>superpowers: none (unless you count "peak human" as a superpower, which it is not)
>plot shield: over 9000
God I hate this character
>superpowers: none (unless you count "peak human" as a superpower, which it is not)
>plot shield: over 9000
God I hate this character
Other urls found in this thread:
He's easily superhuman, you can't kick a geared military man several meters at peak human condition, or pull in a helicopter trying to take off by holding on to a metal bar.
Dude, stop making fun of us! We're Marvel fans, not rocket scientists. We don't even need brains to appreciate Hulk doing a dab!
I get the feeling you're shitposting and falseflagging, and as such I will ignore your post.
what, do character traits not count
he's top tier leadership material
>Superpower: Being American
He got the superhuman serum you fucking retard.
Jesus do some research before posting here you faggot.
He said as he replied to the post.
>superpowers: none
He jumped out a skyscraper window in Winter Soldier and was absolutely fine, and his strength is comparable to Thanos.
>>superpowers: none
even if you accept the explanation he's supposed to be gold medal olympian in every event, no human can curl a helicopter against a building or throw a damn motorcycle.
he has powers.
>He got the superhuman serum you fucking retard.
That's what PEAK HUMAN is, you retard. He's got the maximum amount of strength, speed and agility a HUMAN can have. He's NOT a superhero.
That's called plotshield.
what I don't understand is why not just accept he's superhuman
wasn't the goal of the serum project to make supersoldiers? why would they only want to make "peak human" soldiers? that's retarded
Dude maybe humans in marvel can do that, but they just dont train hard enough. Think of that? You gotta use your thonker.
He has superhuman strength, durability and can't even get drunk due to how fast his metabolism works.
> his strength is comparable to Thanos
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.
Ok retards, read this:
>Powers and Abilities
>Super-Soldier Serum: The Super-Soldier Serum (SSS) metabolized and permanently enhanced all of Rogers' bodily functions to the peak of human potential.
PEAK OF HUMAN POTENTIAL. Is that so hard to understand?
It's from the comics, where "peak human" definitely doesn't mean the same as it does in the MCU, which tries to be more "realistic"
Do they specifically state the SSS makes you peak human in the movie?
was it ever stated that he ages normally?
But the MCU is Earth-199999, not Earth-616.
616 is the "prime" version of comics Earth.
This. He literally sees faster than bullets (google it), he's pretty much superhuman.
Took a whack from thor's hammer and it did was make his shield ring.
The movies don't follow comic canon, if there even is such a thing
Which means, he's as fast as a normal human possibly can become, as strong as a normal human possibly can become, as agile as normal human possibly can become, etc. It does not mean that he can go toe to toe with Thanos and the other power houses. The ONLY reason he can do this is his ridiculously powerful plot shield. There is no other explanation.
Literally this. Stupid Americans.
>superpower is being american
>pretty much never uses guns