How did she get so goddamn old this quickly?
How did she get so goddamn old this quickly?
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White women are cancelled
that's just how white women are
she's 32 m8. Im only 25 and look like a dying hobo
Didn't she beat cancer and have like 2 aneurysms?
she is 1/8 indian
It's been a decade. She's prettier than most 30 year old women.
t. zoomer
I think you mean British/English. Notice the Sansa actress is balding.
This. Stress will age you real quick. It's like presidents aging rapidly in 4 years.
>How did she get so goddamn old this quickly?
That's how women age... quickly.
she’s part pajeet. Don’t racemix
Wall soon
>"Someone taller"
>*female audience bursts in psychotic laughter*
Serious answer is lack of sun screen
I saw a little interview where she mentioned she wishes she could tell her younger self to start using it
White people get anhiliated by the sun. It's why their skin turns to leather and darkies don't usually age as much. It's why she has young facial features and a shit ton of lines on her forehead.
Like you've ever even had sex
t. Incel.
Have sex, then go back to /pol/.
No I have the sex all the time. I like to penetrate the vaginal opening all the time.
It was just a bunch of gentle teasing, calm down. She didn't want to talk about her ex and decided to poke fun at her current lover instead.
why does every character on this show have screwed up eyebrows
She naturally has a rather warm complexion, and doesn’t even look so much sunburned in the wrinkles pics. She just doesn’t seem to have good genetics.
same. 22 and with skin like leather
nice so thats what he looks like with makeup and photoshop wwwfacebookcom
goddam I wish I was black
You are dumb as shit if you think sun burn only is what causes wrinkles and you're going to look like a vintage leather bag by the time you're 35. It's sun exposure in general. Sorry kid.
but it’s genetics too
There is a reason it's called "the wall" and not "the gentle downward slope".
She's mixed.
she's had a couple of brain anuerysms whilst being one of the most in-demand celebrities on the planet. she's also one of the most criticised actresses.
I dont envy the stresses her life must bring her.
when did she have them??
>lol at that pic
Life imitates art I guess.
Really? I guess you drank/ smoke too much or got too much sun as a white guy? I'm 39 and look 25 at the oldest.
she's had brain aneurysms and a stroke. not kidding.
Please kill off Brienne
29 years old.
30 is the bar
women hit 30 = woman start aging terribly
hitting 30 = hitting the wall (in most cases)
She's literally turning into a cool wine aunt
Yep, she's still got a year left.
One of the worst things you can do for your face is fluctuating weight past 23 or 24, especially weight gain. Gaining weight puts the weight in your face, stretching it out, and past that age it won't have the teenage bounceback it had at age 19. So even if you lose weight, your skin will be stretched with resulting wrinkles and will also sag. This gets even worse around age 30, and hits women earlier than men because their skin is literally thinner. The weight factor is especially true if you drink heavily, which not only puts weight on your face, but also dehydrates you and causes your sleep to be poor, and sufficient sleep is important. Contrary to popular Hollywood belief, drinking heavily and sleeping poorly isn't balanced out by having a personal trainer and doing cocaine. Look at Justin Bieber, he drank so heavily and got the face bloats, and has struggled to reduce it even after quitting.
This does matter, but it's not the core issue: unless you're laying out in the sun all the time, you can get away with no sunscreen through your mid 20s. Over sun exposure will give you moderate wrinkles by your late 20s, but it's nowhere near as bad as the sagging and stretching produced by drugs and weight fluctuation.
I would guess she was around 25 give or take 2 years, why is this impressive?
there's really no magical age where you start declining desu, i think that's just when damage usually starts becoming vaguely visible
don't accumulate damage and you'll be good from what i see, it's just easier when you're not wh*te and lose collagen producing cells from going outside like a normal ass person. really unfortunate
manlet detected
Looks alright for 32. I would shag it
She was told for years to be stonefaced so her caterpillar eyebrows wouldn't dance, now all of a sudden they're letting the caterpillars dance again.
Is she making the Cao Cao face?
She was in a British pro-suicide film. It was so pathetic to watch, the Brits cucking themselves even in cinema
These are borderline spam threads at this point. The problem is EC is not a serious actress, so her "emotional expression" consists of contorted faces.
Cuz Emilia Clarke is 32 and they've aged really differently. But that's mostly because of the stress of those aneurysms.
cucking is in her blood
the extra metabolic stress from hosting two parasitical lifeforms
this, whitoids will never admit inferior genes
>Doesn't know acting when he sees it.
She tired all her face muscles scrunching her brow and making strange facial expressions.
And Emilia Clarke looks somewhere between 30 and 35. She's 3 years older than the other one, and looks 5 years older. The difference between them doesn't look that drastic.
>all the time.
>all the time.
>I like to write this all the time.
just stop fgt pls
its pathetic to read the thoughts of these cretins, especially because they think they’re so intelligent.
She probably hates anyone with pride in their english heritage yet she venerates her grandmother because she faced some racism. Nevermind she almost certainly has ancestors who fought foe the british empire, these arent worthy of praise, but a person who faced some discrimination is a true ‘fighter’
heavy is the head that wears the crown
Leave my waifu alone
why does she do that?
her mum comes from a colonial Raj family
Tbh this extreme level of constantly wrinkling your forehead would contribute to early onset of forehead wrinkles. A drawback of being an actress that can only convey emotion through brow movement.
>a fucking gremlin
she looks her age I think
found the pajeet
she looks like a brazillian tranny
shes done, bros
Looks like a midget Klaus Kinski in the bottom right pic
>She's mixed.
Yeah here she is with her mixed race Mother lol
her mum has the same odd puffy face
this woman is 25% less white than her mother supposedly is. Emilia herself is also swarthier than her mother. Genetics aren’t really like mixing paint so anything is possible desu.
looks like a tranny
This has to be photoshopped. I can't believe a major female actress would know she has to go to an event, look in the mirror and see this, and not immediately run to get fillers in her cheeks and forehead.
Sadly same as you I don't get it, how can they talk about male privilege when women/ girls look like teens when their in their 20s and guys begin to look like they're pushing 40 WTF. How can we stop this boi's how , we need to do something!!!
google it
her eyebrows look so wild
She looks like Felicia Day.
those caterpillars tho