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Did you even thought it was questionable?
>thinking Tolkien could ever be matched
and you trust your king?
i could actually see helms deep so its not much of a competition
it's been like 10 years, what made this one so good again?
>Helm's Deep
Intelligent defensive strategies
Every man was brave and held their post
Smart leaders who led by example
You can actually see the battle
Literally the dumbest strategies in the history of combat
Everyone running and crying, abandoning their posts
Leaders are 100% absent during the entire fight
I will fuck up anyone who tries to compare this shit to LOTR ever again
you could actually see the fucking battle
did they got the taken director for this episode?
“Where now are the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?
Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
Where is the harp on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the deadwood burning,
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?”
Even if the most incredible thought out shit happened at Winterfell it would still be worse because it was so fucking terribly directed and shot.
it's clear what they were trying to defend in TT, the keep which lead to the caverns (different in book, but still it's clear).
in GoT it's like people were defending random bits of walls. like fall back to bran in the gods' woods or the crypts at least.
There was zero strategy
>Send cavalry THEN fire artillery
>Use dragons only after you've engaged in melee
>Light the fire trench AFTER they've already crossed the threshold
>Don't use the time when they are held back by fire to rain arrows/dragons/anything on them
It was just fucking stupid
I think the only redeemable part showing slightest amount of brain activity in writers' room was the idea of raising dead in the crypt. But then it makes you ask questions like why hasn't night king raised dead in the crypt from start as a cool take on Trojan horse or why defenders who seen NK raising dead haven't thought of it themselves.
Seriously who was behind the choreography of the fight in winterfell?
Every single thing was about it was stupid. The dragons barely doing shit, the dhotrokai attacking into the darkness and getting killed, not building more ditches to light in fire, not enough archers, not boiling oil over the walls, Jamie not bringing wildfire from kings landing.
How the fucking undead was almost unstoppable at the battle field but as soon as they reach the castle they became as dumb as the walkers from the walking death, every fucking close call that main characters had, but the most insulting part of this episode is how FUCKING DARK IT WAS.
How did Tolkien and Hackson managed to do it?
The way Tolkien describes Helm's Dyke is brilliant.
Even if that episode was good and plugged in the dipshit plot holes and general dumbassery, it couldn't match TTT and ROTK.
In LOTR you give a shit about the world enveloping in darkness. You care about the Shire, Bree, Gondor, Rohan etc.
Watching this I realise I couldn't give a shit if the white walkers overran the whole of Westeros.
Was it ever in dispute?
>almost 20 years earlier with modern CGI at its infancy
>Costed less even with inflation
>100 times more memorable, smarter and better looking
>In LOTR you give a shit about the world enveloping in darkness. You care about the Shire, Bree, Gondor, Rohan etc.
It's more than that. Tolkien and Jackson actually turned an eyeball on top of a tower (in the films) into a seemingly unstoppable threat.
Throat rape me with your supremecy.
I liked the library scene but holy fuck that. Was cringe. 2 fucking years for thaysvshit
Yea, GoT beat this tonight. Have sex, incel.
>We'll never get another decent piece of media ever
>It's Yas Queen shit from here to the end of time
But what was Helm’s Deep tax policy?
What did he mean by this?
>But what was Helm’s Deep tax policy?
Who gives a fuck anymore? LMAO.
Why the fuck do we keep winning, LOTR Chads?
Clown World isn't going to last forever. It's parasitic.
The tactics were comically bad. I lost count of all the retarded shit that went on. I don't expect perfection but they fucked up in every phase. Doesn't the average pleb watching this shit at least wonder why the cavalry randomly charged an unseen enemy from a defensible position for no reason?
only children think it's even comparable
This is my biggest problem, I had to literally sit in the dark scared that a skeltal might come for me because muh grimdark atmosphere
Reminder, you're still not getting sex.
lmao how many GOT threads are you calling people incels in right now?
How would you rearrange the fight to make more strategic sense and to be clearer to the audience? Hard mode: keep most the elements intact, give everyone something to do.
Why can't i find the full battle online?
>Doesn't the average pleb watching this shit at least wonder why the cavalry randomly charged an unseen enemy from a defensible position for no reason?
This is something I truly wonder. Like could you point these things out to the average show viewer and have them kind of go "yeah, that was a bit odd come to think of it, probably should have been better written" or will they go "DUDE YOU'RE JUST WAY OVERTHINKING IT IT'S JUST A SHOW LOL, BUT I'LL STILL FUCKING CRY IF DANY DOESN'T WIN"
Helm's deep had the advantage of actually following good source material. Peter Jackson did a good job though
LOTR is trash, shrimp dick.
Why does the battle even have to be at Winterfell, draw them south to the Neck and let them get bogged down in the swamplands
Helm's Deep shit all over this episode
Your men, my lord will follow you to whatever end
GOT could never top LOTR.
I know that I think about that stuff all the time. Most people might not know about cavalry tactics, but they'll certainly pick out shit like Tywin's bullshit claim about gold economics in Season 4.
>TFW the only thing weird about Helm's Deep (in the films) is how they charged into the busted wall after one volley of arrows.
>intelligent strategies
>putting the bulk of your army and best troops in middle earth on a wall defending a muddy dead end
>not having a second gate
>when the wall is breached instead of loosing arrows into the breach to cover a retreat he sends in his light infantry to fight pike and shield armed heavy infantry super orcs to save one shitty dwarf
>not evacuating the women and children into the mountains as soon as the battle starts
helms deep was one of the best things ive ever seen on screen, but it wasnt a tactical masterpiece.
What did he say and why was it bullshit? can't recall
>comparing a product of passion and skill based on a timeless masterpiece to a fart ordered by a bunch of executives with a checklist of diversity quotas and long overdue Fattie yes-man
Jackson and his team are very much "steely-eyed missile men" compared to the twats that squirted this POS
The fact that Helm's Deep was even brought into the conversation is shameful
what about the tax policy
Wrong, those fucking elves ruined it in the film
you're actually retarded
>putting the bulk of your army and best troops in middle earth on a wall defending a muddy dead end
where else would they be? The place isn't that big
>not having a second gate
were they supposed to build another gate in that short time?
>when the wall is breached instead of loosing arrows into the breach to cover a retreat he sends in his light infantry to fight pike and shield armed heavy infantry super orcs to save one shitty dwarf
choke points faggot
>not evacuating the women and children into the mountains as soon as the battle starts
the wall defended the entrance to the glittering caves where the civilians were hiding and another area entering into the keep
Westeros is the size of a large continent and uses precious metals for its money, so it's extremely unlikely that gold can just run out like that.
On top of that, an actual mine-out would INCREASE the value of their stockpiles, so they'd actually be richer than they were.
>Everyone running and crying
literally this, even the "barbarians" are scared
Hey, I didn't expect Battle of the Bastards to be topped, that one was already better than Helms Deep imo
Are you retarded?
And let's not forget about inflation. The Lannisters (and all of Westeros) would have serious problems if they just mined everything and dumped it all on the market.
Sure, they'd be able to pay all of their debts off, but the peasants would be pissed off.
This 'real man-kino is Onions-culture from 15 years ago' meme needs to die. Helm's Deep is still fairly stupid looking, Jackson turned the cast into quipping caricatures compared to their written counterparts, the battles are simplified and sexed up for the sake of shitty adolescent-pleasing ACTION and plenty of better movies were made before this one. Hell, the Chinese have probably made ten better ones since, not even counting the dozens they shit out before.
In Excalibur John Boorman created battles with infinitely more weight with less time to tell the story and fewer filmmaking resources at his disposal. That came out in 1981. You want to see how to REALLY give a battle scene impact, not fucking with you at all watch D.W. Griffith's 'Intolerance'. The Fall of Babylon sequences in that film are incredible.
I bet you fucking morons thought Kingdom of Heaven was good too.
This is a Peter Jackson flick.
Without even moving too many pieces
>Catapults fire before Dothraki charge
>Bring trenches out further, light them as soon as Army of the dead is seen
>Wait for them to try and cross, have unsullied hold the line right behind trench in formation
>As they are in front of the fire trench, have Dothraki flank from each side, possibly behind
>All of this while arrows continually fire down on enemy
>Retreat back to castle
>Have buckets of oil on the sides of the castle to pour on wights
>Light oil wights on fire
That was in 10 seconds. Also
>Give women and children in the crypts a few weapons in case they need to defend themselves
The most infuriating part of the darkness was that it was shot that way strictly for budget reasons. The 'storm' made it even worse and look like it was added post because they needed to make shit even fuzzier because of shit cgi.
Fire wont do much, just leads to you dying via flame zombie
>have sex