What a fucking letdown

What a fucking letdown

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Is that knife vayliarine steel made by the first sworn king?

Fuck of if you don’t know the story you can’t dictate the end

>killing the night king kills the white walkers is an established premise for multiple seasons
>they actually use this premise


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How did that knife kill him but not actual dragonfire?

Why didnt he stab Arya immidietly like he did theon?

i feel like i should be able to sue somebody for my time
i thank god i pirated each and every episode of this pile of shit
honestly i am shocked at how much of a sucker i feel like, and i think i should be able to sue somebody

They said this before
Deal with it or tune out
Your the monitory this show is not for autis

Ahaha retards trying to defend a shitty show


it doesnt matter brainlet. the execution of the episode and the death of NK was piss poor

t. expert director

Nigga thats not even the point. Fucking Quasimodo pulling a HAYAI!! was horrible

Yeah, I don't get it either.

>establish that magic like the dragonfire is useless
>a jab with a dagger causes them all to explode
a single dragonglass arrow could have ended this in season 7

>Fat dude kills white walker with obsidian
>Jon kills white walker AND then the other walkers die
>now if NK dies and all white walkers die and all walkers
This is just a new rule faggot.

i guess i am right, you didnt even refute my argument. i guess brainlet will be brainlet

Cry mor incell the world gives no fucks about your kind

Hruehrurirj I spit bull shit prove me wrong or I’m right

Nope I’m not doing shit for you it’s over your head

You seem to care enough to call them out.

why didn't the night's watch just hire a faceless man?

NK was previously shown to cool the air around him, snuffing out fire. It wouldn't matter for a knife penetrating his skin.

Why wasn't he using a fucking chainmail?