You just know.
You just know
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How did melmacians even mate?
I miss girls wearing 80s sweaters
Unfortunately that's not how it went down
it would be cool if aliens were actually like ALF
The theme song had one of the sickest bass lines
so is it true the guy who played the father is into crack and hobo porn now?
alf was my shit when I was little, don't approve of the cat eating tho
yea but is it really him?
so traumatized she turned to prostitution
oh like you're so good
Based Hussie
Everyone knows Alf eats all the pussy.
oh Carlos
oh Carlos
INB4 Alf tatoos.
harry pusy
is it true willie sucks homeless guys dicks for crack? i rmemeber seeing some pictures but they were prolly 'shopped i think?