>forgotten in less than a day
is there a bigger JUST in Internet history? Randy Stair maybe? Elliot Rodger?
>forgotten in less than a day
is there a bigger JUST in Internet history? Randy Stair maybe? Elliot Rodger?
Other urls found in this thread:
no matter how much you kvetch that kike isn't coming back
Literally whom
Look at this faggots resume
what a normie
>8*han user
why that place is full of faggots?
I don't get it
How does someone doing so well in school decide to do this? How can you be motivated enough to try to do all that shit and also not care about your life enough to try to do a massacre?
It's where all the spergs that are too autistic for /pol/ go
How is it even possible to have that much of a punchable face?
>ruining your life over shitposts
zoomers were a mistake
Of course.
Randy hated niggers
Pretty based of him
He rightfully recognized that his individual life is unimportant when weighed against the genocide of his race.
It’s immoral to sit and do nothing against the filth of jewish control
Whites losing their society doesnt mean we dont take them down with us
>gpa over 4.0
When will these meme numbers end
>It’s immoral to sit and do nothing against the filth of jewish control
so the logical thing to do is ruin a life filled with potential in order to kill a random low level Jew in a failed shooting?
Quick rundown?
You incorrectly assume there is some sort of ethereal value in race or that from some sort of magic that a preferred phenotype is conducive to the creation of your special definition of civilization.
He was spooked. Jews are indeed over represented in the ruling class but them being Jewish is not the reason why capitalism is failing
>could’ve gone into politics, get married and have white kids
>throw it all away in the gutter killing a rabbi
Dumb zoomers
Look at the top of his head
Boy hates Jews. Decides to pull a Columbine on a Jewchurch but only manages to kill one Jew. Terrible score.
I have a theory that these alt memes lend the mind the demonic possession, these psychotic episodes all carry the same narrative and are sourced from the same subculture. I know for a fact that the alt right memes aren’t organic and are distributed through intelligence agents. It’s manufactured and these impressionable minds are consuming a product
Better than nothing.
Would it not have been better to raise a white family or get into politics? killing a random rabbi accomplishes nothing
Could be burnout but also high intelligence isn't a cut and dry thing, some people do well in school and are abusing drugs hardcore, others get mentally invested in strange ideas or have mental illness issues look at the unabomber
You keep saying ironic shit, eventually someone takes it seriously.
Words have consequences. But I'm glad you're just a cheerleader instead of actually having the balls to pull the trigger yourself.
this is what happens when you breastfeed you kids too long
how come he looks so jewy
>unironic stirnerposting
Of course they are. Foreign influence propagating red pill garbage.
Almost seems phony
He only managed to kill a 73 year old woman.
>when you're literally so cringe and cliche that you fool people into thinking you are a Jewish psy op
what a lad
Foiled by direct gas impingement. He obviously never visited /k/
Well then what’s stopping you? You’re either a fucking retard or a massive pussy.
/pol/ really does radicalize young white men
Man he is gonna get raped to shit and back
What is the official Yea Forums spree killer tally at now?
Their is demonology involved. Hence the Kek narrative, Pepe, a mascot for the redpill cult, is an avatar for a demonic entity. Hence it’s pervasive nature on the board, a pseudo form of idol worship. Invoking itself within the minds of the participants engaging in a cult like ideology. It reveals itself in other way with the 666 hand sign that they’ve adopted.
I've had a pretty fun time watching zoomers getting brainwashed by infographics
Could Pepe the frog be a trigger for government MK Ultra programmed alt right terrorists?
By prison guards? He'll be solitary forever
Mt Carmel is a mountain range on Israel.
Maybe its Israel thats the blame for radicalization.
The gay nightclub killer used a sig MCX. Didn't have one jam.
I believe BLACKED threads do more harm desu
>kill a jewish grandma
>one kike starts shooting his 9mm
>spooked you so much that you hopped in your getaway car
>call 911 and turned yourself in
Virgin spree shooter
Even fucking Randy Stair managed to get a higher score
you have to be historically illiterate to not realize there's a millennia long Jewish conspiracy
kek this is why nobody should fear /pol/
this is proof that discord trannies would defeat /pol/ in a fire fight
The media has stopped talking about these incidents because they don't want to glorify the killers.
>The media has stopped talking about these incidents because they don't want to glorify the killers.
No they did because the kid absolutely hated Donald Trump.
Should have gotten more
What do you mean? How would that be related?
there is some depth to Pepe that I can entertain and it’s negarious in nature, even when removing itself from the spiritual aspects. To keep it grounded on “reality” I can at least source where the imagery may have originated from. This man was Trumps mentor, a CIA operative as well. He was obsessed with frogs hence his extensive collection. I posted the Trump twitter post a few post back which was in 2015, well before the cult was established so he’s not only aware but partially culpable of the formation of the adopted imagery of Pepe. Roy Cohns as pictured was a sodomite as well and died of AIDS. Fair to mention he was also a pedophile
seriously who is this
Another meme shooter who tried to copy the New Zealand guy but failed miserably. Here is his cringe manifesto
>innocent Jews praying
He will never be forgotten you dirty fucking jew.
>Commit to a shooting, willing to sacrifice your life, putting everything on the line
>Completely half-ass it and fail miserably, target random unimportant people
I don't understand this, at all. Elliot Rodger, who knocked on the sorority door then walked away when no one answered, was more successful then this
what kino is this from lads?
Seriously it didn't even got to the news where i live
Did he managed to kill anyone?
He killed 1 (ONE) person
Pathetic, if you gonna do something like this you gotta prepare
>The Chad Brenton Tarrant vs The Virgin John Earnest
>Did he managed to kill anyone?
He killed 1 grandma before driving away from some dude shooting at him. He got stopped a someone carrying in fucking Commiefornia. The absolute STATE of zoomers. This entire shooting just makes me laugh every time I think about it. Reads like a black comedy
You would think they'd find it more effective to target specific influential people and take them out
this is just retarded
Looking like a false flag desu
An armed, off-duty Border Patrol officer stopped the shooting so they are memory-holing it because that doesn't fit their narrative.
>when someone fails to kill a lot of people it's a false flag
>when someone kills a lot of people it isn't
you're honestly pathetic
going to be fun to see how nervous he's gonna look in court
yea bro it's all a Jewish psy op
New Zealand mad lad wasn't a false flag, but this one the gun miraculously jammed
lmao I was literally going to comment on that. Some schools decide to rank AP courses out of 5 so when students get rekt with a B it still counts as a 4.0 somehow and doesn't hurt their ego.
Only it's all an illusion. When you actually apply for colleges, they throw your numerical GPA out the window and calculate their own version of the score from your raw transcript grades. That AP class B is just that - a fucking B. And still students get so fixated on it.
he doesnt look white to me
Elliot Rodgers, Andrew Blaze and NZ Guy were memeable. No one cares about this literal who white kid.
do you think he will fall in with the white nationalists in prison? will he meet bottles?
Today I shall smoke some weed, probably eat a slice of pizza, and later watch the Game of Thrones episode while drinking some beer. Then I’ll shitpost on Yea Forums and jerk off to milf/teen porn. Fuck this faggot
As you should. fuck all those zoomer jew redpill nonsense. *sip* things were simpler back in the day
>literally “muh ancestors”
Poor little whiteboi
it reads like a bad imitation of a /pol/cel but it's actually real
Before 2016 I thought /pol/ was just edgelirs edgelording. The fact that zoomers actually have taken the shit seriously and thrown away their entire lives on memes is fucking incomprehensibly hilarious. Seriously, how fucking stupid can you be?
He looks cool with that hair, not gonna lie.
Looks like he should be selling used cars in West Covina
I wonder what his favorite movies are?
Who the fuck is this guy?
it's almost like that's a thing that can happen to guns
Based Easter worshiper.
I’m 24. My life’s isn’t great, but at least I’m not a coward who would gun down an unarmed person, especially a 73 year old woman
You never shot a gun, did you
Would've been more useful to his race if he just continued down this path instead of throwing away his whole life just to shoot a jewish grandma. What a faggot.
holy cringe
Where are the 2nd amendment people praising the Synagogue for stopping a man with a gun by having armed staff? Or does that not matter since the guy with the gun was a /pol/tard? Play stupid games...
>My name is John Earnest and I am a man of European ancestry
What's the point of having white kids when they'll be born into a miscegination machine?
>nursing school
He probably got mogged by a few Jewish kids who were whiter than him and couldn't handle the realization that his genes were shit
>To my brothers in blood. Make sure that my sacrifice was not in vain. Spread this letter, make memes, shitpost, FIGHT BACK, REMEMBER ROBERT BOWERS, REMEMBER BRENTON TARRANT, filter the religious D&C, and filter the schizos who will inevitably call this a ‘false flag.’
The internet was a mistake
>the genocide of his race
Don't you idiots realize that going on a killing spree is adding fuel to the fire? The only thing he has done is fail. Pathetic.
>Well then what’s stopping you?
I'm not white, I'm just here to root for the underdog.
>call 911 and turned yourself in
Is this real?
>Stop resisting our genocide or we'll genocide you!
Fuel to the fire is good.
It's better for a people to realize where the trains are going before they get on them.
Adding fuel to the fire is good, maybe the frog will jump out before it's too late
more like boomerwaffles
can confirm, I was completely conditioned and brainwashed between 17-18. Am 20 now. Fuck /pol/
Jimmy Neutron really grew into himself.
its always funny when youre making jokes about jews on pol and a zoomer or working class brainlet takes them seriously and ends up getting raped in the as for the rest of his life in jail
Man I'd go insane if I was that accomplished.
is this the new lefty meme ? pretend you got brainwashed into joining the "cult" ?
For the record though, I do not now or ever condone attacks upon synagogues or random Jews. I'm simply saying as a neutral observer that these acts of resistance are perfectly understandable, and if they were being performed by any other ethnic group against any other ethnic group, no one would be remotely scandalized.
>trains are going before they get on them.
Aren't you the type of people who deny the Holocaust though?
Heh heh yeah...we’re just joking over there heh heh. /pol/ is a board of peace after all
too late to take that one back faggot, ur going in the van
Fuck jews and I hope they all die!
yes and no, I genuinely got 'brainwashed', having a false reality surround me from a bunch of information and words I didn't fully understand. It's not just /pol/, it's discord transgenderism from porn addiction, 'communism', redditism, incelism. Whatever fucking ism you can think of. Shit's fucked.
i think he was born in 89 or 90 so that technically makes him a boomer
zoomers are people born in like 1999 and onward
not saying I fell for all those things but other people do, I fell for the /pol/ meme.
He'll just hang out with the Aryan Brotherhood.
I too also fell for the /pol/ meme Mr. FBI man. Seriously thought fuck kikes and I hope they all rot in hell! Heil Hitler!
Yea Forums has got to be the dumbest board
me? fbi. nope.
This can't be real.
me? fbi. nope. FUCK KIKES!
hell it radicalize spics too, it's pretty funny
Maybe people generally believe kikes and niggers need to be hanged?
Spics can act pretty white, but aesthetically they are horrible and the language is unpleasant as fuck. I don't like them.
>The fact
you dont know shit
You're right Juan
To be fair only niggers and pajeets can't act like whites.
Yes. Same vein as the people that originally made that copypasta about being a former Trump voter. If you must know the cause of this:
>youtubers jump on the alt-right marketing express (surprise, alt-right is a marketing term created by kikes, to insinuate that white nationalism is brand new rising threat instead of being there all along. This allows for easier framing of white nationalist ideas and easier demonization) during gamergate and the rise of trump
>trump gets in
>the "alt-right movement" starts losing steam (not the actual white nationalism, mind you)
>turns out the youtubers were in it for the shekels
>they go full on lefty "How I was a former neo-nazi, I'm sowrry guys" apologizing bullshit
>Some even go full on "YangGang 2020"
Big examples being Sargon, Shoeonhead and BakedAlaska. So we got fanboys of them, or trannies pretending to be fanboys of them. Were they originally lefty or centrist? God only knows. They're all snakes in the grass and get the rope first.
>“Who inspires you?”
>Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, Adolf Hitler, Robert Bowers, Brenton Tarrant, Ludwig van Beethoven, Moon Man, and Pink Guy.
This is unironically hard to read because of how fucking stupid it is
Why are there so many fucking trannies today. These creatures were almost nonexistent in the 1990s
>“Who inspires you?”
>Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, Adolf Hitler, Robert Bowers, Brenton Tarrant, Ludwig van Beethoven, Moon Man, and Pink Guy.
>“How long have you been playing piano?”
>Ever since I was 4. It was my favorite thing to do then. It is my favorite thing to do now. However, killing Jews might change that—I’ll get back to you on that one.
because that's not motivation, at all, his frontal lobe isn't even fully developed yet and you think the kid has a clue on what motivation is? please, motivation is born after being struck down numerous times by life, getting back up again and finally realizing there's no other option than to move forward, so you might as well go hard
no bitch middle class white kid knows what motivation is, he was just being a good kid to please his (probably insufferable) parents, which amounts to nothing and deep down he knew it, he'd spending his young years much more productively socializing, partying, doing drugs and exploring the world instead of playing the straight bright future kid for his family's amusement, expecting the world out of entitlement, getting shit nothing in return because it all amounts to nothing, only to spergout in the end
>Hey you guys I'm totally not a false flag.
>really promise I'm not
>I'm definitely not a false flag
>take your meds, who said I'm a...
I think you were going for a
>this guy is a spoiled brat
sort of angle, but you ended up with a
>I'm jealous of middle class white people
angle. You tried working a shoot, but you ended up working yourself into a shoot.
/pol/ greased a shitload of sandniggers in nz tho
89/90 are millenials.
75-82 are "boomers"
What's your conclusion now, other than
>I fell for it, but now I see
Well obviously it's TRUE because the shooting happened, Zoomer. Try to think every now and then
yes in official terms, i'm talking about the meme here
if you're 30 years old in 2019 that means you're a boomer.
conclusion to what? My view on life or /pol/ stuff?
I'm talking about them meme here too. What Yea Forums calls "Boomers" are really Gen X.
Then theres Millenial trash.
Then theres Zoomer filth.
He's just a failed copycat.
>a legal gun owner prevented an incel terrorist spree
Democrats BTFO
What a supreme waste of his life, hes reasonably attractive and has enough of an accomplished high school record to get into a decent state school and then get into a decent paying job. He could have done so much more to his autism cause by having a white family but instead he wont even be remembered and probably discouraged /pol/cels from even trying another mass shooting
Even if your retarded philosophy was true, how the fuck did this dumb fuck accomplish anything? This shit doesn’t “radicalize normies” or whatever the fuck this dumbass thought he was doing. Everyone is sad for the Jews for a day and then forgets about it. Good job, fucking up your life, your families life, and taking the lives of innocent people for less than nothing.
he was too much of a copycat to realize NZ was a mossad op
Oh so basically, you're an easily lead bitch who can't think critically at all, easily drifted into /pol/, realized you're an idiot for just blindly following any belief, and then easily drifted back out, without learning your lesson? Am I hitting any points?
Do you think he would, Yea Forums?
>shooting happens
>my bullshit about why it happened is fact
>shout pol and other meme words
it has nothing to do with him being spoiled, which I don't claim he is, at least not of his fault, nor with jealousy of the middle class, what I'm hinting at is a deep critique of the entire middle class worldview
the fact that middlecucks stuck in the rat race go "how could such a good kid do this!" is proof they live in consumerist fueled cognitive dissonance, too spooked by it's inevitable crushing into poverty, too tunneled vision by the carrot of upwards mobility, they can't even remember how being a clueless teenager feels like, no empathy for the massive pressure younger generations are under with the world disrupting at every turn and every field
>we stuck the kid in his own room from an early age
>all the TV and videogames he could want
>all the chicken tenders and fast food he could want
>he was a good boy running his little school routines without complaints
>he didn't do drugs was always in a good mood such a nice kid
>we weren't much around the house but
>he had everything!
poor people never do this kind of stuff because they are allowed to follow the natural developmental path that any animal goes through of venturing into the wild on their own, developing their social instincts along the way
parents are at fault for wanting to do better but being completely clueless on life, god I can't even imagine how socially handicapped the current tablet baby generation will turn out to be
wtf are you talking about, I was an impressionable and moronic teenager. No shit? I'll never fall into any thing like this again.
I can honestly say I never got brainwashed by all the /pol/ shitposting - but it’s so sad to see some poor idiot actually buy into all the jokes. The FBI should shut this shithole down before this happens again.
>poor people don't go on shooting rampages
Chicago proves otherwise
>This shit doesn’t “radicalize normies”
The ensuing government crack down in the other hand does. You can't even post the video of him playing the piano on YouTube.
Remember how you people always say we shouldn't crack down hard on Islamic terrorism because it just creates more Islamic terrorists, and we should focus on solving the root causes that motivate them to commit their crimes? Well guess what that logic you supposedly adhered to still applies here.
> I'll never fall into any thing like this again.
>fighting to survive on brutal streets, known nothing but violence from an early age
>rich handsome kid becoming le epic EVROPA DEFENDER because he got spooked by memes
Very different things
At least Brentan took 50 muslims down for a life sentence. Not only did this twerp only kill one Jew, but he did it in the United States of ZOG, where hurting a Jew is the highest crime imaginable. In California I'm sure they have plenty of statutes about "hate crimes" which will guarantee he's in prison forever.
My biggest fear that alt-right or /pol/ will get a hold of a dirty bomb and explode it over some city in the United States and kill tens of millions of people. Because then the blow back against innocent /pol/ users would be terrible
>The FBI should shut this shithole down before this happens again
Reddit did this
Not at all it's exactly the same, as the streets are only brutal only because of the actions of other youth exactly like the thug you trip over yourself to defend.
You're stuck in a bubble my dude. If you think 90% of the population cares. If you were to ask the average white guy whether they would choose the complete extinction of white race or giving up watching sportsball and Netflix, they would choose former.
>The ensuing government crack down in the other hand does.
No it fucking doesn’t, kek. Why do you think people immediately sound the false flag alarm every time this happens? Because this evil shit is every gun grabber’s wet dream. The only thing this kid accomplished was mercing some old lady, that’s it. If anything, he just greased the wheels on gun control.
i think we should crack down on all terrorism
in reality it's the chad islamists vs the virgin white nationalists
>forced to survive
No one forced the gangs to shoot each other.
The developed world will turn into Singapore/Shanghai, with free markets and large businesses paired with government support creating huge amounts of wealth but onerous censorship and surveillance and ruthless punishment keep the population under control. People won't question it because iPhones and big TVs lol
You only need 10% for a takeover.
The other 90% will sit on there ass and watch no matter what happens.
And wait to be told what they are allowed to social media shitpost about.
This is the Nazi brain at work, literally too stupid to analyze anything deeper than BROWN MAN BAD
you /pol/acks really are controlled opposition. you had a chance around 2016 to actually gain traction in the public sphere and influence the workings of the us and national community but you decided shilling for israel and killing a few muslims in the face of millions of migrants is the way to go kek
that's got more to do with chicago/detroit than poor people or teenage behavior though
young males are bound to engage in group allegiances / violent behavior when exploring social boundaries, that's normal, it's just that in these hyperviolent shitholes it ceases to be healthy exploration
anyway that's normal behavior, what isn't normal is holing up on your room consuming /pol/'s propaganda and convincing yourself of some grand conspiracy and how you're responsible for stopping it, that's why we need enforced diversity and to ban home schooling, so these kids get at least a minimum dose of reality in the only environment they'd be forced to attend
>thing is nazi
Look mom! I analyzed!
>it's normal behavior to form gangs and shoot each other up
>it's totally fine to loot and break into houses
Go be a nigger somewhere else
You seem to know so much about pol yet you are accusing everybody else of being under its influence
normal stuff bro
>le repeating what I posted with le funny green words and wacky reaction image to make a point
>John Earnest
Thats a crypto-jew name if Ive ever heard one this guy is a shapeshifter 100%
Therefore if "nazi" activity will just become more normal instead of random freak occurrences then it will be cool.
he looks like tyler the creator
because Mossad suicided him and then make up some fake story that he tried to kill the chosen people so now the jews can push more laws
but its totally not a hate crime
and thats whats important.
Now that is a meme I haven't seen in a very long time!
if it were a nigger you would be celebrating lol
>If anything, he just greased the wheels on gun control.
No one is going to fucking comply and the ATF shooting old boomers because they won't turn over their Durr rifle in the name of protecting Jews is horrible optics for a government that wants to hold onto power.
no, mongoloid
it's normal young male behavior to organize in groups and engage in rough play, it starts in the playground and in most of the world in most of the cases it never evolves past harmless posturing and self-affirmation, only when other factors come into play things blow over, like the lure of drug trafficking or the zealotry of football
what isn't normal is to lash randomly against the group, that does further self-development at all, the person that does is stuck in an abnormal place, put there by abnormal socialization into society
1) You are just showing what kind of person you are
2) my hypothetical level of celebration over a fictional event has nothing to do with any of this.
different colleges rank candidates differently but you are kidding yourself if you think they dont weigh a B in an AP class more than a non-AP class
>society did it
Society didn't put the guns in their hands.
>rough play
you are really fucking stupid
Tyler the Defenestrator
>pol put dat gun der muh nigga
Not at all, I'm simply asking for you to be consistent in your apologia for violence.
nigs chimp out in chicago cuz of pol
mic drop
>/pol/ is the reason why niggers chimp out
Yeah nah you're off your rocker. Close tab m8.