This whole scene was pure KINO

This whole scene was pure KINO

Attached: avengers-4-trailer-tony-stark-space-1.jpg (1400x700, 750K)

Attached: That's cute, now begone, thot.webm (854x360, 2.93M)

That whole scene was in the first trailer fag

Its funny that he HAS to snap his fingers to do anything. In the comic it just felt like he was showboating, since he essentially just thinks and things happen for everything else. Here snapping your fingers is how the guantlet functions, which is a weird thing to engineer.

Agreed. It's stupid.

The problem with that is that it makes him too OP, and then you have to defeat him with some stupid ass-pull like "He was such a dumb fuck he just left his omnipotence-granting tool lying around where any asshole could steal it"

>some stupid ass-pull
you mean like how every single fucking thing about comic books since they were invented has been a stupid ass-pull? and everything in videogames and every other entertainment because people who write fucking ENTERTAINMENT for a living aren't smart enough to know how anything really works?

Exactly. People don't seem to understand this
Especially DCucks , that rate how good is Superman movie is with how much heavy shit he lifts.
people don't understand that they have to power down these comic book characters in order to make the movies interesting or else it becomes a big cartoon DBZ mess like the ending of BvS or Man of Steel.

>the basic storytelling conventions of Hollywood blockbusters are equal to any absurd get-out I can think of in a story
In a movie about superheroes teaming up, the superheroes actually teaming up to defeat the bad guy is more narratively satisfying than, say, if Thanos were to slip on a misplaced bar of soap and fall ass-first onto a stalactite right at the start of the final battle. It's not an incredible leap of immersion to understand that a weapon designed to handle and use the omnipotence-granting macguffins actually has some mechanics to is, and didn't just let you win automatically at everything.

>Especially DCucks
>capeshit wars

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That's exactly what happens in the comic when Nebula steals it while he's sleeping.

Attached: nebulaguantlet.jpg (656x850, 199K)

so what happens immediately after this webm? he had the glove with all the stones and knocked brie larson away so what stopped him from using it at that point?

So this Mary-Sue can take a headbutt from someone stronger than Hulk and not even blink? Even a punch from a fist infused with the power stone doesn't even hurt her. She can fly through war ships. Where's the threat? Who can harm her? Where's the tension if the hero can't even get hurt?

>so what stopped him from using it at that point?
Tony does, that glove is a technology one not the space dwarf magic from the last movie, it can't quite contain the power of the stones, you can see when he puts on he suffers, Tony fakes a grab but since is his tech he transfer the stones to his suit glove.

The ass pull was intentional to make some freudian bullshit statement

Tony comes in and says "I am Iron Man" and everyone else shits their pants so hard at this kino line that they instantly die.

>top 5 of all time ranting on imdb

God this whore's face makes me cringe every time I see it.

Superheroes arent just about punching a monster in the face. The problem is your hero has to be charming and enjoyable, like Superman. The best stories are character driven, not some DBZ punch up. Carol can't really do anything but spectacle though because shes loathsome to watch.

holy shit it really is

I've honestly never witnessed in real life a woman win a fight with a man unless he let her do it.

The comics also had cosmic being throwing universe at Thanos and Thanos fighting back with the same shit. Oh. They get the gauntley away from him because he left it even though he's supposed to be an omnipotent god. Capeshit has always been stupid. It's always been about the small basic lessons and the spectacle.

anyone got a webm of scarlett johansson, RDJ, and/or thanos dying?

Attached: Widow.webm (854x360, 2.9M)

Attached: IronMan.webm (854x360, 2.93M)

>Natasha and Clint racing to the cliff so the other gets to live

IW had him use stone powers without snapping.

Attached: Thanos.webm (854x360, 2.93M)

>I'm gonna kill myself
>Not if I kill myself first!

>Natasha and Clint
capeshit fans are such embarrassments

>gets hurt by something
>can't get hurt by much
>is omnicompetent
I am not saying capeshit is good, but anyone who is a fan of it over the age of 12 is going to be the sort of spergy blob that cannot be pleased.

Personally loved that scene. In just a few moments it goes from confusing to sad to hilarious to exciting to finally a heart wrenching scene, all in the span of two minutes.

what was she doing with her right arm in the air? seems like she could have blasted him but didn't

Yeah they're all looking old now. In a genre where people rewind time and wave their hand to kill zillions, who gives a fuck about someone dying or not? You know they can be resurrected or rebooted by some McGuffin.

Face it, this shit has sucked ass for years.

I liked how he calmly accepted defeat and death. No anger. No last words. Just sit down and peacefully vanish. Especially since it mirrored the ending of Infinity War.

Redpilled but cringe

NOTE: Poochie died on the way back to her home planet.

Jesus Christ dude there's no way you're old enough to be allowed on this site.

>all you hear throughout this scene was sniffling and quiet sobs

>He can't remember character names

It's the fact that you refer to them by first name like they're your buddies combined with that you've seen enough of this shit to know all their non-superhero names.

>the capeshitter is a phoneposter
what a shocker

You guys, Rocket is so cute :3

>this is the movie that has made this board unusable for the past week
this is garbage

that's how other characters calls them during the movie, calling them Blackwidow and hawkeye is more retarded

>Not an argument

How do you prefer to call them? Their superhero names are longer and so is their last names. Just admit that you're a brainlet with bad memory.

This board does this to itself. For a board that hates capeshit, People here can't seem to stop making threads about it.

You're fucking retarded
Thought you should know

Older than you for sure, 31

The best of DBZ is character driven as well. It just combines it with the fighting.

this is fucking foul

clearly it is not 'a board that hates capeshit'. At least half the users are avid capeshit fans

>Not an argument
>it's yet another retard posting "le not an argument" response to things that weren't intended to be arguments

He knocked her ass through the glass ceiling.

Attached: gotem.gif (245x280, 1.39M)

Sure, it was sad. But I didn't feel that much from her sacrifice. It felt a bit...forced? As if she wanted to die, or the actress wanted to quit. She's always been a side character in all movies, and I don't expect her own (prequel) movie to be a big hit.

Then it's pathetic that you
a.) Watched the movie at your age
b.) Found it so emotionally affecting
You might be 31 physically but your maturity is still below the site's minimum required age.

this and the whole first hour i nearly slept through you cant convince me that 1/2 the pop dissapering is sad for anyone who survives

i thought the point was you had to personally sacrifice somebody, not somebody sacrifice themselves. would this scene still work if it was any other duo?

I honestly thought for a second that he was going to have to live with his failure but I guess there wasn't time for irony this time around.

You can't sacrifice just anyone. It must be someone you love.

>"Um Thanos sweetie... Have sex, mmmk? ;)"

Not as pathetic as you thinking you're more mature than him when he can express emotions naturally.

There's nothing kino about it and about capeshit in general (maybe the end of Infinity War was a little kino but that's it). I'm so tired of retards overusing this word and calling "kino" every fucking thing just because they liked it.

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I really liked the first scenes until it all turned into a gigantic shitshow

yeah, but would it work if that somebody you love just jumps off the cliff? i thought the point was YOU had to kill them

kino post

the use of kino is unbearable at this point. bye Yea Forums

Absolutely Halal.

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have sex

He glassed her ass through the knock ceiling.

It was obvious she had to be the one to die. Otherwise they couldn't do the scene of Clint reuniting with his family.

No, enjoy your capeshit soiboi, just stop overusing words and making them meaningless.

This. You can enjoy it, but capeshit is literally the opposite of kino.

pretty shitty, should have said some last words to his kiddos

Your mom will be coming over to my house shortly

He still can, case in power him pulling out the stone and using it. He just can't activate wishes with all stones without snapping. Which was the same in IW.

Then who was the cold-hearted mastermind who sent those two to get the soul stone? They couldn't have got it if they sent, say, Rocket and Ant-Man.

That's the result of some deep self hatred freudian thing Thanos has in him, though. Warlock even spells it for him.

so thor had to fight against a FUCKING STAR in Infinity War to make the gauntlet to hold the stones, but Tony just made a gauntlet in a couple of hours on earth?

ok NoobMaster69

The star was needed to melt the uru, which is a magical metal. The uru was used to forge his axe.

>Thanos wakes up after being dusted
>Wonders why he's not dead
>He's now in the Deadpool movies

That haircut does wonder for her.

What was Nebula checking with his sleeping body after he recorded the message?

>look at me, im an adult and i watch serious movies.

No it wasn't. You simply have no taste whatsoever.
You are pathetic, and so is everyone else ITT.

She wouldnt be shat on as LOL FUCKEN WEAK if she wasnt a unlikable cunt

Nebula was the one who knew,so my guess is she told Tony,and he gets away with it since hes dead