Like 6 seasons building up "Jon's nemesis is the Night king!"

>like 6 seasons building up "Jon's nemesis is the Night king!"
>finally battle against the night
>Jon does nothing and didn't even fight him
>arya killed him out of nowhere
Fucking directors, literally fucking why

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Too unpredictable for your tiny brain reddit child? Go watch LOTR, It's more your pace

Did you not pay attention to Bran and NK's interaction? He will be back

what? redpill me ond this please

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>Too unpredictable for your tiny brain reddit child? Go watch LOTR, It's more your pace
doing something "unpredictable" when you are building up something for a couple of seasons isn't smart but retarded, then you wasted years building up nothing you dummy

the future is female


well that whats the result, jon snow is a shit pussy, couldnt get anything done, duh

Jon's nemesis was Ramsey

not him, but there's a theory going around that Bran/3-eyed raven is connected to the Night King/White Walkers more than what's been let on so far, and he wanted this all to happen for a reason.

I personally don't think there's enough presented evidence for this, but I think the meta reason is because GRRM would've wanted some sort of "interesting" ending, and he would've possibly wanted to connect it to the very first "shock" moment of the series, being Bran being pushed out that tower being the catalyst for everything.

dude stfu they subverted your expectations that means it's good

>It's good because it's unpredictable

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Soo, bran becomes the litch- I mean night king?

why do people just stand and stare at each other ? ????? aren't they supposed to be fighting ??

who knows. people want there to be more meaning behind the white walkers than "they're ice zombies just around to destroy stuff", and it's likely simply "they're ice zombies simply around to destory stuff".

The shareblue reddit shills trying to get the first post on every thread that criticizes this garbage fire of a series

The episode was legitimately amazing until it literally fucking ended with literally the nothing personal meme. Fucking hell

Thanks feminism!

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>Jon is targaryen
>night king is immune to dragon fire
>Jon and night king battle it out as danerys blasts all the zombies around them setting up a Kino battle
>we get literally nani
Fuck this Fuck ing show

the only redemption this show will have is arya fucking dying
I dont care whos left on the iron throne as long as she fucking dies

with one scene she went from off the radar to topping daenerys and red bitch as my most hated character

>Arya is more powerful than a 100,000+ Dothraki/Unsullied army supported by a castle and fire breathing dragons

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>does nothing
night king, folks

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Irs already been explained. A long time ago the forest fairy bitches turnt humans into zombies to fight off the living ones trying to kill fairies.

That scene when they're both in the field of corpses should have been where they fought, instead he runs away and puts all the dead inside winterfell and viserion between him and Jon, and for the rest of the episode he tries to get to him before Arya ruins it.

I know this is bait, but after sticking through this shit show for years, its actually getting to me

Reminder if Jon stayed in the crypt with the women and children the outcome would have been the same.

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Bran was being trained in greensight, the 3 Eyed Raven was a greenseer. He's going to/has replaced him, because the old 3 Eyed Raven is the NK.

And when the next winter comes, Bran will become the NK, when he trains his replacement.

Something like that, Martin and the showrunners are all over "circle of life" shit like that.

I almost feel like they had Jon fall off the Dragon because D&D were like: "Oh shit. Jon has done less than jack shit this -entire fight-."

Jon was so magnificently useless I actually think him controlling a Dragon did more harm than good. Like he was so desperate to get to the NK that he left Sam to die- and STILL didn't get to the NK!

>aryan trapped in room with red women and hound
> teleports out behind Night King DBZ style
>8 year old girl kills giant single handedly
>No important characters die.
>Survives Dragonfire, lol wut?

>Jon screaming at a dragon
>Nights King (laughably) free falling hundreds of feet
the more i think about the EP the angrier i get

Hopefully now the Azor Ahai fags will shut the fuck up. It ain't Jon. Martin threw that in as a red herring.

western civilization will collapse due to cucks like you. our ancestors look down with shame on you.

>tfw after all these years blizzard STILL has the better "undead controlling ice guy"

Strong Wimin rick incel!

You know what the name of this book series is you dipshit? "A Song of Ice and Fire"

You know what that's a reference to?

You zoomers adopting nigger speak and butchering the English language is the worst possible offense.


This would unironically have been a better ending. Prove me wrong.

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This was my first and last time watching this gay show
Even I knew this should have been what happened

Anything other than the direction we're going in after tonight would've been better.