Are there any movies that accurate depict the future of the west?
Are there any movies that accurate depict the future of the west?
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this image makes my skin crawl
you know if they throw some gasoline soaked rags around they could maybe make that place slightly more flammable
Logan's Run, trust me we're heading there.
isn't that just a hostel
I think they had these like a hundred years ago and they were called "flop houses", it was considered social progress to have gotten rid of them but what the fuck do millenials know or care
yeah forcing people to pay half their income on rent. God I love being a bootlicker.
how does this stop that
yeah, your generation deserves to never own homes or have privacy, you deserve to live like this
Idiocracy if it hasn't been posted yet. The movie is even accurately filled with spics
Me on the left trying to get some work done.
>half their income
burger flipper detected. rent should be less than a third. mortgage is even less on average.
This one is particularly bad because they charge a ridiculous amount and you're actually not allowed to put a curtain or anything over your bed to give you privacy. I remember the creator saying she was considering have some weird system where you "earned" the right to temporary privacy.
- Onions Green
- Mad Max
- THX1138
In that order.
What the hell is going on in this pic? Is this some kind of giga wage cage?
Has anyone here heard of those Chinese cage houses?
>The movie is even accurately filled with spics
they were all mixed-race, based Mike Judge
Imagine the smell.
Things have to get better someday, right?
No, most hostels will only have 6-10 people per room
That picture is just white people nightmare fuel
we've come a long wa..
>Onions Green
>Onions Green
Kek, you mean scallions?
This. That's a deadly fire waiting to happen.
Throw some bedbugs in there oh yeeeeeaaaah!
Looks like the point of the cage is to keep people from stealing your stuff while you're at work.
this is what hell looks like
This is literally worse than most Soviet citizens lived.
Oh right, the worldfilter is still on.
I lived in a place similar to this when I was doing hurricane relief in the Virgin Islands. It was comfy and I liked it. Reminded me of Boy Scouts except it was a lot easier to get pusy
Do you think there would be a market for a sort of person storage facility where people would go to be stored, like after work they go to the place, maybe there's a nice common room to hang out in for an hour or so, and then after that they take some tranquilisers and get put on a shelf until the next day when it's time for work
like if you look at OP's pic it's getting there but it's still pretty inefficient, you could fit 6 people easy in one of those bunks if they were unconscious
Would you reckon these folks are left or rightwing?
>$50 a night
1500 a month on that shit?
None of these people look like they're actually poor, so this is likely a "social experiment" or something to that effect. I don't believe for a second anyone there is seriously living like that.
its where the dosser insult comes from in the uk
doss houses
Even criminals get a roof and food.
plus it would encourage people to work longer hours so they don't have to go get stored
nips have you beat, look at capsule hotels
reminds me of the end of this movie
I swear shelter for homeless people looks better than that in my country
I'm so envious of american freedom
What is this?
I stayed at a hostel while in Sydney. It was fine, there were only max 3 other people in the room despite there being 8 beds. I also had a chance to fuck this swedish girl but my autism stopped that
I wouldn't what to live in a hostel though and some people do
>Virgin Islands
Black qts right?
It's 50 Californian dollars, that's like 20 bucks anywhere else
except New York
>rich kids playing pretend poor
>muh dystopia
just stop, this is bored kids using daddy's money to earn social media legitimacy
Depends on the part of the world. Even in the US that's debatable.
in san francisco a studio apartment runs 3k+ month
Imagine the smell
why would you sex some random whore like what if she has stds?
so commute 90 minutes and live in one of the outer suburbs that are considerably cheaper. i know they exist. people do that all over the country. you think everyone who works in Dallas or Milwaukee lives in Dallas or Milwaukee?
If I remember right there was a woman living in one with her kid
hostels are cheap, these cost £1000 to get a bed
it doesn't matter because they are all yuppies
Because I'm not a little faggot like you?
thats looks like what some hippies would do
I always thought the horrors of the future would be killer robots or some worldwide disease.
Instead it's shit like this and tranny rights.
that would mean waking up 90min earlier
>would be killer robots or some worldwide disease.
yeah I was 14 once too lol
>what if
If they have it they’ll tell you, this is common etiquette everywhere
It’s a “co living” space based on the concept of co working offices. You get your own bunk and share everything else
Beaming prime Jenny Agutter into my room? Yes please
/pol/types will literally suck landlord dick in front of you simply to belittle you for being low income
they worship capitalism like some sort of fucking pooinloo caste system
literal brainlets convinced they aren't just keeping each other down
The unwashed hordes will intrude into and ruin every last nice place left on Earth, and then beyond Earth.
This is all a product of this specific generation.
>I don't want an extra thousand dollars a month if it means I have to get up earlier
Maybe the boomers are right about this generation
you act like the world owes you something, that the world runs on your positive feelings. it doesn't. suck it up, kiddo.
Black panther
God I fucking hate hostels.
hostels are the #1 best place for stealing girls' panties
Children of Men
A long time ago I remember reading a science fiction story by Philip Jose Farmer about people being stored like this, and I think it was due to overpopulation, now I'm gonna have to find that story again
Here's a hint: don't live in SF. Here's a bonus hint: if you can't afford to live somewhere, move somewhere you can afford to live.
That 4 point saddle looks like shit
>$50 a night
Just grab a cheap motel and live out the land. Why socialize with faggot niggers and sub 6s?
the gas + 90 hours of life wasted every month isn't worth 1000$
I’m not racist and think that black girls are pretty hot, but I stayed on St Johns for two weeks smashing apart houses that had to be torn down, went to ten different houses, and I never saw a single attractive person on the whole island. Aside from the girls I was working with, who were super hot. I got to go skinny dipping with a few of them at a beach with florescent algae, that was a fun time
then I guess it's the flophouse for you, chief.
Commute fags are complete retards. You’re never getting that time back no matter how nice your house is
Extra thousand a month isn't worth a 90 minutes commute. Extra 3 hours a day dedicated around work isn't worth an extra thousand a month
Get fucked boomer
they will arrive leftwing but after a while they are going to be very pro-property rights, privacy, and very anti-theft/13%
just give me a full auto and plenty of ammo.
Honestly this would be hot. Like you know people will be fucking and you can just easily watch them
Carpooling: it can save you money and is better for the environment.
hmmm never heard that one
>I remember the creator saying she was considering have some weird system where you "earned" the right to temporary privacy.
Lol wat, tell us more user
I remember in college having a roomie. It was awful, he liked to play electric guitar (badly) at all hours while I was trying to sleep. Having 100 roomies would be a living hell
man cucks are so weird
it's called "sacrifice". people, men usually, do it for their families, which I guess is something you won't have to be concerned with. so the post wasn't necessarily for you anyway. faggot.
Onions green
How am i cuck for watching other people fuck. Hell in such a tight space it would probably be super easy to hook up yourself
The progressive utopia is everyone is a brown 80 IQ mutt, we all live in cramped shared housing in tiered mega cities, nearly everything is automated and we are ruled over by a permanent upper class of zealot technocrats who merge with machines and live forever.
The Running Man. Instead of a game show, just replace it as a reality show
>wasting time you could be spending with your kids before they grow up
Even worse boomerlarper
that's what i imagine hell would be like
I fuckin love the idea of these things
>dude live in a room with 30 other people and have a 4x8 section to yourself
>The progressive utopia is everyone is a brown 80 IQ mutt, we all live in cramped shared housing in tiered mega cities, nearly everything is automated and we are ruled over by a permanent upper class of zealot technocrats who merge with machines and live forever.
Hence the term "Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven"
kek true.
but i've heard that stealing girls panties is a sign of serial killer tendencies.
>I never heard of weekends
>reddit spacing
>implying millennials are having kids
Yes they’re called Pod Hotels
The amenities are far more advanced than what’s available in that picture and they’re cleaner and better organized and cheaper. Leave it to Californians to fuck up even a pod to sleep in and turn it into a hipster nightmare
Honestly with advancement in A.I. and robotics and automation. Not a far fetched idea
>cheap communal living with natural and healthy socialization BAD
>owning your own McMansion and having the carbon footprint of 300 africans GOOD
SF has pretty good public transport. If you take the train you can probably get into the city in 30 minutes or maybe even less. It's not that bad.
so youre saying I should kill 300 Africans?
Imagine being this waste of oxygen
They've completely closed out the housing market over here, and the media constantly pushes the idea that we should be a nation of renters like continental Europe, in an increasingly cashless society its easy enough to see the threads of a social credit system similar to China forming, where you can lose your job, home, right to travel etc. And it'll more than likely be controlled by an ai at some stage, we're sliding slowly into a worse dystopia than if the machines rebelled.
>getting stabbed because you forgot the no shoes in the fag house rule
>not getting stabbed
not good
>>owning your own McMansion and having the carbon footprint of 300 africans GOOD
Actually, the 3 biggest polluters on the planet are Africa, China, and India.
1 hour total commute is tolerable
3 hour total commute is not
I unironically think pod living is totally fine for young people with no familial ties
But I’m not spending 50 USD per night to live where OP posted. Look up pod hotels in japan which service more people more efficiently for cheaper. OP posted so awful gen z nightmare where you’d have to listen to some drug addicted whore strum a few chords on her guitar for six fucking hours every day.
You couldn’t get pod living to work well in the US because Americans are unironically too fucking stupid and rude to each other to coexist peacefully in small quarters while keeping the space clean. There’s always some fat chick who wants to stink the place up instead of putting on deodorant and some asshole leaving his trash out.
capsule hostels are just much improved hostels
>but i WANT people to wake me up by turning on the light
>i don't want to work more for more money
>i also don't want to put in extra effort for a better payoff
the fuck
funny thing is all white countries had to do was close their borders like 30 years ago and everything would be getting better, zero or slightly negative population growth would mean ever cheaper houses/rent, upward pressure on wages, ever less funding needed for welfare, more areas returning to nature, a cleaner and less polluted environment, less crime, less traffic, etc etc etc
Or MAYBE you aren’t a retard and you live in a high rent area and make a high enough income that’s it isn’t an issue
>An angry communist underage fag uses a straw man
Like clockwork, capitalism is and always will be the superior system, objectively. And there’s nothing you can or ever will do about it.
>retard can’t understand effort vs reward
Once upon a time, you could barely work at all and support an entire family. Now Protestant ethic retards like you who believe in nothing but work have ruined it for the rest of us with actual interests and activities.
he lives in sf user he is very retarded
>nips have you beat, look at capsule hotels
It only works in Japan because people are respectful of others privacy. The rules are very strict and you must be extremely quiet.
Fucking hippies don't know basic boundaries and honestly think people want to listen to their shitty drum circle music and smell their weed
/pol/ is anarchist, new friend.
Imagine not valuing your time so much that you'll do nothing but sit in a car/bus/train for 3 hours a day for an extra nickel and a head pat from your boss
no thats torturing insects and then animals
sniffing pantys is a genetic throw back to check if a women's ovulating, now its a fetish for loners
most off sniff the real thing
>you could barely work at all and support an entire family.
not true at all.
>doesn't want to work
>bitches about people who do work
holy fuck if you aren't trolling you may be the most retarded faggot ever
Marge, is Lisa at Camp Grenada?
Well I've only killed once so dicks to you
panty fetishes come from being over-mothered. Humans have really screwed things up by no longer kicking the baby birds out of the nest at 18. Future generations are coddled and weak.
time spent driving doesn't have to be wasted. audiobooks and music that's worth listening to exist. commuting actually sounds comfy to me, never had a substantial one though.
This, every communal space in the US quickly turns into a spot for dealers to peddle shit and gets trashed by people who don’t think it’s their responsibility to clean their own shit. Americans won’t even quit throwing trash in their most cherished parks such as Yellowstone, where sometimes you can watch people literally toss trash into pristine rivers openly boasting that they won’t pick it up.
We have to have fucking cops patrol the fucking woods like high school hall monitors and give them enormous amounts of power just to get people to stop littering in the most beautiful places on Earth.
No one in America will respect a communal living arrangement in fucking San Francisco.
trips of truth, the average person works much longer than the average peasant
>you could barely work at all and support an entire family
You are aware it was protestants that made this possible in the first place, right?
imagine bitching about rent when you could just get a better job and not live in a shit area 100 miles away from your job of course that would require effort i suppose
Joke's on them. I'd just piss on all their shit.
so sorry, goy, but you didn't opt for this future, you opted for OP but with all those around you babbling in Spanish
Man in the High Castle hopefully
Which is a stupid saying, because Hell is a prison, and it isn't ruled by its inmates.
Just don't live in California, user. It's that easy. Hell, even the States with stupid liberal strongholds that aren't CA, ie WA and OR, you can live just outside of their proto-cyberpunk dystopian city-sprawl, commute to work, and live a great life. Just stop trying to make CA work, ffs.
A 90 minute commute to San Francisco is like 10 miles. You aren't finding cheap housing 10 miles from the city.
Lets just be honest, any white civilization would work even in California. Problem is California is no longer white.
What fucking sprawling cities do WA or OR have? Portland and Seattle aren't dystopian city sprawls
enjoy your head pats while I have a comfy 20 minute bicycle commute in a low rent city with nice wages :^)
you mean blacks and hispanics (to a lesser extent) and a very very small proportion of white trash. that's who litters
I had a 2 hour commute that I made as comfy as possible. I enjoyed it as "me" time, listening to my favorite music and brainstorming with myself.
Then I moved to a 10-minute walk from work and realized how much I subconsciously stressed over the drive every day, all day.
It's not even cheap. 50 usd a night is a lot. My rent per month is 500 usd which has more room, privacy and is right next to some cites and a beach.
>one 40h/week job could support a family and pay off a new home with a high school education
>now it takes 2 people working 40 hours to barely afford a 50 year old house
I'm not saying the answer is socialism, but pretending things haven't changed is delusional.
hopefully you lose your job soon
Why do liberals still think immigration doesn't need to be reformed for legal and illegal immigrants still? Is "owning the drumpftards" really worth living in favelas/shanty towns and not being able to make enough money to support a family and being forced to work 2 jobs?
Yes I mean the exact people that will flock to low income housing of any quality and destroy it.
The nips have us all beat in that they’ll gladly let a cop bash your fucking head in with a stick if they made a mess.
get a load of this guy
there's plenty of nice places to live in CA desu. just not around sf/santa clara valley
>Portland and Seattle aren't dystopian city sprawls
Reminder that these fags spend 18,250 a year per person to live in that shithole. Just buy a fucking house at this point and/or some fucking land.
they have a sprinkler system in place
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
They just need to lock up anyone making 100x more than their lowest-paid employee. Until 1990, that was still considered "free market capitalism"
this, kick 10 million wayward Mexicans and their anchor babies out of California and it could be paradise again
Pod Living will solve the affordable housing crisis.
Massive hives of people living in vertical pods.
Present and future
when did I say things haven't changed you retard? things costing more than they used to because of a diluted labor pool (women entering the workforce mainly) have nothing to do with how much or little people worked. you think the guys on an assembly line at GM worked less hard than people work now? are you even aware of what working conditions were before unions? I don't think you understand anything at all.
>before the mass immigration of illegals
The State government has made the place unlivable, user. Don't succumb to Stockholm Syndrome.
that's what happens when you get infrastructure built by optimistic idealistic w*pipo that has been taken over by illegals and leeches
>Not embracing the superior mode of transit
>Getting this mad that someone actually enjoys their life
Stay mad Cagie, i'll bike extra slow in the middle of the lane just for you
when I broke up with my ex I used her bathroom and came on her toothbrush.
>hurrr if you just work more you will be better off
Why are there so many good goys in this thread? This shit is not true anymore.
*bam* I just ran you over and killed you. I got the last laugh faggot.
Are they children? Why are they sitting on the floor?
did raimi go too far with this one?
poorfag cope. I'm set to inherit my grandfathers 11k square feet home
are we gonna bring back penny sit ups next?
she probably noticed
Not true.
Retard, I bet you’re so same type of faggot that doesn’t understand how immigration works.
The great period preceding the gilded age, and the short following it prove you wrong. 1/3 the year dedicated to holidays, no more than 8 hour workdays with several breaks. I like antibiotics, but those have nothing to do with how much work you should be doing.
>put in minimal effort at burger king
>make 7.50
>put in 8 hours at a non fast food job
make 15
ikr so hard
>Are there any movies that accurate depict the future of the west?
Idk. Were there any adaptions of The Turner Diaries?
Its like those braindead that say you should create your own company if you don't like things
>what is capital
This is what the government wants, state dependency
Go innawoods niggas
>Are they children?
They're leftists, user.
I grew up in Tacoma. The I-5 corridor from Everett down to Olympia is literally constant urban development. You have no idea what you're talking about.
How can you call someone retarded when you prove him right by your very own post?
>Running over someone who inconveniences you slightly
>would hate to see their 90 minute commute become 91 minute commute
Cagies man
>a bank loan for non shitty ideas
>he's a wagie
Don't reply to me again.
Is this edited? It looks like the exact same fucking room
because his point was about people not working hard back then. it's not true at all and misrepresents what's going on in this country entirely. people worked hard, MUCH HARDER EVEN than now. You think sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen is hard?
That's for wealthy techies who don't want to live near Seattle to use the 5 for their four-hour commutes.
O-bi O-ba
>can't even have a little bit of privacy by closing a panel or screen or someshit
How much do they pay for those things per month?
>says the guy bitching about actually having to working
this is the future you didn't choose
doubt it as she didn't say anything and we still speak sometimes.
Graduated with an engineering degree. only job offers have been shitty field jobs that:
>have 100 hr work weeks
>when not on the clock you still end up living at the work location since they are typically pretty isolated
>dont get actual set days off just get 3-4 days off between jobs meanwhile jobs can last anywhere between 2 weeks to 2 months
>job doesnt even require a degree and doesnt give worthwhile experience to my field of study
Meanwhile i gurantee a bunch of retards itt who have zero experience trying to find profesional jobs will tell me to just "keep my head down and work hard and you will move up" when in reality i am just devaluing my degree
50 usd a day. Not even joking about this.
I've unironically worked on an assembly line for a car part supplier and it was not even close to enough to ever afford a home.
Even more embarassing is that it only paid $1/h more than the local Mcdonalds.
So you agreed that we're not in control in many aspects in life and cooperations are in fact like governments dictating how we live, giving us the illusion of choice through advertising.
Ok? What does that have to do with the claim that Washington doesnt have a giant sprawling city?
SHUt up cunt
Yes, the right is shopped to have the Jews on one side
That's a ton of money. Well, I guess it's cheap for NYC or LA
Have fun never making it.
What? 1500 usd a month?
I'm not sure what your housing market is like over there but you could get a fucking mansion for that in Europe.
you are that weird guy story
(((they))) have done everything they could to devalue labor and suppress wages, I wonder why?
nope i'm just proving how easily you can start a business if you aren't retarded and have good ideas
Never procreate
Looks cool and comfy. What's the problem? You're not a people person? I personally enjoy meeting and talking to new and interesting characters. Helps get the creative juices flowing. Plus girls here are usually pretty easy so other juices get flowing as well ha!
But if everything is half as expensive, you clearly can lead the same type of life by working half as hard. You do understand the basic principles of physics, right? Time multiplied by force. There’s two variables right there.
should've said "load from my dick" faggot
>implying there are white people in america
i lived in harlem during grad school and 1300 for small one bedroom
when i lived in queen with a roommate i paid 800
shut up and take in these 80IQ scientists and doctors
No mexicans
yes, it makes a difference
The amount of taxes and debt you have to incur to start a business will set you back 20 years. Do you really think business is about good ideas and not demand? Protip: the average small business owner isn't some sort of pioneering genius.
you're not even taking into account the price fluctuations between cities when it comes to housing and food and transportation. I can pack up and move to Nebraska with my savings and buy a three bedroom house outright. I could work at a Home Depot in the gardening department down there for $8 an hour and be comfortable for the rest of my life.
American housing market is fucking dead mate. It is fucking cheaper to buy land and build a house than buying one. Even smaller and cheaper houses are around 20k now.
what a fucking racket
thanks boomers for paying your parent's generation's generosity forward
>what you aren't a social pariah?! TIPS FEDORA LOL DABBED EM
There are a huge amount of spics in western Washington what the fuck are you on about. They all come up from California.
Why do you think I-1639 passed.
Have you ever been to a homeless shelter?
Post picture of hand
Your post was peak cringe, fuck off underage.
>continuing to prove my point that if you want to you can
Planet of the Apes
Pretty much the reason why I don't want to live in a big city. Those places seem like hell holes.
You don't even understand the difference between what you think is a 'huge' amount, and CA.
You have zero idea.
looks comfy desu
>i enjoy being a slave
Thanks for proving you're an idiot
Because it fucking isnt. Seattle and Portland aren't fucking cities like LA, NY, etc. Those sre dystopian city sprawls. They are big cities but not fucking dystopian like those shitholes.
Washington isn't some white paradise. We have all manner of dirt people. I live in Phoenix and I see less spics than in rural parts of Pierce County.
>nah I jus wanna get sick burns on people just like me, heh
you did something wrong if those are your only career options with an engineering BS
>small business versus large cooperation with capitals
You're sincerely retarded if you think small business can compete with larger cooperation especially if you're not some redneck living in nowhere.
>good idea
Tell me when do small business risk these ideas even if the bank allows the loan.
this is where everyone will live when climate change devastates coastal cities
Why are whites so annoying? Seriously there is not one race on earth that isn't fucked up to live around.
>be me
>went to college 6 years part time while working a job full time so I could support myself while I studied
>no scholarship or aid because I am white
>left college with ~50k debt
>while in college studied hard, did internships, no partying, maintained perfect grades and made connections so I could get a nice well paying job in NYC
>every day commute by subway 7 miles, should take 30 minutes but it takes 1 hour 20 minutes because the subway is in terrible decay
>trains delayed daily, code terms used by the conductors like "signal problems" or "Sick Passenger" or "Suspicious activity at a stop" all basically mean non whites are walking around the tracks or breaking the law and fighting people causing millions to be late for work
>train is filled to the brim with people who don't speak English and are dressed like they aren't going to work, no idea what the fuck they are doing
>get to work, work 10 hours a day at least, during lunch walk around and see nothing but Pajeets because my government is flooding this country with them making it harder to find work and ask for raises
>leave, get ready for another hour and a half commute home, get home at 9
>have to spend an hour+ learning new things to remain competitive so pajeets don't steal my job
>with 30 minutes free time spend it reading how evil I am on the mainstream liberal news sites due to me being white and privileged
Thank God I have the option for communal housing now but it is only inevitable that communal housing will be seen as racist and they will demand 50% of the people in it be black meaning all your shit will get stolen and you will essentially pay for the privilege of experiencing prison life.
>i bitch about thing i don't like
>"given a solution"
>nah man down with capitalism
i am definitely on track to become a millionaire before 35. get away from my money.
>even in the us
haha oh wow i´m ded
Why the fuck would anyone ever do this?
If you're that poor buy a fucking shipping container or something so you at least have 4 walls and some privacy.
What exactly? I have a decent gpa. Internships. Have met some people, although admittedly I could have done better in this aspect.. Idk what the fuck i could have done differently. Engineering is a bit more of a meme than people like to pretend. I mean ig it could also be the industry that is in my area... but that still fucks me.
We are almost at this point. All that's missing is the technology.
>no scholarships or aid because im white
Fucking what? Im white and I got both Scholarships and aid.
>he thinks people will achieve their dreams if they work hard and take a bank loan
>nah man down with capitalism
I never say that, there's nothing wrong with critiquing capitalism but I see you're so much of a goy that your own bias clouds your thinking. I pity you.
a good idea is to start an auto repair shop where one isn't present
pretty simple stuff
unless you are the type of tard to think only muffin shops are small businesses
Nah I just laugh at poor uneducated, stupid inbreds and niggers because I'm better than you. Most of you are alcoholics and druggies and stupid as a bucket of shit and deserve your fate for being subhuman.
There is not a single black person in that picture.
>Have met some people, although admittedly I could have done better in this aspect.
that. the job market is all about relationships dude. how did you not see this coming captain sperg?
This seems to be the source:
>not willing to leave your area
found the problem
>all these lies
Why do you do this user?
>le corporations man
kek enjoy communism
>working makes you a goy
>let me tell you what businesses are
What am I lying about tell me?
>proving my point with basic fact
>ad hom
>Reading comprehension
>fail to see the bigger picture
Yes I would like cheese with that.
Ikr, your point of being an idiot with basic facts.
fucking take a book faggot
I said I did meet some people. Was hoping those connections would be good. But they have been worth shit. And desu it's alot better than what many other students do in my situation
When did I say that? I am absolutely willing to leave my area. Ive applied to plenty of jobs all over the country. But i dont hear back. Idk why people pretend getting jobs in other states is easy as long as you "are willing to relocate". Those companies are most likely going to show preferance for local candidates id imagine. Why would they want to have to offer a relocation package?
>proven wrong
just stop i feel bad for you having autism
I bet you're an illiterate
I applied and never got them don't know what to say. Had good grades too. Had black classmates that got free rides to some universities.
He didn't. Pajeets with Masters degrees, and sometimes some experience, are applying for entry level jobs. If you only have a bachelors degree in engineering and no one to give you an internal referral then you are fucked. It can easily take up to a year to find an engineering job.
White people are weird
>proven wrong
>i feel bad for you having autism
>the bigger picture is that we are all slaves to the corporations
>no we aren't i have shown you an out if you want it
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the corporations man
>work for the feds in land management
>have worked in several rural locations throughout the western US
>usually quiet, deep in the country in small towns
>housing is always provided
>most people I have had to share a room with was 1
>rent is $5 or $6 a night
>satellite TV, internet, electricity included
>got my own room after 1 year
>on my third year now and I have my own apartment for $11 a day with everything included
The place I'm at now has mobile homes, bunkhouses, multiple duplexes and individual houses for very cheap rented to employees. I don't make a whole lot of money but I have everything I need and plenty of cash left over for small luxuries. I honestly don't see how anyone can stand living in a city with the noise, street shitters and crime for astronomical prices when you can have everything I just listed. Working for the feds can suck but my personal life makes it worth it.
Why don't you work where you did the internships? Didn't you get some connections out of there? Also I hope you didn't graduate already, cause if you did and still don't have a job after months it will make you look like something is wrong with you
And I bet they're all liberal assholes and pro-immigration.
So let me guess, its because of brown people and not that you are stupid and don't do basic things to secure your career is why you can't find a job? Y'all need to go back to /pol/ with this shit.
That dude is watching a Minecraft tips video and you know it.
We play fornite now granmpa
If you spend more than 15 minutes one way to work you SERIOUSLY need to reconsider your life
Do you have any clue how engineering jobs work? Internships aren't meant to be turned into full time positions. They exist to get cheap labor to do shitty duties that will alleviate the backlog of work the full time engineers have.
If it so happens that the timing is right and they have an opening then they might hire an intern full time. They might also hire a pajeet instead that will be more qualified and accept the same pay.
>/pol/ is one person, who is a capitalist
>also i've never actually been there and saw ZERO fucking threads about economics because i'm a strawmanning faggot
ITT: Wagies vs Wagies
>small businesses can't compete against corporations
i provided an example that disproves this not to mention the fact that (another example) pharmacy's still exist even when walmart has their own yes some fucking how these don't get shut down
then you claimed that capital is some how unobtainable even when it isn't
i'm sorry you can't use simple logic to figure shit out
/pol/ is shit, if you have any common sense you wouldn't be there, cuck.
Trust me i already know. I graduated in December. And that is where I met people. The reason I am not getting a job out there is because it was field work id do in the summer. I fell for the whole boomer meme of "do some field work, the guys in the office will really appreciate a guy who has hands on knowledge of the tools and actually put some time and effort into working hard and is willing to get dirty."
What the fuck? When did I blame any minorites. Dont project that shit on my post. My point is the job market isnt nearly as good as people (particularly older people) like to pretend it is.
Well clearly he is doing something wrong. Maybe he should figure it out instead of going "wah wah wah brown people wah wah"
>unwilling to do field work
You are retarded. Field work has always been the lowest run for engineers. It sounds like you haven't done anything to set yourself apart, so of course you aren't going to get the more cushy entry level positions. Suck it up, take the field work, get your experience, and then move on with your life. Stop waiting for your meme millenial perfect job and start working your way up using whatever means are available to you.
imagine wanting this.
post pics of your tits faget
>everyone on this site is /pol/ and blames brown people
Or maybe you should fuck off with this delusion and stop making asumptions
ur a cuck if u dont blame pajeet tho
Where do you live and what is your field of engineering?
Boomers will deny it but this is true.
Milwaukee housing is dirt cheap btw, but don't let the caliniggers know
A bunch of old industrial buildings have been refurbished into apartments and studios with high ceilings and large windows. Incredibly comfy desu
Businesses are more than your mom/pop shops you know that, what about businesses that wants to enter a certain industry by are unable to do so due to the max capital those established companies has.
>telecommunications provider
>digital distributions
People want to provide others with better alternatives and less restrictions but its impossible to just start up shop and compete with these giants.
>What the fuck? When did I blame any minorites.
We know what you are bitching about. We aren't stupid.
Are you an engineer, or are you some shitdick still in college talking out of his ass? I've known multiple people that took months after graduation to find an engineering job. Not all of them graduated with just an undergraduate degree either.
that's actually the perfect way to describe it, it's shelter for the homeless
aka NOT being manipulated to shill against their own best interests out of reactionary spite?
NOT being motivated by fear is now a bad thing according to "conservative" cowards.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Lmao. And here is the post. Took longer than expected. Go post your dumbass boomer logic elsewhere. Its hardly applicable these days. Most field "engineers" i know stay in the fucking field
Shut the fuck up about shit you don't know, kid. Your 'should' means nothing in the real world, you'll learn that once you move out of your mother's basement.
they're rich enough not to live next to the people they're voting to import so they don't care
>implying Europe isn’t already dead
>$50 a night
Fucking what lol? Maybe $50 a month
I don't go there anymore but why you so mad about it?
>I'm uneducated and that makes me special
If they don't fear blacks or brown people why are they living in a space that has none?
Having Mexican drug dealers move into my neighborhood isn't in my interests in any way whatsoever, boomerfuck. I'd say nice try but it really wasn't.
2 hours is a bit much maybe
i might be, but i still have fun in those 90 hours you just sit there like a retard needing to be told what to do
Tell that to Charles Martel kek
So how about you go move into a nigger shithole yourself and stop preaching to me then, wonderbread?
i don't live there i just like some parts enough to be willing to
What if the Mexican drug dealers were to not deal drugs in that neighborhood (they deal 3 blocks away) and invest heavily in public goods in your area?
everyone is pro-immigration you know the legal kind
>Why do you think I-1639 passed
Because King county is more populous than all of Eastern WA put together, therefore any "majority rules" voting will be decided by Seattle
they're professionals that are paying a retarded amount of money to be close to the places paying them retarded amounts of money. Why the fuck would random poor black people be there?
And I love how all you cowards use like "hey working at silicon valley has a high financial barrier to entry that prevents poor people and minorities from being able to work there" as if that's somehow an argument for why you vote for policies against your own self-interest out of fear.
You're an actual coward. You're an actual hypocrite. Calling everyone else these things will never make you better. It just makes you more of a nigger as you get worse.
Keep shucking and jiving nigger. Your handlers are all really impressed!
>unable to do so due to the max capital those established companies has.
what does that mean?
So you are a shitdick still in college. Good job talking out of your ass.
Nope. A lot of cucks here hate anyone who isn't their skin color, try again.
>what if they came to america legally
>and contributed
what a great fucking day that would be
It means you're a faggotnigger
I wanna know you dull cunt
Except experts are talking about how to deal with ai. Nobody wants to talk about this shit in real life.
Who's going to make sure they don't come into my neighborhood? You'll piss and moan if I call the police or shoot them. Best if they stay out of the country entirely, problem totally averted.
>Mexicans investing in public goods
I can't take you seriously at all after you've said this.
Illegally, and contributed.
>so just opening the floodgates is better
Look at the taxes and local laws. I won't deny that parts of CA aren't pretty, but living there is a crapshoot.
And that's a good thing.
>just like a drug dealer buying his supplies from the local store
you walked into that one
>n word
Yea wow what a tough guy you are using that word over and over again. Bet you don't use it in public.
The difference is that you can find plenty examples of the left in Seattle and no actual Sandpeople in Eastern WA.
Not with our current economics. Countries that don't grow, die.
>being ascared of boogiemen makes it easier for me to shill for the health insurance industry against my own interests. As long as I think I'm spiting a scary boogieman I'll keep selling my future to malignant industries that are destroying my life.
>I'd say nice try but it really wasn't.
I'll say nice try when you evict all the spoopy brown people living RENTFREE in your head with a bullet.
>tell that to some random propaganda thing I consume
500,000 white people a year are going bankrupt from medical debt in the US. Tell that to whoever the fuck Charles Martel is you sniveling whataboutist shill.
Why don't you go live with niggers you fucking nigger? You want to turn this country into a corporatist shithole. You are dooming hundreds of thousands of middleclass white families to HAVE to live in nigger shitholes every year when you shill for Exxon and Sentara out of spite.
You're literally not a white person. You're unironically going to burn in hell. You're a traitor to your people and the most patriotic thing you ever do will be your suicide. Get to it nigger.
Meant to say huge cooperations with a lot of cash and credit.
Fuck you
tell that to the spics and niggers, come back, if they listen
Contributed what exactly? The only good thing they do is pick strawberries and shovel shit and that is absolutely not worth the crime they bring. Not to mention the biggest problem - they never ever integrate. So you limp-wristed queer white faggot liberals just invite them in then move away from them, over and over. But you never admit you can't stand them yourself, you just force others to deal with them. You're scum.
>I'm uneducated and that makes me special
I said "even" because the US is a developed country.
*nervous giggle*
I did not say that
I was stating Mexi drug cartels bringing in and flooding cocaine in another neighborhood while helping the community that he migrates to.
See: Pablo Escobar
they only die because they get strangled by the usurious jew
Look at all the dumb horseshit you just wrote. You probably think you're intelligent or that someone cares. Go Dilate.
>reddit spacing
>getting triggered by the unambiguous reality of your life
Keep shucking and jiving my man.
>he doesn’t know history and thinks everything is a binary.
Holy Reddit
That would equal $2250 if I was at work for those hours. Almost makes the 3k rent worth it.
holy based
Nice argument
>i love people who hate me!
Poor little r*dditurd monkey got his anus hurt. Awww
>the corporations
its your mindset user, thats the real drag
You’re the one who thinks everyone who doesn’t house a brown person in their daughters bedroom is a corporate boomer neocon isreal Mitt Romney shill. White men are the only tax positive group in the country. We could take care of our own if we were only taking care of our own
I don't argue with "men" who cut their wee wees off.
Y'all need to go back to Africa.
I have a PhD, you brainless retard.
bring less crime than the native population.
And basically what you're saying is that you want white people to be forced to pick berries and shovel shit for nothing. You want to make the lives of white people WAY WORSE because you're a sniveling coward that consumes a lot of propaganda. Why not just kill yourself? Why do you need to kill your country?
>the left will gladly drag the working class back to slavery-tier living conditions in the name of "progress"
>the television board is better
this nigger literally cannot read. Keep shucking. Keep jiving.
How EXACTLY are you better than the slave class exactly? You're trained to act like a degenerate stalinist retard that lashes out when you run into things that are too wordy for your uneducated brain to handle.
Are you ever NOT embarrassed about your life?
>philosophy PHD
>he doesn’t know history and thinks everything is a binary.
literally projection. And what is your academic background in history? "Some highschool?"
/pol/ sure gets butthurt easily
t. neet
>fake memeploma
I wanna see tits m8
no way
have they never heard of this website:
where do people this stupid even get $50 a night for accommodation?
Don't listen to the other anons, you did great. I'm working for my Masters while these idiots are either wagies or neets.
Why are you so insistent on proving that you're an utter cretin? How can you be so utterly devoid of any cognitive ability that you don't know what the Ph in PhD stands for?
I wish. My job sucks and not a day goes by that I don't think about quitting and staying home.
>bring less crime than the native population
>And basically what you're saying is that you want white people to be forced to pick berries and shovel shit for nothing
No dumbfuck, citizens wouldn't be able to be exploited like that. The very reason that illegal Mexicans do it for nothing is because they are here illegally and paid under the table. Their employers don't have to take care of them, and they are willing to exploit themselves because it's their only option. You are so stupid, short-sighted and unintelligent it's unbelievable. You're a good argument against universal suffrage lmfao. This is the last post I'm typing to you btw. Don't (You) me again.
most of the people I see in Seattle look like pic related these days
>you will essentially pay for the privilege of experiencing prison life.
this, was in the military and any time I had to live with blacks it was like prison, no set sleep schedule as they come and go at all hours, you had to guard your shit, they always made noise and didn't seem to give a fuck about it, also, they have to have the room at like a hundred degrees to sleep, I guess you can take the groid out of the jungle but...
>philosophy PHD
now we know who the true SJWs are right comrade?
Okay tranny I think it's about time you dilated. You're getting pretty worked up that no one cares about your dumb ass.
That series hurt my fucking heart.