10 years of capeshit BTFO
10 years of capeshit BTFO
Based Armond
>you will never be so contrarian that you are a gay black conservative who's last name is "White"
Feels bad
>takes place in a violent kindergarten
based and Kinopilled
>Infantilization is the MCU game plan. A serious publication is obligated to point out similarity to the free-college, no-student-loans, socialized-medicine political promises that stoke immaturity. Also note how Endgame secularizes religious allegories. The end-times premise is hollow, just an excuse for the usual sci-fi, CGI destruction. Even Thor’s junked-up Norse myth and Black Panther’s purely cosmetic Afrocentricity join the trend of ignoring spiritual faith and trivializing national heritage.
Capeniggers BTFO
Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.
This article was spot on until he started jerking off Snyder's awful films
Armond isn't a contrarian. You're just as intellectually stunted as Marvel consumers if you think that
I remember hearing from Dunkey that Armond was a hack.
But this shows he's a phenomenal writer and I totally agree about Watchmen being the best superhero movie. Although I love it particularly for its faithfulness to the graphic novel, and its better ending.
wtf I love black people now
>The cultural monopoly represented by the Marvel Cinematic Universe in its latest release, Avengers: Endgame, depends on geeked-up viewers telling themselves that they are having a major cultural experience.
The sentence that saved film reviewing as an occupation.
>The film’s one good scene has Thor (Chris Hemsworth) traveling back to the day his mother Frigga (Rene Russo) dies; he’s unable to change fate but gets a last chance to re-experience womblike love. It rips off Spielberg’s A.I., and Marvel fans probably won’t recognize that it also rips off Thornton Wilder’s Our Town — that’s part of the MCU cultural cheat. Spielberg’s and Wilder’s larger issues are eclipsed by Frigga’s flattery: “Everyone fails at who they’re supposed to be. The measure of a hero is how they succeed at being who they are.” She rings the Millennial psychobabble bell. Fans are permitted to go forward and pre-order their Toy Story 4 tickets with no other sense of responsibility.
When you think about it really that strange that a film critic doesn't like a movie about adults cosplaying in front of a green screen fighting a giant space eggplant
Like the movie or not...just kind of absurd when you think about film critics saying its good when 20 years ago they'd rip it apart for being a hyper violent children's movie
that's because nowadays film "critics" are literally just advertisements for whatever new film Disney wants to push.
Also the bar to become a film critic is now so low, you literally have people dumb enough to unironically believe that Endgame is the epitome of what constitutes kino.
But he likes DC films. He thinks snyder is a genius and a BvS is a work of high art
Its retarded "contrarian means I'm smarter" nigger logic
how the fuck are some black men so eloquent? is roasting in their genes?
he didn't like aquaman
>Captain Marvel gives political cartoons a bad name. Instead of a form-fitting flight suit, Brie Larson’s Captain should wear a pink pussy hat, so we’ll know to laugh rather than salute.
reddit the post
>watching memey video game youtubers
that last paragraph literally ended my racism
The fuck. It's the opposite of eloquent when you use 3 words that mean the same thing to explain something and 5 sentences to convey a single thought. Brainlets
he kind of looks like thanos
Disney is the new plantation and self-proclaimed nerds are happily picking the cotton
>Superheroes punch the clock in this hollow, predictable, overly long mess.
At least capitalism is dying. Shit for-profit movies like this won't be made and actual art films will flourish.
Good thing Disney, the embodiment of hypercapitalism gone off the rails, is starting to crash their cinematic properties one by one.
man that is beautiful
like poetry
Fuck off with your psyop, retards
Hey guys, look at the simple-minded AOC supporter yelling from their soapbox about....hahahahahaha.
How's it a psyop? Good luck telling me how capitalism will survive, when the human labor is going to be eliminated entirely before the end of the century.
> the free-college, no-student-loans, socialized-medicine political promises that stoke immaturity.
Here's your reply:
>human labor gets eliminated
>human conflict plummets as a result
>no reason to make """"art films""""
he looks like he's holding water in his mouth. or like he just drank some water.
It's like /pol/ found a thesaurus
Dunkey is literally a cuckold. You can find videos of his gf getting banged by a black guy while he records. Who cares what a cuckold has to say.
>calls a 12-issue mini series a graphic novel
>claims the movie is faithful despite it just aping visuals while turning middle-aged men into fucking superhumans who can kick ass like nobody's business and includes gratuitous violence for shits and giggles
user Watchmen is a bad adaptation.
/ourkang/ has spoken
>Fans are permitted to go forward and pre-order their Toy Story 4 tickets with no other sense of responsibility.
So he's the god of the angry contrarian teenagers? No wonder he love Snyder cock.
umm, link?
Zack Snyder's homolust for fit male bodies pleases Armond's own deviant desires.
hes not being eloquent hes being verbose which is cliched. hes the "smart black man" who needs to make everything wordy to prove hes the "smart black man".
brevity is better than verbosity
Not him, but here you go . No idea if it's authentic or not though.
jesus christ
Brevity is wit? Nah, my loquaciousness impels mine adversaries and critics to vitriol hitherto fore unheard of in the field of commentating upon reviews of cinematic drivel such as is manufactured by the Disney-Marvel conglomerate. Indeed it could be uttered that it is the reverse of the reception received by the objectivist fable for a post 9/11 world that was hated with a vengeance by audiences but praised in turn by critics such as my humble self.
Yeah future-feudalism is going to be so much better when we all live in rental properties and make our purchases through online guilds all owned by the new nobility.
I can't wait to be a peasant!
I would pay cash to see that Jewess get REAMED by HUGE BLACK PORKSWORDS. I'm talkin DEEP and HARD in EVERY HOLE at once
I don't know much about reddit but verbose black man is funny.
Dance for your Jewish masters boy, shuck and jive and never mention anything in the films whose reviews you wrote four months before the embargoes lifted.
Say entertaining movies are bad and for brainlets and that shitfests are in reality snapshots of society, over and over with minimally varying phrases each time. Giggle like the nigger you are as you continue to pull one over on whitey knowing no one would dare question your credentials or motives.
When you pass on there'll be an obligatory "whatever he said, at least he believed it" bullshit puff piece before your unfinished, unfilmable turgid screenplays are eventually found and people realize you were a con artist.