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Other urls found in this thread:

so does falcon (or captain america?) have to carry the shield on his arm at all times? gonna be hard to put it on his back like steve did because it's gonna get in the way of the wings

Cool! Looking forward to it!

He'll probably find a way to keep it in his back when his wings are folded.

Looks great actually

so this... is what souless looks like

Well I'm not seeing any issue with that one under Black Panther, though if she's going to be MCU-ified they'll probably make her wear a rectangular box with holes for her head, arms, and legs (only below the knee though).
Fucking unironic capeshitters kys.

who are the girls on the bottom row

genuinely looks good

Valkyrie, Black Widow II and Fem-Hawkeye.

imagine wishing someone death for enjoying something. cringe.

Great, Ruffalo can shit up this next round with his godawful "acting" too!

>so does falcon (or captain america?)
Captain Falcon...oh wait

>Black Panther
>Dr. Strange
>Captain Falcon
All the rest can go home. Maybe Captain Marvel can stay if they make her less autistic

Can't wait

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I wanted to say they would fail but each movie has been doing very well at the box office. Black Panther has a future. Spiderman has a future with Tom. I don’t remember how well ant man did but they seemed okay to me.

You forgot Riri Williams user. Cast her in the inevitable sequel.

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Who's that chick below nigger panther?

I really hate how late spiderman was introduced to the franchise, fucking sony

>Smart Hulk
>Doctor Strange

>Captain America 2
>Black Panther

>Captain Marvel

Who dis

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my gf

Doubt that Hulk will still be there. Too white.

>ant man and wasp
>captain falcon
>black panther
>blonde under BP
>captain marvel
Nah. Too overpowered and boring. Leave her out
No thanks. Don’t hate her but no reason for another ruler of Asgard to leave
>dr strange
>prof hulk
>new Hawkeye

Right on bro!!!!

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she is mine now

Ted Bundy enjoyed killing.

They can add the X-Men and Fantastic Four too.

Yelena Belova, the second Black Widow.

Unlike the first, she's a cutthroat bitch out only for herself who will absolutely screw over the Avengers if necessary.

Attached: Black Widow.jpg (392x600, 54K)

They could make a movie of the Avengers only with Captain Marvel because the way they built the character would solve any problem alone.

yikes not one draw, just a bunch of flippy shitter manlets.

Anyone think Valkyrie is unironically based/better than Captain Marvel?

And the movie would still take 3 minutes because it would be time for her to solve the problem.

>Not Shuri, or Morgan, or Iron Man 3 kid
They aint giving it to a no-name char

Not a bad lineup to be honest



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Why the fuck is hulk wearing a shirt

This character will be the little black girl from captain Marvel who would now be a young adult.

bruh who tf are these simps

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Cause profesor hulk has decency.

Add Kamala Khan

>Captain Falcon

>Musulim whore
Fuck no

Black Panther
Black Widow 2
Hawkeye's Daughter

You're forgetting all the reaction shots and praise from characters already introduced.
Easily get a 100+ minute runtime

The black girl from captain marvel becomes the first female captain marvel in the comics

I would be ok with this

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But I’d be cool if Valkyrie does and Korg became the king of New Asgard

>implying she'll be an attractive white woman and not some out of shape fugly mutt

They already cast her, bro.

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Where are my white hunks WHY GOD NOOOO

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I'm gonna need source on that one kiddo.

Hype for Spidey, Doctor strange and NiggerCap.

Would be hyped for Hulk but you’re a fucking retard to think that he’s coming back.

he doesn't have the super soldier shit to make using the shield effective anyway
why not just have him stay falcon and say that he should become America's new defender or whatever, passing on the title and shield is silly

Hawkeye daughter
The one in the endgame intro
And Russian spy Yelena Belova

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You forgot Wolverine.

Where're my Guardian bros at?

Honestly, after all these years I will not get used to new Avengers.

so basically what black widow was originally before they had to make her a stock hero

Harley, the ironman 3 kid, will become Iron Lad.
And its obvious that Morgan will become Rescue a decade later

Is Thor dead?

>already cast her

No they haven't.
Image search "yelena belova actress" and it's just a bunch of random fan suggestions

Based, Sam is pretty cool for a character that hardly gets screentime

How can Valkyrie and Falcon be successor when they don't have serum or god blood in them?

his character effectively is, he'll just be side character comic relief for GotG from here on out

You are supposed to grow out of it by now. Kids who watch Nuvengers won't be attached to the originals.

here, i fixed it for you

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And then Doom shows up and obliterates them all.
Roll the credits.

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>No FemThor
Why does Disney hate strong women?

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Honestly do you guys see yourselves still shitposting on Yea Forums 10 years from now when the nex-gen avenger will end?

Strange won't be a part of the Avengers, he's too cool for them, but he might show up in the movies regardless, sort of like how Batman is sometimes too cool for JL, but always saves them in the nick of time.

Hulk could show up in Ant-Man 3, they had pretty cool interactions, and it'd be fun to see him be lectured to by Pym,


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If Captain Marvel actually joins as a consistent team member, wonder how they'll address her "there are lots of other planets out there, i must fuck off and take care of other business" element

These guys unironically got women to watch. They won't go for gurl power. My 55 year old aunt went to every Thor movie for fucks sake.

Wheres best girl.

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because they’re black

I don't have a problem with Black Panther and Captain Falcon but Captain Fungus needs to be removed

Unironically this.

They didn't oficially announce it, but it's obvious who she's playing.

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>Shitting on based Ant Man, Wasp, Dr. Strange and Banner

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>Literally the Thor everybody hated
That shit ain't happening

Your aunt did it because Chris made her moist. And Thor always got a shirtless scene in every movie.

Does Disney have the rights to Wolverine/XMen?


im only like ant man and dr strange they have the only cool powers

Yeah, by busing Fox they aquired the rights for the x-men as well.

They should introduce Magneto and make her and him the villains

>Black Panther
>Captain Marvel
Yikes! (if she's even around)
>Doctor Strange
>Captain Falcon
>Professor Hulk

They do. Galactus an Doom are all but confirmed as the new big bads.

Is ruffalo staying on? He is one of the six who signed off in the credits

Yes, but who was phone?

Honestly can’t believe how cool I am with Sam being the new Cap.

He's still going by "Falcon" based on the Disney Plus series logo.

So I'm betting he either embraces the mantle over the course of that show, or he keeps being Falcon and shares the shield with Bucky since we all know his peaceful life in Wakanda won't last.

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I was waiting for her to twist his neck but unfortunately she opted for rattling his armor a little bit

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>Captain Fungus
losing her mind and becoming a threat

black panther should have been separate to the mcu. such a boring character, I can't see him having chemistry with anyone. same with doctor strange. I expect they will be heavily increasing valkyrie's role for better or worse because outside of spider-man and ant-man that's a very cold set of characters

Black Widow was never morally dubious. She was always loyal to Nick Fury and SHIELD.

she very well almost killed him by herself

Someone tell me again why she hasent had her own movie?


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Why didn't they make Bucky the successor to Captain America? Seems like the natural choice since he's basically Captain America with a metal arm

Now if they'd kill off Dr Strange, Spider-Man, and Ant-Man it will be PERFECT.

What about Rhodey?

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So which one of these will be the heart and soul of avengers like Cap and Iron Man were? They're all so unfunny, uninteresting, unlikeable or bratty. Such a mismatch of a group with nobody to hold them together

>Forgetting Disney has Fox
>forgetting we are getting Xmen
>forgetting eternals


Because he's a known terrorist with ties to the Soviet Union? Not the best reputation to be the next Captain AMERICA

This. She cute.

>losing her mind and becoming a threat
House of M kino when?

He's a known terrorist/enemy of the state who was never held accountable for his crimes. The real question is why he didn't find a way to subtly invite Bucky to join him when leaving.

Wanda doesn't have any good solo stories that don't involve her going crazy. Even her upcoming mini-series is borrowing most of its plot from Tim King's Vision comic series.

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He's a good got now though. Give him some plastic surgery and he'd be good to go

Cawd! That series was fucking based. To see pacifist Vision walk through those pathetic Avengers was so kino.

>Well I'm not seeing any issue with that one under Black Panther
based unironically-thinking-MCU-will-cast-the-two-drawn-characters-in-OP-appropriately poster

Guessing he's done with significant roles as War Machine because Don Cheadle is 54 years old
Think Tony's death scene was meant to provide some closure for him and Pepper too

Though perhaps he could show up in cameos or in a mentor role, if Morgan chooses the superhero path

also: shouldn't he be renamed to "Eagle" since thats the closest to "Captain America" and the mascot for America?

I expect they will keep them mostly separate. disney knows it can't repeat the last 10 years of the mcu again. captain marvel and guardians of the galaxy will fuck off to wherever else in the universe for their movies and spider-man will stay on earth. any kind of true shared universe in future will rely heavily on the casting of fox properties, because no one wants to fucking watch black panther, captain marvel and doctor strange together

looks "TV bad"

Ant-Man has a pretty big heart and a lot of optimism, I can see him work well with every Avenger.

>The real question is why he didn't find a way to subtly invite Bucky to join him when leaving.

He did. Bucky clearly knew what he was planning.

The thing is, unlike Steve, Bucky was completely mind-broken by Hydra. He was reshaped as a killing machine and retained every memory of it. He doesn't have the mental faculties to simply walk back into his old life as a pretty boy soldier, nor is he in the right frame of mind to take on becoming the new Captain America (for now, at least).

The best place for him is Wakanda: Calm, peaceful, secluded, and where he can just be left alone.

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>A tortured man struggling to control his dark side who just wants to be left alone but keeps getting pulled back into the fight

Everybody expected Bucky to be the new Cap when he's actually the new Hulk.

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I'm glad this is the last capeshit film I'm ever seeing

Check em boys.

Pls, I never liked Amadeus Cho to being with.

Throw in Potts as Rescue too.

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This, she'll be valkyrie 2.0

I'd be happy with all of them but BW 2 and Valkyrie

Gwyneth has stated she's mostly done with the MCU

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Shes allegedly a mega smug uber bitch irl.

Lovie Simone

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Why didn't you quit earlier? I mean there's literally worse movies that could have been the last.

>Man of steel
>Iron Man 3
>Batman v Superman
>Age of Ultron
>Thor the dark world
>Ant-Man and the Wasp
>Black panther
>Captain Marvel
>Justice League (which is the worst)

Not sure what they will do with Hulk. He will probably not get his own movie because his character arc is done. Plus Ruffallo can't carry a movie by himself. So Hulk will be thrown in as a support character for others. But Professor Hulk is too boring. Too much professor and not enough Hulk. It's just Banner except he's bigger and green. He needs to go Savage Hulk when he gets really angry.

Maybe he will eventually get replaced by She-Hulk?

spider-man is out

What did the nigger army in the movie mean by this? They want to destroy San Francisco or something? Why are niggers so unintelligible?

won't be the same without steve rogers for me, endgame was the perfect jumping off point i guess
funny how we can guess so much of phase 4
black widow
doctor strange 2
black panther 2
guardians vol 3
captain marvel 2
taika waititi thor sequel, probably valkyrie
spider-man 3
ant man/wasp sequel probably, since they'll want to actually use michelle pfeiffer
oh yeah and shang chi
avengers 5
well, that's 3 and a half years of films. it's getting so packed that they'll introduce new heroes and then they'll have to wait years to get sequels

It was pretty obvious she wanted to torture him. She's never been above that (except when she had to do it to Vision to kill him).

A lot of actors say they are done with a role and then change their mind. Especially when they need money. Might be for the best though. She's getting closer to 50. I still would like to see a new Iron Man replacement because I'm a sucker for armored suits.

What do you mean "out"?

Don't forget about fantastic 4 and the X-Men.

Unironic answer is that it's "ebaumbe", a word in Zulu that means "hold your ground"

It makes sense the way it's used in Infinity War, kinda doesn't make sense in Endgame as they're walking through the portal

Also kinda doesn't make sense how Wakandans speak a mixture of Zulu and English instead of coming up with their own language

the chick from charlie's angels

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Well they were hardly going to put up a Cap with wings logo BEFORE Endgame came out.

>ant man: mediocre side characters with little to no pulling power
>black panther: not having an American playing the role will hurt them if or when the novelty cultism wears off among american blacks. If he isn't quipping obnoxiously in american accent, he can't lead the avengers.
>captain marvel: overpowered and boring, played by charismaless actress
>dr strange: a good character but unlikely to mesh well with whatever they have lined up
>spiderman: kids will always like spiderman, but he isn't a "leader" in story terms like the dead/gone avengers were
>captain america: on paper replacing him is fine, but they are changing the aesthetic, and it's my feeling the character is only interesting as a guy in the wrong time period
>who: who?
>black Thorina: no thanks
>Hulk: he will sell, but does anyone like this actor?
>who: who?

ah shit i completely forgot about the fox deal
and then there's all the disney plus shows
i wonder if the mcu could ever get too big

There’s not going to be another mainline Avengers movie for a long time. Dark Avengers I can see 4 or 5 years from now but another actual core Avengers movie won’t appear for many years.

Falcon might be the offical, new owner of the shield, but can expect Bucky to use it too. Especially when they do combo attacks together and throw the shield to one and other. Like when America and Bucky fought Iron Man together.

Question for Yea Forums fags. Isn't Hulk powerful enough to kill every single Avenger + every conceivable villain at once? From what I understand he's ridiculously overpowered.

Who said Bucky want to be a hero? If you think about it, besides teh two major battles against thanos, he didn't do anything heroic, he was just in the middle of the situation

His strength is """technically""" limitless since he gets stronger the angrier he gets. Problem is, there IS a limit to how angry one can get.
He can also get easily BTFO'd by someone who has magic powers or can tamper with molecules.
The power scale goes like this:
City Level (daredevil & spiderman) > Mid-to-high level (Iron Man) > Planet buster (Thor and to an extent the Hulk, at his most powerful) > Universal threat (Thanos with gauntlet) > Multiversal threat (Molecule Man, Beyonder, God Doom, etc)

I think so, I mean with almost all the Netflix shows cancelled, agents of shield almost dying last summer and shows with actual character that have been a major part on the movies before coming soon. Phase 4 can be the biggest one on the whole cinematic universe.

It still physically hurts to read this

He did come close to wiping them all off in World War Hulk though. The scary thing about the Hulk isn't just that he's powerful, he also has regeneration on the level of Deadpool or even better, at least in the comics.
You can throw him in the water and he literally grows gills, it's fucking insane.
The only movie to deal with the regen aspect of his powers was Ang Lee's Hulk, and they did it very subtly.

we don't need to see his face no one goes to these movies for the actors.

during Tony's funeral, who was the younger white dude standing alone towards the back? He was like 3rd to last when the camera panned

The stupid kid from Ironman 3.


I think war machine and hulk will be the next dudes kinda running avengers hq.

Strange and Cap M are too busy with their own shit.
Antman is incompetent.
Spidey is just a kid.
Rest are irrelevant

Also falcon will be more of a leader on the battlefield as opposed to director. Winter nigga is just too silent to be giving orders

The next saga (Phase 4 to 6):

Guardians 3
Ant-Man 3
Spidey 3
Black Widow 1
Black Widow 2
Black Widow 3
Doctor Strange 2
Doctor Strange 3
Black Panther 2
Black Panther 3
Captain Marvel 2
Captain Marvel 3
The Eternals 1
The Eternals 2
The Eternals 3
Shang Chi 1
Shang Chi 2
Shang Chi 3
Thunderbolts 1
Thunderbolts 2
Thunderbolts 3
Blade (reboot) 1
Blade 2
Blade 3
New Avengers 1
New Avengers 2
New Avengers 3

Screencap this.

Also also black panther is too busy running a country where the fuck is he gonna have the time to run the avengers as well

>Black Widow 1
>Black Widow 2
>Black Widow 3
she ded tho

black widow sequels

They can ALL be prequels.

We're does Olivia Munn fit in.

>three black widow movies
Top kek

Doom is just white male Captain Marvel and Black Panther combined
>dude I come from a white ethnostate and am the king and i got a cool suit and i'm the most powerful and the most determined i beat up everyone even sentinels and i got the infinity gauntlet and a bunch of other OP stuff

If the first film is a critical and finacial success then sure it will be a trilogy. I just think itll get the one movie treatment

He wasn't black enough.
I'm joking but that's probably exactly the reason.
Bucky inherits the title in the comics, they give a nod to it in Winter Soldier when he briefly steals the shield.
He has the same supersoldier stuff as cap. He doesn't have some other gimmick already like Falcon does. It was supposed to be him. But cap had 2 friends and one was black so here we are.

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I don't expect it to flop, but will probably not be a big hit. It's too late for her to have her own movie, especially now that she's dead.

I have a feeling CM is going to do what she did in Endgame and just fuck off to other planets until the next super big bad comes along. She'd take on whatever minor villains they fight along the way too easily.



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That's a problem. When you have a powerful hero like her, it's not easy to find villains for her. Doom would definitely be one, but he's more like someone you save at the end, like Thanos.

Disney really ain't gonna learn from han solo

Bucky will get it. He needs to become more like cap to earn it

I want a New Avengers movie with only these six:

>The Wasp (Leader)
>Doctor Strange
>Professor Hulk

Wasp should get the Captain Marvel top billed female spot. Nebula should get a bigger push ahead of the other Guardians (let them do their own thing). Thor should appear and die early on to motivate the team, and also to finally add closure to his arc.

I'm literally right in this being a god tier idea, kill yourself.

I'm out.

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I don't know why people keep complaining about her being a space cop. That's literally her role isn't it? She can handle shit across hundreds of planets. Why does everyone want her to ignore space and settle on Earth like Thor? Yeah it's convienent for that to be her character because it means they can have her fuck off whenever they need her to but there's nothing wrong with that. They were doing the same thing with the Avengers during the solo movies. Just have all the other Avengers out doing stuff while Cap is trying to take down Hydra. Or Iron Man is fighting dozens of super powered henchmen. Or while Dr Strange is fighting an ancient god and his zealots. Yeah, every character isn't going to be in every movie from now on. That's a given. Just let Carol be space cop. Maybe have her cameo in a few cosmic movies. Or show up on Earth every now and then.

he's not ready. he was still recovering from being brainwashed in civil war and briefly showed up in infinity war to fight with a new arm. that being said, having a captain america that the government hates would be an interesting angle.

falcon is boring but he was leading a vet's group when we met him and has been part of the avengers for a while working with cap.

Who is the overwatch chick? Bottom left center.

Shitty title for a potential decent series

Falcon and Bucky would have been worse.

What about Cap's black and white butt buddies?


Just make her the autistic hero-wannabe from comics who inevitably turns to lawful evil, thus becoming the ominous Ironheart with its full meaning of a cold uncaring heart. As a hero she has already invaded other countries and clearly not caring about the repercussions of her actions. The transition from hero to villain would make her more interesting.

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second Black Widow





the state of MCU

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Where did it all go wrong? Serious question.

I think the best combination of heros would fill the void of the ones we lost.

>captain america
Captain Marvel
>iron man
Black Panther
Doctor Strange
>Black Widow
Scarlet Witch
Ant Man

black qts are always welcome

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SNAP is supposed to supplement your income, not replace it you dumb bitch.

Maybe you shouldn't just look at it but think about it.

It's awful. You have to be a literal subhuman to think that random nigger has even remotely the range of Robert Down-Here. Let alone the female nigger as Hemsworth.

Not even talking about Captain Fungus.

And I'm not even a /pol/cel.

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The comic is super SJW central right now. If the movies were anywhere close to what the comics are, no one would watch them.

That Walmart nigress wishes she was half as cute as Captain Briefu.
Many such cases.

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The only character I might see in theatre, since I barely watched any of the Marvel while they were, is Doctor Strange.

Only because it'll be actually entertaining with half decent visuals, even if the plot is shit. Can't say much for the others if the plot falls flat and the choreography is stale, with 10 billion quickcuts.

Heard the sequel might actually be a horror film.
I'll have to look it up again though.
The guy who directed the first film is primarily known for horror so I can see potential kino in the idea.

Yeah Strange is the only character I'm still interested in seeing more of.

I hope they do the Fantastic Four properly. It's hinted that Reed bought Avengers tower (the A on the building can turn into a 4 easily) and he might have been a September Grant recipient at MIT.

I hope they don't cast John Krasinski (le office :| face) as Reed, he is too hunky-dory to portray Reed

>I hope they do the Fantastic Four properly
4 white people? a white male leader?
in 2019+?

hold on

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A mulatto FF will be so depressing, and they did just make Dr. Strange and new Spider-Man with white actors. Didney know the risk of removing whites too much so they throw the PoC and shitlibs a bone with minor characters like Ghost and Valkyrie

at least one of them will be blackwashed

please not Reed or Sue. I don't care if its ben Grimm cos he's a kike and they already backwashed Johnny storm in that flop of a reboot

sick digits bro

It's going to be:
Falcon, Valkyrie, Shuri, Captain Marvel, Rescue (Pepper Potts), Wasp, Black Panther, Wong, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Spider-Man, and Hulk (both Amadeus Cho)

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

Pretty sure Hawkeye is retiring. As for Potts, they're gonna have to recast her if they want to keep her. Paltrow isn't interested in MCU anymore.

I doubt Pepper will still exist without Tony. If we get a lady replacement for Iron Man, it'll be Jocasta or Ironheart

House of M is probably going to be the next big huge arc. Makes sense.

Sony will get Spidey back after Far From Home.

It's not hinted at in any place besides fan theories.
All that's said is that Avengers tower was sold.


She probably comes back when the soul stone is returned.

who else could it be? only other guess is Norman Osborne

Stark tower had all the letters but A fall off in the NY battle, its not a Stretch to think think the A could become a 4. Reed's patents are valuable enough to bankroll the FF, plus his dad was wealthy and worked as a military scientist for some time so he could get military contracts.