Who is the modern day John Wayne?
John Wayne
Jonah Hill
john wayne
Sam Hyde
Steve Spurrier. At least in football. 20 years ago.
Chris Pratt
whatever happened to gary cooper?
I've been watching a lot of his movies lately those old westerns are fun
he was my grandfather's favorite actor ;_;
maisie williams
There is no modern equivalent and never will be.
John Wayne died along with the silent majority.
you know..th' strong, silent type.
This guy
If John Wayne was Australian.
Longmire was a great show, loved that moment when Branch was shot and called for help right after Walt destroyed his office after Henry got arrested
Pure kino
Clint Eastwood.
Mel Gibson, you dumb fucks
steven seagall
Mel is a fag
so was john wayne
what changed?
he died
He'd probably be a virtue signaling lefty cuck in modern times.
He would cater to whatever is popular, back then being westerns and SJW shit is here for the time being
Fuck John Wayne, he is a fish lipped weird fag looking child molester. I can tell he is a weird pervert just by looking at him.
Only people who give a shit about this guy are dumb boomers anyway so who cares.
Anyone not saying Josh Brolin is objectively wrong.
Brie Larson
Idris Elba
use more buzzwords
Name one thing I said that's wrong, you can't.
Everything, there I can