So with the Avengers/Thanos arc basically over...

So with the Avengers/Thanos arc basically over, any ideas what new arc Marvel intends to get started to keep the cash cow going? I'm not fully versed in the universe so I'm not sure which route they could go (assuming they try another 10 year buildup).

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Other urls found in this thread:

They will eventually bring back the Infinity Stones, since they weren't destroyed.

They are going to have to tie in Xmen and Fantastic Four at some point, i'd guess that it's Galactus that does it.

The avengers have to fight donald trump

>"You fucked with time, now you fuck with me"

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

Do you think the next decade it is gonna be another capeshit wave?

Their rumored plans indicate a phase of solo diversity shit.

>Shang Chi
>Panther 2
This will be a smash hit
>Captain Smug 2
This will probably not be a smash but they're going to do it anyway
>Black Widow
Don't even know if this is happening but another woman movie, probably be okay though
>Strange 2
Not even been mentioned for years, might be off.
>Guardians 3
That shit's like four or more years out now

Nothing links those except some weird forced shit you'd have to dig up that wouldn't make for a villain threat. I don't think we will get a clear unified plot thread until the last film of the phase, just minor hints.
How they manage to creep the X-Men into all this I have no fucking idea, it honestly looks really messy.

No, they are clearly about to crash it with all the diversity / wokeness. In the end they will alienate enough fans to Last Jedi the franchise.

Kang, Doom, or the Annihlus wave.

Or Onslaught. As much as I hate to say it, they could literally do a "Heroes Reborn" out of X-Men, Fantastic Four, Thunderbolts, and resurrect all of the O5 if they really wanted to.

or this

I dunno...I feel like this is beginning to feed back on itself and is starting to be seen as a threat to a lot of franchises. I get the impression Capt Marvel was supposed to have a bigger role in Endgame but recent fallout caused that to be scaled back.

>No, they are clearly about to crash it with all the diversity / wokeness
Imagine unironically believing this.

You are underestimating how many left-leaning soiboys have hooked onto this shit. And they only grow more powerful with pandering.

It only works because we are in the midst of the zeitgeist. When things settle in a few years people will realize how retarded they were acting. The die hard crazies won't but the bulk of normies will start having "oh shit" moments and start to reject it. It's not IF but WHEN. When it happens, all the shows and films and other media that went so crazy with it will be looked back on with a mix of embarrassment and regret. Like looking back at Red Scare shit.

I feel like the main audience of capeshit are the people that prefer old school comic style characters over nu woke characters.
What happened with all the captain marvel controversy it's an example of that.

why do you believe this
the problem is that marketing and social media have completely taken over people's lives and thought process

With endgame opening up the multiverse we can probably expect continuity to become far less important going forward. I wouldn't be surprised if the next Spider-Man takes place in the Thanos-free alternate 2018 rather than try to explain how all the kids dealt with half their class being dead for 5 years.

Do we know the contractual status of the main characters? We know for sure RDJ and Evans are done, but I'm not sure about the others.

A lot of diversity type movies are rumored but not confirmed.
I'm interested in the shows and sub plots in the movies setting up a Young Avengers type deal, right now we have set ups for Cassie Lang/Stature, the girl Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch creating her magic wish kids, hell you could have the gay Skrull/Kree hybrid and a random Kree teenager show up somehow now, that's basically the whole team.
The kid from IM3 who was at the funeral could be Iron Lad and then turn out to be a bad dude like he did.

The Living Death that walks.

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There is literally NOTHING wrong with Shang-Chi.

They're going to expand on the cosmic stuff with gotg obvs

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Who is this semen demon?

I can't imagine how it's going to work without Tony and Steve. The Marvel Universe needs Captain America.

That's what Sam is there for. He's going to hold the shield awkwardly on one of his arms while flying.

They did cosmic stuff now go supernatural, bring in Mephisto and shit.

>That's what Sam is there for. He's going to hold the shield awkwardly on one of his arms while flying.
Well.. to be fair they make Vulture cool, maybe they will change it.

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There's not going to be an arc anymore. The stand alone movies will feature 1 or 2 of the avengers and in 5 years or so they'll do a team up movie.

Actually, the MCU needed Tony Stark the most. The MCU got very convenient and things moved fast thanks to the gadgetry and inventions built by Tony. Without him, all that convenience will either become ass pulls or a chore because they will need to feasably explain how they are getting said tech.

>"Spiderman needs to be expressive!"
>Tony builds a suit
>"We need to kill Thanos!"
>Tony builds a machine just for that

Etc and etc.

They have Hank Pym and Professor Hulk, and soon Reed Richards, they'll be fine.

FUCK YOU this bitch is the reason I got Endgame’s ending spoiled.

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Honestly a captain america that has wings like a bald eagle sounds really fucking cool. Like a literal angel only now with even more america related shit.

I thought the Xmen were a different universe. Otherwise they would have been a major presence in the Avengers and Marvel movies already. Like mutants are a big deal, theres no way they could have just been ignored the whole time.

Quality is an undeniable aspect.

When you stop hiring people for a job based on their skill, ability, and willingness to play well with others (diversity hires, look what happened with Larson and the rest of the cast) you will see a decline in the movie quality.

Despite how you feel about capeshit, I enjoy it because I read comics growing up with my friends. The writing is "good" because it is true to the source material enough to please diehard fans, but also playful with the source material enough to make it feel fresh and fun. The issue with taking all of the diversity cast and cramming them into a single spotlight is that none of the source material based around those characters is actually interesting or a genuine attention grabber of those who have enjoyed the movies.

What I'm trying to say, I think, is: we'll still see the current trend of rising box office attendance for the next three, maybe even four, Marvel movies. But when fans see the quality declined due to diversity hires, including scriptwriters and directors, they will slowly fall out of seeing the movies. They demand the diversity because it's the "cool hip totally not racist™" thing to do, but when it ends up happening, they always back off and it hurts the series of whatever is affected. "Get woke, go broke" isn't just a meme. It's a real, ugly, observable phenomenon.

I enjoyed the last three years. Capeshit isn't the absolute best medium of film, not even close, but boy was this some quality capeshit. These actors, writers, and directors poured their souls into it. We fell off a bit near the end with new introductions to the cast being cash-grabby diversity hires who don't love the universe they're in, but it didn't ruin the end for me, and it definitely didn't ruin the journey. The best part about these movies is seeing them with people you care about over the years. The morals and the ideals behind the characters and films don't change, but they way you interpret them does.

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Nick Fury is the new tailor of Peter

Secret Wars is going to happen and merge the MCU with many different universes. It's how they will incorporate XMen

It's Wandas fault.

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Mutants stay away from "human" problems, think about them as the black people from the Marvel universe

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They cant be destroyed aren't they part of each universe? In fact the sorceress supreme explains this in movie.

Diversity. From the clues they dropped in movie they are doing the sjw era of recent times that tanked sales.

Movies are over but thor and the guardians might be cool.

This. Except fir when GOTG3 rolls around. The movies will under perform until GOTG3 + Thor hits and makes a fuck ton of money and filled seats, then goes right back down again and probably stays down.

Time fuckery could trigger annihlus wave but they about to crash this shit.

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This. Spider-Man Far From Home could very well be Marvel's first flop. Capeshit fatigue is at an all time high and nobody knows who Spider-Man is.

You overestimate them. The bulk is always normies.

All "nerd" shit is now normie.

diversity is needed so it sells bigly to people outside of north america. non domestic sales for endgame is 3 times bigger than domestic.

We'll have a few solo movies for a while to build up the new characters. Maybe a Scarlet Witch movie (possibly bringing Vision back, as well), probably another Ant-Man, another Spider-Man or so. Maybe a Captain Falcon movie, since I think he's charismatic enough to carry a solo film. DEFINITELY another Black Panther, since the first one made a shit load of money. Then they'll probably start building up someone like Kang or Korvac or Annihilus, and go from there. But the first few years should just be getting more solo titles for new characters out. A few brand-new heroes would be nice, too. Maybe use a Hulk solo movie to introduce She-Hulk, although I'm not sure who you'd have play her. A good She-Hulk that makes her as fun as the better comic book versions could be big, big money. If they want another god on the team since Thor's joining the GotG and Valkyrie's personality is pretty different, I think Herc would be an AWESOME addition to the film canon. It would also open up that other pantheons besides just Asgard exist, which could let you bring in all sorts of crazy new villains like Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the Chaos King.

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I loved endgame but I'm not watching anymore. It's clear the direction they want to take it, and I want none of it. The moment that sealed it was when captain america passed on his shield to some fucking nigger instead of his best friend.

Spiderman and Black Panther will be the Cap and Iron Man of this next wave. Hopefully they are smart and simply keep the focus on Spiderman, Panther, GOTG, Thor and Strange, while building up F4 and X-Men.

i'd like to see Doctor Doom and Magneto team up desu. Is there any precedence for that in the comics?

And yet we know that stuffing black into movies is bad for international (especially China) sales. Overly blacking and queering up shit won't help overseas sales at all.

Why do you want to see black panther? Everything about Wakanda is fucking stupid and he is at the epicenter of it.

why do people who see black phanter see black panther?

I liked Black Panther. It felt like a fun 60's B movie, and there's a lot of potential for stories about the different tribes. And i'd rather them use that platform dibbersity than shitting up any other existing hero's movies.

Spider-Man will do fine too, I am mainly referring to the films planned for Phase 4, like Black Widow, The Eternals, and Shang-Chi.

Captain Marvel and Black Panther were strategically placed films in their release timing. They were both movies that came out RIGHT before the "Major Event" films so that fans felt they HAD to see the movies to be caught up on the plot. If they were placed, I don't know, when Thor 2, or when Doctor Strange was, they would have most likely seen a drastically lower performance. A good strategy, but will be proved to be just a temporary one when we see BP2 and CM2 come out and they don't immediately precede an Avengers film so the revenue doesn't absolutely SLAP.

Only "team-up" I can think of was Acts of Vengeance when Loki gets a bunch of villains together to take out each others' heroes.
It ended with Magneto fucking over Red Skull because nazis.

If they ever do decide to pull the trigger on introducing X-Men and F4 into the MCU, Onslaught would be the most perfect villain you can have to do it.

>Can start with teases at a mystery plot of things going wrong, people disappearing, otherwise super-powerful enemies found in crumpled heaps across the stingers of multiple movies, building up that SOMEBODY who knows more than anyone should and is capable of acting on it is up to something big.
>Has direct, personal connections to people on all three of the main teams, either through origins or motives
>Cool visual design
>The idea of "What if Professor X turned evil?" is a conceptual threat that even most normies would immediately go "Oh shit, that's a HUGE problem!" at.

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Why did they lean so hard into Spider-Man liking black tail?

>and nobody knows who Spider-Man is

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Screenshot this, the next person taking the Iron Man mantle will be Black Panther's sister since they already have made her the "I'm smarter than Banner and Stark, girl power!" character in Infinity War, and the comics have a black female Iron Man. In Endgame she also is wearing some neat tech that kind of felt Iron Man-esque during the huge fight scene. This diversity ploy will be too much for them to pass up, the (((executives))) at Disney/Marvel will be chomping at the bit over this possibility that they can tout as "canon"

Onslaught is a Stand? Lame.

>Spider-Man Far From Home could very well be Marvel's first flop.
they got nick fury there to teach spidey the ropes

Are all movies set in the future now?

>Iron Man mantle will be Black Panther's sister
but who the fuck will be tchalla's Q? okoye?

>Capeshit fatigue is at an all time high
No it isn't

Technically, the stones were returned back to their original timelines, to be used by Thanos, and then also destroyed by Thanos. However, the Avengers now have access to a fully functioning time machine, so theoretically, they could get any of the stones back and just return them again. I don't see that happening since it's just way too similar to Endgame's story.
My bet is that with the Fox Marvel X-Men bullshit coming to an end w Dark Phoenix, they'll more than likely introduce all the X-Men into the MCU, maybe the Fantastic Four done right, and do something interesting with the several different X-Men arcs available.

Anyone have a camrip of this shit?

I am this guy so I want you to know I'm not some SJW trying to shill on this but,

You're a fucking retard. Sam has been around for a while in the films and it was obvious he was going to be the next CapAm. One, because it's canon, and two, because Bucky is a cool as shit hero on his own and doesn't need the shield to carry himself. Sam will be a great CapAm, regardless of skin color, because he's a great actor and is invested in the universe. Your feelings about it are based on stupid racism and nothing else.

Have sex.


He's more like a sentient suit of psychic armor.

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Uhh, last I checked Endgame isn't even halfway to Avatar's box office?

Because that's an important comparison.

>movie can't even beat a forgotten flick from god knows how many years ago
>t-there's no capeshit fatigue!
Nervous much?

Avatar was a retarded phenomenon it indicates nothing.

It was fucking stupid. Black people get the most powerful substance to exist 2000 years ago and still play with spears, and yet they're treated as some kind of super advanced society. Also clearly disney wants to push the nigger agenda in all properties. There is no quota or limit.

Eat my shit, faggot. Racism is reality, and I will not be seeing any more captain america films.

Which send off was more beautiful and wholesome? Steve's or Logan's?

It was also discarded as quickly as it came. Despite making so much money, as soon as it was out of theaters, I don't think anybody was talking about it. Meanwhile people kept talking about Infinity War from when it came out to now. The Avatar sequels still aren't out, and despite how many they have planned, I highly doubt they'll even scratch the gross of the first one.

Galactus is the next big boss but actually Doom was the one who pulls the strings

You're dumb if you don't see the diversity hire Shuri replacing him.

Probably as Ironheart, since Shuri can shorten to Riri.

It's almost halfway there and it's barely been 5 days. It's going to DEMOLISH that piece of shit and you're going to take it like the cock loving whore you are

Will they find a way to bring back RDJ?

sorry buddy, scarlet witch and vision is going to be a disney+ exclusive, along with falcon and winter soldier.

Nah. He now has so much money that they couldn't possibly pay him enough to bring him back. Especially after HE HIMSELF says "no amount of money can buy you time"

Seriously how the fuck is it not insulting that Wakanda is a fantasy theme park Africa where the inhabitants are still mentally fucking retarded.

No you idiot
RDJ and Chris Evans are done with this shit
They'll never be taken seriously as actors again

galactus maybe

with james gunn back at the helm for gotg3 you think they'll look into the moon knight movie he pitched?

they still have to introduce the FF (not hard at all) and the XMen (harder bc they have to find a way to explain that they've existed since like a century or find a new origin for the mutants), also they're probably gonna make a Young Avengers movie or some shit like that if they go with the younger Nova and also the muslim Ms. Marvel (muh diversity)
FF should begin setting up Doom or Galactus as the next big bad

Evans yes but RDJ is a legend.

Black people are so stupid that they consider a caricature of themselves to be respectful representation as long as they win fights.

this next one is going to be X-Men.

>They'll never be taken seriously as actors again
Evans never was

Logan's. Steve's felt forced and out of character, and it was just tacked onto the end of the big finale rather than being its own thing. Civil War ended his arc better.

they should take advantage of the fucking trainwreck DC is right now and make a movie about Marvel's Batman

disney will inject him full of drugs and send someone to save him and he will feel grateful to them and reprise his role
hes the mouse's slave now he cant do shit about it

you need to straighten up nigga.

>They'll never be taken seriously as actors again
what the fuck?

Pro-tip: They were saying goodbye to Chris Evans, not to Steve Rogers. That's why they had to give him a happy ending

evans was a literal who tv show actor before cap america


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No, steve rogers is gone. We'll probably never see bucky again either, even though he never got any kind of real resolution. White men in the MCU are now only allowed to be comic relief.

what's the deal with everyone saying the earthquake in the ocean was a teaser for namor?

also THUNDERBOLTS? this would be a good way to explain how zeemo got out of the prison.

In 15 years they'll start remaking the series

I was thinking they should do something like this:

Skip a F4 origin story. Have them pop out of a portal made by Richards, from another dimension where they completely failed to defeat Galactus. Have them explain to our current heroes that Galactus is trying to follow them across dimensions. Doom also shows up somehow too by making his own portal. You could maybe even bring in the X Men or Deadpool by doing this. Boom, there's the setup for the next big threat.

Obviously, hint towards this for a couple of individual movies first, post credits scenes showing dimensional rifts opening up or something.

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He was a typecast character actor who had moderate success. I know its easy to shit on him but when you've actually made it as a working actor and you're getting regular roles its hard to turn down a steady supply of income just to do artsy shit. Captain America was the only departure from the stereotypical dudebro he always plays. Not counting snowpiercer which I haven't seen.

I'm not saying he's a good actor just that he hasn't exactly gotten the widest range of projects.

Because Namor vs Black Panther was an arc in Hickman's Avengers.

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>chris evans
>taken seriously
do you know that guy who is ramona's second ex that got btfo by scott in a meme way that nobody gives a shit about? that was chris evans
nobody cared about this nic cage looking motherfucker until he became cap

So what was that banging at the end? Was that a teaser for something or just a callback to the first Iron Man?

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Bucky already has a series lined up

Black Captain America, Woman Thor, Blacked Panther, Iron Woman, Spiderman

the x-men will be the result of that wave of radiation that spread across the earth after the snap. i guarantee it.


If they want Ms Marvel to be the center of everything it should be secret invasion, if instead they choose to exploit their flanboyant new x-men IP they´ll probably build to House of M... if they choose to keep pushing politics they might mix in some Illuminaty in the mix.
In all the cases they´ll probably take a hughe dump on the source material anyways.

Oh man a fucking TV series. I'm sure that will be not dog shit.


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Dark Avengers
Hercules and Amadeus Cho's excellent adventure.
Spiderman 2099
they need to make a gory as all fuck hard R Sabretooth horror movie. thats cash money in the hand there.
young avengers
avengers west coast.

Juliana Salimeni

well at least it's being made by the marvel studios people, not the people who made the other marvel shows on regular tv like agents or inhumans

Well he’s honestly not a strong enough character to carry a movie, but it’ll continue his story which you said will never be heard from again

Neither is Black Widow but she's getting one, and everyone knows a Bucky movie would be way better than a Black Widow one despite being extremely similar characters

>(assuming they try another 10 year buildup).
They won't, but for other big/small ideas:

* Galactus
* Secret Invasion
* Kang

Pro-tip is an oldfag way of saying "bite the pillow bitch I'm about to truthbomb your ass". You'd know this if this wasn't your first day here fresh off the boat from twitter because you heard mentally ill freaks are not banned for vomiting trump memes

this sounds horrible. like something they would do.


You should kill yourself

I’m not arguing that, but Scartlett Johansson is a bigger star than Sebastian Stan

If they introduce Ironlad or another Ironman successor then we are 100% getting Kang.

New Avengers/Fast & Furious crossover

can you imagine Ludacris outsmarting professor hulk

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Pro-Tip is an extremely reddit way of telling someone a shortcut or better way of doing something.

You don't say >pro-tip to explain your interpretation of a plot detail. You shouldn't say it at all, but especially not for that

>RDJ and Chris Evans are done with this shit
>They'll never be taken seriously as actors again
yes they will. they have fuck you money. they can do whatever projects they want.

You slap the Marvel logo on it and it doesn't matter.

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>getting triggered by words
you should hang yourself

Seriously, tell me how can I believe that this nigga can fight 1v1 a superhuman being?

now is the time capeshit dies once and for all you fucking cuck im tiered with all this superhero shit just end capeshit 5 years from now it will be on a decline watch

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5 years is a long time. like the 11 years ago when iron man 1 was released

The same way Steve did?

Captain America was the best thing that could have happened to Chris Evans. Odds are he'll probably be offered a lot more "serious" roles from here on, compared to the sort of roles he was doing before. He shows some pathos throughout the franchise as Cap, and gets to actually do some acting.

They can just go the 4400 route and have a percent of the people that vanished and returned develop mutant powers.

But Steve is superhuman. Falcon's jet pack barely makes him attack helicopter tier.

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>Honestly a captain america that has wings like a bald eagle sounds really fucking cool. Like a literal angel only now with even more america related shit.
Earth/Universe/Paradise X movies fucking when?

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I mean, if the government decided to make falcon the next captain america, there's no reason why he can't take the superhuman serum.

And in case you had any doubt about who that was in the picture...

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Need Stark's vita-rays to make it really effective

>Pro-tip: don't say Pro-tip

We’re on our way through a three age set with comics again, but this time with films. We’re probably either in or about to enter the golden age. Classics and origins have been established, giving people a reference, and one grand event has sealed a lingering interest in people not already a part of the culture, as evident by people being surprised by falcon becoming the new Cap. It’s also the same reason why those people didn’t get confused when using the gauntlet killed iron man. I honestly believe we’ll see movies comparable in quality to their age counterparts, and again, for reference, I believe we’re in the beginning of the “Golden Age of Comic Book Films”

See this is how its done.

Doom hopefully.

a) multiple timelines means there's a version of earth that has mutants.

b)infinity stones powerwave creates mutants (have to find a way to explain magneto who's holocaust survivor is integral to his character.)

Didn't Howard give the govt the technology? Or did he took the secret to his grave?

>neither Thanos, Hulk or Iron Man got judged by any celestial beings such as eternity, infinity, life, death, master chaos or master order.


>there's no reason why he can't take the superhuman serum.
There is. There is none left and nobody knows how to make more. This is an integral part of the character, he was the only supersoldier that came out of the SSR. Every other attempt to recreate it has completely backfired (Hulk) made them insane (frozen supersoldiers in Civil War) or been shittier (Bucky, who has the cybernetic arm to compensate).

Midnight Sons

They should just do a complete reboot of avengers and xmen so they can start off with those two groups combined.

If they'd had it, Ross would've used it on Blomsky instead of the unfinished stuff they had.

Dosent matter when you have Hawkeye take an alien missile to the face and just shrug it off.

Not big enough villain for the avengers. There's no tension when the F4 alone is enough to take down Doom. It's the Loki situation all over again.

Would die for this. I get that they would never do it, but at least a cartoon would be nice
Bruce Willis gave up on acting though

Seriously, with all those fucking years of Comics, Galactus is the only iconic villain bigger than Thanos?

Yeah well now they can go back and Dr. Erskine.

You act like comics have good writing.

>captain nigger
>queen of the asgardians is a nigger
>apparently earth has no more armies other than the nigger spear brigade
Fuck your golden age.


You want something bigger than killing half of all living people?

I'd kill for a good Earth X tv series. There's no way you'd be able to get through all the cool Earth X shit with a movie or two, but an ongoing mature tv series would be amazing. If Disney really wanted a big draw for their streaming service, I think that'd be a good one. People are more open to crazy fantasy shit than they used to be.

Kang the Conqueror
The Beyonder
Dr Doom

Yea Forums is lost


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Marvel is smarter than that. They’ll can what doesn’t work. They want money, dude. They’ll give the people exactly what they want because it makes more money.

>being an ignorant boob who doesn't know about Annihilus
Or hell even Magus is a villain that Thanos has multiple times teamed up with the heroes to fight against.

The Earthquakes in the ocean was the huge ass battle during Aquaman you fucking dunce.

Kang is probably what's going to happen. They just introduced time travel and they're shilling him in all the cartoons and games and shit

>maybe the Fantastic Four done right
A man can dream.
The dream of the future that is DOOM.

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No doubt they'll make dosh, but the films won't be good.

What if they fight Parallax?

>we will deal with it by not dealing with it

There was a part in the beginning where Rocket talks about how there's a lot of cosmic energy around Earth, which could be a clever way to introduce mutants into the MCU. The cosmic energy got into the DNA of people and begins to manifest itself.

Dr. Doom is Doomed to be tied to something as unmarketable and stupid as the fantastic four.

Remember when Doom went to the Riviera for a vacation and walked around the beach in his armor?

Protip, you're a faggot. And I sucked your moms balls last night loser.

I thought the Smash Brothers already beat him up

Dr. Doom would be good for a long term villian like Loki but he isn't thanos level threat.

Kirby era FF was Marvel's 4th best title right after Kirby's Thor, Ditko's Spider-Man and Steranko's Agent of SHIELD. FF is cool. Don't let the movies ruin them for you.


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I don't know much about comics since I never read any but I did play this one comic card game that had this badass as the strongest card. Maybe he can be the next villain?

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This isn't Yea Forums, faggot

>dc comics


I'm just saying MCU can make them good.

too bad there isnt anyone willing to play DOOM super straight, or a really hammy scenery chewing villain.

John Malkovich or George Clooney

Seems like a pretty cool dude but his design is a little eh. I think a fear entity should be more like an intangible vapor.

>John Malkovich
Oh god

I guess we’ll see

That's a terrific picture and I would love it for Marvel/Disney to devote that much attention to detail in his costume for a movie.

He already was the villain... in the Green Lantern movie.

I know. RIGHT?!

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see it in theaters if you want to enjoy it

Logan's, absolutely. His was built up.

I don't think any actor would want the part if it meant that their face wouldn't be seen on screen for the entire movie.
Hugo Weaving broke that tradition in V for Vendetta where you never saw his face through the whole thing.
To do Doom right, we should never see his face beneath the mask - just like Darth Vader.

that makes a lot of sense
shame it means JFK wasn't a superhero though

I'm sick of hearing about this marvel shit everywhere I go for the past 8 years. My cousins are the stereotypical kinda people who in my mind like this shit pretty sure he's a major faggot. So what's the entry point and chronology for these movies everyone creams their pants over? I haven't watched capeshit since the Dark Knight and have zero experience with the marvel IP.

Thanos has a huge purple cock.

>So what's the entry point and chronology
1. Iron Man
2. The Incredible Hulk
3. Iron Man 2
4. Thor
5. Captain America The First Avenger
6. Avengers
7. Iron Man 3
8. Thor the Dark World
9. Guardians of the Galaxy
10. Captain America The Winter Soldier
11. Avengers 2 Age of Ultron
12. Antman
13. Captain America Civil War
14. Doctor Strange
15. Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2
16. Spider-Man Homecoming
17. Thor Ragnarok
18. Black Panther
19. Avengers Infinity War
20. Antman & The Wasp
21. Captain Marvel
22. Avengers Endgame

all will lead to Marvel vs. DC

How different this lineup would be if X-Men were there from the start? What would the list be like

Yeah they really fucked up by making time travel a thing, and making it "The past becomes your future"

I have no idea what you're saying. The X-Men movies were made by a different company and have nothing to do with these movies.
Neither does Ben Affleck's Daredevil or Nic Cage's Ghost Rider or any of the Punisher Movies.

Less asspull super smart characters I would hope.

>hating based Sam

fuck you Hitler, and Bucky had enough fights already he deserves to rest, Sam isn't a bad choice at all

howard was about to reproduce the serum and I believe hydra still have the notes tucked away somewhere.

They just didn't bother making more since Steve Roger is unique.

The X-men characters and Marvel's MCU characters are all one and the same in the comics. They were not all in the movies together due to Fox owning the X-Men movie rights. The mouse now owns X-men and MCU.

I was asking about opinions on what the Phase 1-3 lineup would have looked like if the mouse owned all marvel property from the start.

>I was asking about opinions on what the Phase 1-3 lineup would have looked like if the mouse owned all marvel property from the start.
Spider-Man, X-Men and maybe Hulk. The MCU never would've become a thing.


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Yeah. If they'd been the ones making all those X-Men movies they never would have had to take a gamble on the relatively unpopular and unknown (unbelievable now, isn't it?) Iron Man.

Should have passed the torch to bucky

marvel got major break with captain america and Russo. IM2, IM3, thor1 and thor2 were kind of mediocre but then Winter soldier happened.

>nobody knows how to make more.
just ask Captain Marvel she probably knows

So you're saying you wouldn't be super impressed by The Serpent?

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nanosuit? it doesn't need to be a flying tank like Ironman or warmachine.

Nah it needs to be a cloud of some kind. Also they have to have jets and they have to fight a giant spider.
What if we had Parallax be a giant spider made out of gas that they use jets to fight?

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god dude could you imagine being them? I would fucking soak myself in as much as possible and fucking ride the series till i died. I would become a fucking legend from the amount of future marvel movies i would appear in.

>I would fucking soak myself in as much as possible and fucking ride the series till i died.
This would seem to be Michael Douglas' endgame plan.

No more Iron Man ever?

Dass rite

Not until 2025 at the earliest with how drawn out planning for these movies is. Even then who do you get to do it? Who is as good an actor as Downey?

I don't think Marvel is going to do another 'Big Bad', at least not for a very long time. I think with the gem shit they'll just introduce some alternate timeline crap instead.

Didnt stark kill thanos?

They just got their hands on the X-Men and the FF and you think they're going to reboot? Oh no my fren, the MCU will keep going.

The movie said those Spears can one shot a US Abrahams tank. Of course it didn't seem like this in Infinity War, but that is what they said.

Yes, the Thanos from the past was killed, meaning he won't ever do the snap. In that timeline the tesseract is also in the hands of Loki because he escaped with it.

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Obviously it's a good fucking series that people developed attachment for. Do you really think a fucking teenager would have killed himself over Iron man if that wasn't true?

The same.

Guy on \gif\ fucked me up with this.

But it's not good. Nobody cares about it. People still talk about BvS regularly though. Marvel BTFO

I don't think a reboot just someone else putting on the suit, although starting out at Mk 85 level hax is going to be dumb.

Captain Marvel & Black Panther are the new flagships with GOTG and Spider-man as supporting. Eternals is confirmed for the future.

Fantastic Four and X-Men are likely now

>someone else
You mean someone like Pepper or Rhodey? They have experience.

It only makes sense now to set up Dr. Doom.

I don't think they're coming back. Maybe the kid from Iron Man 3, maybe Morgan Stark a long time from now if anybody pays attention that much.

The next movie will be about thor and his career as a twitch streamer

Nah he went to space with the Asgardians of the Galaxy. Vol.3 will be about Thor looking for Sif (who is fucking Beta Ray Bill) while Quill looks for Gamora (who is fucking Adam Warlock) while Stallone's gang hunts them or something.

Basically just make up shit as they go on. Probably just go around beating up evil white blonde hair males from the planet Durumpfz for 20 movies.

How mad are you right now?

Wakanda nogs have way better shit.

except no diehard Marvel fan likes MCU

I hope not RDJ IS Iron Man and no one can replace him

Not him but thank you

That's not what they're doing with the comics though

Captain Marvel kicks Trump in his infinity stones.

More Captain SJW when?

Not wanting Iron Maiden (Pepper Potts) and Blue Angel ( his daughter the hell is her name) adventures

Would also be the perfect opportunity to bring savage Hulk back too. Just do the same shit of Jean switching his inhibitors off

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The main audience for capeshit is normal people. The nerds have been sidelined for years, capeshit has been mainstream for what, the last 15 years?

There was no Cpt Marvel controversy besides the obligatory manufactured one to make the movie seem like a feminism core movie to get people talking about. The movie was a massive hit. It didn't bomb, it didn't get people "angry about their agenda" because at the end of the day it's a fucking movie about a woman who can traverse space. You guys complain about identity politics but you're the ones injecting it everywhere.

No one is going to get Gwyneth Paltrow and some child actress for that no one would see it.

Could the reason be that there are a LOT more people outside of north america than inside?

>Deadpool teleports to MCU
>Fantastic Four come from another universe
>Doom origins happen during 5 years post snap
>Kang is the big villain for the next 5 years
>Mutants won't be coming till around 2025, idk how they bring them in
>Galactus around 2030

fuck you, I would go see it. And... I'll watch it a second time and maybe even a 3rd.

Secret Wars
Secret Empire
Civil War II


- Soulworld
- Adam Warlock
- Red Skull
- Secret Wars

Shan-Chi's dad is Fu Manchu. Bwahaha.

They're gonna have an established MCU character in it. Hawkeye? Ant-Man? Hulk? Daredevil?

Eternals may also have GOTG, Thor, Hulk, or Captain Marvel.

Shang-Chi was Daredevil at some point, wasn't he?

Marvel NOW! Was a huge flop

its from gamepro magazine you fucking zoomer.

I'm still bummed that we'll never get a big budget kung fu movie for Iron Fist because the Netflix series ruined everyone's perception of the brand by being so shitty that even Marvel fans disliked it.

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Tony forging the first Iron Man suit in the first movie.

please don't remind me of netflix fist. that was the worst shit show i've ever seen and somehow the second season made it even worse.

how the fuck did they sign off on making the main character a fucking mopey retard who cries about not wanting what he trained most of his life for, the uninteresting chick who becomes the lead character and the angsty as fuck villain who cries that the other kung fu guy was better than him.

No. That was Iron Fist.

Shang Chi is one of Marvel's obscure characters. He might be very different than he is in the comics. They might make him a mutate.

In the comics he was a member of Marvel Knights and Heroes for Hire. Daredevil and the Netflix shows got canceled. Maybe Daredevil gets rescued and shows up on the big screen in this movie.

Maybe we get Spiderman, too. Shang Chi has a history with Spiderman.

somebody make a 'curb your enthusiasm' edit of when thanos does the empty snap

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>Shang Chi is one of Marvel's obscure characters
He taught Spider-Man martial arts though!

This is what it should be, but won't be.

Didn't Killmonger burn all the flowers with the serum?

But Thanos left his original timeline just as GotG1 is starting. He's not there anymore to acquire the stones.

No, cunt, even the Chinese hired Matt Damon for a Warcraft movie because people like white male leads. Fuck you.

White people make up about 15% of the world population. Go back to /pol/, the less people like you that watch, the more money it will make. Byeeeee

Imagine trying to explain what something is despite not understanding it and trying to insult someone else in the process

Matt Damon was not in the warcraft movie

They already lost that battle in 2016 though.

naw spiderman is the shit

Ree Ree Williams

Evans and RDJ are apples and oranges. RDJ is known and respected by the world outside capeshit. Evans is a nobody outside that world, well except for his pseudo-intellectual rants on Twitter.


Thanks for posting this again


Marvel will make more Wolver- I mean X-Men movies, obviously, with 30 second cameos of Wolverine in every Marvel movie that isn't an X-Men movie.

jesus 2030?

Way more cosmic shit apparently.
Now that they have Fox they'll probably do an origin for Fantastic 4 and bring in Doom or Galactus or Silver Surfer.

Black capt. black panther. Wakanda forever. Black Queen of Asgard. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if majority characters get replaced Kong’s and queens.

Wish: Introduce FF/Doom > Galactus/Surfer > Annihilation/Cosmic stuff

Reality: Avengers v X-Men is probably too tempting to be left alone for long.

Galactus, Secret Wars, Avengers vs Xmen, Kang, there's decades of story arcs they could do, lol.

If wakanda was about a white secret society it would be the most racist movie ever created. Nationalist, hordes precious resources and wealth for themselves, openly hates on refugees, talks bad about other races, refuses to help anyone but themselves. I’m really surprised liberals liked it so much.

No idea, but I love how simply including time travel has outed all the brainlets who can't even follow the fucking rules laid out in a kids movie.

Why should i be mad? I don't watch capeshit but you would be stupid to not see the subversion kick into overdrive after the Thanos arc.

>I don't watch capeshit but I got to threads about it to complain about SJWs and diversity

You're not, user. You're just determined to find some cream you can lick off the shit.

bucky is “white wolf” now. he will probably have a large enough role in black panther 2

Get serious. Nobody gives half a dick about Bucky.

> Wanda's magic wish kids makes her too OP, have Chthon do it so her character is not made unusable.

I want Wanda beating the shit out of demons, not simpering over babies.

Wiccan is a boring character who still wouldn't be interesting even if you had Death's Head fuck him in the ass.

Wanda has likely been demoted to television, and Bettany definitely isn't gonna appear in any more movies.

IF you think about it, they can literally grab a shitload of infinity stones into the future and keep it there forever. Or just time travel back again and grab the stones and snap to make more stones.

Trumperino would pay top dollar for that.
In 10 years when stinky cheese is all dried up, she'll be suing him and claiming he compared her to his daughter.

Capeshit showings are filled with niggers and Spics who have never cracked open a fucking comic book in their lives.