Doctor Who

Never thought I’d miss the days with Capaldi and Bill so much.

Typical regeneration goes like this
>new actor arrives
>nobody likes them
>a lot of the audience is won over by the first new episode with them
>the rest gradually grow to like them as the season progresses

Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall did neither. They’ve fucked it up colossally.

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Chibnall decided to scrap the overarching season plot with a finale to cap it, in favour of a completely episodic format with zero carryover.

Might’ve worked, if his writing wasn’t dogshit. And the “morals” he taught weren’t retarded.

>the doctor hates guns because they’re cruel. How dare this Trump caricature want to shoot a spider to death with a gun?!
>but locking all the alien spiders in a sealed chamber for them to cannibalize eachother and slept run out of air? That’s cool

Or worse yet, the cringeworthy “knives are bad” inserted lesson.

12/Bill/Nardole was comfiest, it could've gone for another season like that.

I actually just saw that "emoji" episode it was actually pretty good

Was the Doctor Falls the most kino episode of NuWho?

>two masters with great interaction, no idea why they’ve never done that before considering how many multi-doctor stories there are
>Capaldi at this finest
>makes Cybermen an existential horror again
>The Doctors speech to the Masters was fantastic
>Missy dying without hope, without witness and without reward despite doing the right thing. The Doctor never even finds out he’d finally won the master over after all this time
>The Doctor loses the masters, and Bill, and never really finds out if he saved a single person before dying.
>that battle sequence
>that cliffhanger with the first doctor

Shame the follow up was kinda lame

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>>Shame the follow up was kinda lame
Fuck off Neo.

Capaldi is the best actor to ever play doctor who, but you can only do so much with shit on a page.

>caPaLdi WAS Good BUT TEh WRiTIng Was BaD

>stupid puddle girl returns

Nilso was the best companion. Too bad Chib killed him

>dude, the moon is an egg lmao
>physics? What’s that?

kill the moon is the typical pleb response just like love & monsters

Posting in a dead/murdered show thread

>mfw “the female doctor” will be less remembered than the Eighth doctor in 20 years

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>insert your own race baiting politics into the show that openly contradict other episodes where they went to the same time period
>when asked why, say without a hint of guilt that it's because children watching the show are impressionable, and it's important to brainwash them early so they'll always have a subconscious, multicultural utopia view of real world history later on in life

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Atleast Love and Monsters made sense

I still can’t believe they made a “time travelling white supremacist goes back in time to stop Rosa Parks sitting on the front of the bus” episode

I couldn't finish the first episode of the new season. The pacing of the script and the editing was horrible. I had problems with Moffat but I didn't realize how bad it'd get without him.


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He started the downfall with his crappy 'Power of love' stories. Stupid fuzzy haired cunt

It's genuinely impressive how shit Chibnall's run is compared to both RTD's and Moffat's. Every little thing that could have been fucked up somehow was, and then some.
We never realised how good we had it until we got this incredibly half-assed imitation, it makes the past 10 seasons all look like masterpieces.

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RTD and Moff were both huge fans of the show, however they tended to indulge themselves too far - RTD in making it a whiny soap opera, some very questionable design aesthetics, and overuse of Daleks, and Moffat with time travel plots that went over a lot of people's heads and the whole "wishing can bring people back" thing.
Chibnall, however, doesn't seem to care. His first series was some of the most dullest and uninspiring stuff we've ever seen in NuWho.

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Jodie is boring. She takes a back seat to the companions. It started with Clara and Bill. Then when Jodie appears they give her no personality and muddy morales but three companions that are (sort of) interesting. At least the old guy was.
This isn't Companion Who, this is Doctor Who. Do something with the Doctor dammit.

>”yes Jodie, you shouldn’t watch any of the past doctors because I want you to be completely original”
>turns out like a bland mix of Tennant and Smith but retarded

What did they mean by this? It’s almost as if telling her to avoid watching previous doctors meant she only knew how the most recent ones other than capaldi acted and just did a poor imitation of them

>add a woman doctor, an Indian and a nigger for diversity points
>only give real character moments to the middle aged white male the entire season

O I am laffin

Did you guys hear that Chibs is once and for all ridding the series of Daleks, Cybermen and Weeping Angels?

This ride into hell just keeps getting deeper. By the end of next season either the BBC or the Nation estate is going to have this man hanged.

>Did you guys hear that Chibs is once and for all ridding the series of Daleks, Cybermen and Weeping Angels?
there was a dalek in the most recent episode

NuWho died after series 1, prove me wrong.

Correct but it died again after S10. S1 is a complete show, S1-S10 is also a complete show.

If Doctor Who doesn’t feature a Daleks appearance atleast once a year, then they lose the rights. Which is why you sometimes get weird unnecessary appearances (like that Daleks scene in Waters of Mars)

I’m convinced the Dalek new year episode was the bbc telling a Chibnall to pull his thumb out his ass and make one quick

What happened to Jodie? She was such a hot piece of ass in Broadchurch S1, and it wasn't that long ago.
It's like she gained a foot in height. Is it the wardrobe or something?

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It was a helpful doc and a clueless sidekick. The perfect arrangement.

Anyone else think it would have been better if when the twelfth doctor didn’t want to regenerate, he heard “grandfather?” From the distance, and the reveal was that he’d gone back to meet with an elderly Susan? Then we could’ve had a goodbye for her

Muddy Morales sounds like a superhero's secret identity

I was waiting for Susan to come back for 10 seasons and she never did. 1st Doctor was great and all but 12 and Susan would've been fucking great.
Instead we got a picture frame in his office..

A big problem with the companions being inexplicably competent at saving the day, is that suddenly the Doctor has to have a hands-off approach to the safety of her passengers. When the doctor isn't worried about danger, then the audience isn't either.

Capaldi is am unbelievably good actor too. Doctor wasn't even his best role.

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Real character moments usually involve a flawed or complex character. They will never have POC or women be complex or flawed.

fuck off you jewish mutt, it all started going downhill with you in the first place

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reminder that their run was the peak of nuwho

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It wasn't. They just spent the whole time fighting pointlessly as if the writer couldn't come up with anything original to do with them.

Say. The. Words.

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Yeah like rome burning was the peak of the empire

Capaldi was a good Doctor but his reliably excellent acting was the only thing left to prop up the show. The writing was terrible and Bill was the most insufferable character I've ever seen.

With Whitaker its become readily apparent that the character just doesn't work as a woman. His mannerisms when transferred to the opposite sex just seem strange. So you're left with an intrinsically flawed character being played by a so/so actor and the same shitty writing. The old white dude and his black step son are the only watchable parts of the show.

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Coleman was totally squandered. She was super cute and likable and could even act but they never decided what the hell her character was supposed to be and just wasted her for two seasons.

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Timey Wimey


I did enjoy seeing Bill suffer.

>Was the Doctor Falls the most kino episode of NuWho?

The most Kino Capaldi episode was that one where he got trapped in the maze that continually reincarnated him and he had to die trillions of times in the process of breaking down a metal wall erosion style.

Bill's death was kinda bad, but still better than Clara's death. How horrifically will the new meat get mangled when their time comes?

also one of the most kino episodes of TV ever made

It was a genuinely great episode. Almost made me forget the one where the moon was a giant egg.


Clara best girl.

The white male will die, the POC will be fine

Capaldi's run is the new McCoy run.
Controversial. Experimental. Ahead of its time. Rich with theme and subtext. Ruthlessly exploits series lore. Evolves what the show is capable of. It ticks literally all the boxes.
You're never too late to go back and rediscover this era of utter kino, especially now that it's been followed by a complete piece of garbage.

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Until you get to the last season. In fact, it's better to stop after Hell Bent and then skip over to Twice upon a Time and then stop indefinitely until season 12.

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This is what happens when you have a race hating male feminist run a once entertaining and respectable series.

fuck off you racist

>it's better to stop after Hell Bent
I'm with you up to here (with some wiggle room for stopping after Husbands, which is another natural ending) but
>and then skip over to Twice upon a Time
why would you then skip over several good episodes in order to watch a mediocre one?

>Omg a racist! How horrible!
Get a load of this dumb faggot.

unrelated but there's a guy on xhamster who does cum tributes to jenna coleman all the time (he has about 15 videos just on her) and he calls her goddess

>being impressed that nuwho is shit

Oh you dont watch that one for Capaldi, you watch that one for David Bradley who does a wonderful job as the 1st doctor..

It was trash pseudo-intellectual nonsense so far up its own ass that it forget to make the show compatible for anyone but the Moffat cult who will jerk off his archetype companions and misunderstanding of the Doctor and the entire show.

That was an incredible episode in an otherwise terrible season. Capaldi was way too good to be saddled with incoherent plots and entire show becoming Clara featuring Dr. Who

Who was also arguably the worst writer of nuWho before they decided to let him run the entire show.

Chibnall doesn't have the balls to look in the mirror everyday and not put on a fucking wig and face the public. I doubt he has the testicular fortitude to kill his darlings. They'll all get happy forever after endings.

>It ticks literally all the boxes.
You tick all my boxes user

I bet you like Donna.

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Moffat was an autistic turbopleb who couldn't write the Doctor as anything other than a projection of his own nebbish fantasies and insecurities, and all women were made from the same quirky-kooky/ milf dominatrix mode. He was shit. He was really shit.

But yes, Chibnall's is even shitter.

I'll tick something else in a minute.

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Buy me one of these and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up.

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I don’t like RTD, Moffat or Chibnall, so no.

What's his name again?

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I bet you like hawaiian shirts.

RTD peaked with S1.
Moffat peaked with S9.
Chibnall peaked with the last scene of TUAT and it was all downhill from there.

I do.

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>power of love
no, you're thinking of huey lewis:

Don’t speak for me, JNT was just a proto-Moffat.

they really dropped the ball by not asking Alan Moore to be the new showrunner, and not asking Bill Nighy or Ralph Fiennes to be the new Doctor.

her character was to be super cute and fuck black men, which is pretty much every white female's character these days.

Alan Moore would literally never take a job like that, he's exclusively indie now (plus he's barely worked in television to begin with).

Cappaldi was ok until they decided his arrival to Gallifrey should be incidental. Honestly the whole hybrid main plot was pretty mediocre but reaching Gallifrey killed his main character arc and nothing was given in return. The time war and returning to Gallifrey where the fundation of nu-who and there was literally no reason to continue with the show after both where closed.

I can´t say i miss Bill either... i honestly think they didn´t give her enough of a personality for me to care. She is just the gay black one for me. Doesn´t have a family, career or memorable relationship with Doctor like Martha "rebound" Jones, doesn´t have the charm, attitude or plot relevance that both Clara and Amy had, doesn´t get any cool lines, moments or catch phrases like Captain Jack, she isn´t rowdy like Donna or misterious like River, doesn´t have a cool title like "the last centurion" like Rory, isn´t a reptile like madam Vastra and is not particularly useful or does anything particularly relevant.
Missy on the other hand, Missy i miss. She has some really funny moments and proves without a doubt that if you get the character´s attitude right and have decent scripts even the Master (and by association the Doctor) can be played by a woman.

The problem with Jodi´s run is not that she is a woman but rather that her depiction is boring and forgettable but i think that´s mainly a problem with the scripts. A character´s character is revealed through his/her actions. Every Doctor needs some exploration time to discover what their thing is. Some take 4 episodes, some take a season... but if the scripts don´t let them act and put them on observer situations or boring predictable ones the actor doesn´t get the chance to propperly do his/her job.

then they should ask the guy who directed the first season of True Detective and Maniac (which i still haven't seen, i admit), Fukunaga. i'm just sick of this kiddie bullshit.

Assuming the writing were decent, which actress do you think would make for a good female Doctor lads? My vote's for Atwell. She's got the charisma to hold a leading role well, not to mention she has a certain... physical presence...

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No one. It was literally never going to be pulled off decently in the modern era.

Tilda Swinton, Cate Blanchett, Isabelle Huppert, Eva Green (none of whom would take the job, unfortunately)

Chibnall's hangup isn't that 13 is female but that he's trying to make the show appeal to as many people as possible which precludes giving it any sort of identity at all. All of 13's problems come from her being bland and Chibnall not putting adequate thought into who she is. Literally all you would need to fix it is a writer who isn't an idiot.

That writer would never be hired by the BBC.

Its an intrinsically flawed concept.

>All of 13's problems come from her being bland and Chibnall not putting adequate thought into who she is.
what are you talking about? she's a good person who hates racism and bullying and loves apple bobbing. how can a character possibly be more fleshed out than that?

wellies i love wellies

Saw Death to the Daleks today for the first time. Pathetic production but Sarah Jane spends the first 5 minutes in a swimsuit. Pertwee and Sarah look like they're about to kiss on multiple occasions. I think them two were in love. Baker didn't love Sarah though and friendzoned her for the rest of her time there.

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capaldi era moffat has the best take on the doctor
what don't you like about it?

>makes Cybermen an existential horror again
>costume looks worse than the one from the 60s
>more stomping
>rocket boots
>they don't even do the thing where the mouth hangs open when they talk

It can't be done. The Doctor is a male character and changing that changes how the Doctor is. There isn't a single female actress that can have the masculine presence even Davison and Smith gave off

12 and Bill were great together, I never understood they hate for them. MUCH better than 12 and Clara.

>the new McCoy run.
You mean cheap, cynical, terribly acted, pathetically written shite? The classic series' last genuinely great story was Caves.

You have shit taste.

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Because she had no character other than delivering Moffat's snarky political quips?

Bill had literally two things to say, reminding you that she's a lesbian and getting outraged by other cultures or people from the past who don't share her inane 21st century progressive ideology.

Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred could not act. Everything on videotape made it all look shit. Series 24 is a fucking abomination. Series 25 and 26 have hardly one good story a piece. How it didn't get cancelled after that I do not know.

I mean cancelled after series 24

>Eva Green
she fucked the 11th Doctor, who was also her son and her cloned boyfriend, in The Womb, and making her a later Doctor would just make the weird incest weirder, in that she'd be fucking herself. just thinking about it gives me a headache.

>>they don't even do the thing where the mouth hangs open when they talk
they did though

I never realised how consistent and cohesive Series 1 was until I recently re-watched it. The Bad Wolf stuff and family drama is obvious but what's more subtle is stuff like the Dalek from the first Dalek episode actually making sense because it fell from the Emperor Dalek's ship, which also gives you insight into how long the Daleks had been manipulating the earth.

The series is arguably the most consistent in terms of episode quality with no genuinely bad episodes but there's more to it than that. All of the episodes have something going on that adds to the overall series in terms of plot or character, e.g. the first episode on Satellite 5 has a new companion who uses time travel for their own material benefit which highlights why Rose is a good person because this never even occurred to her. There's always something something like that going on in the background which makes them all worth watching.

Upon retwatching all of new who, Series 1 was definitely the best. Even the worst aspects of it (e.g. the farting aliens) were contained within good episodes which had interesting plots and great character interactions/development. And of course Ecclestone was FANTASTIC.

I always wanted to know why Series 2 takes a big fat shit after how great Series 1 was.

they do?
i guess i misremembered my b

Watching Rose again recently boggled my mind. How can so much character development and depth, concept introduction, scene setting happen in one 45 minute episode that moves at a lightning pace? It's a marvel to behold. In the first 3 minutes you know who Rose is, the episode's threat, and the new Doctor's personality.

Did anyone else hate Listen?

Everyone seems to love it but I watched it for the first time recently and it just seemed like a standard Moffat affair where they tease an interesting premise but then the story is resolved with the overused, "can see it coming from a mile away" bootstrap paradox to make the story collapse in on itself and be a bunch of timey wimey nothing.

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I hate Capaldi's entire run. There isn't a single episode I want to watch again, including Heaven Sent. THAT is the most overrated nuWho episode. It's just one long Moffat Doctor speech.

Still pretty amazed how well lizzy sladen aged. She looked like a milf in her sixties

Listen is just stupid because it keeps pretending “there’s an equal possibility that there’s really no creature” but the very beginning of the episode is literally the creature writing “Listen” on the chalkboard while the Doctor was nowhere near it. Then him turning around looking shocked so it’s clear he didn’t write it off camera.

Also the creature under the bedsheets was grey and bald and had a huge head. Definitely wasn’t s fucking kid playing a “prank” (what kind of prank would that be anyway. He’d be more likely to get punched than scare anyone)

I get the feeling Missy was a trial run for the female doctor.

When they saw that Missy worked, they pulled the Turner on a female doctor.

Problem is, Missy isn’t the heroic protagonist. Who cares if the masters character is significantly changed by altering a basic component. They’re just a side character and recurring villain

But the doctor isn’t the doctor if they change that much. So whats the point in being invested in him as a character when he’s not himself any more

>"love a conspiracy"
>"no conspiracies"
what did 13 mean by this?

For all the shit these two dished out at least they could write a good episode sometimes. The new head writer is completely talentless.

Coupling was a warning he'd do this long ago.

No, the peak was during the run of Donna Noble/Katherine Tate.

I've tried so hard to get into this damn show. Ninth Doctor was the best but it sucks that he only had one season. I watched the first couple seasons with Tennant but I just didn't care. Tell me how to like this.

I absolutely despise listen and don't understand why it's regarded so highly. The only good part is the where's Wally gag, the rest of Series 8 is amazing

>Wanting to be spoonfed
What's wrong with just watching it? It's 47 episode till Smith then a couple more till Capalkino

If you didn't like Tenant then its probably not for you.

This is how it works: Just as you are finally getting used to a new Doctor and starting to enjoy them they bail and you get a new one. They really need to commit to more seasons than the typical three.

Nurse Who can't be gone soon enough, though, so don't bother. I think after next season Chinballs is leaving because he felt it was too hard to make a 10-episode season a year. He wanted to do one every two years. Lazy fuck can fuck off for that reason alone.

whyd you have to go and remind us