Who is the most mentally ill poster on Yea Forums?
Who is the most mentally ill poster on Yea Forums?
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I know you said “poster” as in an individual but sneedposters are a hive mind so they might as well be one person
The one namefag who writes "FACT!!!" at the end of every post
sneedposters arent mentally ill theyre just dumb reddit zoomers
i vote the guy who posts pics of Emma Stone with texts about her being a maniac and out of control
That JIDF spamming those gay nazi pictures
Abatap until his unfortunate death.
>muh comfy simpsons thread
The blackedfags.
Anyone and everyone from /pol/
Waifu posters spamming their actresses. God bless them.
Actually, CreepyThinMan is based
The capeshitter(s) obsessed with how many billions Disney makes.
Anyone who isn’t peep gang
the box office autists
Only right answers ITT
my spider-man is black poster
I used to loathe him. I mean, I usually don’t let trolls get to me but God damn that dude made me hate everything about Avatar. Did he really die or just stopped posting one day. How would anyone know..
...I miss him bros
Yeah except he hates classic films, and that makes him a pleb
That guy or guys that seem to sit around waiting for someone to even mention Sam Hyde and then start posting their screencaps, I'm so fascinated by them and their motivation.
I couldn't imagine someone living in my head rent free to that level, really blows my mind.
The discord users
Killed in Ukraine I believe or as the story goes. Wore tiger stripe BDUs to look like Jake and got shot by 23mm...
There is a team of 2-3 kikes that show up and derail threads that make jews look bad. Any thread relating to circumcision, jewish doctors making kids trannies, the holohoax, etc. these jews swoop in and spam the thread with bullshit.
The person reading this post.
obviously abatap
Oval guy
God rest his soul.
The fat virgi trannie that post
>have sex incel
Brie Larsen
>look at me made a general about my self
The posters who won't shut the fuck about Brie Larson. I get it. You want to fuck her and you'll white knight her to the death. Fuck off already.
that guy that came on his ex girlfriends toothbrush
The tranny that does not stop replying and types in a cringy way
Avatar poster. Most retarded, but most based as well
this user
either the pedobot spammer or the commercial nigger porn spammer
Look I understand that it's popular but one or two threads is more than enough to discuss Avengers a film with nothing to discuss
I dislike migrants and want to stop them but according to people here I should just do it there won't be restrictions.
holy shit what a pathetic fag
All botposters, all /pol/ posters, all jannies, all blacked posters, pedos, capeshitter, Game of Thrones ledditors.
Basically everyone is fucking cancer other than the guy who autistically posts the picture of Big Hoss from Pawn Stars with the 'I run this shop with my son, Fat Fuck' caption. That guy is based.
The deranged boomer who raves about Russia, Drumpf, and how the Exxon or Putin or something personally tailors individual right-wingers lives to trigger them into mania, and how SJW either don't actually exist or are just good, it's not clear.
He posts infographics explaining how every movement of the past 9 or so years has been invented by Russian agents, and responds by quoting individual lines of people with meme arrows followed by walls of text like:
>I like Drumpf
Listen, kid, the people you trust are all laughing at you, they want you dead, you idiot. The Republican Party is run by Exxon and Putin and they've been working to make you upset by forcing you to look at Yea Forums
This poster should be listed as one too
anyone that complains about /pol/ is a redditor
Okay newfag, hope you're enjoying the site since you came over for the election.
We need a scoreboard, we need to encourage mental illness until we find the hero we deserve
anyone complaining about /pol/ (waaahhh he said fag or nigger on Yea Forums)
also discord trannies who try to turn Yea Forums into a safespace
kill yourself redditcuck
Those are all based and redpilled. Moefag is lowkey the most dedicated sneed poster of all.
go back
Also Cameroncucks who think Avatar 2 still will have hype
>anyone not a bluepilled cuck like you came after the election
kill yourself faggot. go back to your safespace if edginess upsets you, fucking fag
Nobody cares about people saying nigger or faggot, that's been going on forever. We care about you magapedes lowering the collective IQ of the site with your rampant low-quality shitposting that isn't even worth a sensible-chuckle.jpg
End your life, brainlet.
Anyone that thinks discord trannies are a real thing and not screenshots of people pretending to be trannies.
t. ranny
Anyone who says this is absolutely a redditor. I have never seen this word used on Yea Forums unironically, it is used by redditors who use r3ddit and see people using it there, then come here and use it here.
kill yourself, sjw crybaby, this isn't your safespace, and if you aren't pro Trump you're a fucking retard who likes dick and socialism.
the "david lunch lol" guy
kys tranny scum
This. Fucking ridiculous. I can't think of anyone else on Yea Forums that can even come close in terms of consistency, longevity, continuous presence and butthurt.
Definitely the Janeane Garofalo guy
Im pretty sure I baited that guy into a rage a while ago. he thought I was a rural american(im not even american) so he kept tailoring all his insults to that demographic and asking me how much corn I ate
there are obviously discords full of leftists who shill on here against the right
after the election they were so butthurt that /pol/ was able to have so much influence on the web so a bunch of them came here and started shilling and there is loads of proof that they coordinate through discord and many are trannies.
Lefties are good at organizing. That's definitely one of their strong suits. I think most right-wingers would feel like faggots organizing specifically to influence board culture, as opposed to just sperging individually
ya, its almost certain that there is a defamation campaign against him. probably just leftists in some discord upset over his edgy comedy, maybe something more organized like JIDF to fight muh antisemetism online.
they also always copy and paste this bullshit about Owen Benjamin vs. Sam Hyde, which is so obviously divide and conquer tactics.
it isn't just one person, you can start a thread at literally any time any day and they will be there slandering.
people like this that derail every thread with their identity politics obsession
I hate zoomers so much. Gamergate and the 2016 election ruined this site with the gigantic influx of donald ledditors and mobile posters. I can only hope you autistic faggots will grow out of it someday. And it isn't about political ideology. Whether you're posting for the left or the right, it doesn't even matter: you're just fucking annoying.
edginess is fine, just stop making it about "MUH FUCKING COUNTRY IS DETERIORATING WAH WAH", it's fucking annoying and pathetic. Nobody wants to hear that shit
>angry leftist faggot
they are good at being followers. they are also losing so they feel pressure, if you're a trump supporter everything is going fine and he's going to win in 2020
well well, great minds think alike, fellow magapede
>waahhhhh wahhhhhhhh I hate things waahhhhh
I think my post about a specific individual was pretty on-topic for the thread?
I directly answered OP's question
Unironically this guy
>go back to your safespace if edginess upsets you, fucking fag
Repeating the same stale rhetoric as everyone else on the site is not edgy. It's supreme cringe that newfaggots spew to try and convince everyone else how much they fit in here. And the people that spew liberal shit are just contrarians out for attention.
Whether you're out for attention or acceptance, you're a fucking newfag. People who have been here for more than a couple years don't care about either. We shitpost for the laughs.
Haha cock poop lol niggers
*tips fedora*
small guys
Didnt read lol
kill yourself zoomer faggot
Those betafags that spam their gook fetish bullshit
Anybody who writes based, kino, inevitable biopic, who was in the wrong here, what did he mean by this?, sneed, oh no no no no. And every frog poster
>this is a zoomer faggot that is obsessed with identity politics' attempt at shitposting for laughs
Maybe you should just stay obsessed with your muh SJWs muh libruls circlejerk if this is the best deconstruction of memes you can come up with. I'd stake my life on the fact that you're some brown person from South America that is under 21.
You type way too much
its called being redpilled, retard
>identity politics
based retard who has no idea what she is talking about. you realize the majority of the newfag retards like you that came after the election were leftists who wanted to shill on /pol/ to fight the nazis or whatever? fuking retard.
jesus coppercab really let himself go
The pedos.
The people who think Disney bought Captain marvel tickets to inflate their own numbers.
The contrarians who hate everything that's popular.
>waaah waaah stop being edgy
>le cringe newfaggots spew le for the laughs
fuck off redditor
It's easy when English is your first language.
whats wrong with being brown? /pol/ is a diverse board, redditor.
>you realize the majority of the newfag retards like you that came after the election were leftists who wanted to shill on /pol/ to fight the nazis or whatever? fuking retard.
lmao that's a new one
what is the story behind this
Sure kid
Based peepbro
The retarded portuguese nigger who thinks people are going to send him bitcoin to leak GoT episodes.
This argument doesn’t hold up since you spam this shit everywhere.
You ruined ATHF threads for example
I knew it. Brazil, Argentina?
Did you just cough in my direction?
>2,045 results
You’re here everyday dedicated to changing an ideal on a site everyone takes as a joke I feel sorry for you your life sucks
That Marvel fag who spams his shitty comics and is on a crusade against artificial blue light or some gay shit. Basically any tripfag by default has some kind of attention deficit mental issue, but the ones that start drawing ms paint comics to "btfo Yea Forums" or whatever are the apex of mentally ill retards, with many co-morbid conditions like histrionic, schizophrenia, etc.
The guy who calls everyone discord trannies definitely has something wrong with him
woah look how confident this guy his he's laughing his ass off!
that is the truth, if you weren't a fucking total retard you would know this. since the election /pol/ has been nonstop bait and retarded leftist trolling. get fucked, cocksucking jew.
>many are trannies.
Imagine actually thinking there are a significant amount of trannies in existence, much less that a significant amount of them all come together to raid a single website. You are as deluded as the people advocating for trans rights (but at least you're harmless compared to those child abusing retards).
t. Tranny
What's the source for this .webm? I need the sound
not even the guy you were replying to, just pointing out that you're a racist libcuck and more racist than the shitposters from /pol/
Thanks for conceding, faglord.
poop. poops
You filthy favela monkey, let me break it down for you: you faggots flooded in during the election cycle, not after it. More came when leddit briefly shut down the_donald but most of you retarded zoomers have been here from the moment BASED ORANGE MAN entered the news cycle. I don't give a shit about politics and I never have, so you guys get on my fucking nerves. I'm one of the last people here that wants to talk about movies that aren't capeshit.
Alitaposters are pretty depressing
That one Mousedrone that constantly spouts shit like dkeks. Fucker is on Yea Forums too
>t-they aren't all trannies
no shit retard. lots of them are. they occupy the discords in higher concentrations than an irl sample population because they are mentally ill and love anime
>muh racism
What happened to Yea Forums being a haven for edginess? Does it bother you when somebody calls you out for being a brown third worlder?
Well pardon me, Mr. Gucci Loafers
>m-muh drumpf
you're an idiot, Yea Forums was flooded with leftists after and during the election. many of these shills go to other boards once they have been scared off pol for a while. kill yourself redditor, Trump is based, gen Z are redpilled, this isn't your socialist hugbox.
This. It takes an unhealthy obsession to think/know/care that there is a discord of trannies who post on Yea Forums
Real answer:
>the pedos - but it's just a bot I guess
>the unironic blacked posters - That shit is degenerate but it's most poo loos so who cares
>Anime fans
>Unironic white people who type the word wh*toids and cheer for their own destruction.
>Prequel defenders. The movies are garbage and nu-wars being garbage doesn't make them garbage. (this includes the george lucas apologize posters)
>People who defend Michael Jackson.
>Unironic Have sex posters
>People who both hate game of thrones for the action, and hate the episodes that have character development. They think coming up for an ending for an unfinished book by a shitty writer is easy and are basically book fags who can't enjoy a good thing.
it bothers me when cowardly leftists cry about racism then come be more racist than poltards to me on Yea Forums. i dont actually care about racism, its you virtue signaling lying faggots that bother me.
So these "shills" in this false reality you've constructed for yourself have been "scared off" of posting in the one place they should logically be posting here? What kind of logic is that, lmao
This is some top-tier brainlet shit
there are discords full of leftist shills, many of them trannies, trying to turn Yea Forums into a leftist hugbox.
people get banned for saying niggers or kikes now, you fucking total retard.
I’m the one that started the discord tranny meme and it came about from my keen observance of the fact that most of the other blue boards are full of non traditional gender conforming individuals. /r9k/ has turned into a tranny grooming board. Their most hated enemy is the most heterosexual board on Yea Forums, Yea Forums.
Well my PT comes from the third world and he's a lovely man, I'd even say more polite than my husband. You can't stay edgy all your life.
How ironic
The literal discord tranny who posts cherrypicked pictures of cross dressing (for humorous reasons) nazis and trying to act like all nazis were gay trannies. He does this anytime he thinks muh nazi boogeyman is posting in the thread and is clearly a mentally ill obsessive lefty faggot
Quote one thing I've said that leads you to believe I lean left.
My calling you zoomer faggots out for being obsessed with identity politics doesn't equate to 'virtue signalling', it's just me voicing my opinion about you cuckolds being full-on mouth breathing retards. I even said people posting liberal shit were just contrarian attention whores earlier.
Your 'PT' isn't on Yea Forums whining about identity politics and the destruction of the white race either, cunt.
>im a girl btw
That one never gets old
I wonder if the tranny will kill itself if trump becomes president again
>I would eat her shit
is based and redpilled
just because you're too fucking stupid to properly interpret my post doesn't mean it lacks logic, retard.
some faggy leftist like you comes from r3ddit to spam and bait pol, then they get fucking humiliated and tired but like the functionality of the site, so go to a nicer board, like tv, and next thing you know people are getting banned for saying nigger and kike, while stupid retards like you think discords full of leftist shills are a conspiracy theory, despite proof being posted all the time.
kill yourself redditor, you're too stupid to be worth talking to. i'll give you the last word since i feel like im picking on a retard who has trouble counting to 10.
>muh chucky sneedsons feed
I had never been to r9k until earlier this year and it is the weirdest board on Yea Forums. It feels incredibly lifeless and sterile
That Griffithfag in the letterboxd general
Imagine believing this, yikes
the fact that you cry about gen Z and Trump on Yea Forums, the fact that you don't know what identity politics means.
correct answer
Nice, hope he didn't go quick
Anyone who posted there regularly abandoned it when it was under constant tranny spam.
The trip went communal then the dead story popped up once the communal trip thing stopped.
Speaking of avatar, where's the blue frog poster who was counting down the days for Avatar 2?
Cheers, user.
I rest my case :)
Did you just assume my gender?
>its just one guy
I personally believe hes dead, you dont go from posting about avatar on Yea Forums for 20 hrs a day to cold turkey.
Prequels are kino though. Suck my balls
I've said nothing liberal or even remotely left-leaning here yet all you faggots can do to argue against my points is to pretend I'm some kind of raving liberal or shill when in reality I'm just a 33 year old fuck that's been here a really long time and wants to talk about movies.
What are you here for? Why don't you tell me what you think of Night of the Hunter? Do you think it was a solid tribute to German expressionism? Why didn't Laughton direct more films?
Oh, that's right. You don't have any opinions on shit like that. Just
>muh leddit
>muh libruls
>muh politics
>muh ess jay dubs
You're a joke of a person and the fact that you've clearly not even American (your broken English proves that and you've pretty much admitted to being a third worlder) but still so obsessed with the politics of foreign country is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen in my entire life. And I see it every day here.
There are multiple screenshots of discors trannies itt, redditor
Le yikes
Le oof right?
Bash the fash
You have to go back
formerly consucking
All valid answers. I'd add the anons that go on anti-/pol/ rants literally every time someone says the word nigger. In fact, one will likely reply to this post telling me to go back to /pol/ or something for saying nigger in this very post. Nigger.
That one fucking nigger. You know who I mean
Yes, and that means they comprise the majority of this board's userbase. Keep calling them the mentally ill ones though
I see you post this all the time. It's not true. I've guaranteed wasted more of my life on here, and it's you who is behind the times. You always thought we were being ironic about hating fags and niggers and kikes until you realized we weren't and hopped on the unironic red dit bandwagon. Seriously, waste your time there, not here.
The person who keeps talking about Sansa's rape (me)
The spike in new users associated with that was actually the fappening. You got meme’d on if you believe otherwise.
The ones obsessed with Brie Larson. We get it, she's a feminist who says shitty, played to death SJW bollocks. Get over it.
Killed herself after Disney bought Fox.
A tranny, old man, retard, dwarf, and crippled woman walk into a bar
nobody ever said that you fucking dumbass lmfao. are you stupid?
oh no that’s me!!!
that hapa spamming blacked images
>those fucks that flat out lie about being oldfags and talk about how this site was only ironically racist
>33 years old
The hapa BLACKEDposter, he's being dumping his wank folder for the past hour now.
Don't forget, rent free
The last time I was there it was all roastieposting
I will gladly fade into obscurity if I'm 'behind the times', sitting here in my chair having a good chuckle at you eternally seething political faggots. You're hysterical. And I'm not going to measure oldfag dicks with you because if you've actually been here a long time, you understand that being an oldfag is suffering (because you can never leave). I wouldn't condemn anyone to the hell of having been here for more than a decade, not even 0 IQ mouthbreathers like the majority of fucks in this thread. Congratulations, oldfag, we'll all rot here forever.