I swear if some cape shit dethrones Gone With The Wind, civilization is trully lost

I swear if some cape shit dethrones Gone With The Wind, civilization is trully lost.

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but what if gone with the wind was the capeshit of yesteryear??

Does Gone with the Wind count as a western?

I hate you.

it’s not gonna

Gone with the Wind is overrated

Don't worry user, it won't even top Titanic

And the domestic

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>adjusting for inflation now
lmao the winds changed fast

Is gone with the wind even that good?

No it's evil and racist!

Its one of the greatest movies of all time. Its on the same level as citizen kane and casablanca

>not adjusting for inflation

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Its overrated shit
baby boomers have awful taste

it’s a masterfully shot very obnoxious, overly long girly drama. Also the sets and costumes are 11/10

i dont get all this capshit trash

Never knew E.T was that big.

It's on its way user.

Gone with the Wind is the most overrated movie of all time.

>muh Rhett
>muh mammy
>muh south

It's complete garbage

Gone with the Wind was in theaters for like three whole years that is why its box office is so high

of marvelfags didn’t blow their load so quickly they’d be in theaters forever too, like Titanic and Avatar did


There’s a lot more to adjust than inflation. It’s a silly way to measure something.

Based Amerimutt poster

>People used to widely go see movies like Dr. Zhivago or The Ten Commandments
I want to go back

>Gone with the Wind $3,703,000,000
how the fuck?

Gone With The Wind's numbers are probably not accurate, plus any modern film is at a huge disadvantage given how theatrical windows work since home video came along.

Before you could rent or buy tapes, films used to run for years, with films regular rereleases with older prints that would go from town or town.

My mom loved it so I get the impression it was even trashier than that.

gone with the wind is boring as fuuuuuuuck

The ending is fucking edgy duuuude.


It's not shit, but it's "a classic" in the same way that star wars and titanic are in that it's judged entirely on commercial success. If they'd gotten half the numbers nobody would know what the fuck they are in the modern era.

Did my grandma make this thread?

Every single one of those movies is shit

>Frankly Bitch, I don't give a fuckin' shit.

could this movie by made today?

MGM how I miss thee and thine epics.

Endgame or anything else released will never fucking top 4 billion. It's completely insane. James Cameron with his meme magic might pull off another marvel that hits close to 3 billion but that's it.

Yes. Are you an idiot?

Inflation up 66% in 40 years? Did I do the math correctly? In the 80s, I could get a snickers bar and a 16oz glass bottle of Pepsi for $1.

Not really. Adjusting for inflation is a must when it comes to price comparison of different time periods