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Captain Compton

/pol/cucks BTFO

>Calling otherw cucks when you are actually the cuck

kino my nigger

nothing wrong with it. Let's wait and see.

Very representative of America actually.

>n-no you!
Got em

Blacktain America!

I'm uncomfortable with his kind wearing the mantle of Captain America. And by his kind, I mean a dirty non super soldier.

If only Cap had a friend that was also super human and was shown to hold the same values as him and was shown to be skilled with the shield

>-n-no you!
>implying this isn't the default lefty response to any meme the right creates

>Nigger Captain America
>Nigger female taking place or Thor
>Nigger female will be new iron Man
>Feminist whore as Captain Marvel
>Nigger black panther
I'm so glad I stopped watching capeshit in 2013 lmao

Who else is ready for nu-MCU? From here on out, they're gonna be woke af.

unironically the best representation of cuckmerica at the moment

if Cap went back to the past and they established tht they dont really go in the past but another timeline...then how is he able to grow old in the same timeline that he left in the first place?

why didn't bucky, steve roger's best friend, say hi to the old joe biden steve rogers?

he lived his life in an alternate timeline and after titcow died of old age he used the watch to return to his OG timeline

if that was the case then he would appear on the portal when he was supposed to. as an old man like ant man did before



you dont have to appear on the portal. they time jumped without it when they went from 2012 to the 1970's. he did the same thing when he returned to 2023

Don't forget wh*toids, there's an new kween of asgard too

>Aryan Black Panther

Pure coinsidence.

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Let's be real here, Anthony Mackie is based, Falcon is a based bro, and Bucky has no wish to keep fighting. There's literally nothing wrong with this.

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except again... they established that its another timeline. It was the precise reason they mentioned as to why they cant kill the tanos as baby. IF he went back to his own timeline...that means that he was cucking himself while frozen?

>marvel comic movies.
>Deadshot and Starfire
what a fucking moron

the super soldier serum was just her titmilk (giant breasts bane)

Do you think that not believing that you're raising your wife's son makes you not a cuck?

I just saw the movie. I did not watch cpt marvel. Does she have like, no weakness at all or something?
She literally just stopped by earth after saving several planets and took down a space craft a whole super army couldn't scratch and took a headbutt from thanos and didn't even flinch, like, wtf

how is this new to anyone? the majority of the moviegoers have never even touched a comic book.

Captain African America

Based, Mackie is literally the most based Avengers actor, he deserves to make it big

But that’s a nigger

He'll never have America's ass tho

I was okay with iridescent elbow being Heimdall. the rest are shit though.

Her only weakness is Kryptonite.

It's not that he's black that bothers me; it's that he has such a weaselly face. The shape of the goatee gives him "meth cheeks", somehow. Weird.

Plus, it doesn't help that a rumor sprung up that he flipped out on some guy interviewing him during a Marvel press junket, which they quashed with some difficulty.

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

>the marvel chicks aren’t even characters shown for more than 5 minutes
>Jewish ww

that entire cast seemed super high strung during the press tour. a few of them must be glad its finally over

whatever helps you sleep Adolf

>not realizing it's just a way to replace the cast with cheaper actors

kek based

He was a great friend to Steve and they have similar philosophies. There is no way someone is mad about that in any way other than muh nigs. Bucky is a wanted terrorist and an assasin, I doubt the general public would care if he was brainwashed or not.

I don't like this guy at all. The actor or the character.

Valkyrie or whatever her name is is the worst one. On top of being ugly isn't the actress also racist against whites too?

>all the men are fine
>the women are terrible choices

The afro chick that plays whats her name is pretty hot so I don't have a problem with her.

Too bad he's also a wanted criminal with massive PTSD

who gives a shit what they talk on their twitter, fuckin Chris Evans is racist against whites. whatever.

The issue is that she had like 20 minutes of screentime total and half of that she was just a drunk bounty hunter or something. This character is a literally who.

every man in pic is based af

Chris Evans is a twat but he fit the role well. The actress that plays Valkyrie not only doesn't fit the role she also has a shit personality. Worst of both worlds.

Does nobody read the comics? Also tell me one thing that is wrong with Sam being Cap besides his race? In the comics he keeps up with Steve’s super solider skill with flight and his military background.

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Is he going to start taking steroids? He's just a regular dude.

>Does nobody read the comics
shut up Yea Forumsmblr. Only fags read the comics.

I saw Captain America in the 1950s in New York yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him what the implications to the timeline were for him staying in the past to vigorously fuck Agent Carter.

He said "Oh, like you're doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going "I can do this all day" and explaining to me that he couldn't interfere with 9/11 or the Kennedy assassination in front of my face. I walked away and continued to go about my business, and I heard him chuckle patriotically as I walked off. When I tried to cross the street I saw him talking to Hank Pym with like 15 Pym particles in his hand without any need for them.

Hank was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Steve, you need to use these to return the Infinity Gems.” At first he kept pretending to not be a man out of time and not hear him, but eventually turned back around and started handing the particles back to Pym.

When Hank refused one of the particles and started blocking Steve's hand multiple times, he stopped him and told Hank that he had already returned the stones “to prevent any chrono-spatial anomalies,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s how time travel works. After Hank took each particle and put them in his pockets and started to explain time travel, Cap kept interrupting him by sucking on Peggy's gigantic tits really loudly.

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>he doesn’t appreciate based black actors

>a Russian sleeper agent terrorist is the new hero of America and by extension the world
I like it.

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at least he has some charisma

So are they gonna genetically change him into a super soldier or is he just going to be a guy with a shield?

most of those a based though.

Wasn't Kingpin's casting justified though - since only Duncan was closest with a huge size and physique like he had they could find IRL?

Kingpin looks like the nigger from Pulp Fiction.

None of this matters. We're likely going to end up locked in some all-consuming hellish conflict within the next decade. People are going to be dosed with ionizing radiation or infected with disease or will have their genes scrambled with CRISPR. It'll be nightmarish. Meanwhile people live in their little gilded castles existing in a contained fantasy. The Red Death won't stop at their gates.

You can fuck off about Michael Clark Duncan, that dude was based.


Valkyrie becoming black is a good choice though
White girls are hella boring as fuck and you'd have to cast someone like Brie Larson on the job

At least the gorilla nigger brings humor

>Feminist whore as Captain Marvel

Excuse me, bitch.
Brie is pure and struggles to keep her purity.

Point in case.

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remember when everyone flipped their shit over Irdis Elbo and they said it was only one character stop being racist.

kingpin and fury are unanimously based though. the original is top notch but those two were perfectly casted for their take on the characters

Who the fuck smiles at a TSA employee