Why do women always ask if I’m gay or a virgin?

Girls in high school always used to ask if I was gay, girls in college used to ask if I was gay, and at work two different girls have asked if I’m a virgin.

I’m not gay, I am a virgin, and I don’t have any feminine traits (I’m not short, I’m muscular, I don’t have a gay hairstyle, I have masculine hobbies, don’t dress letrosexual, I have a deep voice). Do women ask all guys this?

This is not a troll thread either, please respond in an honest way.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because you probably act like a prissy faggot?

I literally don’t though, I barely talk and when I do I give short answers. I also have a deep voice, there’s nothing feminine about me.

You sound like a massive closet homo, user. Don't take it personally, there's nothing wrong with being gay unless you live in an oppressive third-world country.

You probably act like a gay virgin. Just my guess.
I have never been asked if I was a virgin in my life, even though I didn't lose my virginity until I was 22.

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The wh*teoid smirk

sounds pretty gay to me

if this is not a troll then why are you asking ON FUCKING Yea Forums YOU VIRGIN HOMO

women can't comprehend the idea of not being paid attention to so they resort to shit tests in order to elicit a response
also how the fuck is this Yea Forums related?

How does a gay virgin act?

Post ass, I can tell if you're gay by looking at your ass

It pleases me to no end that I can intensely trigger minorities by making this face.
I started making this face when niggers annoy me ever since I saw the memes years ago. I just stare at them like that.

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you dont have to be gay
just initiate sex user

Just tell them you're going to sexually assault them or something to show them how straight you are

Can you guys please give serious answers? This is a real problem for me, I don’t act gay at all and girls keep assuming I’m gay. What the fuck is going on?

Not television or film fuck off beta faggot

So stop acting gay, retard. Stop acting like a retarded gay virgin and people will stop assuming you're a retarded gay virgin.

however you act

imagine being such a faggot you offtopic post on the shittiest board on 4channel™ AND feel compelled to lie about being the masculine ideal manifest.

Bro just get on grindr already

Yeah wow, he forgot to add "movies for this feel" - damn bro you fucked up

Why does my pee pee get hard when i play with it?

This is totally a TV and film thread. Not a leaked Yea Forums thread at all. Moron.

Look in the mirror.

lmao I act gay af and slay pussy left and right buddy

Why do whites make this face?

This. I only get on one date with a smelly girl in high school then dump her..she went around telling I was a queer. What a joke

I ended up getting back at her by sucking off her next boy friends cock

it's the "I hate niggers" face


It's probably because you don't show any (sexual) interest in the women around you.

this desu

I'm a total gay but I've fucked two girls this month because they throw themselves at me. At a certain point it's like "hey why not, it's at least something to stick my dick in"

Ok idk why is this Yea Forums but the serious answer is that you probably unknowingly do something faggoty, something you wouldnt consider in the first place. Could be an awkward posture, stare or whatever. You should just ask someone you know irl.

based gay revenge user

Somewhere on a deeper level, you understand why.

I’m not fucking gay, can you just tell me what it means to look or act fat? I don’t have a lisp, I’m not obsessively groomed, I don’t talk a lot or have a weird tone or mannerisms. Why do people ask if I’m gay?

You probably have the virgin walk or virgin stance, the way you hold yourself and present yourself to others as well as your seemingly uptight short answer replies all probably just scream I HAVE NEVER BEEN INTIMATE WITH ANOTHER BEING.

Wanna fix it? have sex

Modern women love gayshit, that's why twinks like Timothee Chalamet are so popular nowadays

holy based

Whether you’re aware of it or not you probably act like shy as fuck and insecure and your lack of confidence makes you look really gay

Asexual behavior.

Women don't understand concepts other than sex so of course they're going to ask you something related to it.

Are you actually gay though?

Same, im just not asked if im guy.

>uptight short answer replies all probably just scream I HAVE NEVER BEEN INTIMATE WITH ANOTHER BEING.
this tbqh sorry OP

When you have to ask other people for your opinion that's about as red a flag as it can get. You're gay, trust me on this.

I thought gay people were loud and flamboyant and over the top? What does that have to do with lack of confidence?

If you don’t try to fuck women whenever you talk to them they assume you’re gay?

>tfw self aware enough to realize this describes me

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i've only been asked this once and it's because this co-worker roastie was seething because i didn't want to mess with her.
honestly if you never talk about a girlfriend. sexual experience, or your social/personal life, people are going to think you're hiding something.
sexual preference might be one of them

have sex

>Girls in high school always used to ask if I was gay, girls in college used to ask if I was gay, and at work two different girls have asked if I’m a virgin.

Most likely you have gay mannerisms and don't realize it.

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>there's nothing wrong with being gay

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Probably because you are not as intrusive as most guys when they are interested in a woman.


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Have sex, virgin

>barely talk and when I do I give short answers
thread over

>If you don’t try to fuck women whenever you talk to them they assume you’re gay?

if you don't have a girlfriend, yeah.

I used to get the same shit a while ago and while they wouldn't directly ask me whether I'm gay or not, they kinda implied it. They simply cannot comprehend a reality where they start flirting with someone and he doesn't give them attention, in which case he's either gay or has dick/insecurity problems. In fact the latter will happen in 90% of the cases and they'll get insulted by you not giving them attention so bad that they'll shittalk your possible micropenis to all of their friends or call you a spineless beta virgin faggot, because it can never be their fault for you not giving them attention.

You must be direct and cut her off with the standard "sorry I have a gf lol" else she'll keep blaming you for her own failure in attracting you

the kind of woman that would ask that is the kind of woman you don't want to know anyway

Yea Forums is a pro gay board, get used to it faggot

never been asked this.
tfw kissless hugless handheldless virgin
why dont girls just ask guys out haha

They know what kind of signals they get from heterosexual men (in the most basic sense: "I want you" or "I'm not interested"). And they don't get the same kind of signals from you.

I thought I was supposed to act like an aloof lone wolf type badass around women? Why are they all suspecting I’m gay because of it?

if you're not just doing shitty bait. it's probably because they secretly like you and just want to tease you. it's autistic of them yeah, but it's happened to me before.

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i love you user.

There's a difference between being aloof and not being reciprocal when a woman gives attention to you.

>If you don’t try to fuck women whenever you talk to them they assume you’re gay?
In they never see you sexually interact with a woman, then yes.
t. was asked the same

it can work but only if you howl at them

>I thought I was supposed to act like an aloof lone wolf type badass around women?
lmao no you're supposed to act the opposite you fucking sperg
Yes, you should display independence and self-reliance but not by following the lone wolf model, rather by showing that your social circle is large enough that you don't really need her added to it

how does one "break the ice"? asking for a friend btw

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>there’s nothing feminine about me.

Women don't agree.

Wolfs are predators, dude. If you do not even attempt to go for the meat when you're alone with a woman then you are, in fact, not a lone wolf-type person BY ANY MEANS.

Just be yourself bro

Based and subliminal-pilled

If they ask if you are virgin Just answer "yes, I am not degenerate, are you?"

why do couples always loo at me and smirk and then hug and kiss each other. I see these type of couples all the time in the gym. They go out of their way to hang near me, stare at me an start kissing. I regularly buy prostitutes to have sex with, i dont like polygamous couples

Are people constantly fucking then? Holy fuck does every flirty interaction lead to sex? Does every guy and girl that hang out end up fucking?

I’m not trolling at all, my mind feels shattered right now. It’s so normal to try and fuck every woman you see you get called gay if you don’t? Is everyone fucking each other nonstop? Even the married people?

women can sense it, sorry about your gay

The second bird I shagged asked me to throttle her when I fucked her, she also deepthroated me which was fucking ace and I nutted down her throat on the third thrust or something. She had a kinda hooked nose but was pretty enough, I honestly think she only did it because she wanted me to help paint her room.
Makes perfect sense, considering people like you post here.

some gays don't care if they're feminine or not

Your answer is right here buddy You don't have to act gay for girls to ask you if you're gay, you just need to ignore them and not be at their feet like a little bitch. You probably don't answer their signals for whatever reason, either you're autistic or you're just not interested, they don't cut it for you. But whenever they ask if you're gay, itst because they want you to fuck them and they are sending signals in that sense that you are not answering and they get "insulted". They never think that they are ugly slags or simply uninteresting, they just assume that you do not like girls or that you are insecure or beta. Let them be, they're not worth it.

Probably the opposite. Lot of gay dudes are hypermasculine.

>mfw I have gay mannerisms because I was raised almost exclusively by my mom who wanted a “gentleman”, but I’m also tall enough (for the country) with wide shoulders and a resting bitch face so people just leave me alone
It’s better that way. I know they think I’m a creep, but at least they don’t think I’m a faggot.
>that time I went to the supermarket with my fly down, my hair unwashed, my chin bleeding and leaking puss while chugging on a bottle of rum
People were cowering in disgust by my mere presence.

You're trying WAY too hard lmao

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>I’m not short
Not a manlet but what does height have to with being gay?
>I'm muscular
Nigger that's literally a gay trait nowadays

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not every flirt leads to sex but yeah most people think mostly about fucking, they are like animals

No. But occasional flirting is definitely a thing. I assume people who asked you those questions didn't know much about you. You don't interact a lot with them and they've never seen you flirting or going out with a girl. You're probably attractive, which is why they assume you're either asexual or gay.

>People were cowering in disgust by my mere presence.
the only based way to live

I have very often been called gay by males, but never by females.
What does this make me?

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I can literally only talk to whores earnestly With regular women only the usual job related stuff.
Funny enough they dont say im gay if i buy them and have sex with them. i guess its a dirty badge of honor

Men want to suck you

>I thought I was supposed to act like an aloof lone wolf type badass around women?
You've watched too much anime my dude. Real life isn't Naruto.

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That's all true m80 ur jelly af rn cos ur a hkv lmao

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From your posts here user i think it comes down to a few things.
alot of girls genuinely don't have the self-awareness to think of the possibility that a guy doesn't want to overtly show interest in them.
it probably annoys them if they want to hit on you or approach you and you don't want to reciprocate.

there's a certain look guys sometimes have that makes people think you might be gay.
it's weird to describe. it doesn't have to be "feminine" but just something like really boyish features/less masculine ones.

What's hkv?

kissless hugless virgin




I thought we were supposed to be against traditional gender roles...

>tfw a 28 year old kissless virgin and literally no one ever talks about it
Once they sort of get the deal they are even more ashamed about talking about it to me than I am to them. No one talks about their relationships at all with me.
But I've never been outright called a virgin or anything like that, not even by my parents.

That’s literally only an internet thing. Nobody cares about any of that shit in real life, especially not women.

Had many relationships, longest was 3 years. I learned all women are trash and not worth my time. Wish I was gay.

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It's probably because you're a huge faggot

I'm sorry I'm not familiar with your 4channel speech, I'm sure the girls are gushing all over it

So my takeaway from this thread is that most people are making judgments about you all the time, women expect you to try and fuck them every time you interact with them, and if you’re single and not hitting on all women around you people assume you’re gay? And the internet lied to me about “toxic masculinity” and men making unwanted advances towards women?

Post your butt to be sure

"Toxic masculinity" is a giant shittest so only chads hit on women

nigga u a gay virgin too

yikes have some sex, incel

Look user, you obviously fucking act like a gay virgin, why the fuck else would everyone think that? Get your test checked and sort yourself out instead of moaning about it ON THE TV AND FILM BOARD of a Parthian weasel-wrangling MMO

Welcome to the real world. It is literally impossible to be friends with women. I would fuck them all if I could but the drawbacks of sex are too much for me to handle.

It's so much worse than that

Well I don’t even know what it means to act like a gay virgin and I don’t know where else to ask this

Next time ask them directly. why do you think I'm gay/virgin.
Then start crying right infront of them

say something on vocaroo, maybe you have a fag voice

Just learn to be a pathological liar lmao.
I made up stories about friends and exes until I had enough real stories to tell people, literally just fake it until you make it.

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Homosexuality is correlated with both femininity and hypermasculinity in males. In females its just correlated with masculinity though.

It's probably just because you never show interest in them though. They probably don't feel any sexual tension so of course theyd assume you're a fairy.

LMAO ! You don't even know how gay people are. Of course if you focus on /pol/ lies you wont recognise what maes you gay. You may be gay and dont even know you are because you dont act loud and flamboyant. Go suck a dick

yes and you can forget about any social status unless you start conforming to those rules because people will just isolate you and refuse to hang out with you as females are shittalking you and no normie hangs out with men who're being shittalked by the females of his circle

it wasn't like that 10 years ago and you can thank based zucc for that

People at work ask why I don't have a gf/wife. I tell them it's because I hate myself. Most people are surprisingly accepting of this fact.

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded. There, now this is an Idiocracy thread.

Probably how you present yourself. Look in the mirror and see what your mannerisms say about you. The way you type makes you seem overly emotional, try to be more grounded. Women tend to like a handsome grounded man. Calm and collective, but able to make them laugh and have fun around them as well. If you're quiet that can be an advantage as well, the mysterious vibe can do wonders. It drives them crazy when they can't figure you out.

>expecting logical consistence from liberals
YIKES my dawg

You probably have the gay gene but don't know it.

>go to engineering school
>have a job
>go to gym like religion
>get a break with social studies electives stacked into one semester
>decide to go to a bar
>a couple of girls sit down next to me
>they look at me and start whispering
>one of them shoves a phone in my face
>it’s a picture of the the other girl
>”would you swipe right on this?”
>”uhh i don’t think I’m the right guy to ask”
>”lol are you gay?”
>finish my drink and leave

And that’s how I found out about Tinder

why didn't you answer though? you gay?

im pretty sure you're gay, user

Pretty much this.

I love talking and flirting with whores, its so relaxed.

You're more like the omega wolf that doesnt even deserve to pick its food last and get ostracized by the main group if you act like that rather than the alpha who does whatever he wants and has beta doing stuff for him. Boy don't be surprized why women think you are gay or a virgin when you follow r9k type of advice lol

this desu

This thread proves that women are nothing but holes.

Holy fuck are you me? I've heard this multiple times over the years. I don't talk about women, at least not to co workers or people im not super close with, neither do I talk about men. My first girlfriend, who I lost my virginity with, thought I was gay for the first three months of our relationship. I have a reserved personality, so that might be it.

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Incredibly based

>thought I was gay for the first three months of our relationship.
Why would she be in a relationship with you then

That's the beauty about "You can be whoever you want to be" that most people don't understand. It's not about convincing yourself but to drop just enough information for people to form that image you seek to be in their own mind.

In a way, it's all about controlling the narrtive of our own persona.

Therefore, the main reason why girls assume that OP's gay is because he doesn't do a great job of establishing himself as a confident hetero male.

My actual real advice? Talk more about yourself.

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What the fuck is wrong with women’s brains?

Yes, yes. You can make up an idea of how people act in real life based off what a few anons said on Yea Forums. Fucking retards.

i wouldve said idk what that means. what would their response have been


Well why do you think women are asking me if I’m gay in real life?

Maybe you're a prettyboy with a lisp, some girls like that and they tease you to man up. you need to stop acting like an effeminate pussy, start drinking wild turkey and smoke unfiltered camels for you gay lisp. get durnk and high and try to start a fight with anyone, toughen yourself up zoomer.

How the fuck do you want anybody here to know ? Ask them if it bothers you that much. All anybody here can guess is that you act like a faggot and all you will respond is that you feel pretty masculine and dont understand why people think you are gay. People thinks you are a faggot because your too dense to realise why women especially think you are a faggot, especially if youre the same user who post about this lone wolf attitude bulshit. People are less dumb than you might think overall. If you try to act like someone you are not, it will show

Women suck I missed out on fucking prime 18-21 year old booty because I was with a girl for 6 years that cheated on me

if a girl asks you if you're gay, it means she wants to fuck you.

So people can tell everything about you in a short amount of time? How? How come I don’t have this skill? Am I actually retarded?

A girl once asked me if I was gay, I said no and the next thing she did was kiss me

This guy gets it. You appear aloof and autistic like someone that wouldn't think about any heterosexual activity.
And heterosexual activity doesn't mean hitting on women at your job or talking about pussy to your co-workers. Think about how charming people act, they're not afraid to pay someone a compliment or smile, but it doesn't necessarily mean they want to fuck everyone.
It's a much smaller thing and probably just an insecure and inexperienced (virgin) or aloof and totally uninterested (fudgepacker) vibe you give off.
Showing interest in the opposite sex doesn't mean doing anything that could be considered toxic masculinity, it's in the ballpark of giving a confident smile or friendly rapport, not far from light flirting.

A girl once tried to ask me if I was gay but I couldn't hear her. She asked me like 3 times and then I gave her my phone to write it down. After she wrote it, I laughed and shook my head and then she started making out with me.

People cant tell anything about you. Theyll only judge yourself as you judge them. They don't care if you are gay or not but if they have nothing on you, they'll make ideas about you anyway. I don't know if you are retarded but i know most people will gossip and everyone makes assumptions about somethings. I realy dont believe its matter that much. If people are curious about you, why not interact ? If you dont want to interact with them why do you care what they think ? Pretty sure youd prefere a woman who wont assume your sexual orientation by your attitude.

you are overthinking it. you don't need to be confident or make up bullshit persona stuff.

OP is feminine and "sounds gay."

you know what i mean.


Why does the implication upset you so much? If you weren't so insecure, you wouldn't clarify every post.

I’m the OP, I didn’t make that all caps post. You wouldn’t be upset if people started calling you gay because you literally do nothing? It’s not even something I did, it’s because I didn’t do something and people are calling me gay.

>No, I'm not... How many times must we have this discussion?

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Thats if you are assuming women think you are gay because you werent hitting on them. There is still the possibility you are acting like huge faggot

Imagine they always saw you acting like someone that has a food allergy, by always checking labels religiously.
Would it anger you the same if they assumed you had a peanut allergy based off your unusual behavior?
Only in this case you look like you love nuts, and if you can't ask straight up don't be so bothered by it.
Act like you, and if you're not gay, you're not acting gay.

i had a girl tell me she was a virgin and that she wondered if she was ever going to lose it then she asked me if i was a virgin too


Are you russian? People in the west dont care or ask about people being gay.

Well we care but only women ask. I'd rather just not know if some guy I know gets rammed in the shit hole, because it makes me think much less of him.

No I'm from the Midwest

but what if he is ramming other guys in the shit hole?

Saying things like this makes me think less of people like you, though so, it all balances out.

You post in a very feminine way. You're a a 90s born queer right?

extroverts are incapable of understanding introversion, dont even bother. The fact that you could prefer quiet, alone, silence, anonymity etc is beyond comprehension for the type of people who have skype calls in the middle of starbucks

Kill yourself redditfag

what the fuck does this have to do with tele

Gays should be executed

>tfw my sister "suspected" I was gay
>too ashamed to just tell her I was a virgin
So as the autist I'm I decided make up a imaginary girlfriend. Sometimes I would talk about her, I would do fake calls, and finally acted depressed as shit when we "broke up"

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I was asked once by a girl if I was gay. That was back in secondary school.
Turns out her best friend had a crush on me. I guess the girl in question got confused why her tsundere attitude did not make me love her, which I actually secretly did.

Why would I care if some queer foot fetishist retard on Yea Forums thinks less of me?
Not quite as embarrassing to be a top but still embarrassing. I can talk with a masculine gay man but an effeminate one just makes me cringe. I won't associate with effeminate men.

They are probably interested in you but because you act aloof and shy they think you are uninterested in them. I was just like you before.

i like sade does that mean i'm gay? i;ve met a lot of og niggers that love sade.


Gays are fucking disgusting

based and truthpilled

He's a retarded weak poofter born in the 90s. Guys born in ths 90s are all weak feminised faggot fucks.

this board need an anti gay mascot like that based anti tranny dog.

It's ok to be gay user don't be ashamed

Pretending you've a girlfriend? That's pretty gay user.

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I'm a 25 year old virgin but nobody's ever asked me about it and nobody's ever assumed I was gay. As a matter of fact sex doesn't really come up in conversations very often at all in my experience. On top of that I've never seen anyone get made fun of for being a virgin, except maybe in very early high school. I wonder how my life experience can be so much different than everyone else's.

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None of the other guys I know who were born in the 90s get asked if they’re gay. Just me

It's ironic, because i have a soft voice, am short, spend lots of time and money on my clothes and i have never been accused of being gay. Gays love me obviously, but all the women know i want to fuck them if i could. Probably the way you compose yourself, do you avoid eye contact with women? Are you shy? Is there no sexual lust when interacting with women?

I often times avoid eye contact with people

This redditor has the same issue. I’ve never been asked this by a guy but girls have asked me before.

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honestly its this 100%

if you arent actively trying to fuck them, they think you are gay. its just something ingrained in them

americans lack a social class understanding of society prefering instead to have a race based one
this website is populated mainly by white people and gives the illusion of homogeinity, however they are of different social classes, therefore there is a variety of life experiences
if you were lower middle class or poor you probably heard a lot about teen pregnancy, sex in highschool, drugs growing up
if you were upper middle class you didnt as much

Luckily my sister is a turbo Christian who constantly tells me to wait till marriage to have sex.

You're part of the most faggoty, feminised group of men to ever exist. You even post like a teenage girl faggot. You disgust me on every level. People and especially women sense your weakness. You're fucking pathetic. Were you raised by a single mother?

No I was not. What’s your height?

Why, because you do her in the ass?

Shut up you chav troglodite fruit your anger is proof that you are an unstable unmanly person. kys

She’s married user. She didn’t know what masturbation was until like 20 years old, so I don’t think she wants anal

Lmao good thing you finally got it off but sheesh

Start looking people in the eye, problem solved.

You realize when a woman turns the topic of conversation to sexuality they are hitting on you right? OP are you that oblivious?

OP, I want to give you a big non-gay hug. Although it's fucked up, some of those girls who ask if you are gay are interested in you. Ask one out. If that doesn't work, ask another.

Of course, I'm not that oblivious. It's just never happened to me.

Same exact thing here.
It's a clown ass world out there

Listen too me dude, i remember the first time this happened to me, i was walking alone at night next to this girl i was so in love with, and after talking for a while she asked me if i was gay and it made me really defensive. Thinking back i was too shy and stupid too read the signs that she was into me.

you are probably a handsome dude and these chicks are trying to give you signs but you dismiss or dont notice them. But thats fine dude.

just take out your cock and fuck them

How is this related to Yea Forums?


I didn’t know that at all, everyone talks about sex all the time so I figured it was just normal. Looking back one girl just kept talking to me nonstop during class and I didn’t want the teacher to get mad at me so I just looked straight ahead and have one word answers, this went on for weeks and then she asked if I was gay.

That’s what the guys on bodybuilding.com say as well

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just pretend like there's a "movies for this feel haha" at the end

they buy tickets for Avengers

90s born queer tourist. It's time to go back.

>everyone talks about sex all the time
Where do you live?

I'm 26, also a kissless virgin and almost no one talks about it ever. I was never asked directly about my past sexual experiences at all.

Women are driven almost entirely by their reptile brain. If you're not actively trying to fuck them, they assume you're gay.

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Fresh off the boat faggot cocksucker detected

Sure is 2016 in here

Sounds like i hit pretty close to the mark for you kiddo.

Well I had a job one summer during college a few years back and basically he women only asked me about sex or talked about sex when I was around

Your repressed homosexuality is glowing through your posts. In fact your whole shtick only exists to hide the reality behind it. All you want is to suck hard cock and get your ass reamed but your ego is in denial to protect itself. kys faget.

Should have lurked more tourist.

> kys faget.
Embarrassing redditfag

did you? or do you google interracial porn late night inbetween furios /pol/ posts?

Asking if you are gay is right up with the classic "How do you not have a girlfriend?" Women only communicate indirectly.

>family starts asking when you’re getting a girlfriend

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Stop being a homo, OP.

Its really not that hard.

Confirmed for gay

Women expect handsome men to be charming and flirting with them no matter how ugly they are. When you don't flirt they assume you're gay rather then not interested in them. A lot of women kept hoping I was gay until I got married to a perfect virgin girl.

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What is your favorite repressed gay fantasy?

>All you want is to suck hard cock and get your ass reamed but your ego is in denial to protect itself. kys faget.
why do you young guys alwats have this really gay shit kicking around your heads all the time?

23 for me

You’re gay. Pls be in London.


Same senpai
Fuck women right. Lets get hars being ourselves

The question is why you are so obsessed with the masculinity of you compared to younger dudes, sounds to me that there is a complex there. And i bet it has to do with your repressed homosexuality.

triggered 90s born queers

youre anonymous here you dont have to hide. your secret is safe with us.

you should try acting gay and see if that helps

Something like this

You sound like a woman dude. Insecurity is for women and virgins

I made one post regarding guys born in the 90s being feminised and it's obviously true based on the resposes.

Its ironic that the shooter was a confirmed closet poof himself, so it makes sense you would relate to him.

I learned recently (despite being nearly 30 years old) that women see me as scary so they never ask me anything or approach me to begin with. Looking back, there were multiple that I was explicitly told this as early as elementary school. For some reason, I always brushed them off as isolated incidents. The opposite was true. That's how all of them feel only some made it known.

Well I am a virgin

shut up faget im just talking shit online, but youve been posting about this whole masculinity fetish you have over and over again.

Well he is certainly one of the only good gays that ever lived. Closeted self-hating fags are based.

And everyone can tell

Makes sense that you would like them, considering they are your kin.

Why is this thread still here

Same thing happened to me in my early 20s, I never took notice of it until I got a gf and even she told me I kind of looked like a serial killer. Over the years I normified myself and I can blend into crowds now. But back then I gave off a bad aura and stuck out.
And no I was never a fedora neckbeard, just tall, muscular, had long hair, frowned all the time and hated talking to people.

why not?

That's not true at all. One post and you're still reeing you little faggot. When are you going to start transitioning?

You just said the same thing twice. This post wasn't really necessary. If you've run out of things to say you might as well leave.

you two should kiss lol

>You sound like a woman dude
It's common with guys born in the 90s.

I'm not gay but I think huge dicks are aesthetic as fuck

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What did you change? I'm the same way except I don't have long hair. My eyes are deep set and my eyebrows down turned so it looks like I'm always frowning unless I consciously raise my brows.

Come on user it's obvious youre at least half a fag otherwise you wouldn't be this riled up.

post number 9 about young mens masculinity. Im just saying it seems to really matter to you. Are you gay for real m8?

continuing the proud tradition of posting like a teenage girl

not really, but im not obsessed with masculinity and gayness like you two homos are.

did your dad beat you when you jerked it to gay porn?

>you gay
youre just like tumblr whales. Still proving my point