what was the message of this movie?
What was the message of this movie?
Have sex.
women are sluts and the elites are CUHHHRAAAAAAZY!
don't die before you can reveal the truth to the masses
this but unironically.
Have less sex
Cross the kikes and you'll have a heart attack.
These (((people))) have names and addresses. Introduce them to the caliber of your choice. Subscribe to PewDiePie.
it's about sex as a primal selfish urge vs sex as intimacy in an actual relationship. the point is that they're not compatible.
Which movie?
Stand back gentlemen, AUTISM coming through:
The Elites are Satanists and Pedophiles as well as pedovires.
They acquire these children through "breeders", women who's only purpose is to birth children to be their play things (think Game of Thrones with that dude and his daughters past the wall).
With all this set, you now have the premise for Eyes Wide Shut.
At the end of the movie, they hand off their daughter to 2 old men to move up the ranks of the (((cult))), like what happens in real life.
The tiger the prostitute has on her bed is the same one in the shop that the daughter has, this foreshadows what Tom Cruise's daughter will become.
When a child gets molested / raped repeatedly, they almost always tend to be over sexual, which explains the frisky girl at the beginning of the movie: Its all but guaranteed she was handed off as a child like Toms daughter but stayed with the occult as a frisky semon demon.
The cut scenes involved the daughter inside the mansion (there's a single screenshot showing Tom with his family on a row boat).
One confirmed cut scene involves Tom walking in to a room with a pentagram on the floor.
The movie has an insane amount of Satan and Jewish symbolism that I'm just not autistic enough to find.
Despite all this, its still a good movie on its own, disturbing truths aside.
Always know your passwords
can't tell if this is jerry maguire or vanilla sky.
>Those digits
That's a Yikes from me dog
>One confirmed cut scene involves Tom walking in to a room with a pentagram on the floor.
The cut party scenes had more than just a pentagram you LARPing faggot.
(J) (E)yes (W)ide (S)hut
You've scratched the surface. Good job, but the real meaning comes in when you realize it's about Kubrick. His daughter is represented by Helena, the daughter in the movie given over to the cult. Kubrick's daughter Vivian joined Scientology before the film was finished. Cruise and Kidman were also involved and the actor that plays Ziegler's butler was Michael Doven, another Scientologist. Kubrick was murdered for making the film.
The pedovore stuff is important. Helena is obviously going to be tortured, sacrificed and eaten. The reason why Kidman says they need to fuck as the last line of the movie is because they have to make another kid because their other one is gone.
Good job noticing the tiger, but the meaning is deeper. It's a sign for Beta Kitten programming, part of MKULTRA. Notice in the scene where Kidman is fighting with Cruise there are curtains behind her with what look like butterflies, Monarch Mind Control.
Like Helena, the prostitute Cruise met on the street is likely also dead by the end of the film, like Helena will be.
I don't believe there was ever confirmation of any cut scenes at the mansion. It wouldn't make much sense, considering the rest of the movie is about where what Cruise saw was real or not.
And finally yes it is a VERY Jewish movie. It was filmed at a Rothschild mansion, the Rothschild parties of the 70s were quite similar, and the title itself...
FMJEWS or Freemason Jews
Don't sell your daughter to Scientology.
That was ONE 5 second scene. There was 24 MINUTES cut.
All of which were involving the mansion with the daughter.
The Priest is the guy dancing with Nicole Kidman. The daughter and Nicole were at the mansion that night.
The mansion scene is much longer because its exposing the details of party, it isn't just an orgy in masks; kids are there too
that the people who run hollywood are extremely degenerate jews who practice human sacrifice, human trafficking, including children if you believe the daughter was taken at the end. dont forget, that girl who was anally raped on set (IN REAL LIFE) and later died from sepsis due to a ruptured colon or whatever. it's rumored that the person who did that was steven spielberg.
i should probably specify that girl was like 9 years old btw.
Film on location