OK honestly explain to me why a season 1 character who's a POV staple of the books...

OK honestly explain to me why a season 1 character who's a POV staple of the books, who has an emotional connection to Bran and whose entire arc is becoming a killer can't be the one to kill the night king without memeing about "le-strong wemens"

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm ok with her killing the Night King

I'm not ok with the literal *teleports behind you* thing

It was terribly cheap

cause it's gay

I just wanted arya boobs

This, this, so much this. She just sneaks past all those dead/whights like she's invisible? wtf she was just having a hard time sneaking around a few bookshelfs 20 minutes earlier

Not the problem. The killing the night king kills his entire undead army gimmick is a copout.

she flew out of nowhere like superman. they were surrounded by white walkers and the dead. what the fuck

>im sitting there

nope lol nothing teleports behind u lol nothing personnel lol

tv shows, never again. literally never again. read books if you want good stories. and not modern fantasy books. literature.

im ok with it. i like aryas character. weve seen her go through a lot on the way to this moment. from watching her father be beheaded to killing the night king.

Nigga sat in dragon fire and laughed it off
Nigga was surrounded by his 10 generals and 100 soldiers
Nigga dies to a knife

it's difficult to believe that arya could so stealthily infiltrate an entire circle of white walkers. they surrounded bran and she still found a way to get in to stab the night king. if it was shown how she did this i think people would be more receptive, but if you showed it it would lose the surprise punch.

someone please explain why the night king needs to kill bran.

I'm fine with it. Book arya was my favorite

every wolf in the world**

I unironically like Arya, but I'm glad she gets a lot of hate for meme purposes

this but unironically

Beast took out Magneto in a very similar fashion. It was kinda cool really. Sneaked up behind him, launched and stabbed him with mutant medicine.
Nobody whined about that.

eagerly awaiting an edit of the scene with the DBZ instant transmission sound effect overlayed

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>it's difficult to believe that arya could so stealthily infiltrate an entire circle of white walkers.

the only thing i can imagine is that bran warged her and did some physically impossible for a normal human shit, like she jumped from like 100 feet away

The library scene is supposed to set up it.

What I'm angry about is actually that Arya had nothing to do with the NK storyline and it feels unearned that she is the one that finishes the NK off. She went to become an assassin for revenge on Cersei.

Those people are literally mentally ill. Or I am. I don't even know anymore.

she was disguised as a white walker you dumbtards

>dat neck


People will be mad no matter who killed him, or even that fact that he was killed and didn't "Win the whole show".

Also, she's a woman. So naturally Yea Forums loses its fucking mind.

idk I'm a sucker for 1 on 1 duels. Jon vs NK is something that felt 100% certain in this series. I don't really mind the fact that Arya killed him but holy fuck did she do it easily.

This fag dosent know what an assasination is.

You really think something that powerfull could die any other way

Your autism is showing

well if this is true then it could've been made more obvious because too many people missed it.

OK, this is probably the first good, non "I'm mad a woman got to do it" answer. That makes sense.

>Arya steals the face of a wight, sneaks up on the Lich King and stabs him from behind, then rips off the wight face to reveal herself

you guys would be okay with this right? I would.

It should have been him.
It should have been him.
>be Clegane
>burned by fire and develop an intense phobia of it since childhood
>go through the best character development in the series and turn into a hero
>become best friends with a red priest who brings you North
>Red Priest convinces you one last time to be the hero, overcome your fears and save the girl
>he dies helping you
>Melisandre looks right at you
>”he was brought back for a reason”
>Clegane, free of fear and doubt takes up the flaming sword
>the fire immediately turns a bright green, for he is the lord of light and wildfire is his to command
>cuts his way through a swarm of the dead to face the night king
>defeats him in single combat
>three episodes later his half dead brother becomes the new “night king”, a dead thing made from science
>the two brothers are the song of ice and fire
>last scene is them raising their blades against one another
>cut to black sopranos style
You know I’m right

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Did Jon ever get to legit 1v1 anyone? I remember he pummelled Ramsay but Ramsay had been defeated already so it didn't have much weight. What a waste

>gets hit with blast of dragonfire
>smirks it off
>gets hit with a tiny dagger made of frozen dragonsteel



you're probably just part of the alt-right

This. The issue wasn't the killer, it was the manner in which it was executed. Also the apparent irrelevance of a major plot arc across the whole series

Did you really want Jon to kill him? Aren't you sick of him being the Goku of the show? I like him I guess but he doesn't have to win every single fucking fight. I would have preferred Jamie or someone else to kill him, but definitely not Jon. For Christ sake bench that fucking guy for an episode.

It was literally the whole plan. Thats why they were in the Godswood... to make it easier to kill the Night King. Also, she was trained as a faceless man... it's kind of her specialty to sneak up on people. Did you expect Jon to appear and cut thru 100 zombies then defeat the NK in solo combat?

Tards...the walkers were in pause mode...hence why theon charged right through them. Like holy fuck nigga...just walk past em.




He's a proto-Targ, niggers. Even his swastika is similar to the Targ sygil.

This is what I was saying. I wish they showed her pull off the face though after she stabbed it.

Because I hate when women are put in the spotlight. It makes me feel terribly insecure. But I also don't like it when people call me out on my gynophobia, so I cope by complaining about shit that everybody knows I would have been okay with if the character was a man.

>Alt right is tonna have a field day with this one
He's right, you know.
Have sex, virgins.

Fuck pol but damn were they ever right about npcs

its you

This, I was fine with it in the moment but then I questioned why she just appeared out of nowhere when the night king was seemingly surrounded by the undead, if they showed her at least making her way towards Bran like they did Jon I would have bought it but she literally just teleported behind him.


No one in the North needed to die lmao just send everyone south and have Arya hide under Bran's wheelchair.

They're saving his big moment for the Cleganebowl

It's not arya killing the NK that sucks. it's everything about her killing him the way she did that sucks.

>can barely hide herself from brained zombies in the library
>teleports behind the final boss and his crew with ease

>admitting that this show turned into cheap capeshit

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if you're not afraid of women then you're not paying attention, whether pure beta instincts or the brainwashing worked

Would have been a more kino anime ending than what we got.

Because the way it was done was extremely anti-climactic and underwhelming.

The night saw her coming but decided let her get through. He did the same with theon.

I wouldn’t say that. After all, the attack literally takes place in the her home where she grew up, and she renounced her “No-one”ness. Her narrative wasn’t woven around the White Walkers like her brothers Jon or Bran, but she has no less skin in the game than them at this point.

because it defeats the entire fucking purpose of jon snows arc which was intimately tied with the night king and the white walkers
and he did literally nothing the entire episode because muh deconstruction muh subversion muh strong narrative
i fucking modern times so fucking much

Because she has no connection to the NK at all. This is literally the first time she's seen him and she kills him. Not only that but it completely ignores the whole 'prince that was promised' storyline. We've been teased with Jon fighting the Night King since the beginning and yet nothing at all came of it. It was a completely cop out.

Based and Yea Forumspilled t b h

I really don't get how people can be satisfied with the ayra stuff, I like arya's character overall pre season 5 and some of the stuff after but she literally came out of no where.

I mean he basically didn't do shit this episode. I honestly would have been ok with Jon losing the duel to the NK and THEN have Arya do her teleporting and kill him. Kinda like how Ned "beat" that one swordsman, Arthur Dayne was it?

If D&D make a good Cleganebowl I will forgive them.

You sure about that, mate?

Because it cucked the viewers out of Jon fighting his villian you dickhead. What the fuck is supposed to do now? His whole thing was fighting the Nightking only for Arya to do this teleport behind you bullshit.

The setup for Kino in the field of dead people at the gate was there. We could have had a 1v1 with Jon and the nightking at the very least. And this is ignoring the fact that killing the king in the first fucking battle is an absymal idea as he was the major threat for the whole existence of the show.

Pretty much this.
If she had used that magic thing she does I would have been...slightly less not okay with it, but to just fly in like spider-man was an absolute joke.

I actually yelled "OH COME ON!!!" when it happened.

The build up is terrible. I have no idea how you can think the scene was well done unless you have the
>Yes, slay queen slay
kind of reaction. The fact that all we know about the Night King is that he was a blight made by elves to kill humans is absolutely terrible and is even worse than his death scene.

They should have Hector Salamanca'd the wheelchair and blew half of the Night King's face off as he adjusted his tie

>Alt right is gonna have a field day with this one

I'm losing my mind, what does this have to do with alt-right, inceldom, virginity etc.? The plot just wasn't setup to be this way. Who the fuck cares about Cersei being the ultimate evil? WW was the main plot and it ended too early and with literally no explanation.

In the library she had mentally broken and was just a scared girl again. Red Woman inspired her to go back to assassin mode. Beric was brought back to life a dozen times so that he could save Arya btw

I’m pretty sure Arya could’ve anally-vored the night king and these fucks would still be cheering

They are and you are

I saw her little boobies. She's woman enough for me.

Doesn't fit prophecy that literally everyone built up especially red witch.

She was set up entirely around the world of man, not the world of the undead white walkers. It means she can't be the one to kill Cersei or it's going to be a ridiculous case of one character doing everything. What said. In the span of a single episode she becomes Azor Arya and is the chosen one.

Jon vs NK is poetic
Dany vs NK is poetic and I fucking hate Dany
Jaime vs NK works.

It's another example of subverting expectations leading to awful results.

Mildly okay with it.

Thanks for giving me something to look forward to. At least that may still happen. It's episode fucking 3 and all the conflict just evaporated

>The library scene is supposed to set up it.
It didn't set anything up other than her objective.

so her and beric's ultimate purpose was to serve Azor Arya and just die?

This. It is so tiresome at this point.

>This, this, so much this.

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Not the only thing they were right about fren

I don't get that either. What was the point in Bran warging? Literally nothing...

Idiot. What about the WW generals onlooking? And for Theon the NK let him go to him because the NK knew he could kill him.

>WW was the main plot and it ended too early and with literally no explanation
It was 100% explained dumbass and the iron throne is the main plot

she literally wasn't, she was doing it very well. and she doesn't need to be invisible, the night king let her do it because he was too cocky

I fucking wish my brain was as smooth as yours is.

have sex

bran warging into a dragon would have been cooler and it would have made his character useful for once

Then why not just have him win like Thanos?

This shit is a turd and they liked it? I give up

Well there wouldn’t have been anyone left to worship the Lord of Light if the NK had his way. They served their purpose in the grand scheme.

Remember Arya is an expert ASSASSIN, she is literally the most effective killer of the group, she's not a grinder like John and probably doesn't have the endurance of a regular warrior. She is built to go for the kill and so it makes sense that she OUTSKILLED the NK in the span of the 3 seconds that he gave her.
Sneak was less believable though, there was entire group behind the NK and we didn't see how show sneaked through them.

more than her killing the NK, it's how she did it

i feel better about watching literal hours of her training now

What the fuck is jon's purpose in the story now? To fuck and or kill dany?

Arya stuff was meme tier. Did she steal a wight face and walking dead her way through the crowd? What the fuck was bran doing? Why does NK give a shit about bran? Why couldnt literally any other white walker kill bran? Who knows, not the fucking audience why bother showing any of that.

Also I kek'd hard at lyanna's charge.

Her arc is about revenge and she doesn't have any personal beef with the NK.

this. take the bookpill, faggots.

He also "knew" he could kill Arya.

NK isn't really dead he was a decoy. Real NK is on the way to King's Landing.

No it isn't.
If there isn't a decent twist like the Golden Company kills everyone and dismantles the Kingdom then this will be fucking retarded

He was confident enough to believe he could kill her too

The best explanation so far is that her (TV) storyline hasn't really woven through with the undead at all.

As far as "she would easily be seen muh mun muh"

of course she would, but the night king literally doesnt't care. he watched theon run right at him just to kill him. he let jon run at him just to show off how powerful he is. it makes sense that he would think he could easily take down arya.

Would have been cool for him to warg into those Ravens to see what part of the battlefield needed the most help and then warg into a Dragon to help that area.

So... what was the point of the white walkers? They literally served 0 purpose...

This comic was right all along

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As if the morons who eat this shit up know what warging is

That's not true at all. It's obvious why people don't like it, stop being ignorant. Jon had been setup to fight the Night King from the beginning. His entire story-line revolves around it. Stannis and the prince that was promised. Melisandre realising he was the wrong one, and then her switch to Jon. Even bringing him back to life. It was all setup for Jon to be the one to kill the NK.

Arya had zero interest in the WW, her storyline didn't involve them at all. This is the first time she's even seen an undead, or a WW.

lol shut up you little bitch. If it ended with an unrealistic duel between Jon and the NK and some lucky blow that Jon landed you'd be clapping you dorito stained forearms together with glee.

i don't think you get it. it's the fact that they build up a threat for 8 seasons and kill it off in 1 episode without any cool shit happening like bran warging, azor ahai or even something undead from the crypt happening. it was just Arya teleporting behind the NK and stabbing him.

>all the conflict just evaporated
Except maybe the one that the whole show is based around?

This. I like Arya, but I hate deus ex machinas.

yeah maybe then you too could comprehend basic concepts in a popular normie tv show

I'm not mad he died.
I'm mad he died half way through the season and now cersei, miss "you aren't as smart as you think you are" is da main badguy

>Beast took out Magneto in a very similar fashion. It was kinda cool really. Sneaked up behind him, launched and stabbed him with mutant medicine.
>Nobody whined about that.

Because Wolverine acted as the decoy which justified it, but mainly because everything else in X3 was infinitely worse.

imagine not realizing after the first episode of the first season that Arya and Jaime are the main characters?

it would have been cool if he had done anything useful at all. he is now officially the most trash character in the whole show.
as if that matters and as if D&D care about "what warging is" anyway

Not really, i'm fine with her being the one but they didn't show anything leading up to it, she genuinely just came out of no where, they showed jon trying to reach bran and getting pinned down by viserion but i feel like the last time we saw arya in the episode was in the locked room where Beric died which was a good ~30 mins before the night king found bran.

>shitty throne is the plot

nice job brainlet. So NK planned 8000 years for dying in the first LITTLE obstacle? What was his true purpose anyway? To kill Bran? Ghostify Westeros? Ok then take your dragon and half your army to south directly, while the other half is already enough to destroy Winterfell. You waited for 8000 years to kill 3 eyed raven, why not wait just a bit more? Why even siege Winterfell anyway? That's the most and the only prepared castle in the entire world. Just destroy everything and let them rot in the castle.

What is Jon's purpose? Just being a targaryen?

What was WWs' effect in general on the plot anyway?

I will say Bran is probably one of the bigger misfires of the story. He’s pretty much lost all characterization, and he’s supposedly super important in the war (to the point where the Night King felt compelled to deal with him personally), but he had nothing to really offer.

Was anyone else expecting Hodor to show up?

She wasn't disguised as anything. They literally show wind blowing the hair of one of the generals indicating she somehow got super fast flash level speed.

It was poorly written and a massive cop out. The entire episode was like that LOTR character Tolkien made up to get out of a situation he couldn't write out of.

except Bran is the Night King, ya goof, are you illiterate? Bran warged the whole time despite the fact we never saw it, and then shared a loving look with NK

The series is called "A Song of Ice and Fire." It stopped being about politics long ago.

I disagree completely. I like Arya but her killing the NK had nothing to do with her arc. There are tons of people thinking that she was going to kill Melisandre from the "blue eyes" quote. We knew Melisandre came back to Winterfell and she was going to die there. Arya had Melisandre on her kill list for a long time. Arya killing Melisandre could have been some sort of sacrifice that would have turned the tide.

But instead Arya has to be told to kill the NK? Wouldn't she try to do that anyway? That was the entire purpose of Melly? Her sacrifices, her prophecies, her powers?


>Night King touches Bran
>lol gotchu bitch
>Bran wargs into him
>makes him kill himself
at least this kind of dumb anime shit would have made sense instead of literally teleports behind u

8 seasons of build up to kill jorah and theon. Right on back to Lannisters vs. the world.

bran is so useless its hilarious.
no he was warging back to sansa's rape scene

She was disguised as a WW you faggots. Melissandre told her to do it.

NK just wanted to chill in the north and reproduce by turning babies into WW.

Sam took Gilly and Sam Jr, and Craster died, meaning he no longer had access to babies which was one of the conditions of the original truce with humanity. The second condition was not to use dragonglass against them, which Sam did when he killed that WW.

So he's basically attacking because humanity broke the truce, meaning Sam is directly responsible for causing the war and the deaths of countless thousands of people.

The 'show' is called Game of Thrones, and deviated from the books first chance it got.

shitty throne is the plot
Huh? are you fucking retarded? The show is called game of thrones.. it deviated from the book a long time ago. The show is about the throne and Dany.

that would have been much better than fucking arya.

my hope was that he was warging Ghost for a surprise attack like Arya did, you know... a white wolf on the snow in the woods in the night, night bitch would never seen him comin, but no they had to use the goblin

so we can have a walking dead episode

How'd she get the mask? They shatter when killed.

> Thinking women are useful as soldiers IRL ever


But seriously the *teleprts behind u* shit was way worse than the choice of person who did it. Literally anime.

1.) Arya isn't really a good killer or assassin.

>someone please explain why the night king needs to kill bran.

They will never explain it now. I really wanted some NK backstory too.

>Commanders of a drone army suddenly sees a drone behaving irregularly & moving towards the battle commander
There's no possible explanation, they just did it because they were lazy and couldn't come up with something that made sense

I was either hoping Jon would kill him in a 1v1 at the gate or that he would slay the Dragon but be too late and have to evac with a good chunk of the main characters dead and finish the fight at kings landing.

Because the book spent years building up and foreshadowing that Azor Ahai would be the one to stop the White Walkers, and she has no connection to it. Might as well have had Theon or Tyrion do it, it would make just as much sense.

gee it's almost like they literally constantly say that their only purpose for being alive is to serve the lord of light


she wore the face of a white walker. melisandre hinted at it with 'blue eyes'

They already explained it.. not a very good reason but they said Bran is the world's memory, and the night king wants to wipe out man

IF THAT'S TRUE then fucking SHOW IT so it doesn't look like she teleported 100 meters from a castle wall

I legitimately cannot understand how these humans thing like this.

Everyone hated that movie

Nah those were the eyes she shuts.

It isnt her story line or arc. It's supposed to be Jon, even the showrunners say that it's supposed to be, but they wanted to subvert everyones expectations so they had arya stab the NK instead.

Arya should be in KL killing cersei to finish her list. AKA the reason behind all her training.

Jon has been protecting the north this entire time. not having him 1v1 the NK is BS

Well Arya is a Stark and the Starks both prepare for winter and protect the North and their home Winterfell... its not that much of a stretch to let them defeat the NK. And it's not like they pulled it out of nowhere... Melly did react to her strongly back in S3. Arya had to be told to get to it because she had gotten John Wall-levels of /shook/ by the hordes of dead up on the walls. And yeah the point of Melly was to help the Lord of Light. She wasnt sure how so there were some misfires but this is what she had overall been working towards the whole time.

Lmao define the alt-right in one sentence.

Because this undermines jons plotline for no reason. Arya could have done something else badass (like save the hound from ser robert strong) and not ruined the showdown that was supposed to happen between jon and the night king. All this build up was for nothing. To make matters infinitely worse, bran and the nightking scene was cut short for no reason. We should have got a glimpse on why the three eyed raven is so important to the night king. Bran should have displayed some of his power. Killing the nightking so fast was a mistake. The white walkers got no fight scene either. More major characters should have died. We should have got more NK exposition. This was a lazy rush job and possibly the most anti climatic ending to a long running plotline I have ever scene. The battle before the ending had its moments but honestly I'm amazed HBO fucked this up so bad.

The book series will never be finished and even if it somehow is it will be corrupted by influence from the show's plot.

They’re going to claim anyone who didn’t like that episode is a misogynist Are you retarded? Where was the explanation for anything the NK did? Why was he after Bran?

This. They are mentally ill for enjoying this and you are also for continuing to watch after the steaming pile of dung that was season 5

This. Literally don't care what happens after this now. What does any of it matter?

She disguised herself as an Undead, then flew 15 feet into the air and tried to air assassinate him? That makes no sense, the way the scene plays out only makes sense if she was on a tree or literally jumped on the shoulders of others and leaped at him

100% Agreed. He barely even did anything this episode, he should have had more of an impact. Whats even left for him to do? This should have been his moment.

I liked it. Jon and Dany and everyone did their part amassing armies and whatever. Arya's whole arc is becoming a ninjadeathbitch.

Its all fucking politics from here.

I wouldnt be shocked if there is a slight drop off of veiwership

8 season for 1 episode to kill off the biggest threat to westeros

Now they're going to spend the next several episodes focused entirely on fighting cersei and call it a wrap.

1.) arya isnt really a good killer or assasin, her mentor was originally caught, and was going to be put do death where she earned her 'coin' and the only time she actually trained to kill was in the beginning of the show with her tutor (who also died.)

2.) She had no fucking plot connection to the white walkers. she should have went to kings landing at the cross roads to finish her list and kill cersi?

3.) she already had a super satisfying major character kill that would have just about completly finished her story line (her killing little finger)

4.) shes a huge fucking mary sue

5.)the writers did it to try to 'subvert expectations'

6.) it was a cheap way out, just like how the wall fell. They build how badass its suppose to be and put huge narrative behind it only for it to fall in a single episode without a huge bad ass fight.

7.) wasnt really plausible, bran was surrounded by wights, white walkers, and the fucking night king.

i could fucking continue but you already know its because jon snow should have fucking killed the night king in 1v1 combat after accidently killing dany to be azor ahai. fuck this lvl 11 goblina mary sue bitch,

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She's a terrible character with a terrible arc played by a terrible actress. It's all forced and unnatural. It's designed to appeal to a specific audience rather than tell a good story.


There’s only 3 more episodes

Literally teleports behind you.
Kys my man.

Yeah i was thinking theyd just evacuate 10 or so main characters and fight again in the South. It doesnt make any sense to have the battle against the WW be before fighting Cersei. These next 3 eps are going to feel like a post-credits sequence now.

There are walls around the Godswood she just jumped off and rushed the guy.

Yea Forums is the most reddit board. Can these posters please leave

Melissandre was talking about the eyes Arya has closed. Blue eyes was pointing her to her next target



George is a cuck. The entire story is fucked because of it, not just the TV show.

Make me.

>the hound survived this battle
Fuck, so the Cleganebowl IS happening.
There's nothing that will kill him now that the Undead are gone, so I guess we should get HYPE.

>yaaaas queen
>easily tearing down walls
and people will pretend that politics didn't ruin the writing in this show

Amazing how no one have a problem with that. This is not Arya's Arc, She's NOT the chosen one. Her enemies are not sobrenatural, they are the traitors and murderers of her family...

Also, how it was done in the show was BEYOND stupid, with her running past thousands of zombies and a dozen white walkers to kill the NK. It was pure SHIT!

You're forgetting what they said in episode 2

Bran knows all the stories so he's like uh... the history of humanity y'know? like he's uh... important...

If Jon killed him I wouldn't be mad
If Arya killed him when Jon was being dominated by him I wouldn't been mad
But the way Arya killed him was RETARDED

What are the chances of the Night King coming back? Didn't both Bran and Danaerys have visions of King's Landing in ruins with a blizzard blowing through it?

I very much enjoyed the episode and am glad it wasn't Jon to do it. Also it makes perfect sense because no fucking way is someone going to be able to 1v1 the Night King. Ya gotta resort to trickery.

It's not about "le-strong wemens", but the fact, that she appeared literally from nowhere. Also Bran, John and Sam were completally useless. And they fucked up totally with not clearing out crypts from corpses.

No, it showed she could move around without the wights noticing her.

>still having hype in this trashfire

it must be nice to have hope

This. I'm still in shock that Jon didn't even get to fight the Night King.. it's crazy. I get that the show has a lot of twists and it was perhaps too obviously for Jon to fight and kill him, but it's just so random and seems extremely poor writing meant only for the surprise value. The fact that she just turns up out of nowhere makes it twice as bad as well. I really think it's ruined the show for me sadly... it's such a shame. I loved GOT :/

I lost hope for 2 seasons but honestly, the chance, and thus the hope, has reemerged


These are the same people who probably unironically cheered on the scene of Arya psychotically talking about carving up the Freys and cooking them.

Normies are insane, bloodthirsty monsters sometimes. What they have and what we lack is numbers. Ad populum protects them, every time.

Attached: danaerys.jpg (750x563, 45K)

like i fucking thought we didnt get to see a huge fucking battle at the wall becayse HBO couldnt afford the cgi. but no. this fucking proves it. it was because of this bullshit polotics.

Also when did the fucking wights stop being super fucking flamable? literally every other wight spontaniously combusts into a supernova at the thought of an ember from a ciggaratte. but nope. they just walk into baracades on fire to put it out.

>implying cleganebowl wont be SUBVERTED.COM
i honestly hope this happens because the riot will be hilarious

Come now, you fucking mongoloid. You must have realised that they'd play out this keystone army trope to its logical conclusion.

The library scene felt like a fucking videogame. Why do people assume there are secret ways to move unheard. It's not a real life skill as much as it is a environment thing. It never was a trade to move silently to reach forbidden places or kill people. Even cats will make noise depending on flooring.


Yeah but that's from the books, these writers don't know what to do with an entire cast of characters, I don't have much hope they'll keep something like that in mind

George isn't finishing his story.

Say what you want, I still think Arya will die. She'll try something similar to Cersei and go with the classic
>sneak and go for the kill
>close up
>wide open eyes
>check down
>sword through the chest

I don't think he would even be interested in the rest of the Kingdom.
I feel like he would just close off Moat Cailin and become a hermit

She was waiting in the weirwood tree.

The "Clapping Seals" generation

Stop speedwatching shows you retard

>Make Night King immune to dragon fire which is supposed to be a thing that kills him
>Expectations subverted
>Valyrian steel still kills him
What was the fucking point then

the mountain will kill her and cleganebowl will begin

They did notice her.
And wights are stupid zombies. The Others did notice her.
And "move around without them noticing her" still wouldn't explain it when they are in a fucking circle around Bran

little bitch killed a giant
little cunt killed the knight king

everything normies drool themselves over

So what was the point of spending 8 years building up this threat only for it to be settled in a single episode and the mastermind backstabbed and killed by someone that wasn't involved in the WW plotline in that same episode?

It makes all this time spent building up the WW threat a waste of time.

>The word stanning in reddit
>truly the worst timeline

awww did you want your wittle favwite to kill the Night King (who is still Bran)? poor little user. Arya and Jaime were the GOATs from S01E01.

Arya was my favorite character back when she was getting her ass kicked all the time. Most of the post-Bravos stuff showed her as totally flawless and I couldn't stand her. The library scene was actually really nice with Arya being scared, on the defensive, running away, getting rescued, getting fucked up, etc. Made the ending more earned IMO. I didn't hate it.

normies will never question "le stonk"

Nah, she won't. She'll be a support role now, the last episodes are gonna focus on Jon and Dany. Jaime will be the one dealing with Cersei.

She didn't do anything in season one but run around and be a mischievous tomboy

We request cats in Pasta user

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>Arya is more powerful than a 100,000+ Dothraki/Unsullied army supported by a castle and fire breathing dragons



>could've had Jaime and Jon with fire swords against the NK
>NK dies the lamest way possible.
>Twitter already trying to spin it to some throwaway season 1 line from Syrio.

This fanbase...

I would have been fine with it if they just showed her making her way there like they did jon, she genuinely just came out of no where.

Watch as they have Sansa kill her.

You are now aware she has always been GRRM's fav character and she will definitely do this in the books too

>wore the face of a white walker

gee they are all 6 feet tall and she's 3 feet tall. kinda noticable, no?

Everyone who replied to this is a fucking moron.

Yes, she came out of nowhere. They labored over almost ten minutes showing she was more silent than the vacuum of space. She comes out of nowhere, to fulfill her promise to protect Brand. She spent all this time training to become an assassin of Kings. And she did just that.

This was the culmination of her skills. To absolute perfection. You're just mad because you're obstinate in how you've felt about her the last three seasons or so and want to undersell everything she does. Get the fuck over yourselves.

>Night King mostly stays out of the battle until Winterfell was essentially taken
>gets caught off guard at his weakest moment
It's not that hard

Wait, so the final boss is death 3 episodes in? What are they doing next?

Gendry better start munching fucking fermented crab meat time now. Arya's gonna need some serious dicking after ending a ten thousand year war.

That doesn't explain where she came from. He was literally surrounded

They're not following the books anymore. That's why we have this shit ending. I bet all George told them was who sits on the throne in the end and who's still alive.

Better than Endgame

>Arya will kill the fleet by herself

>Arya will kill Cersei as Jamie


The NK was literally surrounded by a wall of undead. The only entrance was protected by other white walkers.

>brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes

>Arya is more powerful than a 100,000+ Dothraki/Unsullied army supported by a castle and fire breathing dragons

>Has to sneak around white walkers carefully in the keep

>Somehow, magically, can teleport and fool the Night King AND his mass of supporters in front of Bran

He warged into Ravens to provoke the Night King in the first place. He spent the entire fight basically baiting himself by having his powers active and acting as a beacon.

How stupid are you?

Her path was blocked and she was literally seen running in by the other WW.

It would actually have been great if:

>Theon's death was a distraction that allowed her to get close, instead of the nothing that it turned out to be.
>They showed her coming.

It was obvious it was going to happen about 15 minutes before it did. Red Witch lady literally told her "your gonna kill the guy with blue eyes" and then Arya isn't on screen again for a long time while everyone else is on the brink of death. If they didn't make it seem like MUH SURPRISE PLOT TWIST and instead made it seem like it was Bran's plan all along and that Theon needed to be there to distract the Night King for her, then the whole thing would have actually worked.

It's not even the feminism that makes it bad- it's just bad writing.

Because the prophecy that they decide waa important to fulfill is a single line that Melisandre tells Aria and like season 4 instead of a filling the prophecy of azora ahai. This is why I have never fear the shows ending spoiling the book ending.

Yes. And if you were paying attention to the show at fucking all they demonstrate she's a master assassin on the level that she can't be detected by the undead. By the time they'd noticed she'd blown past them you dipshit.

And you saw her blow right past them before any one of them could notice you fucking retard.

She's gonna walk her ass all the way down to king's landing and teleport behind Cersei.

Except she was noticed you fucking spastic, just none of them did anything because "we have to wrap this up now"

Your logic completely slips at the end. She wasn't shown because she wasn't noticed at all you idiot.

That doesn't explain where she came from. He was literally surrounded

You're expecting d&d to actually explain the higher mysteries. They can bearly keep the religions straight.

I was hoping Bran would've got the kill. Some mind battle or something between the two and the battle ends with them both evaporating, then Jon and Co. enter the godswood to see nothing but an empty wheelchair.

>the true prophecy comes from the one person repeatedly proven to be a false prophet and they act like she knew the whole time

They noticed too late because she'd used her stealth to fly right by them. Wow! Exactly like I said or something! This watching TV shit is too hard for you man. Kill yourself anytime.

Dude, he agrees with you, that it's fucking bullshit and it makes no sense.

She wasn't shown because this show is written for idiots who wouldn't notice she was missing while everything fell apart and DnD wanted the moment to surprise them.

You can show someone sneaking around.

8 F U C K I N G Y E A R S

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>I'm ok with her killing the Night King
I'm fucking not. Might as well have not brought Jon Snow back. Who gives a fuck if he baned his aunt. The most important life-deciding battle in the show was not decided by the most important character.

Game of Thrones is not about Arya. Full stop and fuck off.

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They established in hard home that actually whites cant be killed by fire. It's consistent.

>protect Brand
All brand or raisin?

>longest battle committed to film
>it's longer than the battle for helm's deep!
>also considerably more boring
>more disappointing
>and much much darker
They could've also had some progression of time. Make the battle seem like it lasted longer than an hour by having the sun rise but no, progression of time lost all meaning in season 7.

>arya kills the night king
holy fucking shit my sides


This. I thought that they were going to be routed but they would fall back to the iron island because they set that up in the first episode. But after the first hour it became clear that any idea of retreat or even getting all the face characters together in one place was impossible, leaving the only out being killing the night king.

I mean Jesus, if you HAVE to have Arya teleport behind the Night King, at least have it happen while Jon is dueling him or something

>You can show someone sneaking around.

They did. In the library dipshit. It gives away the ghost if you see her deliberating over it for fifteen fucking minutes sneaking into the garden. All of the attention of the scene was on Bran and Jon because all of the attention of the villain were on those points during his ultimate failure. It's great writing and directing because it puts you in the perspective of the Night King as he's about to win and if you were paying any bit of attention you'd know what Bran knew. That he was missing the forest for the trees.

You fucking moron. It wasn't about tricking the audience. It was about you watching the Night King be unable to catch one glaring detail. You can sit here and say it's not good writing or whatever. But you're only fooling yourself.

Like this? He would have needed Valyrian steel.
Looks kind of silly desu, but at least it would make sense.

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white walkers have a really fucking shit KDR

I'm ok with Arya getting the kill.

What I'm not okay with is the predictability in writing for characters that are totally untouchable.

After arguing with some people over the episode I realized that bookfags fucking hated it and series-only fucking loved it.

>t. Literal blue haired roastie feminist

Because that isn't her arc. She never had a connection to the Night King and the White Walkers. Her thing was with Cersei and the Lannisters. Night King was Jon Snow's rival. Now, I don't think it should be obligatory for him to kill the villain, but he should've been involved somehow. Also, Arya comes from literally nowhere. That scene is so fucking dumb.

All of Mel's prophecies are proven correct. She just misinterprets them. Go back and rewatch. The story of azora ahai is central to the red faith it just isn't her vision

>I'm too mad that a woman dared to show any agency in MY SHOW to see a good character moment that redeems the last two seasons of Arya actually ruining episodes with her screen time to think!

Wow dude. Maybe try dying.

you can't make shit we haven't seen up. Stop covering plot wholes with your own headcannon.

>She never had a connection to the Night King and the White Walkers

Her connection was to Bran and protecting Bran. She fulfilled that on a whole other level.

you're a fucking ape to believe that the night king wouldn't be able to tell a wight was under his control

Bran doesn't fucking exist anymore

>Where was the explanation for anything the NK did? Why was he after Bran?
All these hacks follow the Jar jar Abrams school of storytelling where they give you a mystery but never give you an answer.


Warg into Ghost to attack the Night King to stall until Arya showed up for a sneak attack. Boom, good writing.

The other wights are suddenly occupied because "oh fuck a direwolf" and allows Arya to sneak past them while their attention is elsewhere

Yet she was shown in the library earlier in the episode getting caught by a normal zombie and having to be saved.

And even a master assassin can't walk through a wall of undead.

>She spent all this time training
What training? She barely did anything in Bravos. She got beat around with a stick.

If Jon killed him the way Arya killed him I still would be incredibly mad.

The Night King literally can see everything the wights see and is in them all. He would have immediately known if one of the wights or white walkers was not following his command.

It was all a vision?

By your logic she can literally do anything, how convenient. I guess the following episodes will just be her assassinating Cersei and becoming Queen.


She had nothing to do with this subplot. If she was stationed at the nights watch or something or went north for some reason and had some encounter it might make sense. The problem is that it’s wholly random. It would be like Cersei killing the night king. It’s just sloppy storytelling for queeweeeen slaaaay.l purposes.

>During Theon's death it cuts to one of the Wight Walkers looking down at Theon, and Theon looking up at them
>NK is about to draw his sword to kill Bran
>Suddenly spins around and blocks an incoming attack; the same Wight that looked down at Theon is blade to blade with the Night King
>The camera pans and reveals it was Arya wearing a Wight's face

>Bran knows all
>Bran tells Theon he needs more time
>Theon holds off the Night King like Hodor does the door, like Jorah does for Dany
>Theon is a hero
>Bran wargs out, comes back, "Just a little longer Theon"
>He keeps going somewhere, seeing something, he's got a plan
>Meanwhile, Arya desperately running through the forest, having escaped the castle, being chased by zombos, fear mixing with the blood and sweat on her face
>Seems like Arya is fucked just like everyone else
>Theon stabbed repeatedly, still standing
>Bran comes back again "Thank you, Theon"
>As Theon is dying, he smiles up at NK
>Got you
>THEN Arya jumps in.

There I just made it 10x better. Theon has a meaningful death AND Arya is a little less OP AND they maintain the plot twist because the normie audience thought she was running away but it turns out she was trying to get to Bran.

he's bait nigger. super important.

This guy gets it.

Give the night king a break jeez

like, do you think he could have expected some weirdo putting on a white walker mask or something lmao?

So what kind of mental gymnastics are required to make Arya match the prophecy? I assume the dagger is somehow Lightbringer. Who is Nissa Nissa? Gendry? Shouldn't he die to beat the NK then?

>Got you

Because she has no connection to that entire storyline.

Arya killing the Night King is like Jon killing the Freys and Cersi.

that last panel really shows how grotesque they are.

>Theon and Arya say at the same time:
>We are no men :DDD


That was the entire point of her becoming a magical psychopath assassin though. It's established that faceless men are basically anime. So it fits the in universe logic.

Not going to lie, I thought Bran would warg Theon as well. Your scenario would've been better, but they wanted the meme that is posted here all the time. The teleport behind you with Brienne, nothing personal.


yeah but we saw her skill when she avenged the starks for the red wedding and she got the kill against littlefinger, is she just the win button for the good guys now or what

Have Jon fight NK 1v1 while the dead were raising, then, Jon gets surrounded and NK leaves.

Have Jon fight NK 1v1, then Viserion appears and forces him to retreat.

Yeah. Sucks. They are writing the show for the YAS QWEEN audience and not the other 95% of us.

That entire episode was fucking hype and then somehow they managed to ruin in in one very retarded scene.
Even if Arya was totally invisible the Zomboids were shoulder to shoulder so how did she go to the trouble of getting around them only to double back just to jump at the nightking and flop? Why did no one stop her?

Other than that I really enjoyed it.

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It makes sense. She's the Death God's chosen one. Many-Faced God cucked the Undead King.

- descends from Northmen
- descends from First Men
- dad is a king
- brother is Three Eyed Raven
- Many-Faced God cloaked her approach to Night King.

Many Faced God is finite death God. He probably hates motherfucking Undead,

Night King ganked.

>the leader of the most powerful magical force in the world
>...killed by a chav

She's a notherner and follows the Death god.

Fire God and Death God sent their "chosen" to kill Undead abomination.

She's the Melisandre for the Many Faced God.

Imagine thinking this dumpster fire that is Arya's plotline was redeemed with her teleporting behind the night king

that's still a shitty ending. It's the same as monologuing

>Yes, she came out of nowhere
You can't physically do that
>They labored over almost ten minutes showing she was more silent than the vacuum of space
By showing her stumble around and fail at stealth evading some retarded zombies?
>She comes out of nowhere
Imagine thinking this can possibly be justified
>She spent all this time training to become an assassin of Kings
All that time getting hit with sticks, learning how to be blind, and learn how to assassinate normal men

The Many-Faced God shouldn't even oppose the Night King, they have the same goals.

I'm also not sure the Many-Faced god is actually a real thing.

You can't just keep repeating that she wasn't seen when it is completely illogical for her to not be seen

Prophecy unironically didn't happen
This story is bullshit

>durr she can turn invisible
>hurr she is a super assassin on steroids btw
>durr don't all assassin's scream at the top of their lungs before attacking?

She wore a zombies face to get close. Her Dark Brotherhood magic is tied to the leather masks she makes.

When she was running away from the zombies she forgot what she was. Melisandre reminded her of what she can do and that the Many Faced God has her back.

>things that could have happened, but didn't

>She wore a zombies face to get close.
Prove it

I'm so mad alt-right bros. First I never have sex and now THlS!

People are being retarded about the "feminism" shit.

Arya is most likely the best fighter on the show. She was capable and equipped to be able to kill the Night King.

What bothers me is simply that there was no real satisfying end to the Night King. All those other White Walkers did literally nothing this episode. Like actually nothing. They walked into Winterfell and died instantly.

She shut blue eyes by killing the Night King

You nigger

Can anyone explain to me the tactical reason for sending all your cavalry in a frontal attack against an enemy that outnumbers you a thousand to one and cannot feel fear nor break?

Also Ghost? Where'd he go?

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Yeah but it’s not like they haven’t done shit in other episodes, plus it’s already 90 minutes and it still feels rushed at the end

you say that but
>20 good men

Because it's a retarded and weak conclusion that will leave literally nobody satisfied. The greatest threat and evil to the entire world and it's np, just let a little girl stab him and it's all ogre. If it was as easy as any one ordinary human being able to beat him, then it wasn't that much of a threat from the start, so it's just dumb from every angle.