Built up the Night King for the past 9 years and this is what happens...JUST
Built up the Night King for the past 9 years and this is what happens...JUST
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"I promise I will pay those parking tickets! noOOOOOOOO!!!"
I don't get it, did they pull a star wars and kill off the big bad early without explaining who or why he was doing what he was doing?
Even the worm lived
kek he looks like a man in make up in that shot
It's worse than anyone could have expected
yes, the snoke tactic
>> tvtropes.org
>Inevitably, it transpires that there is in fact someone or something in control of the Hive Mind. This individual is usually — but not always — referred to as the queen. But it's also the one big weakness of the Hive Mind and one is wise enough to take advantage. If our heroes manage to kill or incapacitate the Hive Queen, they usually take out the entire hive mind in the process, or at least make the individual members incapable of fighting.
Who's gonna explain? Moreover will anyone care?
Im just angry they hyped a Jon VS NK fight for seasons....and then they end it with:
That was the fight.
jesus christ
this was kino
*pssh nothing personnel king*
Not only they hyped that shit, they even baited this in the very same episode arya teleports behind him. This is some fucking bullshit. This show was already shit for years but damn, they keep making this shit even worse.
Lmao did you guys seriously hype up a villain for so many years just so Quasimodo would stab him and then nothing?
Unamed first man, possible stark, created from the children to kill the invading first men
He goes full chaotic evil and becomes death incarnate wanting only to end the living
thats the shows description i really hope that hack martin comes up with something better
in the final book
Wait so was the Night King’s only motivation for this battle to kill all humans? Or did he want Bran - and if so why did he want Bran?
It's people like you that ruined any subtly in Yea Forums
Pulled a terminator.
Shhh, just stop thinking and say it was muh subversion if anyone criticizes your show
So that's why he never says a fucking word. He's a mime. How hard is it to record some ice cracking
All I wanted was jon to slay a dragon and have fire immunity. Nope we got that pulled out from under us too.
Bran might know. I think they somehow have to address why the night king deemed it necessary to kill bran himself in the midst of a battle instead of just letting his army steamroll winterfell, kill bran, or wait till the rest of them were gone or dead so he can kill bran
Also maybe Bran was doing something important while warged. I doubt it though.
I just started season 3 but now I'm thinking this series isn't worth getting into much further.
Should I just stop after Season 4?
This too.
he was watching the night king getting raped by the children on repeat and the night king knew it
>picking worst girl
What would've been the Night King's tax plan?
Others are beautiful elves with pale skins, riding spiders with crystal armor and weapons. They are not those unexplained aberrations from the show dude. Only similar thing is that they both control dead bodies.
So it was supposed to be a subversion! Wow! Now I understand!
This show is about girl power now, and has nothing to do with the original feel of the show.
>spend forever hyping up your villain and building up to a fight between him and well loved character
>pussy out on it so El Goblino can use her weeb plot powers to NOTHIN PERSONELL KID and kill him in one hit
Knife licenses
>Being a massive underage faggot
Now you're getting it. This is some real Rian Johnson tier shit right here.
Season 4 is the best one
Wrong. Others are aliens who came to Planetos from somewhere else or at least originated from silicon based life. They even act like aliens with the whole mind control, blue blood, nocturnal stuff.
Might as well ride it out, or just read the spoilers in 3 weeks and let it go. I wish I could let it go.
I read the fucking books back in 2007-8.
I just want to know how this shit ends. Or did until tonight's episodes, and now I don't really give a fuck.
i really dont see what the big deal is. i thought the whole ep was great. better ending to a buildup than marvel couldve ever hoped for. jon built his army to defeat the dead, that was his ultimate goal. its not like he and the night king had personal beef or any real interaction at all leading up to this other than looking at each other from a distance.
I bey you liked TLJ too dont you?
nope i hated it.
Both Bran and the Night King were seers and could see the future to some degree. Night King knew he had incapacitated Jon and Dany long enough to prevent them from reaching him.
But he and his men didn't see Arya because Arya is no one
Don't worry. She dies next episode. :)
he didnt need the army, Arya singlehandedly killed them all lol
she accomplished what 100k+ soldiers couldnt
>literally told the Faceless Man that she is Arya of House Stark and she's going home
>picked up Needle, her connection to her name and family
fuck you
Just like a real woman. They can do what no man can :)
/r/ Night King looking down at Theon screencap so I can add "Pathetic." text
Just keep watching. You will know when to stop.
Yes. The first 4 seasons are really solid tv, after that it degenerates horribly.
Space elves or not. it means the same. Just answering the user that think the night king from series looks anything like what we have in books.
Jesus you guys are angry at everything
>Oh no, a knife on my tummy. My only weakness!
they just want a show catered specifically to what they think should happen. somebody else creates the characters and the story and then they shit on it when characters they didnt write dont do the things that they want them to do. its extremely childish.
Watch maybe up to season 6. The battle of the bastards and the door episode make this season a really good one.
feel free to anytime to any social media of your preference
I can't wait for all the articles praising HBO for "subverting expectations"
>worst fucking scene in the series is direct foreshadowing to the pentultimate climax
holy fuck the state of got fags the salt and memery is going to be glorious.
>Manages to sneak up on the NK
>Starts screaming before landing the killing blow
Not only did they literally copy our meme, they also pulled the star wars rey move
jesus christ
and I was so into the episode before that, I thought it was kino. Why did they not go with the everyone dies ending?
>and I was so into the episode before that, I thought it was kino.
>when the act of trying to be unpredictable becomes predictable
come on it had some good stuff before the retard tier ending
I don't know what more you can ask for
I love how they learn a new buzz word and immediately run it to the ground
Why can't Hollywood make good movies with good stories and good endings. This is intentional and used to demoralize populations.
basically, yeah
the night king has no background, no motivation, no personality, he's a "literally who?" kind of character and he got killed by a goblin with very little training
It's perfect and only brainlets can't understand. The night king was just a representation of pure evil. This isn't lord of the rings, GoT is more nuanced than simply good vs. evil. Pure evil loses to good. But what happens when things aren't so black and white hmm? I'm glad the NK is out of the way. And they did away with him in a manner that is a bit of a slight to Tolkienism. I'm way more interested in the battle to come at kings landing. We will see something much more intreiging than simply good vs evil. We will see betrayal, tyranny, and many mixed emotions.
He didn't actually put his hands up in terror like that right? OP's pic is shooped, surely
Beautiful elves? Is this bait
The others in the books are gaunt pale abomonations that have pure cold following them.
To be honest the show really does do a good rendition on what i imagine they look like (with the exception of the armor).
And as for what we know in the books about the others is even less then what we know in the show
the show isnt over yet
He does it to grab her as if he's going to defeat her, but then she drops the dagger and does the star wars rey move and stabs him.
It should have been him.
It should have been him.
>be Clegane
>burned by fire and develop an intense phobia of it since childhood
>go through the best character development in the series and turn into a hero
>become best friends with a red priest who brings you North
>Red Priest convinces you one last time to be the hero, overcome your fears and save the girl
>he dies helping you
>Melisandre looks right at you
>”he was brought back for a reason”
>Clegane, free of fear and doubt takes up the flaming sword
>the fire immediately turns a bright green, for he is the lord of light and wildfire is his to command
>cuts his way through a swarm of the dead to face the night king
>defeats him in single combat
>three episodes later his half dead brother becomes the new “night king”, a dead thing made from science
>the two brothers are the song of ice and fire
>last scene is them raising their blades against one another
>cut to black sopranos style
You know I’m right
Azor Ahai is a dumb idea and anyone who thought it would have a good payoff is dumb.
i dont know if youre being serious or not but i actually agree with you. the relationships and motives are the characters are so complex at this point that the ending of the show couldnt simply be good vs. evil. it makes way more sense to have this battle happen first so they can wrap up the rest of it with the fallout of the battle having an impact, rather than the opposite. ending it with the white walkers would essentially have been the same thing as this episode. except jon v cersei v dany wouldve have way bigger armies. now jon and dany are extremely debilitated going up against a totally fresh army that bolstered its ranks further. plus we dont know exactly whats gonna happen with the stark targ alliance yet
Maximum cope.
It is simply mediocre. Thats it. You cant admit it because of your emotional connection to this shitty show.
>Jon chases down NK
>think that the final showdown is about to happen
>prepare myself for kino
>NK pussys out
>gets killed by a little girl
>no kino battle between the prince who was promised
>no kino lightbringer scene
Dude, have sex.
guess who fleshes out the story and character and execute the "gray" stories? Guess who Yea Forums criticizes since years ago?
>mfw I'm fourty and originally saw Eva on vhs
that part is gone. Cersei is the evil one, more evil than the night king is. The night king isn't evil, he's just trying to find peace in himself after being screwed by the children.
how did jon lose him so quick? I know he was surrounded but when they cut back to him there weren't that many wights and then dany cleared the path. Jon couldn't have been fighting for that long
get your condescending attitude out of here, the point is that the execution was poorly done, anyone could guess that NK needed to be dealt with, are you just baiting?
Why didn't the NK just
>stay far back, safe inside comfy fog
>every few minutes, ride his dragon to the frontlines
>resuscitate entire army (+ newly acquired dead)
>retreat back to comfy fog
>repeat until battle is won
why did jesus die for our sins
How do you show that without wasting precious amount of time?
how did jon fight so many dead by himself? It's like the zombies were just standing around letting themselves get killed.
t. retard
stories endings need to make sense and random garbage is for the retards who watch cable TV
Here's your nuance, bro
you should probably stop watching movies and television. youre the kind of person that watches Toy Story and when the toy car catches up to the real car at the end, you groan and say "No way..." as if that was the moment where the wheels fell off for you, the straw that broke the camels back, immersion completely broken. ignore the fact that youve been watching toys comes to life and interacting with each other for 90 minutes, because theres no fucking way that toy car would catch up with the real car. you fucking cunt
Black panther is unironically in the top 5 best marvel movies
Fuck off asshole, no one cares about you.
I think it's worth it from S1-6. Characters start being shaky after 4, but S5/6 have some damn good moments. S7 Fucking blows though and nosedives off a cliff.
>people can't have fun and still nitpick at the same time
Or are you one of those retards who accepts the just absolute shit battle tactics in the episode compared to the mastery of Helm's Deep?
Maybe the toy car is magic? After all, the toys being alive is magic. But there's no excuse for poor strategy.
yikes. have sex.
The show literally spelled it out last week.
I’ve seen that same exact switch hands knife move somewhere but don’t know exactly, anyone know?
But they're going to kill everyone anyway. And it's not like any of the previous Ravens were doing anything with those memories. The Citadel managed to record history just fine.
>90 minutes of the night king walking back and forth and raising his arms sometimes.
ok bud. go to hollywood, youre wasting your talents here.
I thought bran had the weirwood memories
Season 5 has some good moments I believe. Everything after that is trash.
Anyone had to laugh at this shit ending? This cant be real, how bad it is lmao.
Bin dat noif
The Hunted (2003), and maybe in one of the Riddick movies.
several people have texted me this.
just because they said this does not mean it makes any sense.
It might come as a surprise to you, Dabid, but you CAN make the Night King's tactics make sense AND still defeat him.
sure it does. killing off the history of everything is a crippling blow to mankind
Hey dumbfuck, dragons and zombies and magic red whores don't make any sense either you fucking retard.
Literally *teleports behind you*
>Show is famous for subverting expectations
>they subvert your expectations by killing the big bad in an unlikely manner
fantasy doesn't mean abandonment of logic. watch that scene again. they literally explain an entire series worth of buildup in 4 lines
>the night king is always obsessed with ravens
>its because we are memories and without killing memories you can't have death
lmao wat
yea but its boring you fucking mongoloid.
I swear, by the time this show is over, every male character will be on their knees being pegged in the ass by a female character.
>Show is famous for subverting expectations
Except it's not. Show is famous for breaking the traditional archetypes of medieval fantasy, so the good guys are not so good, the bad guys are not so bad and the good guys don't always win just because they are good.
Yes that is the perfect point to stop
we do fine without a three eyed raven in real life, so would they
Did the nigger even pull his sword?
>girl who goes to assassin school assassinates night king
so subversive
Bran is the big bad in the end. He was trying to save them all.
Yes. Stop and don't look back. Read the books instead.
it subverts archetypal characters, but not archetypal narratives. Until now I guess
Her dragonglass one
It's because Cersei is the main bad and they're going to spend the next 3 episodes trying to kill her. This show was co-opted by feminists about 3 or 4 seasons ago and they completely ruined it.
>Having a waifu
Have sex
except the two seasons of training she had to become some super elite assassin
>this is called pulling a star wars now
it hurts...
They're going to have to do some more stupid shit to explain why Arya doesn't just kill her like she did the Night King.
why flame no hurt iceman?
>Having sex
Have a waifu
>let the past die
Why are we not killing these people?
Yes that’s it exactly thank you! I thought it might’ve been a video game too
There's no way Cersei's shit is going to be entertaining unless Qyburn found a way to develop flintlock rifles. I already know how this gay shit is gonna play out
>lots of ppl starving at winterfell
>we need to fight cersei
>ok, we have dragons and all of the legendary warriors mins the mountain and greyjoy
>one of the two lannister boys does something retarded and cersei takes advantage of it (she probably kills jaime)
why didnt he burn bran with his fucking dragon bro? you realize its a show with undead and magic and people coming back to life, flaming swords, green explosions dragons incest and a heroic goblin? why is it supposed to make sense? its just a tb show bro
The only thing the final 3 episodes are going to be worth watching for is the Cleganebowl finally happening, but once that turns out to be a dud the rest will just be pointless.
>dude it's fantasy, that somehow completely excuses any plot holes or characters acting like retards lol
water beats fire dummy don't you play pokemon?
why didn't Dany or Jon blow dragon fire on the wight army when they were staling/standing at the fire barricade
why didnt they just put a bunch of those trenches outsides the walls, light them with the dragons, and everyone stay inside the castle
>does the exact same move as Rey in TLJ
could they have made it more obvious?
>eat shit and say thank you
You eat shit.
why didnt they just use the eagles and fly to where the army of the dead wasnt
>Have 100,000+ Dothraki/Unsullied soldiers and cavalry
>Have 2 fire breathing dragons
>Have the tactical advantage and a keep to siege from
>All your army is dead, wiped out as they wave flaming sabers
>Your keep is raided
>You are magically saved by a 4 foot tall girl who magically teleports, and kills the Night King, who has been built up for 8 YEARS, in one blow
>One little kid is more powerful than 100,000 soldiers, 2 fire breathing dragons, and the combined might of several kingdoms
>Able to move insanely fast, teleport, and kill the main bad guy, in one shot
reminder, the low level grunts could hear blood dropping under a bed.
Ice Snoke
>who magically teleports
She ran for almost 20 minutes
>kills the Night King in one blow
She hit him in his only weak point with magic steel
>low level grunts could hear blood dropping under a bed
In an empty room with no other sounds.
>shes able to sneak past the nk and all of his generals
how much are you being paid?
Explain why she is "hiding" from low level grunts but can magically kill THE NIGHT KING HIMSELF in one shot.
If she's that good she should be butchering all of them in the keep.
D&D picked Arya to be the savior 3 years ago. Let that sink in.
>Tyrion stuck in the cuckshed the whole battle
Why won't they let him do great things
>she is "hiding" from low level grunts
Any one of them could have instantly killed her and fighting them would have alerted thousands more.
>kill THE NIGHT KING HIMSELF in one shot
He let his guard down. He didn't even bother drawing his sword, and he left himself exposed.
And if they were standing around why couldn't he run to catch the NK?
it is though, a dude thought it up and wrote it down, stupid fuck
oh, so low level grunts can kill her but the night king himself is easy mode.
Yep. This is how Jews write stories these days.
>*dies unexpectedly*
>"Okay we're done with that now. Don't forget to buy all the merchandise for the show :} "
Just stop watching. You can get all the important plot points from discussions without sitting through approx. an hour of cringe. Hopefully the last two books get released and a proper ending to the story is told.
>tfw all those people that thought night king would go to kings landing with his dragon and fuck shit up there on his own then come back
>tfw fan theories are more logically sound than the actual show's writing
Tyrion hasn't done anything all season. He told a dick joke and then got yelled at. After that he hid in a cave.
If she had hesitated for even a single second she would've died.
Very poetic how D&D used Arya to symbolically shatter the entire lore and mythology of GRRM's world.
That Last Jedi fight scene webm that looks awful
I honestly thought this would be the case too, a twist after they win and the final scene is when they wonder about where the night king is.
Yet fucking Dabid&Dabed's shitty writing didn't include any fucking twist, even the night king's goal was fucking superficiel
>magic steel
is this show for children? then why are all those wagecucks watching it in my facebook feed?
Did anyone else actually feel bad for how Dany was handled this episode?
>left for dead by Drogon
>Left for dead by Jon after saving him
>Her beta orbiter is the only one that gives a fuck and gives his life to save her
Honestly, I'd actually be happy if Dany hates Jon now.
Jon was basically character assassinated too. Ditches Dany, fails at saving Bran. WTF
fantasy doesn't mean abandonment of logic. watch that scene again. they literally explain an entire series worth of buildup in 4 lines
The likes of you are the reason the writing went to fucking shit
If you think Bran is going to have the slightest bit of relevance to the plot anymore you’re severely overestimating intelligence and forethought of writers who are no longer willing to kill off popular characters in the climactic fucking battle.
I think that there's going to be a post-credits scene showing another night king rising in the north or something.
In addition, there's going to be a prequel series on the age of heroes / long night, so who knows what the fuck else we will see.
>I think that there's going to be a post-credits scene showing another night king rising in the north or something.
Of course there is. They already ripped of the Lich King enough, might as well keep going.
Seasons 5 and 6 aren’t quite as good as the previous ones but they’re not actually bad. Seasons 7 + 8 (a.k.a. the final arc with absolutely no book material to adapt) are basically one long season and that’s really where the show jumps the shark beyond any redemption.
Jorah showing up to save her was such a deus ex machina moment. I fucking hated it.
Bran is the keeper of memes.
For real. NK can end the genes by brute force but not the memes.
Without the pressure from the Night King they now have Bran and Arya to say nothing of the dragons and other characters. Why not just have Bran warg into Cersei and make her dive off the balcony? I think he owes them something. If he refuses, go have Arya kill Cersei. If she could take out the Night King by slipping past an army of super natural beings, there's nothing in King's Landing that is going to stop her.
I want to watch GRRM's live reactions to watching this episode. I want to see him breaking into tears of laughter when Arya jumps the NK.
true, but I mean if the night king was defeated in the last long night as well, obviously he wasn't actually ever defeated, unless the last long night is all actually myth and legend.
It just sucks because all the mystery elements of the show, like the wall feel so underwhelming now that the night king died so fucking easily.
Imagine watching a series that's been on for so long that it get's destroyed by woman and feminism.
If a series needs more than 6 seasons then its a show not worth watching.
I felt like I was watching a Resident Evil movie at that scene
Reminder people paid money for years to watch this. Think about that.
i hope bran dies and arya and dany
that is the only thing that can save this show now
5 seasons is the correct cap on when a show goes from good to garbage
Don't even say the Lich king in the same sentence as the night virgin
their all virgins mad they cant get laid lol
And it was explained that nk and the undead are just "bioweapons" made by some child elfs.
>got laid and saved humanity in the span of a couple hours
>received the dagger under magic tree from bran where she killed the night king
>the dagger that was used to kill bran was used to save his life and all of humanity
Stay butt blasted
So what the fuck did Jon do in this battle besides jobbing?
Non-virgin here who is angry about this garbage show.
Have sex.
"there no expectation that the fire couldn't kill him. but there's also no expectation that it should either" -Writer
>Trying this hard to defend this garbage
She was hiding in the tree
he had to step down so the STRONGK WAHMEN can kill ice trump
Subversion today = a woman or a POC does it! Amazing genius!
No she wasn't, she literally ANIMU super speeds through the crowd, its why you see a shot of the hair on one of tr zombies get blown forward
Nothing, his character was pointless, might as well have died and stayed dead when the watch killed him
He still needs to stand aside so the wise wymyn can rule
Unironically I thought this board would like this episode after watching it lmao
They kind of wrote themselves into a corner, everything was completely going to shit. The only other choice was Bran has SUPER AUTISMO POWER and blasts NK.
>What is the Citadel
>What are the countless wisemem, sorcerers, and magicians in Esos.
Night King = Trump. It has to be a girl that kills him, for justice.
Wouldn’t be a problem if he stayed dead
>they still have 2 dragons
>a direwolf
>whoever remains of wildings, unsullied, northerners, dothraki and knights of the vale
>cersei has some sellswords
Literally how can she win and why is she the final big bad guy?
I like how they sort of broke down smug shansha this time around and had her actually appreciate the lengths tyrion went to protect her
a lot of wildfire and scorpions
George Lucas and George R R Martin both got shit on by Hollywood.
Umm sweetie. She’s a WOMAN. WOMAN have all the power. Sellswords are just a bonus
i really love clegane and hope he has a bright end
Didnt one more of the dragons die? The direwolf died for sure, and all the dothraki, and most of everyone else. Its a fucking crime that greyworm survived though, i thought he was genuinely having a heroic warrior death like jorah.
No cause the wall
Someone edit it so Arya says "Take your own bloody pants off" right before she shatters the NK.
Yes. D&D are so incredibly stupid that they killed off the main antagonist because they made the mistake of thinking Cersei was the main antagonist.
It's cute people thought this show was good.
It had some good moments - the long-distance view of the Dothraki charge was legit awesome
uneducated cuck detected. the books make a point of showing that the Citadel denies the existence of magic. read more
>didn’t dragon and ghost die
Nope. You see them both in the next episodes preview. One of the dragons looks beat up by looking at his wings, but he’s still flapping about. I’m only assuming some Dothraki survived because Jorah did and he lead that charge.
Surprised ghost made it out though.
honestly season 7 was bad but they still could have had a decent ending with season 8. looks like we are going to get absolute trash now
>whoops dropped muh lightsaber move
absolute trash. how much did disney pay to get them to do this shit?
But the Night King wants to take down the wall
>Literally how can she win
She can't, by design.
>and why is she the final big bad guy?
Because D&D unironically thought she was the final big bad guy from the beginning.
>nobody got to fight any of the white walkers one on one and the Night King was too much of a pussy to face Jon
>No One shatters an entire race
Did she bring the light? Is Arya Lightbringer?
>that last light being extinguished
KINO if I do say so myself
>Did she bring the light? Is Arya Lightbringer?
Beric Dondarrion, the lightning lord was the Lightbringer. Arya was the light.
Remember that D&D are actual brainlets.
Admit it - you all felt emotional during parts of the episode.
They should’ve just rigged the whole field outside winterfell and torched it the moment they arrived instead of having a tiny moat JUST outside the wall ffs
she spent those seasons shoveling shit and getting beaten up by the other girl
Arya looks like the torturer who lives in a tree from the Princess Bride
Just have sex guise
best part was Theon's arc finally concluding, only for him to get immediately btfo'd
guess I got (((subverted))). fucking Oy Vey'd
I hope next episode begins with Arya being declared Owner and Queen of the Universe. Nothing else makes sense.
>Unironically thought Bran was going to use the knife Littlefinger tried to give him to gut stab the Night King at the last moment.
>Arya teleports behind with lv100 sneak
>king of the white walkers
>foreshadowed since ep 1
>killed in 1 ep
Did this episode confirm that the lord of light is looking for the best interest of mankind?
>lights dothrakis weapons
>lights moat on fire
>keeps dundderion alive to keep Arya alive to kill the NK
My only consolation was that Spaghetti Mormont at least got to be in most of the episode.
>Hand is already pretty much around his sword
>Doesn't just turn and slice her in two
>*night king goes from blue to bright orange in pain*
>*dothraki horde pointing and laughing*
>a dothraki child says
If he'd waited like a minute or two, he would have been around to see Arya becoming the biggest hero in history and survived.
If you watch the interview DnD literally said they didn't want Jon to kill NK because that's what everyone would expect, they chose Arya because it would subvert the audiences expectations.
Worst timeline
Can someone tell why "subversion" became a shield for shit writing and narrative fuck ups?
sorry shit bird, no explanation for why he has fire immunity. All this time there were two secrets targs
The worst part is that even Rian had the sense not to do this shit to a major antagonist.
Oh wait, he did worse.
implying that males have a right to live in the New Westerosi matriarch utopia
subversion is spitting in our faces. they are literally telling you that they do this to demoralize people.
We don’t even know if there will still be a targ/stark alliance after this with Jon being the true heir and dragon whore being stubborn and egotistical
Wish I knew user. Wish I knew.
mind you, this is GRRR aproved
D&D sucks but now they're just adapting the napkins the fat fuck wrote on
Night King was introduced in season 4, cause D&D realized they needed a cheat code to deeat the white walkers.They used the Night King as a plot device to insta-kill them. Apparently while making Season 6, they decided Arya is the one to finish him.
If they sat down with George 10 years ago, why the fuck did they only come up with this three years ago??? Proof that GRRM will do something very different.
stop at the scene with Oberyn in Tyrion's cell, it's the best in the series and it's only downhill from there
What's really funny is the fact they teased Jon fighting him in the exact episode. His fire immunity theory that has been talked to death about was teased right up until Arya magically appeared. It was all setup for Jon to survive the dragon breath, kill the dragon and run to save bran. But nope, haha, surprise! Arya gets the gold.
Why do white people, especially americans have such terrible taste? You simply can't blame minorities and chinks for the success of this mediocre show, like you always do with capeshit movies.
Lord of light did everything but increase the brightness of that episode
based russel crowe poster
Oh, they threw away 25 years worth of GRRM lore and mythology to subvert expectations. No wonder they're going to pen a new Star Wars trilogy with Rian Johnson.
Holy fucking shit. I was unironically saying to friends that the worst thing they could do is have Arya kill of the Night king. And they fucking did it? Absolutelydisgusting.jpg
Imagine being so incompetent you end up with 2 dying dragons at the end of the series
You’re wrong about this one user. Right now they’re blaming women.
because it was actually great until season 4 and past that, only a couple moments actually captured me. now, the show is unironically dead. Literally only going to continue watching for Cleganebowl
>unexplained magic
>the lord of light fucking meme out of nowhere power
>sometimes work sometimes doesn't
>stannis suddenly dies and still unexplained but muh lord of light whe the red woman told stannis to kill his girl
fuck off retards this show is shit
They don't want to face the reality where they're being mass replaced by minorities so they distract themselves in fantasy and sci-fi.
holy fuck
It should be pretty obvious both dragons will be dead by the end of this season
More like the cuck king
No but seriously fuck this show
If they had killed each other, I would accept it.
which episode?
That's completely fine, escapism doesn't mean you have to consume subpar products though.
She was a shitty priest but she found her true calling after rezzing Jon.
Speaking of. What was the point in rezzing him? I thought he was azhor ahai and would bring the end of winter (night king) but did absolutely nothing.
Think of all the time spent in this episode solely on Jon and Dany being lost in the fog
The coldest hands to hold an "L"
bro, you got the contact to shill for HBO? Im low on cash and need to make a quick buck too
There only exists subpar products, so it's not like they have a choice. Everything is trash.
yes. Some of season 5 is good though.
After that you will be disappointed.
>only going to continue watching for Cleganebowl
Glad I'm not alone there.
You redditors have truly destroyed this site.
imagine being as contrarian as Yea Forums
He will return stronger, better, faster
Is Jon now obligated to help Danny fight Cersei?
nothing personnell
i want to know what was going through their minds when they wrote this episode and the next after is just supposed to shift to smug ass cersei. who the fuck would be hyped for any of that dumbass shit besides cleganebowl?
They're gonna go for it. Dany will rule KL, Sansa will rule the north, and Arya saved the day. Girl power.
better than s8e3
based and toypilled
We're saying anticlimax for the sake of subversion is bad. You can pull a climactic and exciting subversion and nobody thinks otherwise.
GRRM did this himself with Ned's execution. It was shocking and it subverted expectations.
The problem these days is that people try to subvert expectations and can't do it well at all.
This shit post was the closest thing to guessing the right ending. That's how shit the writing was.
Jon Snow was a red herring, just like Ned Stark. Arya is the one to end the long night. She will probably have a child with Gendry and they live happily ever after with Tyrion as their king. Jon and Dany probably kill each other.
I love how millions of GoT theories were just BTFO tonight Including Dany's House of the Undying vision in S2 which had hints of the white walkers theme in the throne room.
They’ll probably want to crown Jon but he’ll turn it down and give it to Dany.
imagine pretending to enjoy something just to appear socially acceptable
I forgot that Mel and Quasimodo have met before
No, he's probably gonna just fucking die or some stupid shit. Who even cares anymore
no need to pretend, that was a good episode
Sad Melly didn't show her tits one last time.
Don't worry, Arya will kill Robert Stronk saving a nearly defeated Hound.
d&d are literally worse writers than half of the audience and are now committed to pandering over continuing from where the fantastic books left off. the show's """storyline""" means nothing. the timeline is false. shame x3
Jesus Christ this might actually happen.
>are now committed to pandering
If they were committed to pandering, then Jon would've 1v1'd the Night King.
D&D said they decided Arya kills the NK three years ago So after they finished writing Season 6. That means when they killed and resurrected Jon they still thought he was going to be important and kill the NK.
Really makes you think.
oy vey, good idea m8! post your email and we will get in touch with you for an enticing (((job opportunity)))!
I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed
Someone post the Euron is king pasta, I know it probably won't happen but its the best possible ending we have left
It's almost like you were going to be disappointed no matter what happened or something. Weird how contrarianism works, huh?