Alita: Battle Angel
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Please be healed by /ourgirl/
Can someone xray photoshop this pic please?
>go to see avengers
>captain manjaw is this incredibly arrogant and overpowered character
>scenes with her are eye rolling
Can't imagine trying to stomach her shitty movie.
Hello new bread, please be healed by this good artwork.
the image that saved Yea Forums
or should I say healed
China poster turned out to be pretty nice
we have the most talented fans
General threads and capeshit is all Yea Forums has going for it these days. Most other threads are trash. There is definitely an element of truth to "Alita generals saving Yea Forums" lately.
just think
>there's anons out there who aren't healed by this smile
>there are anons who force their hatred upon it
very sad
Fuck that looks amazing
What is that person doing behind her
terrible film
Install deus ex mankind divided.
I want to play something, at least genre close to Alita.
>general for a flop
play with my ps1 emulator
hiding their face
I love you guys. You are all great friends.
Alita had a terrible main poster. It does not cause interest in the film.
>*ring ring*
>Here you go, everyone! I'm always around if you need me!
>And thanks again for the Easter basket!
Fox should have sold to Disney sooner so Disney could have done the marketing. It would have been more then a break even film with some real marketing behind it from the start.
such a qt
Thanks for the delivery!
>ps1 emulator
Alita game.
Yes, I have to try.
But I want something modern.
And not NieR: Automata
Thanks Alita. Maximum tips.
/alita/ is a true gem on Yea Forums.
It was pretty bad. The choice of characters for the poster and how they’re visually prioritized vs. each other made no sense
MY OLD RASPUTIN; have coins, courier-Alita.
You're the best Bikelita
The guys only 17 as well...
Now I feel like absolute shit.
Cute hat!
This movie has been out of theaters for months MODS PLEASE BAN THESE GENERALS
Dw user, hes been drawing since he can remember. Practice is everything....
Good luck
Even worse now. brb buying a rope.
Why isn't this movie out yet? I've been meaning to watch it but I still only see shitty cams.
o7 thread man
Where were you when it was in theaters for 2 months?
such commitment. in awe at the power of autism
>Don't you dare user...
In the hospital with a fractured tibia
Ha ha don't worry about me.
>has been out of theaters
But he stayed in our hearts.
Why was this guy such a jobber in the film despite being a central arc character in the manga? Why even bother with a 3 second cameo? Why was he white washed?
Sorry to hear that fren. We're all waiting on a higher quality version, hopefully next month.
>You didn't forget my sneakers, you the best Ali!
Where you get that user?
Yeah umm I'm going to need one of each of the M&M chocolate bars
Don't worry. It's for the best.
I lol'd but user, don't entertain suicidal ideation. You're going to die eventually regardless. Don't invite death unless you have a badass reason to. Things can always be changed.
>drama is over
>comfytime /ALITA/ is here
Comfyposting is what we do best.
Don't think there's been drama for two threads, but yay! Comfy post.
>unless va shows up
>Things can always be changed.
I'm an example they never do. In fact, I can't think of a single person that has changed anything.
found the flopfaggot ... again
honestly surprised more anons here aren't into steve1989. He is COMFY incarnate.
Why you gotta be like this user? You the one that is wrong with these gens...
requesting 300-year old boomer Alita
Who r u?
No alita
No life
no u
blessed and czech'd
>implying she's not here
Some user wanted the fuck your mercy scene. It's a tad compressed, but we've never had this scene in .webm form before.
Alita is described as "half French, half Japanese"
Mes amis est-ce que Français + Japonais = Japonçais?
She's fine as long as she's user and doesn't do another impromptu AMA about her sexual preferences.
Wow that was fast! Thanks Gally! *tips 1 dollar*
Why is she a super saiyan now?
Yeah, his performance in the movie bugged me, he didn't seem much tougher than the other Motorball players, Jashugan in the manga has freakish ability due to his brain enhancement and tears through other players like they were tinfoil with his grinder arms.
Which camrip is this from, and where do I get it?
>mfw hi-ya
Sweet! What did you shoot him with, a .308?
With just one arm!
>Oh... Well... It still pretty blank. No, it's completely blank, actually. I don't even know my own name.
>tfw I don't even need audio
>I can hear every breath, every scrape of concrete
Alita fulfills every sense
12 ga. slug I believe
Very nice.
h-hi Rosa...
Shit movie, amazing manga.
I disagree, they're both great.
The movie is passable at best, not even close to the manga.
ok manga, better movie.
We could keep up this "No you're wrong and I'm right" game all night, but any chance you could elaborate?
>Let's look at the bright side, your tears are working.
Oh boy I'm going to have fun now. Tried reversing the kiss scene, got a nice result.
lol @ smoothbrains who can't enjoy 2 things as separate entities lol; I enjoy the movie more but I still enjoy the manga too as its own thing.
The film is better than the first two volumes.
But these volumes are far from the maximum abilities of Keshiro.
The true challenge will be the third movie.
A huge number of events, characters, plot arc and the question of the FINAL.
Yeah, tree ending is not happening.
somehow this is even MORE sweet and romantic.
>implying Jimbo will stop at 3 films
it's Kishiro. At least get it right, fren.
> kissu
Why? It's entirely subjective and you'll use meme arrows on every single point I make to do an ACKSHUALLY. If you want a short version, the movie is a generic capeshit flick, the plot is predictable, the dialogue is horrible (fuck's sake, Yugo was bad). Remove the CGI and there's nothing.
>The film is better than the first two volumes.
At least I'm thankful you invalidated your taste this early. Do me a solid, use a name on your posts so I can filter.
Will it be better if they did a 12 episode tv show for the disney streaming service?
Have sex
can't wait for a clean version
>but it's a different thing
I don't dislike it because it's a movie, I dislike it because it's a bad movie. Learn to read.
Wanted to try something a bit different with this one. No /healing/ to be found here, I'm afraid.
>zero counter-point
>reddit reply
Not an argument.
You never actually go through with it...
waiting eagerly for bluray 'WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME???'
>H-Here I go...
>Why? It's entirely subjective and you'll use meme arrows on every single point I make to do an ACKSHUALLY
You sound like a real treat. Why even start a discussion if you can just call something shit and call it a day indeed. Grow a spine you coward.
20-year fan of the manga here, the movie equals and even surpasses the first two volumes in some ways, I avoided the movie at first because I was sure it would ruin the manga but it was a better adaptation that I dreamed could be possible. However, the best parts of the manga have yet do be adapted, if there are sequels we'll see how they do.
The movie is more black and white than the manga, Grewishka and Nova are shown as pure evil with no sympathetic qualities. One of Gunnm's greatest strengths is its ability to make every character sympathetic, from heroes to villains and even bit characters like the deckman Gally is sent to kill by the GIB.
you literally compare it to the manga you literal retard. If you're gonna shitpost at least be consistent you dumbass.
Why does anyone think she should have been blond? Her natural dark hair is amazing.
I'll start making more .webms of this camrip, it's nice.
I fucking love Steve's vids I watch them when I'm cutting weight to make the band food more bearable.
well I guess we don't have the same one
sometimes it's almost clean
sometimes this shit shows up
his positivity is honestly the nicest thing in the world. 'I'll be happy; I'm always happy'. Steve is too good for this world honestly.
>mfw I bitch about trigger discipline in movies but I forget about it in every photo
No text on my rip. It's the best rip of the movie I've found out there.
I like it!
>It's entirely subjective
...found the slippery subjectivist slimeball
>you'll use meme arrows
Oh, the horror! L0Lno fgt pls
Grewishka is a weak character, but I like movie Ido better. There's a dynamic to his relationship with Alita and Chiren that you don't find in the manga because he named her after his dead cat.
Agreed 100%
Chiren is blonde in the anime
Is this the rip with bad audio?
Fucking lmao, I'm not in the mood for your anime fantasies kid.
Show me where I did that. Go ahead.
Taking the sentence "A is better than B" and stretching it to a whole paragraph doesn't give it more weight.
>The movie is more black and white than the manga
While I sort of agree (remember Caligula from the races?), I don't think this is necessarily a good thing, but it's not related to why I dislike the movie. And Grewishka is a bad character with zero depth, it's generic movie big bad guy who likes to smash things. Nowhere near as good as makaku.
>The movie is more black and white than the manga
That may be so, but none of the characters are without flaw. They're all evil in their own way.
Isn't that the one that was said to have bad audio quality/sync?
Something radically different. I like it. You're carving out a niche for yourself. I've been meaning to do some Alita bounty stories myself. This is some nice inspiration.
Not an argument.
Yeah, I can only use it for video. The audio is fucked.
>eagerly awaiting a slo-mo webm
Makaku is highly overrated. His villainy falls flat- it just seems silly.
Yeah it's a thing reasonable grown ups are able to do, exchange opinions instead of stomping their foot and crossing their arms pouting "ME NO LIKEY". The ironic part is that you're getting shat on by manga purists as well, so on the off chance you're not shitposting and genuinely this incompetent at explaining your position, you're also all alone in it.
>The movie is passable at best, not even close to the manga.
if you don't like the movie fine, but don't posture like you're being objective about the manga and movie being separate.
I'll make a new MEGA link. Just remember, audio is worthless.
Fake mangapurists again?
I have a rip with decent audio, it's not like it's hard to fix.
working on it
it's a bitch to edit and convert
no I think he's real
Makaku's persona in the present is kind of overblown, but his past in the flashback is touching and also draws a parallel between him and Alita - they were both left for dead and rescued by Zalemite scientists, just with wildly different motivations. I liked Alita crying for him in the end, Grewishka didn't have that kind of depth. Also wish Grewishka's face looked more like Makaku's, his face is one of the movie's weaker designs, just looks like a fat guy.
I don't want to argue with you, get over it.
>you're getting shat on by manga purists as well
>literally one guy who disagrees with me about a single character
Yeah mate, your internet army sure is menacing.
Makaku was an actual character with a background. His personality was bland, but still better than Grewishka. Here, let me show you: describe Grewishka as a character beyond "he's big and bad and beats people". There's nothing, he's filler.
I agree, Grewishka is a terrible villain. The scene where he threatened Hugo felt like a saturday morning cartoon.
You want an argument?
Give a reason for an argument.
I've missed these kinds of arguments.
when did Gru threaten hugo
Pretty much everyone you responded to you disagreed with you. If your intention is to collect (You)s, good job. If you wanted to convince anyone you're not an idiot, it didn't take.
Who the fuck sent Jaden Smith a link to Yea Forums?!
>mfw thinking about our christmas memes if /ALITA/ makes it to december
So you don't think the black and whiteness of the movie is a problem? It's the main point of Vols. 1-2 over the movie for me. There were a few totally irredeemable characters, like Caligula's sidekick and other random psycho killers, but almost every significant character was given some dimension. Like how Knucklehead betrayed the Boiling Metal troops and the sergeant said "even the most meager of creatures have a full soul" or something like that.
If that's not the problem you see with the movie, what is?
>mfw someone mentions christmas memes
Christmas is a cozy time
>The scene where he threatened Hugo felt like a saturday morning cartoon.
Have sex
Grew does have some interesting qualities. He's basically the other half of Vector; he represents the physical power of evil whereas Vector represents the temporal power of evil.
Grew and Vector both seem like hollow people when you pay close attention to them. Acting as pawns for Nova seems to have caused something inside them to wither away, so despite the appearance of power they present they have a hidden side that's totally subservient to Nova, with his goals always overriding theirs.
>scruffy Ido
no homo but Ido is legit handsome with that facial scruff.
ur mum
...and maybe some other things, as well.
>mfw I'm attracted to scruffy Ido
I watched Piranha 2: The Spawning. Oh my God it was the stupidest shit I ever saw. What the fuck Cameron.
Endgame is over, now Game of Thrones
but our girl still remains
I watched one episode of that show in my entire life, I think it was season 6, I watched because I kept hearing about OMFG DRAGONS!!!! and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. The dragon looked cool but I wasn't very impressed by the show. Though I hear the early seasons are better
Grewishka's actually got roughly the same backstory as Makaku, only he asked Nova to put him in a body capable of becoming motorball champion, as that was his wish, as it was his plan to gain the attention of the over-world. When he fucked it up, he was discarded by the crowd, and disillusioned by their capriciousness, turned to serving Nova, the only person he knew he could truly trust. Some of this is implied by details, some of this is only mentioned in supplementary material and cast interviews.
Oh, and his motorballer past ties him in with Chiren and Vector.
James Cameron has Piranha 2, David Fincher has Alien 3
>mimimi more insults
>people disagree with you so THERE
I'm like destroyed. Have the last reply, of the 3+ people I'm talking with, you're the most boring.
I think you misread me - the black and whiteness of the movie IS a problem. Having good guys be always good and bad guys be always bad is a lazy strategy. Manga Yugo wasn't good or bad, nor was Den from Barjack (actually any character from book 3) or frankly even Alita. In the movie I can guess a character's alignment by the first shot of their face.
The other moron is going to have his heart broken when he finds out you and I were agreeing.
>he represents
Yawn. Describe Grewishka himself, tell me something about his personality, his struggles in life, what he's like. You can't because he's a shit character with ZERO depth.
Also manga Vector had depth. Being a pawn doesn't mean you're an NPC, the entire scrapyard are slaves to Zalem and they have personalities.
Was this shows in the movie?
I watched GoT only briefly, and only for Brienne, because I have the hots for tall, brutish warrior-women
Season 1-4 are great, 5-7 are hit or miss with their good moments
I haven't watched since the first or second episode of season 7 and I don't really care any more
Thanks, friends. The Hunt is one of my favorites so I'm looking forward to what you've got brewing.
Neither Makaku or his composite replacement Grewishka are meant to be in-depth villains anyway so hanging up on their characterization or lack thereof only shows you're a brainlet who isn't even close to understanding why the manga is praised. Narratively they only exist for 2 reasons:
1. Growth of Alita as a character and a warrior
2. Establish Nova as a distant behind-the-scenes antagonist
The movie does both so it's not inferior to the manga in that regard.
Makaku isn't a deeply intriguing character because he slurps on brains and is edgy enough to think being evil for the sake of being evil is a way to cope with rejection.
got one to work
the good one is being a pain
>Was this shows in the movie?
Read the end of the post. What's shown in the movie is implied only through details, like why Chiren and Vector know Grewishka, why Grewishka comes to Chiren after Alita kicks him arm off, and why Chiren repairs him, saying "it's a private matter."
Also the backstory explains why Grewishka grovels when Nova takes control of Vector. Grewishka respects and fears Nova and is in awe of him.
why am i
[spoilers]always sad[/spoilers]
/Ourgirl/ is eternal
>continued from a few threads back
Wait so let me get this straight. Alita can't have vagina or butt sex because of the machinery in her body would crush dicks so the only way to have sex with her is to sodomize her mouth? That can't be right.
Maybe you should see someone about it. Alita would want you to be the best you possible
>mfw when I'm str8 and agree
Also you're still an idiot even after explaining your position more in detail. It's genuinely sad. If you're going to be elitist about something at least try to sound intelligent about it.
Depends who's interpretation you go by, lewdposter
He's definitely trying user
he hates it, just so you know.
Alien 3 gets a bad wrap and Fincher had some good ideas. Blame the studio.
>can tell alignment by looking at a character
well it's based on the anime so blame that
Makaku isn't edgy at all compared to Baron Muster... dude does evil shit because he thinks his awful past is karma for all the evil shit he will do in the future
mouths aren't assholes, buddy
this is still badass, CO user! Thanks!
I dunno fren but we're here for you
[ spoiler ] text [ /spoiler ] with no spaces btw
something about spice and sand worms?
Fresh baked...
they try SO hard... for the movie to be very accurate
so much attention to detail....
they cant bother with jennifer getting a light brown hair dye.....
>blame the studio
yes exactly they were both screwed by the studios because it was only their first movie
Sodomy is anything besides vaginal sex you virgin.
Blessed digits. Alita is our Messiah, which is only more appropriate since she's an angel too. Perhaps it's good that she can't see the path ahead. We all know Paul couldn't handle it.
Also Dune Messiah is the best of the Dune series and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.
We don't agree that the movie is bad or inferior to the manga. In terms of pacing, story flow and some characterizations, particularly Ido's, it's a good deal better. Weaving Makaku, Yugo and motorball together makes for a better ride than the original, which has separate storylines with a limited focus.
The black and white nature of the movie is understandable because it's Alita's coming of age story and she has a simple way of seeing the world at first. If there are sequels, the key will be seeing if they can move past that and see some more nuance in the characters. I don't like that they had Zapan kill someone in cold blood because he didn't do that originally and it makes him pretty irredeemable, it's important that he have some sympathetic side for the berserker story.
kek. Zapan a bitch.
I wasn't the one to bring up Grewishka. If it was you, don't get mad at me that your example was retarded.
>Makaku isn't a deeply intriguing character because he slurps on brains and is edgy enough to think being evil for the sake of being evil is a way to cope with rejection.
That's actually miles better than Grewishka. You're conveniently skipping the exposition, the way his back story was exposed made "this is Grewishka, he's big, he smashes things" look like a rock.
I get that they're both ways for her to grow as a character, but that's not a reason for Grewishka to suck.
>what's shown in the movie is implied (...)
Take care.
god damn that looks like fun, if there's another range meetup i'll go and bring pictures of hugo
we talk about Captain Marvel sometimes unfortunately
It's barely a James Cameron movie, it's the first movie he was hired for and the production was all kinds of fucked
it was more of a training ground for him
I hope this was not your entry point into his filmography
Do you live in Colorado or LA?
Hugo did nothing wrong
always sad
God I want to tie her down spread eagle and have my way with her!
>Take care.
Relax. I'm not arguing with you. I'm providing information you might find important.
but Hugo is excellent!
So what? It's find to redesign some characters, do you think Zapan should have had the chin spikes and pink hair?
A better complaint is that Grewishka's face is much less memorable than Makaku's.
oh i was under the assumption that this was yesterday's la meetup, was this from a different one?
zapan did nothing wrong
Are you using the first rip for these?
Zapan a BITCH
I watched this movie without knowing anything, I liked it but even with the long run time it felt rushed, like they want to get as much of the story out because they didn't know if there would be sequels. I wish Alita's human side had more development.
joss whedon has alien Resurrection
>Weaving Makaku, Yugo and motorball together makes for a better ride than the original
I never saw anything so forcibly jammed outside of pornhub as the motorball arch into the movie. If you think this is a strong point, I don't know what to tell you.
Not going to quote the second paragraph. The fact that she's young and sees the world as black and white doesn't mean the movie characters themselves have to be. That's entirely your own cope. You're doing damage control for something that doesn't deserve it, it's just a generic capeshit formula. If the characters were shades of grey, you'd be saying it's because she's young and can't judge someone's character properly. Sometimes, a shitty character is really just a shitty character because the movie writers are lazy.
And Zapan DID kill someone in cold blood. Remember Yugo's gang? He sliced a kid in half.
It's a reason to not give him unnecessary development when he only exists to be a foil. There are far more important things to cover in a 2-hour movie. Taking away his incoherent sob story does not really lessen the character growth of Alita. If you can't get that, what are the chances you understood anything about the rest?
see filename
they originally were going to have Grewishka look like Makaku, I'll find a pic from the art book
this was the NoCo meetup
just two of us, the other user is shopping the pics
I actually really like Alien Resurrection
James definitely rushed the story. Cutting the nude love scene between Alita and Hugo was a mistake. Leaving it in would have helped fill in Alita's more intimate human aspects.
>we didn't have time to make the character remotely interesting!
Of all the shit excuses for a character being bad, this one is the best. Yeah, having literally ANY exposition would have taken a few seconds away from the CGI explosions, can't have that.
>if you can't get that (...)
>so what
so what happens is that a hair color change is one of the cheapest and easiest way to be faithful....
one of the most simple and easiest ways to have a character look more faithful
the fact that they didnt with such an important character in a movie that prides itself over beibg extra faithful is very strange
CO user 2, finally reporting in. It's been a busy day, but the official meetup photo is coming soon.
I guess it makes sense cutting a scene like that if they need to cut something to get a lower age rating. How much of the story is left?
And then I'm going to tie her ankles to the headboard and do unholy things to her ass!
You need to find your wings, fren!
For fuck's sake...
josh wedon can shut up. My nigga josh doesn't get that Bernie >>>> Hillary and thinks that Bernie was a pouty loser when actually it was Hillary. Fuck Josh.
So motorball elements were "forcibly jammed" into the movie but an unimportant character would have been redeemed by some cheap backstory exposition to explain why he's an evil big guy who slurps on brains or smashes things, take your pick. Way to contradict yourself.
ohhh okay, thanks. if there's any la anons here, we need a range meetup where we pump this picture full of lead
Excuse you
Replace that with Zapan
Hugo did nothing wrong I love him
Anyone got some WHOLESOME CutOuts?
please and thank you's
Zapan sliced a kid who tried to steal his spine. That's a crime under factory law and he's a hunter-warrior, kills don't get more legit than that.
There are shades of gray in some characters, just not in the main villains. When you pay attention to Ido you can see he's deeply hurt and has some unhealthy coping mechanisms; recall Gerhad's face when he names Alita. He's not just an idealized father figure.
Chiren seems to hold out some good will for Ido in the beginning, then after the Kansas fight she torments him by reminding him of their daughter, a truly evil act. Then she's redeemed in the end.
Connecting Hugo, Ido and Vector to motorball was a good way to link different parts of the story, in the manga motorball just comes out of nowhere in Vol. 3. In the movie we see how this bread-and-circus distraction involves people from different walks of life and the corrupting influence that it has. Also the motorball tryout scene is one of the best action sequences in any movie ever.
Its not your fault. Modern society sucks. Nothing much to live for tbqh.
The important thing isn't to copy every detail, the pacing from the manga wouldn't work for a movie hence the reorganized story. The important thing is to express the themes and characters from the manga, which is done so well that few other movie adaptations of anything, manga, comic, novel or otherwise, come close to it. Jen's appearance in the movie is great and well-suited to her character.
VA is not going to allow that to happen if there were another range meetup
But the motorball arch lasted an entire book and in the movie it was 10 minutes. They could have made half of the second movie around it or something, not have
>ok fight the bad guys
>timeout, now become motorball champion
>ok back to bad guys
Fuck's sake, at least interweave it into the plot, this was a bathroom break. She literally jumped from a motorball race back to fighting bad guys. It was the definition of subplot jamming.
And his exposition story would have lasted under a minute. I don't see how adding one minute to a 2h movie gets to you this much.
How does this contradict anything I said? Move the motorball thing to the next movie (plus this way you're following the canonical timeline), use the extra time to give proper development to characters.
he just has such a punchable face
either pic related or the one where he's covered in cum should be the targets
Comfyposting didn't last long tonight. Oh well. We can try again tomorrow night.
She didn't become motorball champion, were you even paying attention? It was a tryout for her to enter the second league and she ended it by fleeing the track. Her entry into motorball was part of her developing relationship with Hugo, who is hiding the fact that he commits crimes to support motorball games, just as Ido has guilt over his involvement with motorball. In this way motorball serves as a thread to connect all these characters instead of appearing out of nowhere in the 3rd volume.
Thanks frens!
Got some Wholesome stuff for next bread
based loony toons posting; idk what you're talking about though, fren, It's been decently comfy.
Jerome? This is kind of an innovative tactic if so.
Guys all the lewd posting has been getting me down lately. Coming into a thread with lewd posting is like walking into a room to find Alita being raped. Its just not right. Is it always gonna be lewd posting in these threads from now on? I'm not sure I am comfortable posting in these threads if that is gonna be the case.
The contradiction lies in you thinking introducing narrative elements that will be important later on such as the motorball aspect of life in Iron City is "forcibly jammed" but that you can somehow save a character and make the audience empathize with him with a last minute, non-forced, non-jammed 1-minute exposition.
Speaking of screentime, Chiren is given some in the movie and none in the manga because she doesn't exist there. Does this make the movie infinitely better? Is it better to focus on Chiren and by extension Ido's previous life in Zalem or Makaku, this incredibly nuanced brain slurping first volume villain?
I think you mean Zapan, buddy
Hugo is cute and precious and did nothing wrong
Finally saw capeshit endgame, it was pretty decent but honestly i'd only watch it again on a plane or on tv maybe. all i could think about after leaving the theater was that i wouldn't be willing to watch it in theaters again, but i wouldn't hesitate to watch Alita one more time if it was still playing
A reminder that Alita is for hugs, cuddles walking arm in arm, kisses on the cheek, holding hands and all things otherwise pure and wholesome.
the movie is amazing
im a fan of chiren and i love the way she was drawn. shes very beautiful
ever since alita was announced i wanted to see what they do with her.
i will always be dissapointed over a change that would have cost 8 dollars to make
why did both robert and james not do this
unless jennifer Connelly said no
even Idos daughter was fucking blonde for fucks sake
>Does Chiren's screen time make the movie better?
Considering the lingerie scene I would venture to say, yes.
i guess shes a little older than you thought doctor
that reminds me, that faggot admin of the chong page on memebook still browses these threads and alita posts, and he likes lewding alita
hey sadmin, fuck you, pic related
wat page is this?
What about interlinking fingers and gazing at the night sky while sitting on a rooftop?
yes fren
I could update the archive for you if you're looking for a lot of them
this is painfully wholesome because I've done it before. This hurts.
>The contradiction lies in you thinking introducing narrative elements that will be important later on such as the motorball aspect of life in Iron City is "forcibly jammed"
Not what I said, I'm not going to discuss your strawman.
And Chiren has a personality, so it's fine. The problem with Grewishka was they kept the character, but dropped the personality. I think I explained this 3 or 4 times by now. Maybe this time is the one, but I really don't feel like continuing an argument where I keep saying the same thing over and over. You like a character with zero backstory, cool. Alita is the movie for you.
Zapan a BITCH
Use faceapp to shop her hair blonde like the other user did with Blondita
One of my friends thought it was amazing but every review on here makes it sound like a mess
Alita doesn't become a motorball champion in 10 minutes so you ought to try not turn your brain off and actually pay attention to what's going on the screen before you call it generic capeshit. It's okay, you're almost there.
Not him, but makaku was way more nuanced in the manga, you're dumb if you can't see it.
Damn Alita: Battle Angel looks like that?!?
Christina Hendricks for sequel
>Alita doesn't become a motorball champion in 10 minutes
...good thing I didn't say that then. Another strawman?
>it's okay, you're almost there
Hey is this getting a sequel?
Alita looks a lot of different ways
hello frens
I mean I wouldn't object to that fren :)
And yes.
hello me ol chump
i mean if you combine a bunch of separate movie franchises into one big movie and you at least like a few of the heros, it's bound to be at least okay. that being said, suicide squad was way better and i thought it was deserving of 3 theater viewings
i love alita 3000
h-hi, qt
I can see it, but that's not really the crux of the argument. He was ultimately unimportant except to be a foil to Alita. If we're going to discuss what the movie or the manga did better, I'd rather talk about the differences in Ido, Alita or Yugo/Hugo because in the end those are the important characters that matter and move Alita's characterization forward.
Tugo's death still haunts Alita a decade later, so that's the part the movie needs to get right, not whether Makaku-lite has an evil enough face or backstory worth caring for.
Such a short attention span, you can't even remember your previous posts! stick to actual capeshit for sure.
No unfortunately. There will be an animated series instead Disney decided after buying Fox. It will be on Disney's nee streaming service.
I don't mind Rosa posting or even Jen posting but this is really stretching it
Lana's cute what are you even talking about
Here you go fren
The CutOut folder is fresh but the rest needs to be updated
>your previous pot
Mate, follow the links, my previous post () did not contain "motorball", "10" or "minutes" anywhere. It was entirely about Grewishka. This is more sad than engaging at this point, so I'm going to stop here.
she's underrated and cute in the movie, like when she gives alita the thumbs up
god tier feet too
duplicate image, i'll just delete
Im Gnot A Gmeatbag
Bad hair in the movie though
>mfw anons are arguing but they both love Alita
>alitas only female friend
>was there when alita found her body
.......come on fren
No problem
If anybody wants something I'll keep updating it
meant for
her hairstyle was whatever in the movie, but still a cutie. more koyomi posting pls
No problem but I don't have much
How big do you think Hugo’s cock is?
18 inches
how expensive would it be, relatively, to get a cyborg dick where I can instantly N U T at the press of a button?
with a timer allowing me to choose how long my orgasm lasts?
NEW WHEAT BASED FOOD when we hit that img limit :)
>oh user...
Based koyomi poster