The level of infantile obsession with this movie, as well as the willingness of communities to make special rules for this capeshit has me worried about our future living in a society.
Avengers Spoiler Derangement Syndrome
reminder: disrupting the public peace by intentionally ruining someone's day is a violation as a NAP and will be treated as such.
of the* NAP
>Female cross
Iron Male Christ?
fucking brainlet
the last one should just be a skull or something, the cross is kind of stupid.
Is this some tranny shit? About taking testosterone injections?
Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.
Isn't it about t-bone from the wire?
>Christianity can cure capeshit
No, only Islam can, unfortunately.
Nope, Muslims love that shit too. Islam won't cure transgenders either.
>It's T-pose to assert your dominance
iron man christ?
Respecting the idea that people don't want to have plots of highly anticipated movies spoiled for them is not only old, but it predates the Internet.
It's a completely understandable thing and the fact that you DON'T understand it likely indicates that you are an aspie that doesn't participate in social settings and probably needs to continue abstaining from them.
You can either abide by perfectly reasonable and generally evenly-enforced rules that communities establish, or you can fuck off to some other community that's more friendly to your complete gaping lack of comprehension of social intricacies. It's really that simple.
Honestly I had been spoiled on a couple main things in the movie but it didn't make the viewing experience any worse, probably because of how predictable it was..
People spoil the movie because they know it'll piss people off you moron.
>The level of infantile obsession with this movie
I think what's more concerning is the infantile obsession autistic incel NEET's have with actively trying to ruin peoples' fun and enjoyment for no other reason than being a bitter autistic incel NEET.
The same shit happened with Harry Potter book releases and "le epic trolls" trying to ruin the enjoyment of them.
It's fine that you don't like something popular. Nobody gives a shit. But at least have the self-awareness to shut the fuck up and let OTHER people enjoy what they enjoy, rather than having this autistic redditor-like obsession with ruining shit for other people for zero reason other than just being a faggot.
>Iron Man Saves
NEETs don't watch Marvel movies because they can't afford to go to the movie theater. You should calm down.
No shit, retard. I'm saying that makes them autistic, friendless social pariahs.
If you actively seek to ruin peoples' fun for no other reason than "LE EPIG LULZ" then you're an underage redditor faggot that needs put the Guy Fawkes mask away and lose some fucking weight.
>NEETs don't watch Marvel movies because they can't afford to go to the movie theater
You know, over the past 15 to 20 years there's been an interesting development as far as Internet technology goes. Have you heard of these things called "torrents"? They allow you to technically be able to see movies without having to either pay for them or even leave the house. And with these things called "cam-rips" this can be done even with movies that are still in theaters.
Crazy world we live in, huh?
I get that people don't want to be spoiled. What I don't get is that this shit goes so far that every single shit community will have "muh avengers spoilers" rules for weeks on end. I fucking hate having the places I am at hijacked by this corporate garbage. If people would just shut up about it and be normal people I wouldn't even care.
>special rules
WHat special rules? People that intentionally spoil movies have always been seen as assholes, and no spoilers has been a rule on Yea Forums and Yea Forums literally since both boards were invented.
If you're blaming an innocent group of people of something they didn't do, you're begging for them to turn against you. There's plenty of NEETs who love these movies.
Not everybody watches camrips, if you wait until the blueray rip of the movie, you can't really spoil anything for anyone since it's been out for a while.
And yet the only time the mods make a sticky is for the travesty that is capeshit.
The spoilers don't even matter, as it's all unadulterated garbage that shouldn't be consumed by anyone over the age of 12.
It's just cringe inducing, the thought that actual "adults" watch this trash and will literally burst in to tears if you were to tell them that Tony dies.
>And yet the only time the mods make a sticky is for the travesty that is capeshit.
But that's wrong. GoT and Star Wars both got spoiler stickies. Breaking Bad sort of did.
Don't go putting this shit out even for a laugh. They don't need more ideas for the DSM. Knock it off you wanks.
>What I don't get is that this shit goes so far that every single shit community will have "muh avengers spoilers" rules for weeks on end.
There's nothing "special" about the rule. Direct and intentional spoilers for any movie, especially ones currently in theaters, has ALWAYS been a rule on Yea Forums. You can check the rules if you're so new that you don't know this. It's right there on the Yea Forums Rule Page.
The only difference with Endgame is that Hiro actually got off his ass long enough to type a sentence-long REMINDER to people that that is the case.
There's nothing new or special about the rules and if you think otherwise you are a newfag.
>The spoilers don't even matter, as it's all unadulterated garbage that shouldn't be consumed by anyone over the age of 12.
Congrats on your opinion. Too bad it doesn't matter to anyone else.
Intentionally spoiling shit has always been against the rules and wanting to do it anyway makes you a faggot, regardless of your personal feelings on any given movie. Cope, autist.
wanting to unironically pay money to watch the most predictable and generic movie series makes you a fucking retard, and manchildren such as yourself literally crying after learning who "dies" are truly pathetic human beings.
No one could possibly respect the wishes of infantile morons can't even keep their autistic ramblings to containment threads.
You don't deserve it.
>someone spent time making this image
>they didn't think about how stupid it is
>they continued to make the image instead of having sex