversion but there was none, bravo D&D.

I too dislike the storywriting, but you can't complain about lack of realism in a fantasy show which consistently breaks laws of reality i.e. Gendry runs 50 km in 5 minutes.

I wouldnt have had a problem had they not shown that he was surrounded by wights, had he been there alone i could see how she snuck up on him

>literally any Faceless Man could have beat the Night King
Pretty dumb. They should have just paid them to kill the whole fucking army

The wights were just glorified hangout buddies. And before you say thats still shitty, yes user defying expectations trope subversion etc etc.

ya'll were cool with Jaqen teleporting around harrenhal.

well they let theon run up to him and didnt care

Did she? I didn't see her taking the WW/wight mask off. If she actually did, it would be amazing and salvage a bit of the mess that was this episode.

I don't know, that sexy little number couldn't kill a fucking novice and the current assassin chief needed a 12 year old's help to escape jail time.

Because he did nothing of any real major importance. If he magically assassinated Tywin, then people would have been complaining.


Game of Thrones just became the best and worst show I ever seen in my life, simultaneously. Holy shit, how could something so great be turned into utter trash so quickly?

This is bullshit and you know it. How are the wights able to tell the living from the dead? Remember how the people in the crypt died. Some random wight came through the fucking wall. What was it doing tunneling through the ground unless it KNEW people were there. There's no fucking way Arya could have been among the white walkers and they wouldn't have known.
>Inb4 they didn't see her as a threat
Neither was Theon, but he got stabbed immediately.

Exactly. She had nothing to do with the undead plot until like two episodes ago. Having her come out of nowhere and assassinate the NK ending the entire plot-line in a single strike was incredibly underwhelming.

Dumbass. Those wights were the people buried in the crypt. But yes, the WW should have know Arya was there.

>Sneaking up on the NK.
>The normal zombies could hear a drop of blood from across the room.
What you're saying is impossible by what was established in the episode itself.

why isn't Arya teleport killing people in the fucking keep?

now she can magically use anime powers?


I don't really care that it was her that ended up killing the NK, but what bothers me is we have 3 episodes left to deal with fucking CERSEI?

That bitch should have died last season. This was supposed to be the great war. Not one mediocre battle.

Mans got a point.....

Shes got shadowwalk abilities, not shadowblooddrop abilities.

The line about shut eyes just went over Yea Forums's head.

This is her first encounter with the undead. That whole zombie movie scene was to show that she was learning the behavior of the undead and how to maneuver around them. Not saying its good storywriting, bu

>she had no stakes in the night king plot

except her little brother in the wheelchair

>she had no stakes in the night king plot
you're implying she didn't care at all about the zombie army coming to kill everyone, starting with her family's home?

oh, but she can magically kill the night king, the ultimate bad guy, in one try and despite being surrounded.

to be fair it was incredibly cryptic

Then why was it random people on not any of the famous Starks that appeared?

This argument is very stupid. Arya disappears much earlier in the episode. She knew the NK would go for Bran in the woods. All she had to do was wait for him to show. They couldnt show the setup because they wanted it to surprise the idiots who didnt realize Arya hadnt shown up in awhile and was literally the only possible hope for killing NK

shes a Faceless

Means she’ll kill all the WW

>literally flies in from above for some reason

is this captain marvel??

I'm saying their hearing is so sensitive that she should have been found and soon as she started her sprint/leap.

His entourage are still zombies at the end of the day, still slower than the living. And NK's previous warfighting experience was against the First Men, who had no Assassin Orders back then. Furthermore, his attitude towards Theon hints his overconfidence and general dismissal of living threats.

very plausible, but desu they should have shown it because there's so much going on in that battle

>flies in from above
Don't forget it's with an epic scream to let NK know she's coming too.

Bitch has got jump skills like Jordan. What else is there to say?

Get laid.


Then the NK must be retarded knowing a single stray dragonglass arrow could kill his entire army and yet he still exposes himself. It's just poor writing, don't defend it.

The issue wasn't that Arya did it, it was that it was it was done in the most lazy way possible, fucking Endgame had the exact same end last week, it was shit then, and it's shit now.

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Why didn't dennis simply hover with her dragon to burn up all the zombies instead of landing and basically being overrun??

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she didn't disguise herself as a whitewalker and i don't think she could. normal weapons don't kill them and the only weapons that do have an effect cause them to shatter. she couldn't have worn one of their faces.

yes, this. she must have been there while iron Born were fighting the dead so she could literally pose as a dead body within Bran and NK circle. Like, I get that the episode was murky as shit but people don't pay attention.

Thinking back to previous material, the implication is that the Night King was just a literally who average dude who wasn't really as smart as people claimed he was.

>too predictable and boring.
Do you have no emotions?

> reading every thread and noticing an enthusiastic fan posting hype AF in thread. Decide to shit on them with negativity in order to boost self esteem.

What are YOU doing? BRO

He didn't die. He upgraded into wind form.

Danny is still a female driver at the end of the day.

She went full shitty "sh-sh-she's fast"; they would have shown her take the wight face and you can't take whitewalker faces, they break to ice.

>learns how to be a sneaky assassin
We never see her do this. They just tell you she did.
That's the problem. That's why everything feels so unearned. They never properly execute on anything anymore. It's all telling you instead of showing you (sansa is so smart).
Arya went from being the best character in the show to the absolute worst as soon as she hit Braavos and I don't even recognize her anymore -- but it is totally inorganic how she got to where she is.

I agree they should have at least shown where the fuck she comes from. I'm assuming the branches of the weirwood? tree but again they wanted as much of a surprise as possible for the stupid people that cannot process information as it comes to them

They stated NK either wanted or had to kill Bran himself in the previous episode. He just watched the last defender of Bran charge him and die. He had no reason to assume their was a fucking ninja waiting for everyone to die to shiv his ass. He even almost had her but Aryas 250 year old asian martial arts master knife skills kicked in which is actually the biggest fucking problem I have with her character because sure we see her training to assassinate people but we never see or even get hinted at she gets trained to become a master of any weapon she picks up

What about the Red Woman's prophecy? She implied she would be the one to kill the night king in season 2

If jon didn't stop running to the NK and instead of looking tried his best to reach him maybe he could try to fight 1x1

>undead giant
>shown to kill everything in his way without any care
>see's little girl
>decides to pick up the little girl after roughing her up

why the fuck did they let someone from Yea Forums direct that scene?

>Predictable and boring
Subverting expectations is not good after the initial shock passes. It's cheap, the literary version of a jumpscare

If someone from Yea Forums directed the scene then it would either not have included the little girl or it would have had the little girl seduce the night king

Kinda betrayed the flow of prophecy and fate that G.R.R.M had when it came to all this. Even in the inside episodes they did D&D talked like they just picked who would be best to kill NK. Seems more like on a whim. No Ahzor Ahai, no song of ice and fire, just Arya doing a simple trick.

>no stake in the night king plot
She is the one character who is the most familiar with Death. NK is death personified.

No, she didn't.

To everyone satiated by that, I hope you are excited for next episode when Arya will be air dropped into King's landing by dragon and there she will instagib cersei. Then the next two episodes will be one ginat tea party. And the cleagan bowl will be them playing poker with each other.

What the fuck are the odds GRMM ends it like this in the books? I'm going with approximately 1 in a billion.


Dude GRRMs novels are borderline stitched together by his editors while he writes once every fucking month for 3 pages and throws half of them away. GRRM is not finishing game of thrones it got too big and he doesn't know how to tie it all up. As his over arching conflict is pretty much good vs evil, life vs death. And chances are he had no real plan for a solid ending when he started.

>8 *years* of buildup

>to die to an anime attack

l m a o

I have zero faith he will finish the books. He clearly has no idea where he wants to go with the story otherwise he would have put the next book out. The show passing the books was a death knell for the books ever getting finished


>Jon killing the mad king was too predictable and boring

Yes, it was

Theon wasn't though

>the Night King and the White Walkers have been teased since the first 2 minutes of the fucking show
>entire show revolves around the NK's arrival
>center Jon's entire arch around stopping the Night King and his army
>NK gets killed by anime-girl in a 2 second scene
>now the final boss is Cersei and her pirate boyfriend who didn't show up til last fucking season

But you know...subverting expectations, amirite?

Yea Forums is actually clegane

>fights undead to save all life
>see's little girl in trouble
>decide to say fuck it
>abandons his post and the battle
>chases the little girl

you know it be true

We're not getting Winds of Winter let alone fucking Dream of Spring

Frankly it's amazing the fat fuck hasn't died yet

Really if you think about it jon was the one who really was the key to killing the night king. Without Jon Arya would have
>Never gotten needle
>Never would have been trained by syrio
>Probably would have gotten killed in kings landing
>Night king wins

second post, but still best fucking post.

>and the worst part is every dumbass like you will praise it
said the dumbass watching medieval smut.

>Jon is Azor Ahai, Arya is Lightbringer

>Dismissal of living threats
Raises a swarm of undead just to stop Jon from reaching him.

If they had never gone north of the wall in order to capture one, then the NK wouldn't have gotten Viserion, and the Wall would still be standing

I actually kinda like that. Jon is the Kind and Arya becomes his sword

Whatever the case, everyone who have been watching were NEVER going to be happy. Everyone has their stakes in their favorite characters, and everyone has a different character they wanted to be azor ahai. Sorry if you didn't win the lottery, but that's how these things go.

I quite enjoyed it, even if I wanted Jamie to be azor ahai.

no she didn't
she needs to take the face of one of them, and she didn't do that

Jon seems to be the only one he didn't want to fuck with

>everyone who have been watching were NEVER going to be happy
Yeah, but I could have been happy at least.

This. Also who killed the NK is only one aspect of how shitty this was executed. The other problems were:

1) Bran did literally jack shit despite the writing building him up to be some sort of 4D chessmaster
2) No explanation of the White Walkers or elaboration on NK's motives. Not even once NK and Bran meet face to face. No exchange of dialogue, nothing.
3) resolution of the more-important White Walker plotline halfway through the season is shit pacing. Now the last 3 episodes will be focused on fighting the "villain" of Cersei, which is entirely insignificant compared to fighting the white walkers. I don't give a fuck about the iron throne. The final resolution of the entire story should've been with a fight against the NK. Instead he's acting as a Disc 1 boss to Cersei's final boss, as if that makes any goddamn sense.

>2 seasons

Literally less than a full season and now she's Artemis Entreri after scrubbing floors and fighting with a stick while blind.

GRRM gave them an alt ending so he can unleash his true masterpiece

what happened to ghost

it was implied that any who could come out, did
we only saw a couple of them, but many people were dying down there, so probably a bunch came out.

Are you a fucking idiot? Her arc has nothing to do with the Night King. It wasn't a great payoff, you ape.

She never did that though. Do you people not understand how time works? There was a large gap between Arya disappearing and the wights surrounding Bran and another small time gap between NK crew rolling in. She was in the woods the entire fucking time

Jon and him would of had a good fight and Jon would of lost in the end. The show cannot have too many powerful men so they made him fuck off so that he can be killed by a female in episode 3. Then the last episodes will be all women fighting.

Alright, let's hear it. What do you think her arc was about?

Wasn't killing wifey with stick her graduation test?

the timeline wasn't as clear as you're implying. switching between that many battles could've been 2 minutes or 3 hours

She trained that whole time before she came back to bravos. From what I understand, the show did a bad job of showing that length of time she trained with the many-faced-man or whatever the fuck you call that story arc.

That knife thing was foreshadowed last season, when she sparred with lady brienne, she did the same move there.

Slaying Cersei. Cunt.

amazingly not dead, he's in the preview for next week standing with the others in winterfell

Arya was literally the worst possible choice for this.

And making us sit through season after season after season of straight-up filler content. The entire Braavos story arc was a trainwreck and the fact that we got "rewarded" for suffering through that garbage by getting this tryhard annoying "le ebic assassin" bullshit just makes it even worse.

Arya doesn't have plot armor anymore boys, get ready for her death when she tries to kill Cersei in episode 5.

>It's pretty believable that the person who was trained by the league of shadows

why didn't the trainers simply kill the night king themselves??

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confirmed brainlet, I bet you don't even read the books

Because they have no stake in the war? Because they only serve their God and don't kill for personal reasons?

In your opinion.

It's not Arya that's the problem. Its how the writers did it. They took the most fucking wild card plot in the entire show, left an enormous story arc unsolved, then wrapped it up by presuming that Arya used her super stealth skillz to sneak up and kill NK. You think they'd at least drag it out a bit, you know, rough them up and cause a retreat and let Arya track and kill him that way. But no they just took the easy way out. Shit tier ending with few explanations desu. They could have at least taken Bran out at the same time he's annoying af

For real though.

Most shows this type of surprise would work but for a series like this that relies so much on destiny and prophecy it's absolutely a poor decision and ruined the arc of both Jon and Arya all for the sake of surprise

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I just love that his purpose was to literally carry her to the Night King.

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her entire thing is to literally kill all the people on her list
the people who harmed her, her family, or her friends.

>the night king literally wants to kill all life

that's a pretty personal reason to be honest

Its not crystal clear but its also not that fuzzy. There is a clear progression from the last Arya scene, Jon and Danny fighting NK, the wights attacking the weirdwood, NK raising people, Jon fighting into Winterfell, and the last defenders holding out. There was plenty of time for Arya to get into place in the woods

Are you really going to try and quote the books at this time in the show? It's pretty obvious they've strayed faaaaar from the source material.

Find a very sharp razor, and proceed to cut up your wrists until there's nothing left.

Reddit-tier response desu (to be honest). Arya killing the NK was objectively shit.

ow the edge

people are just being dumbasses. how the fuck would she even take the face of a WW? if you think about it for more than a second you'll find endless flaws

>I wanted my hero Jon Snow to fight 1v1 the big bad zombie guy on top of the castle and didn't happend!!

>There was a large gap between Arya disappearing and the wights surrounding Bran and another small time gap between NK crew rolling in. She was in the woods the entire fucking time
That makes even less sense considering that visibility was shit the entire time and NK got an insane headstart by marching off to find Bran. So yeah he was right, she just used her (((super assassin speed))) to find NK surrounded by his army of a million people and turn him into ice. Dumb.

Nice response, chief.

The writers have proven they didn't watch or read anything prior to taking over the writing from the final book GRRM wrote and they copied and pasted mostly into the show. After the final book they decided to shit on the source material. All season prior to the writers getting full reign, the story revolved around blood lines, male heirs, honor, and intelligence. Now we get:
>Aria is literally a 12 year old dorky retard they decided to make a bad ass "faceless man" which is the best assassin in their world. She is literally 3 foot tall, Tyrion is almost her height. She looks fucking ridiculous.
>Sansa supposedly is somehow "the smartest person Aria ever met" and Sansa tells Tyrion he is basically a dumbass "I thought you were smart". But Sansa has only survived by blind luck and the good will of others since the first season. The only way Sansa would be considered smart is because she got raped. She was never shown studying, in the first season when they tried to show her being taught, she was too interested in wanting to marry Joffrey because he was king. That is not intelligence. Oh and they made Sansa lady of the house, when "ladies" were never thought of on the same level as Lords, look at the child lord that like to make people fly from the moondoor.
>They have a girl or woman in every position of power in the show, when it makes no sense because every season before had girls/women used as currency and placeholders for boys/men.
>Brianna of Tarth is strongest sword in the show, and apparently strongest person. Beat the mountain.
>Cersi controls kings landing and is queen
>Dany has her 2 dragons and is queen, has nigger army
>All the characters they cut the dicks off of- all the nigger army dany controls, Valeris and Reek all had their dicks cut off.
>2 stories of incest. (this was a retarded twist, 1 story of incest is enough, and the way it was handled, was awful.

It could never be anything other then subjective. If you disagree you are actually retarded.

Real talk though, I don't have much with Jon not killing NK, but a sword fight between them was just right there.

If, for example, NK fought Jon right there and beat him in the sword fight, then turned him back and raised the dead to assert complete and utter dominance as he leaves Bran, I would've liked that.

He disappeared after the first charge with the dothraki lmao

>He disappeared after the first charge with the dothraki lmao
Absolute Unit ending would be if Ghost killed NK desu

>>They have a girl or woman in every position of power in the show, when it makes no sense because every season before had girls/women used as currency and placeholders for boys/men.

It is because all the men are dead after like 3 long wars.This part makes some sense tbph

He's on an entirely different continent, and he can't swim.

>the people who harmed her, her family, or her friends.
It's almost like the Night King was a monumental threat to her family and friends. Cersei was just one of the many names on her list.

If you read the books you'd know that Arya will not be the one to kill Cersei, and the show will cover the canon endings to the major characters.

It doesn't at all. The visibility cleared up pretty quickly and didn't matter much on the ground. It was only there to fuck with the dragons. There was no insane headstart by NK. Arya had a headstart while NK was still fucking with Jon. He was as wrong as anyone has ever been and so are you. Willfully obtuse in order to shitpost or actually mentally retarded. Either way pick one and down some pills

>small girl like creature makes the nightking
>small girl like creature kills the nightking


I watched some of the behind the scenes shit and they were saying they knew it was Arya for like 4 year now or some shit

So you didn't find that anticlimactic at all? A seven season story arc was wrapped up in one episode when all of the main characters pretty much just took down someone who was realistically a non-issue. They didn't even need to build a wall to take down NK if all it took was one 18 year old assassin chick.

Here's the Night King
>can't defeat him in battle
>will never outnumber his forces
>must be killed personally to stop the army
>can be killed with valyrian steel

Now, here's Arya
>trains from childhood to fight
>travels the world learning various forms of combat
>becomes a faceless man assassain
>capable of stealth and wielding various weapons
>is given a valyrian steel dagger by Bran who does this with a knowing look
>is told and reminded that the many eyes she shuts notably include that of the color blue

How everyone can be so upset about this is a bit strange when it's been clear for a while now that this was her destiny. It's also clear more than ever that the zombie subplot turns out to not be that important compared to the game.

Cover the canon endings to characters who GRRM hasn't even written off yet? U wot?

And I have read the books. Azor Ahai is the character who should bring down the NK, not some anime-girl.

Theon should have been the one to kill the Night King, this show is a sham.

it's awful writing and you're probably 12

And here's Jon for those thinking this was his destiny
>is the rightful heir to the throne
>good at maintaining stamina during moderately skilled combat

Considering the show is called "Game of Thrones", and not "Game of Walkers" or some retarded shit. Yeah, people are dumb.

>zombie subplot

The WW have been apart of the main plot since day 1 my guy. You serious?

But then what is the point of even having a wall if you could just hire a couple assassins to take out NK once and for all? The way the show even presents her prophecies is dumb because they ran through the entire gamut of human eye color.

>It's also clear more than ever that the zombie subplot turns out to not be that important compared to the game.

>A fucking chair is more important than life as they know it

I am not upset about Arya doing it, I think it makes sense, at least to me, in the world of Game of Thrones. None of the kings or basically any figureheads died valiantly in a fight in Game of Thrones.

>Bobby died to assassin boar
>Robb died to assassin Walder Frey
>Joffrey died to assassin poison
>Tommen died to assassin Tommen
So it makes sense that NK would die in the most ridiculous manner possible. It's just how it's done, how she jumps out of fucking nowhere from behind and nothin personnels him is shit.

Honestly? He fulfilled his destiny when Bran told him he was home and that he's a good man. It was so blatantly obvious that his sacrifice was the lid on that jar.

If you really think it's "just a chair", you're more intellectually daft then most.

It's "Game of Thrones" not "Game of Life"

I was never ok with them wrapping up the NK storyline in a single episode with a single battle. Im explaining to people how the episode actually happened since this thread seems full of people just as stupid as those they accuse of being stupid for liking the episode.
>They didn't even need to build a wall to take down NK if all it took was one 18 year old assassin chick
This is such a shit point and shows how stupid you are. You ignore every single event leading up to this moment as if Arya could have just walked north into a horde of zombies and killed their leader that puppeteers all of them. Its one of the most reductive lines of reasoning I have ever heard.

>she had no stakes in the night king plot, her stakes are in the cersei plot
Holy shit this is so right. Cercei's been on her list since day 1 and Arya was there when Ned got killed, she fucking hates the queen.
Jon has been the main character of the entire show and the night king has been the main villian, they're arch enemies the Night King has never even seen Arya and she didn't know he existed until Jon told her about him 2 EPISODES AGO.
Arya kills the Night King, will Jon randomly kill Cercie for no reason? They just do a nemesis swap? God what a clusterfuck

This guy gets it.

>It's "Game of Thrones" not "Game of Life"
Yeah and having NK march down and take all 7 kingdoms was such a serious option that they took all of the show's main characters up to fight it. NK was a literal contender. That's not contradictory at all.

He said in a recent interview that the show's ending was going to be accurate to the books with only the conclusion of some of the side characters being different. Like it or not, Arya will kill the Night King in the books.

I can't tell if you're baiting with that amazing logic of: "It's in the title, dummy!"

This desu. I thought she was going to kill Cersei.

Melisandre in the books has the ability to disguise people/objects using glamours. She uses it to make Stannis a fake Lightbringer to falsely proclaim him Azor Ahai. She could have disguised Arya.

Also, the NK had pressed up on the d pad to make the zombies stand there in a circle. We see one white's hair go windy when she runs by but they do nothing because again he pressed the hold command.

So it's not like she teleported behind him. They allowed her to pass.

That makes absolutely no sense. The entire show is centered around an enormous wall and the threats beyond that wall just as much as the internecine war to the south of it. If we know that characters understood the weaknesses of NK from day one -- which they did via 3ER -- then there was no reason for Bran the Builder to even create the wall in the first place. NK is a total LARP.

How can she jump so high??

But that's dumb, I don't think the dead need fucking Night King's permission to go aggro.

Jon killing the Knight King and Arya killing Cersei would literally be the most predictable shit ever and be terrible. GRRM would never do that.

that would have actually been good, so theres no way the show writers would do that.

Maybe a little, but it was fairly obvious that NK's death was never going to be the final outcome of the show.

If you want to get technical on names here pal, its A Song of Ice and Fire. Game of Thrones was the name of the first book only, and it was fitting for the content of that book. We've surpassed that, but they obviously can't change the name of the show.

>She uses it to make Stannis a fake Lightbringer to falsely proclaim him Azor Ahai

You take that back

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She didn't kill Bran and take his face or whatever.

The entire"lets find out the secret of valirian steel" is going in the boat isnt ?

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Melisandre was Azor Ahai. She was looking for lightbringer, the person who would slay the nk. She first thought Stannis would be it, but he failed. Then she thought it was Jon, but he was busy riding a dragon . She finally realized Arya the sneaker would do it.

The wall in modern times was meant to protect the realm from wildlings. They didn't even believe in the zombies when the show started.

Apparently they do though since they all died as well when he did.

Except for the fact that Bran was marked by the night king, so it never would have worked.

These posts right here shows the ignorance of the majority of Yea Forums's posters. Do you guys actually even pay attention?

I'm not even upset that Arya killed the NK. I'm upset of how it was done in one episode, one fight, in a little over an hour, after almost a decade of build-up.

The NK should've been the last threat, and the Battle of Winterfell should've been the last major fight of the series.

But you know...subverted.

>guys bad writing is okay because that's what the show is about

>show has been trash for 4 seasons
>surprised it's still trash

yeah and it was bs there too because it never showed where she gained those skills

Probably forged in an obsidian doohickey or with dragon's fire.

>spends 2 seasons dicking around, mostly getting beaten and chased by faceless
>suddenly becomes the GREATEREST ASSESSIN EBAR because of this
>somehow disguises herself in a group thats basically a hivemind where every member shares their senses with the leader

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>good writing has to be unpredictable

It's terrible writing in your opinion.

They built the wall because they literally couldnt deal with NK or whitewalkers. They knew dragonglass could kill them but that in no way means they had the numbers to do it. The best bet was to just wall the fuckers off in the north and pray that was enough. As time passed the walkers faded into legend. They couldnt just take an army north and pray the found the NK and were able to kill him. The Raven was literally biding his time until there was a shot at killing the NK with the current people and state of the world. Are you by any chance literally mentally retarded?

How about the fact that Bran cared so much about Jon learning his lineage? Even with the impending threat. There's another checkmark for it's a show about politics, not zombies.

Where in the Prince that was promised does it say specifically "He's going to 1v1 the night king and win."

He brings everybody together. He brings Dany to the North with her army, he takes back Winterfell, he's the one who first gave arya a sword to begin with

>The wall in modern times was meant to protect the realm from wildlings.
Yeah operative word is "in modern times". Bran the Builder didn't kill NK. We knew from the old lady talking to Bran that NK existed. Apparently everyone knew that NK could get assblasted by valyrian steel because of 3ER. So why hasn't anyone in the thousand years of the wall just done what Arya did... in one episode. With absolutely nothing other than carnage to fill up the Mack Truck sized hole in the plot with a bow.

She ran between them, she wasn't one of them.

>spend 8 seasons hyping the Night King and the White Walkers
>they do absolutely nothing
>just walk there a get stabbed by a little boy
>on episode 3
I expected nothing and I'm still let down

I thought the episode was good, but you boomers can't appreciate anything around here can you?

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>SS Abandoned plotlines
At this point it's better to just stay abandoned. Because what happens when we see unresolved characters actually return or continue in the story? Nothing but shit anyway, to the point where we wish they just stayed missing so they wouldn't get ruined by nu-got writing. Like with Gendry, Arya, Brienne, and other characters that have long since served their purpose.

That wasn't foreshadowing the night king and you fucking know it. Normal people have blue eyes, wights have blue eyes, any fucking other white walker has blue eyes, but "DURR IT WAS NITE KING IN DA PROFESY YOU MORAN" shut the fuck up.

Literally all of the other prophecies in the series insinuate either Jon or Dany are the ones to wield great responsibility and will defeat great enemies and their destiny is not only personal but world-level important? Not some throwaway line about Arya's personal destiny that affects only her life. Fuck off.

I never said the bad writing was okay, I said your alternative suggestion of Jon killing the NK and Arya killing Cersei is also bad writing.

I agree, I thought they handled it terribly and left a lot of loose ends. Interested to see how GRRM will handle it in the books.

I also thought it was good, but it strikes me more that people complaining are young, because they're basically whining they didn't get what they wanted.

The show is called Game of Thrones though is my point. It's more about the throne than the zombies. It's like how you can have a movie set during WWII that isn't about the war. You know? Know what I mean?

I haven't been on Yea Forums in over a year, and after this episode, I immediately knew I had to come back and see what was being said.

You guys haven't disappointed.

You're right. Fuck Karl Marx and fuck the kikes. Unironically.

She gave the dragon glass dagger to Sansa

I thought it was logical. I'm fine with the way things turned out. But it's one of my least favorite episodes probably. Just glad it's done with and we can get back to the main plot.

brienne beat the hound (and he was sick), not the mountain

This is how GRRM writes this series, he doesn't write super predictable obvious outcomes. idk what show you've been watching.













Again you fucking idiot. How you expect a single person to venture beyond the wall facing wildlings, animals, whitewalkers, and the terrible weather praying they somehow find the NK in all that and on a wing and a prayer get past his horde of zombies and kill him when hes still alert. When the NK died he though he won both before Arya appeared and after he caught her around the throat. You might be the dumbest person I have ever seen on this shithole of a board

the show hasn't had balls in a long time but i thought with all the hype that they might pull out some shocking deaths and but they just teased it and took the safe route.

All this cope to pretend that flimsy justifications trump genuine writing and story structure. This was complete Non-sequitir to both Arya's character arc and the Long Night storyline as a whole.

Someone please draw this immediately.

I agree. This was well done. The episode was bomb. Arya was training for years to do this. The season's still not over yet so there will likely be more twists to the story.

Fucking live a little, Yea Forums. Not everything sucks.

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Autist, accept this.
>Entire continent funds creation of enormous wall to stop zombies
>Knowledge of how to defeat King Zombie already exists
>Ancient guild of assassins also exists
>Why bother with the wall in the first place?

Should have at least had NK rampage a little longer and allowed Arya's hunting plot to develop a little bit before she twisted the dagger or had her absent from the battle. I simply don't understand why she decided to watch her friends and family die when she had access to ALL of the required elements to kill NK -- and that includes a valyrian steel edged weapon which most aristocrats appear to carry -- but instead chose to do nothing. Sloppy, sloppy conclusion.

That was in a silent library

more flaws then her somehow getting through a circle of enemies, and not only that but at such a break neck speed that no one even sees her or can stop her?


Why is everyone saying she was disguised or wore a walker's face? There's nothing that suggests this.

No, it didnt make any sense thematically, it didnt provide any emotional payoff, nothing. The only argument for it is that LOL SUBVERTION and even worse teenage arguments like "she had the ninja training for it". Her character is absolutely incoherent and should not be involved at all in this plotline

This is really the only disappointing thing to me.

Fucking amazing watching normans burn this trash franchise down to the ground and SJWs try to defend it.

I mean the prophecies have always been massively open to interpretation. Did we ever even get a clear translation of the Lord of Light prophecy or was it all from Melisandre saying "yes him oh wait no I meant him"

Theon is looking up at someone after he got stabbed

stole it

Arya becoming a faceless ninja and getting the dagger from LF for literally no reason was the the most blatant build up to her killing thi NK. I ironically shit posted that this was gonna happen, ironically because i didnt believe the season would be this fucking predictable.

There is no way Arya is going to get a double kill having her take out Cersei too.

This isn't what actually happened right? I haven't seen the episode yet so I'm going to fully believe this is shit posting until I actually see it.

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>everyone who disagree's with me is a SJW!!!

You're literally a SJW with that logic, remember, "Everyone who disagree's with me is a NAZI!!!"

I read this like 3 times before I remembered "midget tossing" is a thing. I was trying to figure out who the hound midget was.

showfags deserve the rope along with D&D are gurrm

The fucking faceless men didn't exist at that point. Also they were on an entirely separate continent and wouldnt have given any fucks about the ghost stories told to them by pale fucks from frozen shitland.
>or had her absent from the battle

The red woman reminded Arya of the vague things she told her seasons ago and Arya decided she had a destiny.

I can't believe this is what the fat fuck has in mind for the books. It can't be, right?

Because they are all retarded and cant understand basic plotlines and foreshadowing

>getting the dagger from LF for literally no reason
Bran gave it to her because he knew she'd end up using it to kill the NK. But yeah, I agree Arya teleporting behind him and killing him was a big meme, but that doesn't the fact that Jon killing the NK would be terrible as well. I personally think it should have been someone else other than those two.

>Reading Yea Forums GoT threads about one of the most important episodes this season before watching it.

I don't even need to ask, you're actually retarded.


>first episode of the season in the same place
>Jon "how did you sneak up on me?"
>uses the same move she did against Brienne

it's called brilliant foreshadowing

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It does make sense.
It was just a bit too easy for her and for everyone. This is almost a decade of build up for the Night King and it only took a ragtag army on Winterfell and a sneaky assassin to win. You'd think that with all the dead the Night King's been amassing, they would have been overrun in no time at all. Bran should have been buried under a mountain of dead or burned in blue flames. Instead, the Night King has to stroke his ego and walk up to Bran slowly and defenseless. How does the Night King not foresee a trap? Why does the Night King make such a cocky decision?

Hopefully not, book NK hasn't even shown up once so theres a chance he won't just be a shitty Arthas

Sure smells like tranny ITT

>Tommen died to assassin Tommen

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It was a good episode till the end. It's okay to complain since there were easily better ways to end the episode and proceed with the plot.

>obi wan cuts off anakin's arm and legs with the same move he cut maul in half with

He has absolutely nothing in mind for the books. He'll personally shit in your mouth before he even thinks of finishing another book.

>predictable and boring
When supverting expectations becomes the norm, that becomes predictable and boring. And there's nothing boring about giving you a fucking payoff to a character arc. Arya having super powers that let her save the day isn't good writing.

that didn't happen

It won't go down exactly the same way, but yeah, Arya will probably play an important role in bringing down the white walkers. We'll definitely see Jorah and Brienne kill white walkers at some point because they have valyrian steel swords.

she fought with sticks

>night king dies
>people are cleaning up the battlefield
>dark clouds forming fog
>ground starts to rumble
>a loud roar can be heard from the fog
>everyone looks at the fog in fear
>The real night king appears, it's Hodor and he's mad as fuck

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This show sucks dick lol. The only reason "people" still fawn over it is because a lot of women are obsessed with it because they think its "cool". Literally THE only reason the show is so popular still.

If you hate the show you are an "incel" or some other fun hating bullshit term.

Most guys are gonna go along with whatever bullshit happens because they dont wanna look weird in front of their wife/gf/potential gf

It's never predictable and boring it's just fucking stupid and leaves you confused and pissed off. I'd rather be bored than confused and pissed off. This episode is another exercise in Marxist faggotry like TLJ was.

why didnt they just hire a bunch of faceless men to assassinate the night king

Jorah literally doesn't have Valyrian Steel in the books.
There are also a bunch of literal-who's, who have Valyrian Steel, in the books.


So how exactly did Arya get past the white walkers and hundreds of wights?


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have sex

she didnt disguise herself though, she just ran insanely fast through the gap and stabbed him, she moves so fast they didn't even notice her until she was right behind him.

He'll probably get Sam's family sword like the show, but who knows. At the very least, we'll see more white walkers go down in the battle than just Arya killing the NK.

>sneaking up behind someone meditating at a tree is the same when that person is surrounded by a literal army on all sides

>>uses this to disguise herself as a white Walker
aaaaaaaand they don't show this

>He'll probably get Sam's family sword like the show
No, he probably won't.
Don't comment on the books if you haven't fucking read them

>tfw not even a hodor zombie cameo during the battle

it's like the writers had been replaced and they forgot all about what have happened

Yet Arya killing the nightking is also predictable,everyone predicted shit from the show years ago,face it:GRRM is a contrarian hack who cant into good storytelling and in a attempt to shit on high fantasy he just created a shit high fantasy

It's not even that Arya can't kill the Night King, as stupid as it is for Arya to kill the Night King.

As long as they made the scenario plausible and well-written, there'd be less groaning.

They could've made Bran himself do it
>Bran is seen in warg mode literally the whole time
>But did fuckall with it
>Could've posessed Ghost, pulled him away from that shitshow
>Use his natural stealth abilities to hide in the snow, while using warg mode to bite on a valirian steel/obsidian dagger
>Wait until NK gets close, Arya jumps him, he would've to stop the drop stab, then Bran immediately commands ghost to jump out of the snow and stab NK
>Could also make NK stop Ghost letting Arya still get the kill while being less of a Mary Sue

She probably snuck in when Theon did his charge. Zombie perception is based on NK's perception when he is in close proximity.

I have read the books though. I don't think they'd randomly cross Sam and Jorah's plotlines together in the show if GRRM never planned on them meeting in the books. Remember, GRRM guided the show writers somewhat, so there will always be some nuggets of truth that will carry over into the books. You sound like a complete brainlet though if you think there will be no crossover between the show and the books.

lazy deus ex machina. her arc had nothing to do with the nk, jon snow shouldve been the one. hell bran stabbing him in the stomach from his chair wouldve been better, got has capeshit tier fan service writing now

The books never got to that point though, he is currently a drunkard on some town after being exiled by Daenerys who just found Tyrion and is taking him to her iirc, he wont even get the stone skin disease, that's another exiled westerosi noble who's guiding the second Targaryen survivor whose storyline doesnt even exists in the series and is probably going to get killed off by Martin

You actually give a shit about this show? I only watch it for the laughs anymore and I watch it with friends on Tuesdays.

Even Pod killing the Night King would be better. Even if he was singing a song of ice and fire while killing him.

Only subhumans read spoilers before watching shows or movies. Sorry user, but you're a degenerate.

A lot of angry incels in this thread. Why don't you just admit the reason you are upset is because a female saved the day? Just let go of all your bullshit excuses and admit it.

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>I don't think they'd randomly cross Sam and Jorah's plotlines together in the show if GRRM never planned on them meeting in the books
They absolutely would. Jorah isn't going to get fucking greyscale, his story got fused with like 3 different cut plots

Have sex

>I've never had sex but my wife's boyfriend lets me watch: the post

Jorah getting greyscale isn't the only way he could possibly meet Sam you fucking brainlet.

>i care about the integrity of game of thrones
Holy shit

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