When did you realise Stingray was /ourguy/?
Cobra Kai
>mfw Cobra Kai threads are dead because Yea Forumsnormies are too busy posting in GOT or Avengers threads
Miguel did nothing wrong
I miss his smile
I didn't realize this show was that aware
>not including a search for "big guys"
Kek, nice.
Planned to but as I said I got bored. Might upgrade it in the future
user, I haven't laughed this hard in a good while.
Absolutely delighted with what they've done this season, m8s. This series is the gift that keeps on giving.
Am I the only one that finds this guy hot as fuck?
Bad triumvirate when?
How would you work Chozen into the story without fucking it up?
He eventually inherits wealth from his Uncle and his company works with Terry Silvers. When Kreese tells Terry that LaRusso is now vulnerable, Chozen comes to America to call LaRusso a white imperialist cultural appropriator, and Silver starts fucking with LaRusso's auto dealership.
The only way to get them to relent is for Johnny and Daniel to sign up for the All Valley Over 50 Men's Karate Tournament and defeat their chosen champion.
Terry Silver looks like the adult version of the school shooter kid from 13 Reasons Why
I could see that working, Chozen meeting with Silver in his office and Silver get's a call from Kreese telling him about what's happen and Chozen hearing "LaRusso" wants in.
was half expecting one of them to be the guy here.
Chozen's son is going to school in LA, and gets saved by Johnny from a gang of Thugs. Chozen flies to LA to thank him and writes him a cheque. Johnny declines and wants to leave when Chozen remarks on his honourable nature and that he believed Americans to be dishonorable, relating the story of Daniel in Japan.
Johnny takes the big fat cheque and tells him his own larusso stories. Chozen smiles and says "Destroy him and there's more where that came from"
I would let him
I hope they bring back Terry Silvers in season 3, as a smack head
Guys, where is that CK power ranking chart?
releasing all the eps at once negates the possibility of a continuing discussion on Yea Forums. same thing happened with season 1. everyone loved it and there were a lot of threads for a few days, then everyone went back to capeshit
When are we gonna see this guy back in top form?
so what is it about her that makes her hot?
Like, her head is clearly not symmetrical, but she still looks cute.
Unfortunately I have a feeling she will not age well.
>When did you realise Stingray was /ourguy/?
At the festival when he said that Donatello was his favorite turtle.
yes please
I heard a lot of people tried to pick fights with Billy for years because they thought he was a real bully.
The kid from GOT who killed the red head wildling waifu got shat on in real life because people hated his character in the show
People are funny. Stupid and funny.
The Karate Kid cartoon is canon right?
Is releasing full seasons of shows all at once harmful for it in the long run? It seems that it kills a lot of hype and thus word-of-mouth for the reason you just described.
just got caught up.
i dont know what to think. i just hate that mohawk faggot
the new chick kinda comes and goes really quick. the final school fight was pretty cool though. i like the music
first season didn't like larusso
second season i like him
This show is fucking great, why isn't it popular?
fuck off demetri
Bump for something that isn’t Game of Thrones
No one's pays YouTube Red.
>gets buried the entire fucking season
>still a great character
How the fuck is this even possible lads?
Sam needed a foil, even though she's good at messing everything up herself. I know Tory was edgy, but going full on psycho killer seemed a bit of a stretch. Also, it was easy to hate on Larusso in the first season, because going in we all knew this would be Johnny's redemption story, and he was arrogant. I like him better too.