what did he mean by this?
what did he mean by this?
god is a place you will wait for the rest of your life
most leftists are satanists
It's because evil is very real. The devil is everywhere you look if you can see him
my mother says this show is satanic propaganda. I'm sure God would agree.
I went to church today for the first time in years. I'm gonna continue to go every week too.
>mfw god is real
> no god
> only the devil
that's call Judaism
>tfw literal miracle happened last week
Good on you, man
My family is having a hard time finding a decent church to go to
Read Nietzsche.
make me
most christcucks are deranged
Rick believes in god though, he just does it for edgelord points. I'm not sure you've watched the Pickle Rick show at all user.
It's not that the devil is real it's that Rick kicks the shit out of superstition and true evil. You're ignoring the entire content of the episode just to focus on the devil being a stand in for superstition.
He never said he wasn't real, as far as I can recall.
And with Rick you never know a lot of things he says he says for comedic purpose.
They never explained how the devil exists, but I do like how Rick isn't surprised by the existence of the devil or "magic"
You always get the feeling that he's travelled through so many dimensions and realities that he's seen it all before.
What if all the tales, all the stories are about beings from higher dimensions that visited our reality in the past are explained by Gods and Genies and devils and all that?
To a primitive mind that can't explain any of it it's all just magic and miracles.
A being not from our dimension that doesn't play by our rules, that can travel through time like we can travel through space. He can be anywhere at any time, and at all times if he wishes.
The Get Schwifty episode explains it very well; we misinterpret what the heads are doing and we assume it's because they are all seeing and all knowing and that what they do is affected by the little things that we do but in reality they don't even know what we're doing in our everyday life.
That doesn't mean they don't exist.
And if the higher beings visited thousands of years ago and spooked our primitive ancestors so badly that thousands of years later we're still fighting over who worships them better?
If anything Rick & Morty supports the possibility that God exists, he's just not what we think he is.
not him but the fact remains
1. that the devil exists and Rick is not surprised by this
2. The devil has "magical" powers and curses- which Rick with his advanced knowledge of multiple dimensions, realities, and worlds somehow understands that technology well enough to counteract said "magic" and "curses"
The fact that he understands how it works just means that "magic" is simply science we don't understand yet.
literally 2 minutes into the first fucking episode retard
He's jewish
Their god is the devil
i couldnt get past the first episode its so unfunny
how'd you do it Yea Forums?
What was it?
>my mother says
ask her when she's getting in the dirt
>i couldnt get past the first episode its so unfunny
the pilot is garbage and the 2nd episode sets the pace. don't watch anything past the end of season 2 and pretend it was cancelled.
Like I said Rick says a lot of things he doesn't mean or that need further explanation.
He doesn't exist exist, or he doesn't exist as the understanding we have of him?
Maybe some higher being visited our ancestors thousands of years ago, they couldn't find any explanations for the things that occurred so to their primitive minds it was all "magic" and "miracles"
Then they started writing the stories of what happened, and at some point to make sure kids behaved slipped in a lot of "if you act well you will please God"
After years of telling the same stories some parts got changed
For all we know he doesn't care what we're doing, or maybe he really is watching at all times, from another dimension, we have no idea.
Either way I think it's all real, maybe not as we picture it but he exists.
Sadly we're still so primitive. For fuck's sake we haven't even stepped foot on our closest planet. How can we ever even hope to travel to the nearest star? Outside this galaxy? To another universe (if they do exist)?
I live my life humbly knowing that there's things out there that I don't know or understand, and that doesn't mean they don't exist.
We're actually a bunch of dumb apes floating on a rock revolving a giant flaming ball of gases; how can we ever be so fucking self-centered and stupid to believe we understand how everything works, and that we can declare with certainty what exists and doesn't exist?
two headed rick
he is all you could need
he will feed you science and true intellect
and retire to machines new and clean
but don’t hate him when he gets up BURP to t-to MEME, morty
It means that Rick is a depressed drunken bastard
The audience is not supposed to take the random shit he spews seriously