Based on my looks, do you think I could legit become an actor? Thanks guys

Based on my looks, do you think I could legit become an actor? Thanks guys.

Attached: yo.jpg (2048x1366, 319K)

>mfw anglos pretend to be human beings

Attached: Kanye-West-Bitchy-Resting-Face.jpg (1000x1000, 254K)

You have very rat-like features user, the tribe will appreciate that and view you as one of their own. Your path to success is pre-ordained

Me on the left (on the right)

yeah this guy looks like a naked mole rat lmfao

Attached: 1520349078708.jpg (495x496, 51K)

Damn, nice cleavage son

He looks like Anna Kendrick, small titties and all

holy shit, Nosferatu is real??

WTF happened to your chest? Did someone punch you really hard and left a crater there?

Not gonna lie, thinkin about fuckin your tits bro


why does literally everyone in this picture look Jewish

You would be great in a Hills have eyes reboot

me in the back on the right

Gucci shit is soo fuckin ugly lmao I’m not even a /fa/g but jfc how do people think that looks good?

why are russian people so ugly and poorly dressed?


Is your name Ronny, perchance?

Background WP skinhead #325. Dem tittys, though.

I'd suckle on those milkers

пoшeл нaхyй, пидop

job tvoyu mat, hui

that chick's gorgeous
is she a celebrity or something?

acting is not just looks

i've seen 5"6 manlets out act many people