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Other urls found in this thread:


Doesn't matter anyway, it's on CBS's streaming service which no one is gonna pay for so no one is going to see it

reminder that John Landis directed a scene even when the weather wasn't good enough to shoot, leading to the death of Vic Morrow and two children. I highly doubt anything what Peele does will lead to the death of anyone while filming.

I was thinking about this scene and starting a thread for other kino movie deaths a little while ago user

Guarenteed at least one person will die by the loss of brain cells sustained with viewing this shit show


there won't be an episode of Twilight Zone that is as kino as this

>the twilight zone reboot is a fucking comedian

is hosted by*


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>does one okay-ish horror movie... with 'woke' themes

>he's a horror MASTER! let's put him in charge of The Twilight Zone!

Political ideology makes people do stupid things.

He's trying to be serious director man now

Thank God.

He made 2. And he's the closest thing to an auteur to come out of the past 3 years.

Deal with it and go watch a superhero movie that describes your philosophy of the world down to a T, and gives you amazing insights into human nature, Puh-leeby YT.

Yeah once I heard that I figured I would never hear about this stunt ever again. Even my sister who knows I love Twilight Zone hasn't even mentioned it, she just knows.

that's a racism :(


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>And he's the closest thing to an auteur to come out of the past 3 years.
You say it like that has any weight. It's THREE years, user. That's nothing.

I cringed, thanks.

I don't give a shit what else he's done, new Twilight Zone is shit

Yes because that nigger's philosophy of the world is so profound, original, and unique, right?

have sex

like max landis best friends of the rlm crew?

Spectator is an extreme right wing UK magazine with a history of emloying racists and anti-semites. Of course they're going to hate the black mans success

His dad is a murderer

this is literally a hate crime, you can't just say something a black person did was bad

Reminder that Peeles entire career boost is due to nepotism, he is married to the sister of the founder and ceo of huffington post.

There is footage of this incident.

Jordan Peele is lowkey a genius y’all. Did a Russian bot write this article or something? Just goes to show how the alt-right controls the media in Amerikkka *sips tea*

This will shock you, 'auteur' doesn't mean affirmative action user.

>Art Tavana is a conservative, libertarian columnist at Playboy and contributor at National Review. An Armenian refugee from Iran

Ah, a retard

Can someone locate exactly when and why woke twitter started saying "y'all"? It just seems like angry, high-strung white chicks trying to seem a little cooler and blacker, or maybe more light-hearted and cute? It's soooo lame.

>Puh-leeby YT

>an auteur
As in a director with total control over his projects like a novel writer?
Why do liberal wastes of human genome tend to pretend that flowing with the narrative pushed by Jews in all media forms and outlets thorough America and Western Europe is somehow game changing and brave?
Oh god he is breaking all norms and stands by his vision by putting black people and woke criticism of white race in his movies!

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imagine unironically hiring both Rod Liddle and Taki

max landis is his son

Just his own career

Israeli politicians are constantly xenophobic towards other people so I don't care if it happens to them. They deserve it.

what's wrong with Armenian people?

Peele isn’t even the greatest horror director of the past decade.

Someone tell me what happened in this Twilight Zone reboot and why everyone is so mad about it

hypocrisy is delicious

As a white southerner the only thing that legitimately "triggers" me is that y'all is now a black twitter word and is cool to say. I've been shit on by the elite my entire life for being southern and now the "retard speak" we get shit on for is cool because niggers do it on twitter

Because he thought it was a tragedy

extreme right is illegal in the UK, so I call bullshit.

He'd a racist negroe, nobody wants him on there.

he's the current based black man similar to how everyone pretended to like idris elba to prove they are totally not racist

Pretty sick job you did there totally refuting his article, well done! Incredible! Haha! It's funny how liberals are just as braindead as the conservatives they make fun of. You people should be exterminated

You can't criticize Peele that's racist

They made an episode where a white person is portrayed in a negative light.

>John Landis directed a scene even when the weather wasn't good enough to shoot
Wasnt that shot indoors on a soundstage?

Go look at Max Landis' assblasted response to it kek.


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the racist and the anti-semite.

That's the whole thing... y'all has always been something only people in the south - black or white - would say, and you'd NEVER hear a coastal type person say. It's extremely cringey and kind of insulting to see these New York / Portland / SF woke academics and activists saying it suddenly to seem chill and 'with it' with the blacks, suddenly taking on this essentially southern tone which they'd always been mocking for decades as stupid.

Must be quite a door opener, being married to a relative of the founder of such an esteemed and respectable publication.

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the tories are in power you nonce

It's just stupid racism shit. White cop hunts down black woman and her husband's son for no reason.

Shit like that. It's like when star trek did the racism episode in which a black captain 600 years from now has a mental breakdown over how his people were treated 1000 years ago. Nevermind how he never experienced racism and is a respected military figure.

Ultra unneccessary and out of place

Reddit pleb detected

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Haven't watched the show, what did he do to it?

>Spectator is an extreme right wing UK magazine with a history of emloying racists and anti-semites. Of course they're going to hate the black mans success

Lies: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spectator

it's gross how people act like this guy doesn't force shit down their throats. he's pretty much a race baiter

Actually dozens of people will die because of the liberal brainwashing he unleashed on the masses, he literally tells people to disrespect authority and not comply with cops.

>It's like when star trek did the racism episode in which a black captain 600 years from now has a mental breakdown over how his people were treated 1000 years ago.
Pill me on this, how was it resolved.
Also, I take it that the nuTwiZone didnt get better? I saw the first two episodes when they were released and they went on way too long.

>Anti Zionist = Anti Semitic

Plots that are bad stretched out more than triple what they needed and politics so heavy handed and groan worthy GI Joe's afterschool specials would tell them to calm the fuck down. The plots make no sense, the actors are doing their best but have to work with shite, and the twists are often times the worst aspect of the episodes. Yes, the twists-if they're there at all-are the worst aspects. Sometimes they don't even arrive, they just go 'and the end.'

>That picture

What the actual fuck. Clown World.

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I watched the first 2 episodes and both were shit

Not even going to bother with the rest of this garbage. This retarded sjw is no Rod Serling and has no idea how to write a Twilight Zone episode

Actually if a white person types "y'all" on twitter they take a LOT of shit for it and are labeled racist

I don't think anyone is insane enough to fly a helicopter or have a helicopter be flown on an enclosed space.



Middle aged white women use the black fist emoji a lot too.

Seeing the minorities he employs in his show, I do wish people died during their filming

Is Peele even a writer for it? The first two episodes went on waaayyyy too long. Do they need to hit a quota in time or something?

In hollywood for fucking sure it is, he also co founded buzzfeed

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ahead of its time

Jordan Peele didn't write any episodes or run the show, he just presented it.

A corporation like CBS doesn't act on political ideology, they act on profit.

It will lead to the death of several people once he starts the race war.

Get off of twitter if you arent on it for anime titties. It's a bubble.

Taki is based

He's just some fuck from mad tv who made one okay horror movie and another mediocre one...whoop dee doo.

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I always knew RLM had some kind of connection to the murder of Vic Morrow and 2 Asian children

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Jordan Peele has writing credits per IMDB

They banned my phone number and email. I use dummy emails to make account but they keep getting locked because phone number is mandatory now.

>believing this in current year + 4

How is this nigger supposed to be 50% white? The other one looks like it but he doesn't.

How did it get resolved? It didn't. He had his breakdown and cried about slavery and that was that. There was no resolution and nobody was like "dude that was literally 1000 years ago and you don't even live on earth anymore". He just cried and I think then passed it to his son because you can never forget the 6 million slaves

Meant for:

>Yea Forums hates this man

sorry guys I can't empathize with you

Why? Why the fuck are you tweeting? Twitter is for following anime fan art accounts and other weeb shit.

he (Max) actually talked about this in the interview they did with him, how basically people make helicopter jokes to him every day. I actually felt bad for the guy, not like it was his fault

This was the original series? How did the other crew respond?

What the fuck kind of response is this? You seriously can't handle anyone criticizing this faggot?
Fuck off nigger.

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ok but is she hot

I know this is bait but Get Out was unironically Kino. Anyone who hates on it here probably didnt even see the movie and thinks its just “evil whitey killing black men”

genetics doesn't work like racists think.

No they lock you without you tweeting now. Make a new accuont with email and they'll lock it for no reason, then ask for a phone number.

here you go guys, its pretty brutal

Mutts are usually quite unattractive and have very puffy features, moreso than full blood nigs
t. live in multicult utopia

So you made an account, didnt tweet with it and then ban your phone number? Contact an admin if you could.

How unlucky could someone possibly be?

i couldn't watch more than 10 minutes of the bug eyed nigger and his white girlfriend

Look at him seething because people call his dad a murderer. This is from his reddit account.

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I actually kind of enjoyed Get Out, thought it was amusing, but let's be honest - it's not at all nuanced or intelligent as any kind of commentary or critique... it's literally, sweepingly just making white people out to be an evil, malevolent race. That doesn't bother me so much because I really don't care about what people think, and kind of expect people to have biases, but that viewpoint of the film is about as sophisticated as some racist cartoon caricature.

He's credited as a writer.

This was ds9. I don't remember the crew getting involved or having opinions on it

I watched it randomly without knowing who the hell Peele was or anything else and I thought it was just alright, I didn't understand why it was being praised like it was the second coming of Christ.

His last name sounds italian, yet I'm getting a different vibe from that nose...

>Racist conservative rag doesn't like a black guy

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I really dont give a shit who dies I just want the show to be good

Theres something very familiar about that hand pose too.....

He makes a fair point.

I don't really like black people either, and for your information neither do most people here.

woahhhh EPIC freakout, the dude should really just have the same opinion on his own father as everyone else! total "seethe" dude

lmao u bootlicker

if you do a twister move wrong in America cops can blast you 14 times and all the punishment they get is "administrative leave"

complying with authorities lol, such a cucked thing to type

Sure, but they also make mistakes and are capable of being infiltrated.

Hi Max. Your father should be rotting in jail.


he wrote 1 of them "Nightmare at 30,000 Feet"

I think what makes Peele slightly better than just some director of total dreck is that he writes his (main) characters pretty interestingly, and the comedy can be pretty successful. Of course, that's only the black characters, who he's making sure to depict as well-rounded, decent but not without flaws, interesting, etc. The white characters, on the other hand, let's be honest, are straight up caricatures. The girlfriend in Get Out was some stereotype of a 'basic white girl'. Her dad was a cringey try-hard, wealthy leftist. Her brother a stereotypical evil, toxic white male. In Us, the main character's white friends were just supposed to be 'awful white people'... a douchebaggy, privileged white guy bragging about his boat, his greedy, jaded, image-obsessed wife, their weird aloof kids.

I was starting to compliment Peele there in saying that his characters are well written but then remembered he's only doing that for his heroes and then making everyone else awful... so I guess while there's some capability demonstrated in his lead character writing, he really is a pretty shitty and dishonest writer and artist to be making literal racist caricatures.

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Way to ruin Twilight Zone, you fuck.

Hey, don't complain. Examples of wokeness creating bad art shows everyone how lame wokeness is.

recommend me some modern horrorkino

>I didn't understand why it was being praised like it was the second coming of Christ.
liberals are under the impression that minorities are all retards who can't do anything for themselves, hence why they need so many handouts from whitey, so when a minority proves that he's capable of doing something of acceptable quality without the help of whitey it's a huge event to them and they celebrate. to them it's kind of like the feeling a parent gets when their child makes potty in the toilet all on their own and is ready for big boy pants now.

It was ok.

Us was terrible. Get Out was alright but man was Us just so dumb.

Complying with the moral authorities is exactly what you're doing though. Even though you know them to be fucking stupid

speak for yourself, /pol/cel. and head back while you're at it.

That one went on way too long. Also thought it was dumb how even the flight attendant beat him to death when everyone saw it wasnt him who crashed the plane.

I saw that thread! It was a good thread.

I used to think this was true, or would eventually become true, but instead of jettisoning wokeness in art people just lower their expectations of the art they experience.

Get Out felt like a weird trip, like I didn't know if it was supposed to be some sort of absurdist comedy or it was being serious. Wealthy old white men that actually unironically desire to be black men, people owning and using windows phones, etc.

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Funny how it's okay to knock trump in every way possible, except his support of Israel.
I mean sure, you can't compare black people to monkeys, but you can criticism them in more general ways.
But the INSTANT you even mention certain people, everything's gotta be shut down.

Childless middle aged white women with short hair cuts are a key part of the struggle for black liberation.

Reminder that the first episode had the dialogue “Suck my Vagina”.

And another episode had “Whipple news”.

the twilight show was always kind of shitty

like any long running tv show like dr who but especially an anthology. it has so many bad episodes that fans can just gloss over

I actually was kind of amused because he was shitting on virtue signalling white people, which is funny and gratifying and well-deserved, let's be honest, but yeah the notion that wealthy white people would ever want to be black is ludicrous. Keep telling yourself that, Jordan.


I mean we all know that when genetic-engineering starts happening, every wealthy family of every background is going to give their kids the blondest, most Nordic aesthetics possible. I say this not out of racism but because look at what Beyonce does, look at how Asians cosmetically enhance themselves, look at the skin-whitening treatments in Africa.

The wealthy, even the non-Euroean-descent ones, will engineer themselves to be as white as possible, and the upper caste, as always, will continue to be lighter. It's just always been kind of a signifier of elite status.

take your pills schizo

for me auteur is someone who is making original unique work with very personal style, outside the safe hollywood plot driven schlock zone. Pelee is definitely not auteur, he is making plot driven hollywood generic schlock

>occasionally as a weapon to attack the Jews
based hecklers

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Btw, saying this is bad makes you a Nazi. Welcome aboard.

>for me auteur is someone who is making original unique work with very personal style, outside the safe hollywood plot driven schlock zone. Pelee is definitely not auteur,

especially considering twilight zone has already been rebooted twice, was a spiritual successor to older shows, and had at least a half dozen of its own spiritual successors. its literally one of the most common/cliche/troped/meme'd tv series in tv history.

>extreme right
I forgot the retarded left consider everything left of Mao as extreme right.

Yeah I'd say his work is more schlock too, especially after seeing Us. Get Out seemed to be a little cleverer than average, not in its concept, but in some of its jokes (specifically the main character's TSA friend), but the film itself really had no sense of style, a totally bland, non-descript cinematography.

I will agree about with the RLM guys in their comparison to M. Night Shamyalon... where there's a slight wonkiness to Peele's movies, that I think isn't so much personal idiosyncrasy as just ineptness or clumsiness in certain aspects, that ends up feeling sort of like a personal style but in an off way.

Seems like something a soulless kike would do. Google him, I was right. He didn't face jail time or anything. Check his lawyer, also a kike.
Shit is so obvious, like they run the world and there's nothing you can do to them even if they kill kids and its on tape.

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>Picture a world that looks like our own, where art is no longer judged based on its merit, but on the identity and beliefs of the people who make it. Where men are no longer judged by the content of their character or their deeds, but by the color of their skin and the empty words they write on ephemeral, digitally-rendered walls. Where a man’s character and integrity can be called into question in the kangaroo court of the public forum, based on no more than his opinion of a multi-billion-dollar corporation’s products. Such a world may seem nightmarish, but it can be found down a particular aisle in your local grocery store, cleverly concealed behind the refrigerated cabinets of šōîmilk and a door that leads to ... the Twilight Zone.

wait a sec

they took a show that makes you use your brain a little bit and tried to make it into a show for niggers?

the nigger zone

You can be a shlock auteur, dumbass. William Castle, Hitchcock, Corman, etc.

I'd just like to know... can Peele make an inspired movie that isn't a really hamfisted, didactic spiel on race.

Because if not, then he's a shit artist and fuck him.

considering "y'all" has been used by literally everyone in the south for generations and was not invented by blacks nor has it ever been exclusively a part of negrobonics, I really doubt it.

Go back to pol

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If you had shown me this without context, I would think it was fake.
Amazing how the fictitious veneer of the background explosives blends so seamlessly with the actual horror taking place. Is this some kind of twisted synecdoche for how Hollywood has warped the public's perception of reality? Is this the true origin of clown world?

The Twilight Zone is my favorite TV series, and knowing it I felt like this kind of behavior was inevitable to see given how hamfisted and mainstream leftist politics are. I say this because Sterling himself was already a pretty liberal guy so it was logical progression to get to this point.

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Peel is like the situation with donald glover. Funny guy who does sketch comedy suddenly tries to get into drama, and becomes an insanely delusional and egotistical narcissist with a literal god complex

You forgot to mention it came from a stereotypical loud and sassy black woman. That kind of attitude is so fucking out of place in the show.

Except Atlanta is actually really well written and acted. Peele is a meme.
Everything Glover has done outside Atlanta is terrible but that show is great.

>CBS streaming service
Sounds horrible, I hate all these new services.

Is it for the boomer crowd?

The error is who's holding the leash because it's clearly the war kikes here and abroad, or picture Trump as the big dog and Israel the tail, but here the tail wags the dog.
But at least these journalists don't do it for free.

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Not that user... True, but I don't think Peele is anywhere in that vicinity.

I suppose it's my own personal scruples but I feel there should be a term or concept for lesser auteurs, like Nolan, Soderbergh, Peele or Shamylon... directors that aren't making totally anonymous hack studio projects, but who don't get grouped in with the likes of Hitchcock either.

Maybe the issue is that these guys are middlebrow / middling. 'Auteur' technically just implies that the project is that of one person's vision / direction, but it usually also comes loaded with implications of some degree of brilliance / vision / notable style. And then you have a lot of B movie / dreck directors that have their own style too, that some might arguably say have their own appeal as well... but with Soderbergh, Peele, or imo, Nolan, they're still too bland and middling, despite still technically being under a single director's vision, to qualify as that much of a vision. Maybe I'd just call them 'middlebrow auteurs', which I think implies everything I'd dismiss / criticize about their work.

holy fuckin shit
Weird how I've been watching fucked up 'watch people die' videos online since like 97 and never stumbled across this one

>tv show not that good
a POLITICAL failure

fucking christ

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>Everything Glover has done outside Atlanta is terrible

>I don't want to be known as t he race guy

>american newspaper publishes an article with their opinion
>user screencaps it and posts on Yea Forums
>it's now a fact

Why do you do this, Yea Forums? Disregard posts like this and move one. It's extremly subjective and I wouldn't be surprised if it was pushed by shills.

I'm predicting it now: 'y'all' will continue to be a popular fad among woke coastals, until some scowling bearded journalist takes it upon himself to write a thinkpiece, lecturing everyone, from his home in Manhattan, on how 'y'all' is a BLACK invention and that whites using it are taking part in cultural theft and appropriation, and then everyone on woke twitter who had been using it will suddenly descend on actual southerners who use it naturally for being racists.


Seething /leftypol/-tard, the spectator is based

was it cbs that cancelled their most watched sitcom because the main actor was a conservative or were they the ones that fired the fat comedian woman that had high ratings because she called someone a monkey ?

Not really. The BNP still exists.

>un-ironically believes everything right of stalin is "extreme"

recessive and dominant genes you got to be extra lucky to look whiter if you're a mutt pretty funny desu

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>past 3 years
very specific timeframe.
I smell jewish trickery.

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now it is considered a black invented word and only black people can use it

along with Aint, and Folks


it will lead to the death of the franchise

B-b-b-b-but conan went to a beautiful resort in haiti and said was a paradise.....

Noooooooo anything but that!!!
rape me, burn my house down and beat me to within an inch of my life, but please no racism!! it’s the worst thing I could ever imagine happening and I see it a thousand times a day!! arghhhhhh the racists are winning nooooooooo

Do you mean John "I can't" Landis?

I dont see what the big deal is, his son wants to be a scary monster for Halloween and the dad is helping him. Seems based.

Weird people exist. Surprise!

>saying this is bad makes you a Nazi
Not really.


>The night scene called for Morrow's character to carry the two children across the river while being pursued by US soldiers in a helicopter. The helicopter was piloted by Vietnam War veteran Dorcey Wingo.[10][11] During the filming of the scene, Wingo stationed his helicopter 25 feet (7.6 m) from the ground and, while hovering near a large mortar effect, he turned the aircraft 180 degrees to the left for the next camera shot.[12] The effect was detonated while the helicopter's tail-rotor was still above it, causing the rotor to fail and detach from the tail. The low-flying helicopter spun out of control. Morrow dropped Chen into the water. As Morrow was reaching out to grab Chen, the helicopter fell on top of Morrow and the two children. Morrow and Le were decapitated by the helicopter's main rotor blades while Chen was crushed to death by the helicopter's right landing skid.[5]


>occasionally as a weapon to attack jews which the oddest of all.
Yea it's so weird how Jews sit atop the JEWdicial system and it's so weird how jewish nepotism works.
>the jew cries out in pain as he stabs you on the back

>Little kids died
yeah, little kids who wouldn't be there if not for his father literally breaking child labour laws


People switched to Yall when Guys became problematic and misogynist


No wonder his dad killed himself. He had a faggot for a "son".

yes, based on racist bullshit stormfag

Holy fuck this post is embarrassing for numerous reasons. I really hope you dont think you're anything other than a retard.

>speak for yourself, /pol/cel. and head back while you're at it.

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>haha just quircky, weird people castrating their kids

Get Out was fine US was laughably horrible. Peele didn't even know if he was making a horror movie or a comedy film.

there's no clearer sign this place has been invaded during the 2016 elections than obvious bait posts like receiving legitimate angry replies

Are you retarded? Drag queen Halloween costumes don't involve castration.

What? john landis isn't even dead

Watch Live PD for a few episodes. Come back and tell us all how well the typical person complies with the authorities.

What a shitty portrait artist. Meuller looks like he has lip liner and eye liner on.

oy gevalt i just wanna pay an 8 year old to do a striptease, why can't you be more tolerant?

"Us" is a fantastically mediocre movie that is saved by the performances for the bulk of its runtime before dying a shuddering, lurching death in its last act. It is neither well thought-out nor particularly well-structured.

Horror should be impactful. The closest "Us" ever comes to making a mark is the ten minutes after the tether family first shows up.

my bad, that comes later ;)

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Not really, but okay.

Why is the new Twilight Zone so bad, outside of its hamfisted messages? Watching it just feels off.

Nah peele just sucks, every movie he made looks the same. yawnn

What are you talking about

wtf i like landis now

Sounds extremely painful.

Part of it's all the cussing. Thus may sound weird, but it really takes my out of it. "Gritty, realistic Twilight Zone" is an oxymoron. It has always been thought-provoking, occasionally spooky family fare. Now I feel like I could end up watching an episode about a strung-out tranny with magic, ruby slippers.

If I were to actually be watching it anymore.

Jazz is a Big Guy.

Have you considered that auteur theory (singular vision = better films) might just be bullshit and you're bending over backwards to believe it?

>the Jew cries out in pain as he has you decapitated by a helicopter

That's one thing. The profanity really hurts the tone of the series.

That's only 3 though, more black people will die when they see this and act like dumbasses to cops because they think it's always unfair, racist, and illegal for the police to shoot them.

What's fucked up isn't the fact that they're "weird people", even though dressing up your kid as a drag queen for halloween might border on child abuse it technically isn't, it's the fact that a media outlet is reporting it as a paragon of incredible parenting.

Niggers are animals and everyone knows it. Its the truth. And people are saying it more every day and you literally cannot stop it :)

Love how he can't help but make this an antisemitism thing by the end.
I actually had sympathy for him/his dad until he used the court trial as evidence his father didn't fuck up as opposed to someone (((rich))) buying justice.
I get that you don't want to throw your dad under the bus but he DID fuck up and refusing to admit that kills any sympathy.
>h-he had PTSD
Because on some level he knew he was responsible, you slimy faggot. And instead of admitting that, he makes his dad out to be the victim.


Man, the HuffPost is a shitrag, but they are actually endorsing CP.

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for jew

>He doesn't have CBS All Access for Big Brother
what a fucking poser

That's not CP.

Keep coping

Nah, I think that nearly everything that I love in film is usually the product of strong direction with a certain approach. Obviously a team made the film but in these cases each member was chosen and assigned by the director with a certain coherent intent, rather than everyone just kind of democratically doing their own thing and the result being brilliant.

Not that I'm against the possibility of good films resulting from more committee-like efforts or commercial projects lacking any personal vision, but I think in film at least these tend to be generally much worse.

That doesn't mean that singular vision / author = good though.

Not an argument.

>he actually believes this

fuck outta here cavebeast devil.
y’all white “”””people”””” finna get GOT

yeah i stopped watching after episode 4. this project could have possibly had potential.

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When President Lincoln died, people in the theater at the time assumed it was all just part of the show. Humans have a very bad sense of reality when even the most minute elements of fiction are present.

Tbf, there's no way those aren't diversity hires to protect the group from racism accusations.

tokenism is a tool of white supremacy.
y’all think we ain’t onto your shit

What's it like being a halfwit?

The original Twilight Zone was political, sure, but at least it was smart about it
This new show has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer
> Cops BAD
> Trump BAD
> Black people GOOD
Peele is a one-trick pony

what’s it like being a halfdick? ;)

Jordan is a giga negro. Get woke go broke

>/pol/ unironically supports Israel now
What habbend bros

God forbid minorities make their own decisions and don't subscribe to a single party. Black republicans are based.

Nice troll. The funny thing is that when a black is present in some elite progressive platform / content, it's always tokenism and lacking any substance, but on the contrary, when a black person is taking part in anything conservative, it's because they really believe in it and want to be there, and were included because of the content, not because of their race.

I'm mildly left-leaning centrist btw. But FUCK wokism!

Let’s not shit ourselves. Nearly everyone who isn’t 100% White wants to eradicate White people. Even many White people want this. Jordan Peele, a mulatto whose mother is White, want this.

What is the tranny obsession with cock?

No they don't, they are just butthurt. They just want to be white people.

>OMG these people don’t want Muslim rape gangs to attack any more kids, the fucking Nazis!

The left are garbage. Literal garbage.

Shut up

Neither is "cringe," nigger

Yeah, whereas huffpo's all female staff happened totally organically without any agenda.














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I think it's just that the bar for horror movies is so disgustingly low, that by the time we get a half decent one in the last decade it seems amazing and ground-breaking by comparison.

What I'll never understand, I mean I understand it, but... how progressives constantly dismiss white working class people for being mildly conservative thus EXTREMELY sexist (they're not at all sexist actually) and essentially admit they'd be giddy to see working class whites wiped out, but then defend Muslim and black people who are exponentially more conservative and shitty towards women than whites have ever, EVER been.

I mean it's just some straight-up gaslighting. I mean, just admit it, you're anger towards whites is just a rebellion against your parents / home town, and hypocritical defense of (disgusting) Muslim culture completely incongruent with the supposed claims you make about equality and opposition to some so-called 'rape culture' (of which Islam actually completely qualifies).

Spectator is a British magazine, irrelevant.

And then...

for no reason at all...

That was the LEAST 'woke' of them all so far

>the black mans success
He is half black

>peele is considered an auteur on Yea Forums in 2019
absolute yikes of this state

Sneed bought into Chuck's.

Yeah, Get Out was like a cheap made-for-tv movie, and Us was just a generic masked home invasion movie. Where's the unique vision exactly?

Oh, right, the characters were BLACK, though. Profound.

Sterling was a God damn war hero and all around badass, infinitely more patriotic than all the current faggot alt right whores. He could do as he pleased

>And he's the closest thing to an auteur to come out of the past 3 years.
'The VVitch' was a directorial debut that came out in the past three years and completely blows 'Get Out' and 'Us' out of the fucking water. I'll give you three guesses as to why it wasn't even nominated for an academy award but 'Get Out' won for best screenplay,

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Vic Morrow is himself a Jew

Also Hereditary.

>become a drag queen
>name yourself bob
I hope this little faggot gets roasted by the drag fags.

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It tries, and falls just short. The only really good episodes are 30,000 and replay.

The Witch was garbage. Us was too though.

Hereditary was a very long joke with a bad punchline.

Max Landis is jewish?
that explains a lot

You can literally see the moment they're split in half

This is insane.

do you also have the "he knew" edit with mike?
that one was my favorite when the allegations started to come

is this picture real?
how is this a real person

The new TZ episodes ranked:
5 > 2 = 4 = 3 > 1
I could honestly do a better job at writing the episode stories and I've barely written a thing in my life.

1: Sucks absolute dick. The moral message didn't make sense and the jokes weren't funny and the spooky things weren't spooky. What kind of comedian opens up with a statement about gun rights and doesn't follow it up with any joke?

2: Was good while it lasted, like flight-plan lite but could have been so much better if it weren't for the cop-out ending. Terrible shoehorning of minority women can be air marshals too message. Well, all it inadvertently showed is that female minority air marshals are apparently terrible at their job.

3. For once the writing wasn't braindead and the plot/metaphor actually made a lot of sense. But the hook just wasn't compelling enough.

4. Absolute best setting of the bunch. This and 2 could have been really good episodes if only the writing wasn't terrible. Obvious reference to The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, except they tried to mash it together with a bunch of other things. The worst part of the writing is that the 'moral dilemma' at its core absolutely fails. The female cop did absolutely nothing wrong yet the episode acts as if she did. She questioned everything and was suspicious of the stranger at every turn, yet somehow letting the sheriff head to the relay station was her fault. The episode acts as if she let the sheriff go to warn the Russians, but as the episode itself points out he could have been going there to check it wasn't being tampered with or to warn the Americans. So even if she did let him go it wasn't a moral failing. And then you have Peele's pseudointellectual garbage about myth and mistruths, when that wasn't even the point of the episode or what happened.

5. The best one to date. Pretty solid writing, and internally consistent even though the premise is outlandish. Obvious reference to It's a Good Life.

The show makes basic mistakes.

>same old tired fuck whitey and fuck drumpf propaganda

Even the NPC's are getting sick of it

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I’m not a tranny, you’re the tranny, you dumb tranny. your HRT is scrambling your puny little brain

This new Twilight Zone feels like it could have been an episode of the old Twilight Zone.

Spectator is a Tory rag

holy shit they literally got cut into pics

>Chen was crushed to death by the helicopter's right landing skid.
but the right landing skid is sticking out of the water in the video

it´s actually even more red pilled
Trump is wearing sunglasses symbolizing him being blind.
the dog or "Israel" is the one leading him, so basically dictating how to run the country

Leftism is literally a mental illness.

Funnily enough this is what Soviet authorities used to say to pathologize dissent.

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The left still does it. It's projection. It's always projection.

that's honestly so fucking unlucky too
like extremely unlucky

some cosmic force wanted that man dead

The left in the USA is nowhere near the Soviet government.

>the point
>your head

Armenians are based, shame about the Kardashians ruining their good name.

>the propellers just land right on top of Morrow and the kids
>if they were just a few feet away it would have missed them


Is the guy that did this still doing a Nosferatu remake or did that get canned?

Old Twilight Zone was also tried to keep you entertained
With Old Twilight Zone, you had a Goblin on the wing of a plane.
With Nu Twilight Zone, you have a podcast...

lol niggers

don't have sex, nigger


Mike there looks more like a friend of mine than he does Mike

lol incel


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Only because they aren't in charge.

You didn't have a point. The fact that the Soviets locked up political rivals after calling them insane is no reason not to lock up actual crazy people today.

only white genocide after the filming is done

The Spectator is a neocon shill website, the agenda pushing here is pathetic

Right winger whites are actually more likely to produce offspring.

>being this much of a tourist

Whatever makes you feel better. Meanwhile Tyrone is fucking your highschool crush

>the Jew cries out in fear as he is dropped from a helicopter

>is this picture real
>book goes behind glasses
based retard

I never crushed on fat white chicks.
If anything she's literally crushing

My dad told me a few days ago about the new Twilight Zone show, and I thought "yeah whatever" but was nice to him. Didn't realize that Peele was the one directing it until my father was putting it on and told me. Raised a red flag in my head. The episode with the 11 year old who becomes president came on and we didn't even get through 10 minutes of it before he moved on to watch his usual late night shows.
How did this retard direct a revival of the Twilight Zone? Awful garbage.

have sex

