Hey guys, remember when Sauron was completely defeated in Two Towers?
Hey guys, remember when Sauron was completely defeated in Two Towers?
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its called game of thrones not le goodies vs baddies, its popularity comes from it being a political intrigue
all the magic is gone now, its just mortals left
>build up mysterious threat for 7 seasons and imply it as the main villain
>hype it up as the main villain for season 8
>stomp it out like its nothing in 3 episodes
This just makes everything about them beforehand pointless filler.
Holy shit this is just like Snoke in TLJ
yeah sure they were the main threat till now
"nothing" did you not watch the episode they raped winterfell like everyone watching the final minutes must've been like fuck lol what even now
following a rape of that degree how do u even save like 15 main cast? human vs human is more interesting anyway
Remember when Vader died in Empire Strikes Back?
>take out one location
>kill barely any characters
>get killed by little goblin girl
yaaaaaas gurl
Damn you’re dumb
the only good thing about this show after the 4th season has been the action episodes, all intrigue disappeared when the writing went to shit
The political intrigue ended when Cersei refused to send help to Winterfell you twerp
>muh LotR
Have sex.
*kills the night king with a single stab*
Lol. Are you really trying to pretend like this is good? I liked the episode overall but the WWs being done so soon is nothing short of retarded. Barely anyone died, too.
With Littlefinger dying last season it was a metaphor for the end of all scheming and political bullshit because the real threat is here. Now this just makes the real threat look like a joke.
he doesnt exist in the books for this reason. Euron Greyjoy is the REAL end game villain in the books.
You never really defeat Sauron, you just delay your own defeat by 1000 years.
>its popularity comes from it being a political intrigue
>All decent intrigue and dialogue was finished by the 6th season
it's called a song of ICE and fire
I just do not understand how they thought this would be a good end to this arc.
this is The Last Jedi levels of SUBVERSION
son of ice and fire (books) the night king is the final boss
game of thrones (tv show) Cersei is the final boss
ill admit more characters should have died, but come on incel ahah, if arya's role was filled by a guy you'd be fucking nerding out on how good this episode was.
please have sex
ah yes good old 'political intrigue' the most cunning woman in westeros wants to wipe out her whole army for the sake of your humanity unites fanfic
That's fair but we're talking about the show, and the Night King and show's White Walkers have been billed as the main bad guys for all this time.
Cersei is fine, I guess but she doesn't really pose much of a threat against dragons and, really, who gives a shit about show Euron.
It's clear it's just more season 7 levels of rushed writing.
No but I remember Sauron being defeated in 2/3 of Return of the King. Cersei's last battle is the equivalent to the scouring of the Shire.
only intriguing thing here is
>why did they let their entire cavalry charge away into the darkness away from the walls when their original position was strategically advantageous, clever use of cavalry is often what decided ancient battles
>why did Jon let his dog charge with the cavalry, does he really not give a shit anymore
>why did Bran let Theon charge to his death when Arya was just going to come and do nothing personnel on the Night King
>where the fuck did Arya come from that none of the White Walkers saw her coming, is she a fucking spider monkey
>where the fuck were the Knights of the Vale
>have sex
poor bait
this thread is about him dying too soon btw not to arya, you're probably better off baiting in the threads complaining about that specifically instead
Bing bang pow, slayed him with the incel meme! Would gold if I could :)
>Cersei is fine, I guess but she doesn't really pose much of a threat against dragons and, really, who gives a shit about show Euron.
The dragons are getting ballista'ed
No he wasn't
well actually Sauron's defeat comes, surprisingly, half way through the Return of the King. The last half of that book is wrapping up loose ends, and the scouring of the shire. So your post is almost a good comparison.
>what are dragons
>what is bran
the show is called game of thrones, you fucking book fag, fuck off
yeah completely missed the dany vs lanninster battle or when tarlys refuse to kneel oh and forgot little fingers plot completely ur right ended in s6
I enjoyed the episode overall but this really fucking killed it for me, and now I'm not really looking forward to the next episodes.
They built up this guy for ages just to do nothing at all with him. He goes out like a complete punk. Like another user said it now feels like everything they've done to set up NK and white walkers was just filler...
see pic related
>taking advice from tripfags
the whole Bran thing can't be for no reason though, I mean Bran was warging and yet we never see him warg? something is missing
>he doesn't realize that it's the myth of how it was remembered and the ring is actually a trojan horse to use greed and corruption to rule all the earth signalling how the jews use money and subversion to control all the people through ww2 propaganda
you didn't listen
i see you came from reddit
sauron was defeated long before fellowship of the ring tho
>why did Bran let Theon charge to his death when Arya was just going to come and do nothing personnel on the Night King
>You’re a good man, Theon
What is this shit? No you can fuck right off and get yourself killed.
>yes because the dothraki have been shown as a skilful defensive force
>who the fuck cares about a dog, are you 12?
>dont think bran knew tbqh
>trained assassin bait harder virgin
>who cares?
If you didn't see it coming you're one of the biggest retard mate...you thought they were gonna fight the WW take a break go south and deal with cersei then Jon and Dany deal with their thing then go back north to finish the fight with the WW?
Really, there is another way to look at it. They had this one moment of unity that could've diverted the course. But it won't. The unity will dissolve and they'll be right back to murdering the shit out of one another.
just go to bed man
God you're pathetic.
You know Sauron isn't even the final boss in LotR, right, you fucking drooling retard?
yes but if you weren't blind you'd see i was replying to the incels vendetta against a woman doing something of importance because muh im alone
seethe harder that your precious little book faggot
imagine being this virgin
tell the class why you love this episode and show so much
Movie Euron won't do any of the cool mystical shit like he does in the books. In the television he is literally just another patriarchal big bad meanie to kill.
Finally I thought this show was about subverting shit and expectations, not very subversive to have the strong independent lead character kill the big bad without any problems. Also no important(as in Main main character) died, Jon Snow, Daenrys, Sam, Brianne, Sansa, Tyrion, Varys, and all the other main folks are all completely fine.
They needed to wrap this up fast because they ran out of money for the CGI
What? Dragons were actually around at the time the show is set in. I'll give you Brann
Absolutely cringe.
>Look guys, please give me attention, I like the episode even when you all think it's shit h-haha
Here's your attention you crave for you shit eating pleb. Literally kill yourself.
>>what is bran
The most useless character ever written
So nice to see it all crash and burn after all the hype.
I enjoyed the show to a degree but listening to retarded fanboys claiming this has always been better than my kino LotR always pissed me off.
Normies will probably still say it's the best thing since fire was discovered.
Cersei has always been the big bad.
The show is called Game of Thrones
It was never about muh zombies
No she wasn't, the Night King was always the big bad. The first scene in GoT is literally showing the White Walkers. Nobody gives the slightest fuck about Cersei at this stage you shit eating faggot.
george rr martin has literally stated multiple times about how the seven kingdoms are so retarded and can't put aside their differences to fight against the threat in the distance that is coming, and that this is one of the important things he wrote.
>like its nothing
They were pretty much on the brink of losing everything
>100,000 zombies that can't be hurt Vs 1000 Northern men
>Everyone survives the last moment after being eaten many times
This bugged me too. It felt like the NK's army was massive up until the last 30 minutes where 95% of it just disappeared.
The show literally starts with the white walkers you fucking moron. It's literally called a Song of Ice and Fire lmao. How can you be so stupid.
Yes, because S6 and S7 were filled with 'political intrigue'.
>show destroying numerous political confrontations and buildup present in the books for costly muh dragons and NK-based plotlines for show watchers diminishing episode count
Sauron was defeated midway through the final book you fucking moron normie bitch
LOL the rest of this season is going to be absolute shite
What if he's not dead
What if we are being EPICLY subverted
The crows went past the Night King
even if he's not dead his entire army got fucked and they could easily be burned, and all his white walker boys are gone too
>its called game of thrones not le goodies vs baddies, its popularity comes from it being a political intrigue
Ask yourself this. Why would he need to ''''pretend'''' he's dead?
He was right by Bran with his entire army of Walkers and fucking whights behind him. He was about to win it all. Why would he purposefully allow that shit to happen? It makes no sense.
Just accept that D&D are fucking hacks and killed him in the most pathetic way of all time.
I thought Sansa and Tyrion were gonna kill themselves and I was confused because that would have been fucking dumb. People only kill themselves in zombie films to stop getting ripped apart and eaten, the most painful way to die. Why the fuck would you stab yourself so you don't get stabbed by wights?
But then they didn't kill themselves so wtf was the point of that scene with them pulling out the knives looking sad? Director sent the complete wrong vibe there.
>Book fag
>Thinks (((danies))) battle vs the lannister is interesting intrigue
why was kings landing covered in snow if this nigga dies here
You're just wrong. Most normies fans of the show can't name 5 characters let alone keep up with the politics
it's over user. They burned all their budget on this, The NK storyline is done.
Are we going to just ignore how the episode looked like shit even though it was the most costly episode? are the jews just laundering money through the show now?
Well I was enjoying it but that scene pretty much killed it and the rest of the season for me
Fuck this
>Arya teleports, killing Night King
>All dead rise up, Jon and everyone else is surrounded, next thing Jon is in the clear and they all live
>Very long Arya Metal Gear Solid sneaking and teleportation scene
>The corridors being quite as fuck when thousands of zombies just poured into the courtyard
>Send cavalry out to be butchered pointlessly while dragon riders just watch
>Archers standing still doing nothing and everyone just watches the zombies stand on the other side of the barrier
>Needing Melly to light the barrier instead of throwing a torch in there once they got the shield wall up
>Zombies in the crypts having super strength being able to punch through solid stone sarcophagus', ultimately for no reason since they didn't even kill any named characters
>Jon running around like a headless chicken at the end
>Arya standing still watching Beric get shanked, then Melly doesn't try to revive him
>Sam surviving the battle even though he didn't even defend himself or his friend
>Kelly C landing for no reason letting her dragon be swarmed
>all that budget, filler, and buildup for a hasty and shitty killing of the NK
They've set themselves up for failure.
The way they killed him is fucking stupid and there's so many things wrong with it but I could forgive all of that if they hadn't done it so fucking soon. That is the worst part of it all. Him and the rest of his army dying this early just deflates the entire conflict that has been built up for seasons and I have no reason at all to care about what happens next. It's so fucking retarded.
>first scenes in the book AND show are waymar royce's party going north and finding + fighting the white walkers
nice try
Nigga, they had the White Walkers themselves do nothing this battle. They literally gave all of the main characters valarian steel weapons and what became of them? They just fought a few of the zombie fuckers.
I cannot even begin to get across how dogshit that ending was, for an ancient evil which has been forshadowed since the very first episode all of those years back to go down like that, just no.
>Sam surviving the battle even though he didn't even defend himself or his friend
This is legit one of the dumbest moments, you see a zombie drop on top of him when Jon is trying to reach Bran, how the fuck is the fattie still alive?
>Books titled A Song of Ice and Fire
>Show titled Game of Thrones.
I should have known.
It's been a long time coming, but jesus fucking christ, did anyone expect a letdown of this magnitude? Throughout all of the garbage filler we've been put through, somehow in my mind I envisioned anything better than this.
Is there ANY hope for a Cleganebowl of sorts?
I was enjoying the carnage, yes even though most scenes were pitch black and hazy as fuck, but the end ruined everything and now I'm way too pissed off to be able to objectively rate the episode without giving it a 1/10
There's no chance he's coming back. His entire army is gone. All the dead are shown being prepared for a funeral pyre in the next episode promo.
He's gone. Just accept they cucked him.
TLJ 2.0
They second half of the season will just be more YAAAAAAS QUEEN bullshit. I bet you Cersei will kill Euron and become full commander of all the armies.
why didn't he go to king's landing