I miss these niggas like you wouldn’t believe
I miss these niggas like you wouldn’t believe
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you can still watch Charls on a consistent basis so it's fine
I miss real comedy like Awesome Show and Bedtime Stories
Why doesn’t Charls work with nick and Sam anymore?
There show was so youtubish. Shows that if you strip them of their edgy lines all you get is three turds who lack any real comedic intuition.
They fell out over money, a lot of people fell out with Sam not paying them
I dont care about the drama or the politics. I just thought they were funny. I wish they were still together, being funny.
Because being partners with a psychotic alt-right degenerate who binges on niacin and hot dogs isn't good for your media career.
Sam is a faggot and WP S2 is never coming.
>that shirt on charls
cringe, straight from redditpol
>Sam's show gets cancelled and he gets deplatformed off of youtube
>He cries about being blacklisted and begs his fans for support
>A fan kindly puts up some his content/World Peace stuff, without monetization, to promote him
>He says some shit in an open conversation that doesn't paint Sam in saintly light
>Sam immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
Why does Sam shit on his fans and act in such a hypocritical manner? What's wrong with him?
Sam lashes out and blocks anyone that mentions him and Charls on his twitter. What a fag.
How come Sam never does any live performances like the Electric Sun 20 trial or Oscar Special? Oh that's right because he sucks fucking balls and all his humor depends on editing and juxaposting le epic /pol/ infographic shit all over the video.
Sam cant even do standup without reading his jokes off a paper/teleprompter.
A comedian that can't do standup isn't a real comedian.
A "comedian" that isn't funny isn't a real comedian.
is kstv2 ep 2 out yet
1st ep was meh
Yeah Sam should take notes from Heidecker.
>Yeah Sam should take notes from Heidecker.
He already took notes from Heidecker on account of blatantly ripping off Tim and Eric.
Paradigm Shift is easily my favorite.
Tim and Sam aren't really comparable in that Tim's shows are almost always surrealist/absurdist pieces where Sam is definitely more of an anti-comedian. Personally I think I get more out of Sam's comedy versus Tim's because the latter feels more like popcorn.
Sam, as a whole, is interesting in that the only real revelation from his oeuvre occurs when you consider him as a character. He's just a funny guy that tricked a bunch of people out of money.
The alt-right stuff didn't bother me at first because I thought it was some kind of post-ironic commentary, like Weev.
But then it turned out that he was dead serious and he's legitimately into people like Richard Spencer. He's a sleazy fag who just goes around looking for his next dollar. Fair play to the guy for figuring it out for a while, but he's already done. The "comedy" racket dried up and now he's moving on to crypto and video games.
he's an anarcho-capitalist who's redpilled on jews and blacks.
>he's an anarcho-capitalist
That is even worse, because that means he's a retarded too.
feels like popcorn?
more like feels like popcorn classic!
i give world peace five bags of popcorn and two of those little trannies sam hyde loves to fuck so much.
Who else got a Bombstrap shirt before they shut down the shop?
is this the victims with the shooter?
>two fat sociopaths and a balding manlet
so this is the power of /pol/
Two fat guys and a balding sociopathic manlet, more like it
"Redpilled" is nonsense. It's true that there are uncomfortable facts that the mainstream media ignores, but there are also plenty of facts that the alt-right ignores too. The alt-right doesn't see through some kind of illusion and grasp a hidden reality. They just craft their own bullshit narratives through cherrypicking.
And it's funny when it's just over the top obnoxious trolling and shitposting, but if you take it seriously you're a complete retard. The /pol/ stuff like the fire safety campaign was pure comedy, but the_donald is utterly pathetic because they lost the veil of irony.
Sam pretty much made that exact shift from ironic /pol/ to the_donald. He effectively started believing in his own shitposts.
take it easy man
I non ironically talk with Sam from times to times, he's a cool dude with good intentions but there's a lot of proof on the internet that he can be a fucktard when he goes full sperg, hope he makes WP S2 in some way
Charls is a schizo, not a sociopath
Watch Charles tripped out on vicodin talk shit about nothing? It's sad, Charls is an intelligent guy but he's only a shadow of his former self.
You know him irl or you talk to him on twitter or some shit? Do you guys talk about politics a lot?
yeah there are plenty of instances of hoidel being a relatively sane rational person who's capable of interacting without the whole post ironic facade he puts on. he's just "in chracter" so often it seeps into his actual personality
The difference is that the right wing (I don't like the term alt-right) doesn't avoid or censor any topic of discussion. If you want to bring up facts, you're more than welcome to. Obviously everybody will have their biases, but nobody will shut you down for bringing up an inconvenient fact.
Angel boy was fucking incredible.
They allegedly fell out over money, but also I think Charls had some big aspirations for writing and acting and he's essentially blacklisted because of Sam being overly political and edgy. Though the blame can't be entirely put on Sam when you walk around with Otoya Yamaguchi t-shirts.
It's a shame because Charls is a real talent. From my perspective he was the brains of the trio. His new bombstrap vid was pure kino, and though I don't watch his twitch streams I sometimes watch shorter clips of it and it's good stuff.
what are you talking about, his most popular videos are live performances
Once I learned that Eric is a pedo and Tim cannot handle comedy from a different person's perspective, I stopped enjoying their content.
I was late to discover Million Dollar Extreme but, I find it to be hilarious.
charls is the one that mouthed "vote trump" at the ending title sequence of episode 3 or 4 or somethin.
it's both their faults. nick is probably the most based one. seems like he really hates women though
Only online, yeah we talked about politics before and he's very right leaning (not to the level the media sells with all the "he's a nazi" shit)
His interview about Black comedy with Gavin and the majority of his interview with Fantony show his true colors personality-wise, the problem is that sometimes he gets so engulfed on his online persona that it looks like i'ts non ironically him
ya know what gets on my nerves?
I do
I’m sure Trump supporters are more than willing to engage in open and respectful dialogue.
you'd be right
If you aren't some retarded zoomer that doesn't know better, you'd see that Sam's live acts are pathetically awful compared to a competent comedian.
Charles needs to get over himself, stop with the camwhore bs and work with him again.
Not getting paid for some indie productions? Woooow, so unheard of
>competent comedian
name one. i can't wait to laugh at you.
>”I hate niggers, women and minorities”
>don’t do that man that’s not cool
>”heh so much for the tolerant left”
As long as it's not over twitter or Yea Forums.
>the tolerant left thinks everyone who supported Donald is a racist/sexist
You know, they may have a point.
this was actually good, and it's honestly unlike anything else I've seen with this level of production
Sam is a narcissistic pathological manchild who can't take criticism on his stale comedy and instead whines to his fans on the internet as a perpetual victim of jews and hollywood. Sad because he had real talent before going completely off the cliff.
Because Charls is mentally ill.
>”I hate niggers, women and minorities”
Who are you quoting?
Well I can’t seriously imagine someone supporting a racist/sexist without actually being one themselves, can you?
not Sam. Sam just says that shit because poltards give him money for it. the guy is a pied piper
I’m not saying Sam isn’t occasionally autistic, but the Sam haters manage to be a level of autistic that I cannot fully comprehend, picking him apart for things that have nothing to do with the quality of what he’s making. Their board on le 8 chan is so pathetic.
>quality of what he’s making
his content has been shit since WP got cancelled.
Oh boy you need the see a thread about him on lolcow then, it goes form taking things out of context to that whole Marky Thompson drama
>paying 40 dollars for a jumper
as expected after being blacklisted and having every member of your comedy group scatter. Those skits on the show cost too much to be made without real financial backing.
>starts his """career""" by making silly little ironic neet blogs on his cellphone yelling at his mom and doing quirky shit before jewtube monetized every retard who can upload a top 10 clip
>perfectly fine making several videos a week or more
>flash forward to the current year and every website needs to be giving me passive income off of ads that 95% of your fanbase blocks anyway because i'm literally going to be homeless unless you shill out 150% right NOW
what the fuck went wrong bros? what happened to making things for the enjoyment of making them, or for the enjoyment of your fans?
>immediately defends the alt-right's hatred of the far-left
The alt-right drove a car into a crowd of people (and yes I know she died of a heart attack, but it still counts).
The far-left shot up a senator's baseball game.
All of the things that the extremists hate each other for (the unprovoked violence, the victimisation directed at you and your in-group, the lying with arrogant shit-eating grins, the endless deceit, etc) are things that your side is entirely guilty of too. They hate you for the exact same fundamental reasons and in the exact same way that your side hates them.
America needs a healing moment. And that healing moment is the Avengers. God bless.
>what happened to making things for the enjoyment of making them, or for the enjoyment of your fans?
That's literally the polar opposite of what Sam's about, see the images
Sam is a shekel grabber and that's always been his goal.
Charls is currently watching wholesome old movies on twitch. It's a good time.
World Peace was great. Sam is great. Charls is great. Nick is great. The three of them just have different values in life and figured that out after going down on a burning ship together. It's sad that they'll never go seafaring again but I'm glad we got to see the journey.
Wow, this is the gayest post I've ever seen. Good job.
read the fucking rest of the post idiot. he wasnt ALWAYS like that because the beginning point of his content output were unpalatable garbage that have 4k views on youtube even today and shit that 99% of his "fanbase" has never seen or even heard of. he wasnt being a kike who is jewing out for every penny back then. something tangible changed from then to now, was it him getting that fucking adult swim show? i guess once you get a taste of the big time you cant really go back
shut up Sam
Those old videos were made out of passion for his work. Even the shittiest ones are at least sincere efforts.
Now he's demanding to be payed for his shitty in-character vlogs. He leans so heavily on editing and setting because even he knows the content is half-assed.
>seems like he really hates women though
what? He's married to a qt
The dream is dead, but at least the new ep of KSTV 2 was pretty funny.
>tfw mde was of its time and will never be recreated because Sam lost his mind and ruined everything
KSTV 2 is a overedited forced piece of shit. To say anything more than that is pure fucking delusion.
Bathroom boys was pretty great too. Watched it again last night
>different perspective.
How you sanatize Sam's alt right sexist views that masquareds as comedy.
Be quiet Sam.
>Once I learned that Eric is a pedo
Implying Sam isnt? lol
It made me laugh a lot tho
I remember being 16
charls is streaming right now kek
Ask me how I know you are an incel
pretty understandable since he torpedoed his own career acting like a sperg and now has to panic and bleed as much as you can since he's already peaked.
I want him to snap at Baldanders
>remembering yesterday
That's not impressive until you're at least 30, kiddo.
Sam Hyde is God and you are all just little pubic lice on his scrotum
I heard nick had to close his antique shop and go back to selling cars oof
Sam Hyde doesn't even have a scrotum anymore. It shrivelled up from the steroids then he cut the skin tag off to pwn the libs.
Top tier post
ignore these discord shills. they copy and paste the same replies in literally every single hyde thread. no really, every single one, the exact same wording and photos. the are shills of some sort, discord trannies/leftists or JIDF. don't engage with them, they are not open to honest debate and just run away as soon as you expose them.
KSTV 2 is finally out? wewww
charls’s p u r e stream is live
>t. assblasted libcuck
>waahh hes bigger than me so he used steroids
there are no words to describe how pathetic you are.
I find you fascinating. You spend a lot of time thinking and posting about a guy you hate. Why even bother?
this desu
Sorry Chuds, but this has now become a Chapo Trap House thread
Fuck MDE and punch Nazis
>le 25% body fat powerlifter physique man who assures everybody that he doesn't care about how shitty he looks because he can squat 6 plates and that's totally better than aesthetics
why does sam change his twitter handle every week?
reddit approved
that's interesting baldanders
I would never put my dick inside an underaged girl and i agree with him on this, am i a pedo now?
post hog, chud
Sam being a pedo is public knowledge, isn't it?
i don't think charls is upset about the money. i think he's upset about being blacklisted from the industry he dreamt of being a part of.
>What is global warming?
what a waste
dude is doing cam shows on twitch
i would have some respect for him not wanting to do skits anymore, but doing streams on twitch?
that is so lazy and creatively bankrupt
what does he even do? watch old movies, talk some really vague incoherent shit masquerading as deep insights and being all over the place like a schizo
he says skits don't make money but apparently amassing loyal paypigs on twitch does
absolutely and I don’t blame him at all. But I think if he has one chance at being in blacklisted, as contradictory as it may seem, is working with him again. The best he can do is get as big a fan base and as much exposure as possible until their heat cools down and find some more hype down the road. The stuff he makes by himself, I’m sad to say, will get him nowhere.
There is literally nothing wrong with lusting after teen girls.
>until their heat cools down
it's been three years m8. it's dead.
I'm not saying that they'd ever get back on television or anything, but three years isn't that long of a time.
>he's very right leaning (not to the level the media sells with all the "he's a nazi" shit)
That's surprising to me and I'm not usually one to jump on the "you're a commie" or "you're a nazi" bandwagon.
>he wants to live in poverty
whats wrong sammy boy? jealous hes garnering your former paypig dollars?
>brains of the trio
Without Nick on the business end of things, Sam and Charls never would have been able to get on television. Nick has the most practical real world skills out of any of them. Sam and Charls are much more on the artistic side.
Just got KSTV 2 Ep1 from /t/, holy fuck is it really bad. Still not as bad as happy world daddy or theatre of the air
>blah blah blah
i dont care, you're a fucking loser
That video is the peak of MDE, along with Gamer Dude and Your Dad 2
the right wing blieves in it, but are not into the retarded alarmism like the left
He plays with the media about that (which i think is dumb because he's only helping blacklisting himself), "muh but he has a friendship with Weev", Sam only talked with the guy irl few times, he said that by his particular experience Weev was cool but he didn't endorsed his views, the last part wasn't relevant to the media and they only shared the part were Sam met him, indirectly painting him as a nazi too,truly fucked up
I just want more unreleased Nick kino