So we can all agree that Theons last scene with Bran was kino... right?

So we can all agree that Theons last scene with Bran was kino... right?

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>Theon you're a good man
>Wait is he seriously going to charge him
>Well I'll be damned
>Should I stop him?
>Then again he did try to kill me and drove me out of my home
>Ah fuck it this shit'll be funny
>OOOOh yeah that's perfect
>Now 3...2...and Arya

Yeah. He's always been one of my favourites. The Arya bullshit will make everybody forget it though.

It should have been him.
It should have been him.
>be Clegane
>burned by fire and develop an intense phobia of it since childhood
>go through the best character development in the series and turn into a hero
>become best friends with a red priest who brings you North
>Red Priest convinces you one last time to be the hero, overcome your fears and save the girl
>he dies helping you
>Melisandre looks right at you
>”he was brought back for a reason”
>Clegane, free of fear and doubt takes up the flaming sword
>the fire immediately turns a bright green, for he is the lord of light and wildfire is his to command
>cuts his way through a swarm of the dead to face the night king
>defeats him in single combat
>three episodes later his half dead brother becomes the new “night king”, a dead thing made from science
>the two brothers are the song of ice and fire
>last scene is them raising their blades against one another
>cut to black sopranos style
You know I’m right

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Then the Night King might not let his guard down as much as he would with just a cripple around. Or some gay shit like that.

This sounds gay af desu. Dont post it anymore

couldn't theon have then charged the night king while he was strangling Arya or something?

>Theon, the night king is coming
>His defeat will come in about a minute from a surprise attack by Arya
>however he won't let his guard down if you're here
>So i need you to run away somewhere safe so it looks like im alone, then you just need to survive for like 30 seconds
>Whatever you do, DO NOT charge at the night king, you will die for literally no reason
What did Bran mean by this?

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>using a spear, a defensive weapon, to charge at the enemy
It was top retard just like the rest of the episode.

>Theon/Sansa will never happen

why not just
>theon, wait 10 seconds before charging
>my sister will jump out while the night king while he's distracted and you can kill him together
or something along those lines.

Bran just lets Theon die knowing Arya was about to save the day

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At that point I think he knew he was fucked and figured he'd just say fuck it and charge in and hope he wins.

Why do you retards think Bran knew that Arya was going to kill the NK? You do realize he cant see the future right??

What was the death toll for our dudes at Winterfell? I missed it.

>Bran thanks Theon and lets him suicide charge the Night King
>when Arya was on the way and the NK walking slowly towards Theon and Bran would be about the same amount of time as Theon charging him and then walking slowly towards Bran

He's not psychic, he just has a lot of context.

Theon died in reflection of his character development throughout the entire show: Horrific

it's time to stop posting


Theon's death was pathetic

Lil Mormont
Dothraki Guy
Knight King
Dead Dragon
Other Dragon

>You’re a good man Theon. But Westeros needs more than just good men, it needs even stronger women.

>Bran faces the viewers, camera zooms in.

>It’s up to all of us to defeat toxic masculinity and fight for trans acceptance at all social levels.

What did bran mean by this?

it should have been Theon, they should have traded blows

I thought that last glance theon had was him shoving his lance in the NKs gut and was gonna say something cheesy like Kill the bastards anyway

>literally the ONLY person to fight the Night King head on since Jon got cucked out of it.

other dragon lived, hes in the trailer for next ep

i dont think other dragon dies

His character arc is one of the best in the show though?

so what the fuck was he doing then

Was Tormund shown alive at the end? He just kind of disappeared for the whole episode.

It was pretty weird. The Biden 2020 logo flashing on screen for a millisecond was a nice touch though.

rewatching sansa get raped, obviously.

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Fuck off D&D.

He could see the her coming after she realised that she was gonna kill the NK

genuine question, I honestly don't mind women being powerful cause I have sex nightly but do people unironically consider transwomen to be actual women?

Watching a proper battle.

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yes. he had the high ground against the wights when arya killed the night king and the wights collapsed around him.

I have more sex than you, and you're a bigot for even asking. Okay thank you time to be quiet now.

Does this mean Theon was one of the 20 Good Men (TM)?

Seems like he was baiting the NK to attack. He wasnt doing shit until Bran warged into the crows.



nympho gf m8 get one

but seriously transwomen are still just men

was the episode blurry as fuck for anyone else? i could literally count the pixels

Are you retarded?
>>cut to black Sopranos style
I love Sopranos, obviously better than this shit, but an entire 21 episode of great writing built up to that moment. Arguably the entire series and the way it was written prepped the audience for that ending. You don’t just
>le cut to black xD
to make a show great you stupid mother fucker

Well, it's about time he fucking died. The moment this show thought it was a good idea to allow a character to exist without a penis was the end for me. Just glad he's gone finally.

Jesus christ Raimi

theon - jorah - jaime were my big three

fuckin dabid why

Theon was literally a prince who was promised. He was responsible for the deaths of people he loved. Him saving Bran in S8 would parallel him saving Bran in S1. Night King should have 1v1'd him being overconfident as shit and lost. He would have avenged absolutely everything he did and died saving the home and people he once betrayed.

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yep, theon was the most carved out character in the series.

>prince of iron islands reduced to lowly ward
>betrays best friend only to realize his own people don't care about him
>castrated and tortured
>best redemption arc in the series

book will do him right

Yeah, watching on HBONow and paused it to check to see if there was a resolution selection in the app (nope).

Alot of the episode was dark pixels.

It is the year 2019. Too much money wasted on internet and television/movie services for that shit quality.

Completely false?? I respect your opinion but no. He ends up betraying his family, gets his pp chopped off, serves a maniac, and then comes running back to his family like a scared dog.

kys faggot

>Bran's just watching movies from the past because GoT is actually post apocalyptic like Preston theorized

Theon, Jaime, and Victarion
were my big three

Jorah can't qualify because he lacks royal blood

>Bran wargs into people in 2019 and makes them shitpost on Yea Forums

So ALL that time he was warged into the crows flying around? Thats a long fucking time. He was looking into the future to see what he needed to do to time it all right which included theon dying.

Why didn't Bran realize that Arya was nearby and tell him not to seppuku?

Close, but I think Bran was telling Theon that he was of House Goodmen. What a strange time to reveal that fact though.

>Than.. Thank y-you Theon for being a good goy. Now please die.

no, because theon has already been forgiven by bran and sansa by them allowing him to live after he betrayed their family

his sole remaining regret is his betrayal of robb, who was the stark he was closest with before his betrayal. The scene should have had something to resolve things in that arena, bran quoting something robb said to theon or showing him something to put him truly at peace