So, after the events of Endgame, there would be a lot of big social problems:
-You have to assume that half the people on flights were dusted. So, when they're snapped back, would they be in the same place they were dusted from, just 5 years later? You'd have half-planefuls of people falling from the sky because the plane hadn't been there in 5 years. The same would happen on highways.
-You'd have people doubled up in hospital beds or suddenly appearing where the beds used to be and falling to the floor.
-Peter's classmates would all have graduated, and he'd be with all new kids.
-People would have started new relationships. Dusted wives and husbands would show up to their spouse in a new happy relationship. Families with "replacement" kids would suddenly find their houses over-crowded.
-Inheritance money would have been spent.
-Dusted people would move back into their empty houses, assuming they weren't looted, or the contents were sold, or that new families hadn't moved in.
-People would undoubtedly re-appear inside newly built walls, or inside other people.
-Let's say you were having sex when you got dusted. You reappear naked and with a rock hard dick.
-What happens to dusted people's jobs?
-What happens to the dusted livestock in factory farms when there's suddenly twice as many?
So, after the events of Endgame, there would be a lot of big social problems:
... that's a pretty interesting take that I am now surprised wasn't in the movie post credits.
They’ll go into more details on ALL of this in the sequel.
The Avengers: The Autist Nitpicks
>You'd have half-planefuls of people falling from the sky because the plane hadn't been there in 5 years
if this was the case, where it was based on your location back then, then they would all be spawned in space since the planets and solar systems they were in has moved since then.
Yeah yeah, but to avoid getting irritated by this, I assume that any time machine would also move through space, to keep the time machine in a relative spot on the planet. It would be a necessary addition to a time machine, so I just take it as read that it was already built in.
I wonder whether a pregnant mother could've been dusted but not her unborn child. Also the reverse would be funny with suddenly deflating bellies. Keep in mind one of these would happen to 50% of all pregnant women
the infinity stones would know a fetus isn't alive
Issues like these are what the mind stone is for. To compensate for these kinds of unforeseen consequences.
Ignore the time machine, i was referring to the snap and the method of how the stones functioned. The time machine was irrelevant to it.
>Get dusted while leeping with a married woman in her marital bed
>Reappear while she's in bed with her husband
Time has gravity on its side. Gravity is a warping of spacetime, after all.
Who knows how snap physics work
Even in the 9th month of the pregnancy? That's basically a regular baby not a fetus.
Who said that the people had to reappear exactly where they had been dusted? The stones give you god like powers - they could literally reappear anywhere.
Well it's pretty clear that Spidey and Strange reappeared on Titan, so it's fair to assume people DID reappear in the same places on the same planets, and millions DID fall from the sky.
I'm sure Professor Hulk was smart enough to make sure everyone reappeared safely, the stones let you warp reality however you want.
And yet Hulk didn't have all the Avengers reappear in Avengers HQ?
they have prepared special ovens for that
Cue massive starvation due to the industry not being prepared for twice as many mouthes to feed
What the fuck do you mean marvel movies have gaping plotholes and logical inconsistencies?
But thats just it, if the stones are limited to only being able to reclaim the people where they were, then they would have spawned in space.
The point im saying is that there is not this type of limitation, because if there were, my point would have been proven true and EVERY PERSON that was snapped would have been killed in the vacuum of space as that was the location in the universe they were at.
So clearly the stones are capable of providing more input than just "undo delete."
That's fine, most of the ones starving would be the incompetent low IQ ones, so the overall IQ's would skyrocket as the black and brown hordes die off and kill each other for power and control.
he didn't know they were going to be attacked
If Hulk was able to not only bring everyone back, but also bring them back to a safe location then why would Spidey and the rest wind up on Titan and not on the much safer Earth?
Based and redpilled
That doesnt solve people that moved on with their lives
And Thanos killed a lot of shit people like murderers. They are all back
>Dusted wives and husbands would show up to their spouse in a new happy relationship.
Literally Manifest
I find the implications of this hilarious, people rejoicing people are undusted then people fall by planefulls on top of them
Thanos wins no matter what
Half of the population is going to starve now
Based purple alien
>People reappear EXACTLY where they were
>3 billion people reappear in space because Earth rotated around the Sun and the Solar System/whole galaxy moved because of expansion.
Holy fuck you're right
This is why Thanos should have just snapped all the niggers of the universe away. Then no one would have opposed Thanos or tried to undo anything and the universe would be left in capable, responsible hands.
>jews still exist
there would eventually be another nightmare
Once you think on a universal scale, you'll realize Jews are just the niggers of the middle east.
The sun and earth traveled 36,266,400,000 km in that time. I guess capeshit writers didn't think of that.
Or how the economy in the first world would stabilize with 50% of the people being gone, while third world countries would be pretty much non-existant
Still would've saved everyone a journey, and allowed them to be told what had happened instead of being confused and having to learn 5 years had passed.
So you're saying Spidey and Strange...what? Reappeared on a totally different part of Titan? Come up with any kind of feasible explanation for that.