
Yea Forums lied
This was shit

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It's not shit but anyone claiming it to be Kubricks best is reddit incarnate, know that

Some movies are not meant to be viewed by 14 year olds chomping tendies.

Based and redpilled

I'm 21 and this was boring shit and didn't look as good as 2001

stick to avengers, kid, it's more your speed.

2001 was boring. Barry Lyndon is miles better in comparison.

>muh avengers boogeyman

plot twist: the post

You simpleton, they;re both equally good

Kubricks best movie everyone is perfect in it and every shot is a painting

correct opinion

I'm so glad you zoomers will have your life fucked by a big economic collapse and a civil war.

>tfw your friend says they’re gonna watch it
>watch it over two days

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Except for right in the beginning Barry isn't chopping OR splitting wood, he's just whacking away at logs and throwing them in piles. No Kubrick didn't intentionally do it but it definitely takes me more out of the scene than the 3M tape in the background sky during the Dawn of Man sequence.

Ryan O'Neal was perfect for the movie because he's a prick asshole in real life too.

Kubrick was a hack

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Try it again in 10 years kid

>characters in Kubrick movie breathing air
these get more funny everytime

plagiarism is unironically based especially when you get away with it