The absolute state of Yea Forums

Give me your solutions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ban anyone who complains about superhero movies. They suck

More Baneposting

Bring back Baneposting.


>ban capeshit
>ban redditspacing faggots
>allow çunny
>allow pornthreads
>make Yea Forums NSFW

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ban anybody who posts anime (that isn't Dragon Ball) and more sneed

why don’t you just go to the capitol of superhero posting on the internet? just go back to rèddit...

More husbando and homolust threads

this thread is gonna disappear rather quickly you'll see

Mods need to permaban that dude that keeps posting pictures of suggestively dressed 8-year-olds.

I suppose it isn't technically CP, but it's certainly inappropriate.

david lunch lol

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They have a film board at reddi.t. Why dont you go there because Yea Forums obviously love superheroes?

ban shatner and blacked posters

Based David Lunch poster.

Remove /pol/bait threads

Teach people how not to bump shill and bait threads . fucking the_donald boomers get triggered about every fucking thing and that makes them easy to manipulate. If you are over 30 please leave this board or stop getting triggered

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Lol I’m not going to change the way I’ve been spacing my posts since 2007 because a couple election tourists realized it looks similar to their reddit posts

Kys fucking nigger


I love you

/capeshit/ containment

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Containment board for everything

Delete /pol/
Seriously, those cockroaches will scuttle away from this website, probably head to gamergatechan, and quality will improve on every single board.

Fire the mods.

Only One Solution, a White Revolution, TV IS HENCEFORTH A WHITES ONLY BOARD. NO NIGGERS, NO MUDSLIMES, NO INDIANS (towel or feather), NO SPICS, NO ITALIANS. furthermore, we Demand the removal of liberal mods. TV shall HENCEFORTH BE RIGHTWING ONLY, NO MORE FAGGOTS, NO OBAMA LOVERS, NO Trannys. Let's take our board back boys

Reddithomo detected

you have to go back

Ban capeshit, got and star wars

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One thread for capeshit. Anything else gets deleted. This has gone on long enough and I like capeshit.

Get back or bring back all of the old Yea Forums tripfags like I

ban sneed

I’m not even going to bother proving my point to you, underage faggot don’t (You) me again


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>I'm a moral Yea Forums user
really dude? really? have you considered dying lately and stream it so we have more terrible stuff to post?

Ban blacks, women, gays, jews and other brownskins

Fuck off paleface

improved my Yea Forums experience. needs tweaking though.


A sticky general thread dedicated to foot-fetish posting and giantess posting.

Share filter

Just wordfilter "sex" and "incel" to "poontang" and "hermit" to be honest

Yea Forums would me miles better with far less rules and far less Jannie meddling.

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Filter "sneed" to "cringe" while you're at it

the mods and jannies need to be replaced
theyre complete fucking onions faggots for allowing the entire board to be flooded like this and even enabling it with that fucking embarrassment of a sticky

Having sex.

capeshit general, sneed general, cunny general

well be fine

Ban all right-wingers/incels/cuckservatards

Everybody leave until hiro allows sound webm s.

Fucking this and the board is fixed. If you want to fix the website ban everyone who looked at /pol/ from every other board but /pol/. Back to 2008 levels of quality.

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universal removal of (you)s
ban all nonconstructive criticism (unrelated-to-discussion shitposting, ad hom screeching and turd flinging wars, buzzwords, etc)
ban all political posting on either side that has nothing to do with the immediate movie topic at hand
make all bans public

Turn it in to a gran turismo sport enthusiast board and ban gayfers

>ban all political posting
Kys libtard

Eat dirt, /pol/nigger

Delete the whole site and bring it back online at a random point in the future without prior announcement. Preferably leave it dead long enough for all the normalfags to find their next hot topic tier website.

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Pretty much this.

Only way to do it organically would be to try and recreate it's original conditions as closely as possible.

The issue, unfortunately, is that it just got too popular and too mainstream. The anonymity was good for social outcasts who felt more comfortable posting as anons but it lends itself too easily to social media types that just like to shitpost with out any tact or scruple.

Aren't boards allowed one meta thread?

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honestly this doesn't sound like a good idea

Unironically nothing. Yea Forums is a great board, miles better than liberal pandering reddit.

you've both been banned.

Sure it does you normalfag cunt.

>Aren't boards allowed one meta thread?
This rule literally lasted barely a month before being revoked and replaced with an announcement that "all meta belongs on /qa/" ages ago.

I want to revoke whoever revoked that rule.

make a disney board as a containment for marvel and star wars flooding which is clearly done by viral advertisers which is explicitly against board rules.

/dis/ NOW

Oh, aren't you the edgy one? Impressive!

because containment boards work so well now.

>Seethe and seeth
>Rentfree and rent free
Replace them all with xxxx so none of the terms can be identified
Permaban ( anyone who creates twitter/clickbait/political threads

I forgot to add cringe to filters aswell

kill whites

i feel like mods actually doing their jobs and enforcing board rules would also take care of the problems listed in your post.

Do that got GOT and every other company with capeshit.

ban Russians and all eastern Euro cucks. Even the ones that aren't paid shills are still in a totalitarian cult that only trains people to act like malignant niggers. They turn everything into newspeak, and just train kids how to use whataboutism and ad hominem to support their lack of an argument.

This should stop being an ESL practice board for a bunch of retard cultists in shithole countries spreading their cancer.

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reddit is a state of mind

>t 2016 invader
you should go kiddo

I agree actually, the number of ESL illiterate posters I come across on Yea Forums nowadays is astounding.

This poster is a nigger shill from a foreign shithole country. Prove that you're a western white lad I'll go first.

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Rise the age cap. Instead of 18 you must now be 25 to post here.
Also ban threads about the following topics:

- Reality TV
- MCU, DCU, capeshit in general, SW or Disney shills in general
- send politics back to /pol/ and anime back to Yea Forums

Limit capeshit to a general. Limit star wars to a general. Ban anyone posting capeshit ir starwars outside of them. Perma ban cunny poster and send their info to fbi and interpol.

This entire board must be purged

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500 year ban on any capeshit/disney discussion

oh they're always nuking fun and wholesome and meme threads. Can't have them catching on. This board is a propaganda outlet for culture wars scandal bait horseshit. So that'll just bump along all day while everything else is over moderated.

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I mean yeah, why is this not done? It happens with dr who and /trek/