Surprisingly full of feels. Just watched, and am sad now

Surprisingly full of feels. Just watched, and am sad now.

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It was, until the bait and switch where they reveal the show is still going on.

I still cried.

What was?

I still don't understand this. It's going to continue under the same title but different format?

Shows still going but no more audience/interview parts of the show anymore.

How is this guy 59

I thought he was 70

He's aged ~25 years in the last 10. A bitter divorce, stress, and hard drinking/smoking will do that to you.

All they are doing is removing the audience and things like Conversation Street. So basically we're getting a whole season of "specials", which sounds great.

What show is this?

The specials have become a bit rote at this point. They can be good fun, but they're not guarantees of hilarity like they used to be. The docus have been the best part of GT/TG for the last 5 years desu senpai.

I've seen that guy before. I'm guessing a cooking show?

Benny Hill.

on the episode with Richards wife I thought he'd have a good looking wife but she really looked like the roast with the most

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Specials in Top Gear time were great bar India, but I feel fall a lot flatter in GT era. Doing more studio banter and documentary bits was what made this the best GT season thus far, I'm sad they're ditching it just when they finally hit their groove.

Fuck me. They do really have the best jobs.

Omg. I honestly thought him and May were in their mid 60's.

maximum accessory

James is filming in Japan right now for Amazon to do a travel thing there, can't wait.

james needs to get back to reassembling things


I don't give a shit about the docs bullshit when rewatching the eps. I guess I'm entirely just about banter and builds. I don't give a shit about some fucking old racecar driver for some old cars I don't give a shit about. Like cool he's racing some other racecar driver that's younger in a newer car. Neat. Never going to watch that again, while I watch all the specials multiple times when they're new.