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Other urls found in this thread:


idk man

Triggering Yea Forums geeks
I actually came



>establish that dragon fire doesn't do shit, subverting expectations
>valyrian steel makes them shut down like the fucking droids in the prequels though




>sh... she's fast!

stay mad nigga

This is what happens when awful television writers get ahead of the books. These people only know how to write shows for middle aged housewives who watch Oprah.

Okay can we get a body count of who actually died in this episode? Like I could see Beric and Jorah but everything else was too fucking dark!

theon and mormont sue
like ten thousand nameless soldiers

white males

so valyrian steel works but dragon fire doesn't? how does that any type of sense thats retarded

On the bright side we get more human vs human shit with intrigue rather than against chaotic evil monsters

Don't try it.

that's generous

What happened with Gendry and Pod? Did we just forget about them for an episode?

Dolorous Edd
Lyanna Mormont
Melly Sanders

I think that's it

I'm so sorry guys

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Maybe he just needed to get penetrated?

>this is the show everyone cant stop fucking talking about

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So if Arya can shapeshift and teleport, how the fuck does Cersei stop that?

Holy fuck the plot armor.


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>100,000+ army die

>jorah, theon die

>little girl teleports and kills the fucking NIGHT KING

holy shit this writing.

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>implying Cersei doesnt have assassins of her own

too good for this show

F you deserved better

the force is female


*nobody important dies*

in case you're around you colossal fartsniffing nigger

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>Littlefinger saved the entire fucking world
50D chess.

literally no one important dies: the show

what do you think he was he thinking in his final moments?

>I should have respected woman

>"Finally I can be in better movies and shows instead of this mime shit."

I actually liked it only because it triggers Yea Forums nerds

>brightness levels needed: 100%


Holy shit she jumps like 40 feet it's wonderful It's like something just chucked her from across the fucking map

can we talk about how like 40000 people retreated into winterfell and like 2 minutes later if you didn't have a name you were already dead. They had a better chance outside apparently.

His brain was just the sound the ice maker in your fridge makes when it wants to eject cubes, but has none stored.

F you beautiful bastard

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dany does not have an army

>This can't be happening, I'm in charge here!

>be tree midgets
>create human bioweapon to use against your enemies
>it fucking wrecks everything in it's path so badly that they have to construct a fuck heug wall to keep them out
>cut to s8e3
>lel just tp behind him bro no big deal

>8 seasons worthy of drama just to get shanked by one 18 year old girl

What was even the point of him again?

All his scenes could've been replaced by something more important

No you dumb fags
The night king is only pretending to be dead. That was part of his plan.


fucking this.

i hope so, we shall see
now excuse me for a moment

Even Michael Bay write better shit than those fuckers, Hahahah lets have a battle in the fucking dark and add mist, you know what lets move the cam fast so we dont have to animate a lot, Hey and the dragons nah just animate like 10 minutes of the episode hehehe now what about the Night King mmm let me think make him not talk or do anything relevant he just stand there and raise his hands and bring back a bunch of dead people but if I die they all die. WHY THO? AND BRAN WHO ARE YOU?

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I am a normie. I like this show. I could see a decline in the writing after a certain point and I understood book readers issues.

I watched that episode tonight expecting a fun CGI battle and the entire thing was absolutely fucking off. I’ll have to sober up to post properly about it but that episode made zero fucking sense to me I don’t actually care what happens now. I’m in disbelief


And I thought what D&D did to Stannis was bad.

Game of thrones had so many great villains,-Tywin, Joffrey, Littlefinger etc. Even Walder Frey was more intresting than this zombie retard,

Theon deserved the kill and I'm going to be eternally mad about it.

Does this mean the lich king was a Targ and thats why he was immune to dragon fire

Have I forgot any entire arm?


*freeze frame*
*icicle crack*

>yep, that’s me. you’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. well, it started with some retarded forest people...

>How'd you sneak up on me?

I think it just means he was too cold to melt or something stupid like that. I don't think it means anything. They'll never mention him again.

see you next year

>big ol’ group of white walkers surrounding the night king
>finally get to see the long awaited interaction between three eyed raven and night king
>Arya somehow sneaks all the way through the mob of undead
>jumps at the night king (who we have seen to have incredible speed and strength)
>he catches her... and doesn’t just crush her throat immediately with his super-strength
>NK watches her drop her dagger, grab it with her other hand, and stab him. Does nothing
Great writing dabid!!!!

“This goblin cunt is fucking ugly.”

Guys, an user actually predicted this. Two fucking years ago! Right down to her using the dagger. Spread the word. Some cockless asshole ruined 8 seasons of build-up with his voodoo sorcery

>Did I leave the oven on?

What happen to the mother of burgers?

So the night king is a targaryan?

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>too tired to watch but wanted to know what happened
>check for spoilers


Arya just "Heh... nothing personell kid"'s the fucking night king?

I knew this season wouid be shit

I am actually in awe at how bad that was. Jesus fucking Christ.

Did you see the trailer for the next episode? Its unsullied marching out of winterfell to head south. This episode literally has no bearing on events moving forward they are just down 1 dragon which doesnt really matter

No it's never going to be mentioned or explained. They showed you who the night king was.


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That fucking smirk

>it’s gone
Mods explain

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>an user
half the board "predicted" this, its the cheesiest trash writing people could come up with, hence the fucking comic

and try like 6 years

D&D are just unbelievable.

nothing but a violent kindergarten

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It should have been him.
It should have been him.
>be Clegane
>burned by fire and develop an intense phobia of it since childhood
>go through the best character development in the series and turn into a hero
>become best friends with a red priest who brings you North
>Red Priest convinces you one last time to be the hero, overcome your fears and save the girl
>he dies helping you
>Melisandre looks right at you
>”he was brought back for a reason”
>Clegane, free of fear and doubt takes up the flaming sword
>the fire immediately turns a bright green, for he is the lord of light and wildfire is his to command
>cuts his way through a swarm of the dead to face the night king
>defeats him in single combat
>three episodes later his half dead brother becomes the new “night king”, a dead thing made from science
>the two brothers are the song of ice and fire
>last scene is them raising their blades against one another
>cut to black sopranos style
You know I’m right

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lmao who is this bitch


The battle LITERALLY opens up with using every brown soldier as literal worthless cannon fodder. First the dothraki and then the unsullied immediately after

Based same here

Yeah but he's a male

Fuck, even letting Theon get the kill would've been better

and here I thought they would try to not end the battle the most cliche way possible, they had so many fucking possible ways to kill the night king and they chose Arya somehow running undetected outside the castle between hordes of cold bois

nice fanfic retard

yeah p much they just disappeared


At last I have become game of thrones



u retarded

this. It was extremely biased. Every brown person in the show except the 2 named ones died within thr first 15 minutes of the episode

still there

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based based based

You deserved to have Azor Ahai kill you

He saw her coming from behind but didn't have a fast reaction to the knife drop? Huh?

Have sex

at least we have those other two things to look forward to



I'm just here for the shitposting. The show has been bad since the death of joffery.

Based D&D

I wish Bran and NK would have teleported back in time or something and fought 1v1.

what did she do other than a glorified "YAAAASS KWEEN"

>not looking forward to literal Cleganebowl

I have been waiting years for this

I still want to eat milisandres ass.

>ninja sneaky assassin girl comes in screaming
>night king is slow mother fucker in the word until catches her
>night king returns to being the slowest mother fucker when drops her knife to the other hand
>V-steel > dragon fire

Where the fuck were Bran's ravens going?

slaaaaay a giant whilst every single bone in her body was broken

They were going back in time to vote for Hitler.

It's supposed to be a metaphor for global warming. so it makes sense.
>not really a central plot or import, but self righteous fags wont shut up about it for 8 seasons
>oh god its finally gonna kill us oh god
>one person solves it overnight
>back to our real issues.
moral of GoT. Stop fussing about the enviroment.

Who tf is nelly sanders




Glad she killed the giant. If it had just been a scene of her little body being crushed like a twig, it would have seemed way too brutal, and I hate the bitch.

It kinda works for the immigration issue too.
Truth is, if the Whites and based Japs got pissed off enough, there would be no crappy races left on earth.

Fan fiction

All of the prophecy bullshit was really nothing at all.



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what is DABID

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he drank TONS of giant's milk. He don't need no protectin'

in a better tv series

I remember Pod against the wall with all the other plot armored characters when the walkers deactivated


literally jews

I wish I could tell if he was but I couldn't see faces during this.

90% good battle episode, 10% bullshit. hardly anyone important died, night king killed with his entire general staff around him, bran vs night king story line ends like nothing.
Plus the fact that this war we've been hearing about for 10 years only lasted one episode was horse shit.

muh dik

this. the battle was a literal ethnic cleansing of westeros

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>Cersei was right and not sending her army north was one of the smartest decisions she has made in the entire series.

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Of course he's alive. They didn't show his death on screen so that makes him alive.

So is bran going to greensight/exposition for like 15 mins so we can know what the night king wanted? or was it literally just the children of the forest losing control of their golem?

based and redpilled

>It's like pottery

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Regular viewing

bold of you to assume they care


"Hey Cersei! Zerg rush the fucking million zombies, trust me it will work!"

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lol no
Arya didnt deserve it niether did reek

yeah she read the script and knew armies didnt even matter


the white king wasnt gonna kill brann, he was about to give him his sword so he can rule everithing

In fairness, shit like this would probably happen all the time. In war dudes just fucking slip up and die. It's like you can be the most elite unstoppable QB of all time and still throw a single bad pick. Except in this case you throw a pick you die.

Doesn't matter. Dany is going to get boatloads of other brown people to help her.

Hodor died for nothing.

I'm dropping this shit and will come back and skip every BS scene.

yes, it's hard to see because of the shitty lighting but he's one of the survivors in the courtyard.

>riding it backwards

that's cheating

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I swear to god, it was memed that Arya was going to kill the night king on Yea Forums years ago.

This is terrible fan fiction. And I can't fucking believe they made the fucking NIGHT KING, the threat they built up from the VERY BEGINNING OF THE SERIES, a threat defeated in one fucking battle. With Cersei as the series finale 'big bad'.

What the fuck were they thinking?

I missed the episode. Who died?

Would have been happy with zombie/warg Theon. Sets up with Bran's whole "you're supposed to be here bit"

It was too damn dark. I couldn't see shit!

They’re just hacks who thought it would. E a cool scene

Thank you. Even if it is a merciful lie he is the only one I care about.

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Respect women

get a better tv poorfags. i watched it on my 4k and the whole thing looked great

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Me: you have an army if a million drones
NK: yup the greatest planetos has ever seen
Me: but if I unplug the modem they all go down
Me: So, the greatest army planetos has ever seen has one small but exploitable weakness?
NK: shut up....

Edd, Jorah, Beric, Theon, and Milisandre.

Cersei as the final boss is so lackluster

Considering all the great villains the show has had

Yes she did that, but she was apparently screaming the whole time she did it, somehow making it even stupider

Reddit our tonight eh

I watched it on a nearly brand new 4k Samsung. Looked like shit. Fuck satellite man

No one important

>s-shes fast!

I don't get your thrust. I just like his character and the episode wasn't clear if he survived.


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When the walls fell.

This shit seriously needed HDR. HBO is a fucking joke of a broadcaster.

Same. All of the black parts of the screen were artificed. Any shot looking out into the dark of the battlefield was just a blur of gray squares. Feelsbadman.

Tormund died too, pretty sure I saw the night king res him with lyanna and ed

They have radmure's army


>be night king
>unstoppable force of nature
>spend thousands of years gathering my army to invade westeros and kill the filthy human degenerates
>finally kill that oldfuck 3eyed raven
>brand some retard so i can follow him and kill him next
>bait more retards so i can get an undead dragon
>get undead dragon and destroy the wall
>begin to fulfill my destiny of cleansing the world of the human shits
>reach winterfell
>my army stomps the retards
>they are literally standing outside waiting to die
>decide to go with my top lads to kill the retard from the cave
>jon snow tries to fight me
>raise some wights
>some retard gets in my way
>about to kill the retard
>suddenly a goblin jumps at me from behind
>grab her by the neck
>holy shit how are my liutenants this incompetent
>she does an anime trick and stabs me in the chest
>realize it's valyrian steel
>realize i just got owned by a little goblin
>realize im fucked

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I hear OLEDs are great for blacks and greys. Too bad they cost a fucking fortune still. Maybe I'll re-watch when a high bit-rate copy comes out. 1080i blows

She isn't a final boss, she is gonna get steamrolled

That's a lie, son.

Only Edd, Lady Mormont, Theon, Beric, Jorah, and Melisandre. Mostly throwaways and no one that beloved, except maybe Theon or Jorah

god damn I am now dissapointed

Excuse me what the fuck?

Pretty sure this is him in the episode 4 preview.

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Does that nigga never die?

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>owie zowie right in the snowballs
>right in the ice cubes

So let me get this straight.

You nerds spent 8 years watching a telenovela set in the middle age fantasy universe, and then the thing that's been building and hyped up since the S01E01 "Winter is coming", the dreaded undead ice army is defeated in 2 minutes by a 5'1 ugly girl because when their leader dies they all die.

Why the fuck would he even be anywhere NEAR the front if he was THAT important?

That's legendary shitty, like that makes Dexter, HIMYM and BSG endings good by comparison.

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Those sheboons are so jelly.

The real final boss is Varys. After the dust has settled and there is only s couple people left standing he will reveal the strings he pulled all along for the realm.

First time I saw it, I assumed Arya dropped the knife then Bran grabbed it and stabbed him. Like he was putting the lame act on all along so the NK bought it.
Serves me right for watching it while tired, now I'm doubly let down.

So what kind of ex machina is going to be summoned to beat Cersei

Weaponized autism. Good spot.

The thing that pisses me off is Dany stabbed three wights while her protector got stabbed to death and she's going to be more smug than ever after this victory.

What was the point of this Prince or Princess that was Promised shit they brought up last season exactly if neither Jon nor Dany did jack shit to the guy? Why else did Rhaegar have Jon? Were there roles literally just to band together an army that could survive long enough for Arya to kill NK?

The front was the eunich and a cripple?

He was brought back to life nearly 20 times just to get killed by zombies, and save arya.

Pretty sure the lord of light was fucking with melisandre during the battle and then convinced her to kill herself after. Maybe, that was the most inexplicable event in the episode.

There has to be some reason he's still around but that would be really disappointing.

Dragon fire couldn't kill him but Valyrian steel could. The only thing that makes Valyrian steel effective against wights and walkers is the trace of dragon fire. I don't get it.

based and red pilled


Jaqen H'ghar

She lost all her Dothraki, so she has a few unsullied left and a dragon. Pretty even fight against 20k sellswords and large ballista arrows.

It's perfect and only brainlets can't understand. The night king was just a representation of pure evil. This isn't lord of the rings, GoT is more nuanced than simply good vs. evil. Pure evil loses to good. But what happens when things aren't so black and white hmm? I'm glad the NK is out of the way. And they did away with him in a manner that is a bit of a slight to Tolkienism. I'm way more interested in the battle to come at kings landing. We will see something much more intreiging than simply good vs evil. We will see betrayal, tyranny, and many mixed emotions. fucking perfect

Was really hoping the onion Knight was gonna get some retribution.

Tyrion will kill Cersei.

I thought dragonglass was just obsidian. It's not directly related to dragonfire.

Stannis is the final boss

>kill loads of wights with ease
>get weirdly scared of them all of a sudden
>go hiding in a somehow-deathly quiet room while literally millions of wights pound the walls
>save the entire universe an hour later

Also are the dragons going to die? Rhaegal got completely fucked up
Viserion and Drogon got stabbed like 50 times so what happens next?

That was fast.

... Was that it? 7 seasons of buildup and this is it? Theon, Jorah and a couple of side characters dying? Night King killed in a surprise gank? What the fuck was that supposed to be?

Somebody explain this to me.

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what if arya killing NK was just brans dream?

It's a meme show, don't get too wrapped up in it. I think we all forgot how terrible the writing had become the past few seasons because it's been 2 years since the last one. Next episode Luke Skywalker will show up and save them just because. Fuck this show.

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Fuck you. If the Red Woman can appear out of nowhere, so can Stannis.

plus didn't the show establish that they made him by pushing dragonglass into his chest? Wouldn't he just implode immediately, unless he personally had some immunity to it? Somewhere along the way the writers fucked up.

>dragonglass =/= valyrian steel

Yeah I was hoping for it too but I knew she was just gonna do something weird

Luke Skywalker

My mom said this jokingly and I really wished it was true. Bran was seeing the future and watching everyone get fucked and then the next episode was some genius plan they could make with that information.

I don't know how I feel about this show anymore. Half the season has been a disappointment.

Thak God I never read the books

What if Bran was simply seeing the future while he was recovering since Season 1?

deserved to come out on top of this shit show

>got a dragon that can light anything on fire
>instead of building a fire moat that is 30 feet wide, build one that is 4 feet wide and a couple zombies shuffling into it can easily build a bridge across


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He pretty much said those were his plans if he was going to survive so yea, Cersei is on a boat on the way to the arbor or some shit about to let Qyburn take over.

Wasn't dragonglass just earth/sand burnt by dragonfire, and everyone else referred to it as obsidian? I thought that's why dragonstone had so much of it


How does killing the night king destroy the rest of the others? it makes no fucking SENSE

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And all that wasted money, destroyed plotlines and episode cuts all for the NK plotline only for him to be killed by a goblin with ease.

>a song of ice and fire, laughing

Forgot Euron doesn't even have the Dragon horn in the show. Should be interesting to see how they manage to fuck KL up even harder. Gurm remains an enigma to me.

Everything about that is awful. Its poorly lit. The music is overwhelming. The "epic" slow motion is cringe. mArya sue cringe. Horrendous.

What kind of retarded battle plan did these mooks come up with? The dragons should've been used to incinerate all remaining corpses so the NK couldn't raise them over and over.

Didn't Arya master the disguise technique? Maybe she blended in with the undead and moved closer among the crowd while watching Theon getting wrecked.

>Aryas whole arc as dealing with death
>they make a big fucking deal about that dagger in season 7

Honestly, I should have seen this coming from a mile away, but I didn't.

Can we rather talk about how Kino the Dothraki charge and the Zerg attack outside the wall was?

>I wish I had a purpose

Doesn't seem so bad, what were you expecting?

Anyone under 110IQ needs to die


>and then convinced her to kill herself after.
melly offed herself because her purpose in the world was fulfilled

memegirl kills Thanos equivalent

Kino visually but both were nonsensical

You would be right, except they have flanderized Cersei to the point of being pure evil, so it is still the good guys vs da bad guise

>Dany T didn't send her best

>Llet's just fly around instead lmao

but her purpose was to sit on my face

It is a very common theme. If you killed the master the familiars die as well. I mean it is more of a vampire thing but it is pretty established.

BSG's ending was good though, it's the Great Filter (of plebs)

Compared to the NK Cersei is just a spoiled brat. She will let someone else do her dirty work and they will start a coup (either Euron or Qyburn) as the winterfell army lunges in for the kill.

this already existed that's the best part

Link to the stream please?


she lost her dragonglass spear and the castle was being overrun. getting the entire horde's attention on you isnt the smartest move

Have sex

The other dragon is still alive its in the preview.

Why didn't the NK just
>stay far back, safe inside comfy fog
>every few minutes, ride his dragon to the frontlines
>resuscitate entire army (+ newly acquired dead)
>retreat back to comfy fog
>repeat until battle is won

MELLY faggots. He's saying MELISANDRE

It WAS weird how it was so quiet though, made zero sense

>Half the season
good joke, mate

yeah but there are limits of SDR.

bullshit camping tactics


So was this the last jedi for game of throne fan?

This is literally a 180o of the vibe of the books, how the fuck do tv writers get jobs?

Literally this. They needed to kill NK to fit the remaining episodes, but I didn't expect this shitstorm of writing. What a joke.

This is exactly what I was saying but he would be too OP honestly. The fight would have been over after the dothraki lost.

>be theon
>tortured and turned into a eunuch
>job at every possible moment
was his character literally suffering personified?

Good battle??? This was the most poorly planned and executed battle I've ever seen or read. Blind cavalry charge into the front of the enemy, trebuchet in front of the army and only fired once. Trench behind the fucking infantry instead of in front. Only one trench, only 6 ft wide and 3 ft deep. Archers gave no supporting fire until the very end. It's like the writers and producers have never watched even a mediocre battle scene.

>how the fuck do tv writers get jobs
By making shit that people watch, ultimately. Sadly we can't ever say they failed at that.
We can just let time take care of the stupidly high perception in the quality, though.

The Dragon

Nah they have no army left

Had to spend half the episode configuring my TV just so I could see shit. Who thought that lighting was a good idea holy fuck

>I can see that she dropped the blade and it's been established that I have superhuman reflexes but I'm not going to stop her because IT'S HER TURN

>I am defeated and now deleted

I'm fine with her mary-sueing the giant since she is finally dead and I never have to hear her shrill, poorly accented voice ever again.

The crap trench was so bizarre. I'm sure a lot of it was budget/time restrictions though, the scope of the battle was really shittily elastic, the second they broke into the castle they would've won with such numbers.

Don't forget adding a bunch of smoke and snowflakes in on top of the horribly compressed stream so it looks like a blurry mess.

>"I see... the true Game of Thrones were the friends we made along the journey"

it's called a cooldown you faggot

It's almost criminal when you really break it down. Take some great writing and adapt it almost word for word in some scenes to begin your series. Get most of the main actresses to show tits and ass. Then slowly but surely all of that gets taken away and people just watch because they've sunk so much time into it.

So what was the story? What did he want and why? Why was he fixated on Bran?

>this is supposed to be a show for adults

I thought the big twist would be in order to kill the Night King they have to kill Bran but nope just shank him kilo.

And that's totally rad

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well yeah compare how sauron died to this. Actually very similar goals but horrible execution on GOT's part. Just watch this and cheer yourself up:

cuz bran knows human history and stuff and thats bad and yeah
its stupid
i was hoping for some kind of interaction between the NK and bran at the end but that was robbed

Arya also used Rey's retarded saber dropping move, except it seemed to make more sense here. Rey dropped it to magically get out of a headlock, Arya used it as a feint.

They did change the tone so much seemingly just to glorify the women because #MeToo happened.

Is that you Dabid??

Except he's a magical being who already displayed ridiculous reaction time and then fails to do anything even when he can see the move she's going to make.

I really don't get what the story is, or was. Was there a story?