You just know

You just know.

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How did melmacians even mate?

Attached: 1491180080270.png (622x478, 405K)

I miss girls wearing 80s sweaters

Unfortunately that's not how it went down

it would be cool if aliens were actually like ALF

Attached: 1491266602288.jpg (480x360, 19K)

The theme song had one of the sickest bass lines

Attached: 1491180864592.png (547x422, 360K)

so is it true the guy who played the father is into crack and hobo porn now?

Attached: alf-10.jpg (3410x2270, 368K)

Attached: Anne_Schedeen.jpg (1416x1080, 595K)

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alf was my shit when I was little, don't approve of the cat eating tho

yea but is it really him?

so traumatized she turned to prostitution

Attached: ae5.jpg (640x480, 41K)

oh like you're so good

Based Hussie

Everyone knows Alf eats all the pussy.

Attached: Carlos_ithh01cc.jpg (199x252, 15K)

oh Carlos

oh Carlos

INB4 Alf tatoos.

harry pusy

is it true willie sucks homeless guys dicks for crack? i rmemeber seeing some pictures but they were prolly 'shopped i think?