Will he be the next main villain? It will either be him or Dr. Doom.
Will he be the next main villain? It will either be him or Dr. Doom
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Why not Kang?
Why do you even care about capeshit? Fucking faggot
The next main villain will be white male privilege.
Cuz they won't do time travel twice in a row.
Why don't they hyperspeed ram him?
This isn't actually me, I love marvel movies
Thanos represents the patriarchy.
>The next main villain will be white male privilege.
It was defeated long ago.
Unless they justify Kang with "you guys time traveled, now look what happened"
Galactus is not villainous, though.
Unless they do a deal I think fox own the movie rights for Galactus and doom.
But the merger has happened.
Strap in fucbois!
Hope that means an a good fantastic 4 film at some point.
>Kang read stories about the Avengers using time-travel to solve all of their problems, so he took that as an inspiration
>He is going back in time to stop climate change from ruining his future, and he thinks the best way is to conquer the world and be its benevolent dictator
If we get Galactus, I hope that means we get a good Silver Surfer movie to go with it.
His scenes in that F4 movie were pretty neat, even if the movie as a whole wasn't all that good.
I hope the next guardians movie ends with them bumping into silver surfer starting the galactus arc so marvel can introduce their version of the fantastic four and thatll be their way of bringing dr doom into it too. they can have the guardians deal with silver surfer keeping to the cosmic marvel and bring things back to earth with the FF dr stange and dr doom.
Other candidates
>Kang the Conqueror
>The Magus
>Norman Osborn in Dark Reign
>High Evolutionary
>not doing time travel twice in a row
>but might be doing DOOM
>who is notorious time traveller
>>who is notorious time traveller
In fact, Doom and Kang were once implied to be the same person.
Come on, gang. MCU will be smaller scale for the most part now, with the possible exception of Captain Marvel solo shit.
i believe nothing can be worse than Thanos. the dude is like batman
galactus will be just an one-time crisis, nothing too complex
Wouldn’t kang remember going to school with reed richards?
Does Endgame/phase 4 end the "golden age" of capeshit movies?
We silver age now?
If we get galactus, do you think we'll get frank richards?
I'd like a Dr Doom with Beyonder's powers villain.
this makes no fucking sense
Dr. Doom seems like the most sensible next step. Galactus seems too large scale. There's no fucking way they will go full in on the celestials either.
It was the Silver Age, few things made sense.
doom would make sense since he has a history with strange I wanna see shuma gorath in the next strange movie though.
They dont need to.
Avengers fucked with time, creating alternate realities.
Most of these can be somewhat fixed by other media or timey wimey nonsense... but one of them is completely fucked.
In one timeline;
> Guardians Of The Galaxy never formed
> Thanos, Nebula, his armies, all of it died
In that alternate reality;
Avengers never formed back together after Civil War. This leaves them open to cosmic threats and makes them helpless against large scale invasions because they have no cosmic Avengers (teasing Annihilation Wave to be adapted for Phase 5/6)
Seeing this outcome, Tony from that universe realises his only method of saving everyone is to merge the alternate reality with the real one, which would effectively end up destroying the original universe.
what is this manlet hulk
>implying theyre gonna do ANOTHER fantastic four movie
>with enough focus on a proper DOOM to introduce him into the series
>something hollywood hasn't been able to do 2 times in a row now
lol fantastic 4 are completely outdated. A super hero TEAM??! omg so cool!
Doom is too weak. He's just a normal) super smart human being.
still nothing compared to the Anti-Monitor in DC.
I wish Marvel had bigger threats. I mean there are "celestials" and shit, but the Marvel universe always felt smaller to me.
hes a master of dark arts he can go toe to toe with strange
This cant be real? Right?
um, no
DC villains are just stupid. they're like the inventions of your little brother when you're arguing about who wins an imaginary game
"I win a MILLION!"
you can't take them seriously because they're too OP. Galactus is a credible but terrifying threat, a huge man that eats planets not out of spite but to satiate his eternal hunger. that's shit you can relate to on a visceral level, not "gibberish name who wants to completely destroy a zillion universes"
They've already established time travel, he could bring the Avengers from parallel time lines (created through the paradoxes and alterations of Endgame) for big fight scenes and cameos, and he ties into the Fantastic Four, recently acquired by Disney.
I'd tell you to screencap, but it's kind of a gimme
There are only two options in my opinion
Either Beyonder and secret wars
World War Hulk
looks like he's wearing a plug
Redpill me on Dr Doom. Why do you fags love him so much?
He is the idealized form of Yea Forums
Pseudointellectual who isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
Kang would be a good choice for the first Avengers movie of the new phase just as a means to close the time travel "nothing matters" problem. Make it so that dealing with Kang eliminates their ability to ever time travel again.
Doom is the reason there are "villains who were right" threads. He's actually a compelling character.
The animated version voiced by Simon Templeman also contributed to his popularity.
>Redpill me on Dr Doom. Why do you fags love him so much?
Egomaniacal dictator of a small nation in the Balkans called Latveria with first world living standards because Doom is Doom and Doom has to be the best at everything. The people genuinely adore him. He's like the supreme leader of North Korea's propaganda wasn't bullshit. He rose up from being a gypsy peasant to conquer the nation, built up the country from nothing, and is like Tony Stark meets Dr. Strange. Top shelf technician, top shelf magician. And even when he's pulling shit that seems to be evil. a lot of it is grand keikaku level shenanigans where he's doing what needs to be done from his perspective absent the morality. This extends to the degree where the guardian spirits of Wakanda have basically backed down and let him carry off a bunch of vibranium because they judged him to be the best chance at unfucking things at one point.
his origin story is interesting and he uses technology and black magic to stand up against the gods and celestials.
Time travel villain who brings back the old evil wh*Te Avengers to fight the new Avengers.
He's the epitome of "comic book supervillain". He's every villainous mastermind trope dialed up to 11.
Doom is overrated as fuck
whatever bullshit the GOTG run into
maybe xmen shit
ultimus lol
kang is one of the heroes you moron
Depends on your definition of villain. The guy literally eats planets to sustain himself
hes fucking based hes been to hell and back
Doom would be best served as the villain of Black Panther 2, which allow the most widely seen Marvel sequel to serve as the introduction of the Fantastic Four.
>where he's doing what needs to be done from his perspective absent the morality.
you can know what needs to be done only if you already have a morality
But still jobs to the heroes
Dr. Doom’s name is too on the nose to work in the MCU as a serious character. He’s also been botched multiple times already
invite to the discord?
they’ll likely be integrated as side characters at first
where have you been?
this is a good idea. Doom suddenly appears on the world stage and invades Wakanda to steal their wewuzkangzium and BP seeks aid from Reed & Co.
Let me rephrase that. He analyzes situations and does what needs to be done. He crosses lines heroes won't to do things he deems necessary.
Disney owns Fox now.
When capeshit starts to decline in what will be called the MCU Silver Age, DC and Marvel will team up for a trilogy of crossover flicks in an attempt to boost box office sales.
For fuck sake finally we can get some better X-Men stories.
Here's hoping for Deadpool/cable
it's their only way out that brings average people into theaters now
"Superman teams up with Spiderman & Hulk to defeat the Riddler & MODOK!"
What time loop did you fall out of?
>Amalgam Cinematic Universe
How does he determine what needs to be done? What's the purpose of his actions?
You need morals to answer these questions otherwise he's just as random as the Joker
That's deadpool 2 are you a time traveler?
Neither of those poofters.
>Crossover 1- Avengers vs Justice League
>Crossover 2 - Team up vs Combined villain team
>Crossover 3 - Amalgam heroes vs Amalgam villains
The next big bad should be Doctor Doom. And they should introduce him in his own movie where he wins and takes over that one fake country as a king. He could battle against some anti-hero like Namor or Scarlet Witch or something. Reed Richards before he gets his superpowers should have a cameo appearance.
>Obama = Superman
>Drumpf = MODOK
comic writers are such fucking hack simpletons I'm routinely stunned by how little credit they actually deserve for anything they do.
Doom can't be a big bad on the same scale as Thanos. I'm thinking we are looking at Galactus, especially if they are really moving forward with the Eternals.
Dormamu was bargained with
Mephisto is probably gonna be next Strange villain
I want them do the Doom, and finally fucking do him right, even without F4, but with Silver Surfer, Galactus should be next.
But its still debateble if anyone would care about MCU with captain cuntface
>tfw you remember Galactus is just a cloud of space bugs
Time traveler guy here. Gave up on capeshit since 2014. Especially dc
>white guy literally dressed in white
He's the perfect villain for the modern age.
All I want is a truly powerful villain.
I can't go back to loki antics
>Doom is too weak.
Doom depends on the writer
Bottom Doom is basically comical
Top Doom has armour better than Iron man, Magical skills of Stange and intelligence/resources of Lex Luthor from DC
God Doom is God, but thats boring
Eh, at first I was hyped, but with how much they love to nerf everyone, I'm not anymore. Scarlet Witch can do so much more. Hulk deserved so much more. Thanos deserved a better story line in part 2. I can't help but feel the same way for the next main baddie. Even villians they already did need a second chance. Mandarin. Whiplash. Crossbones. Dr. Doom will never be good on screen.
Remember, it is not enough to build up a new villain and new super hero team. You must also break down the old heroes.
Adam Warlock
Scarlet Witch may end up killed off because people are favoring the character over Brie Larson.
He is the ultimate victim of shitty writing. One writer will set him up, set plans upon plans upon plans, all with several contingencies, put everything in place, be one step from absolute victory, only to make another writer make him slip on a banana peel.
hes one of the only good marvel villains
squirrel girl lol
wtf is this thread? no tuxedo pepe guys? really?
How long can they avoid adding Sentry, Blue Marvel, or Hyperion to the mix?
>The people genuinely adore him
t. doom
That would be threat to Captain Marvel supremacy sweetie.
Sentry and Hyperion never. Blue Marvel will happen.
How DARE you suggest it is DOOM himself that would respond to this meaningless thread peasant!
It's merely a gracious and loyal citizen of Latveria, showing his support and adoration to his infallible leader!
Marvel zombies universe in big screen please.
Maybe 5 years ago.
Who cares?
We don't even have Silver Surfer around in a Universal level event and you think they are going to add depressed man.
Nah it's either Kang or Annilhilus
>Dormamu was bargained with
Strange doesn't have the Time Stone anymore, Dormammu can just ignore the bargain now.
who would you cast as dr doom?
jaime lannister
I dont remember specifics but usually when pacts or contracts are made with those extradimensional beings they honor them until something else interferes.
It's the only way to deal with things like Mephisto/Dormammu/Shuma-Gorath
But never show his face.
Either introduce him as DOOM or if there would be some shitty introduction show him from the back or in shadows.
nick cage
He was my favorite villain when I saw fantastic four as a child
Annihilus. We're getting Nova in Phase 4 and they'll use the Annihilation Wave and Negative Zone energies to set the stage for the F4 and the X-men.
>Researchers aboard a space station get mutated by Negative Zone energy wave
>Negative Zone energy wave disseminates in atmosphere, remaining energy unlocks latent genetic mutations thanks to tinkering by the Eternals
They'll introduce Doom in early 5 and build up to him as the next Thanos-level event
Now everyone has access to time travel.
Cosmic and magical beings honor contracts. The time stone also wasn't the one that defended the earth. It was the sanctums. The time stone just gave the Earth a second chance.
>They'll introduce Doom in early 5 and build up to him as the next Thanos-level event
They'll build up to Doom being the next Thanos-level event and then spring either Galactus or the Celestials on everyone.
Alternatively, Cancerverse.
>>The Magus
He's probably the main antagonist of GotG Vol. 3.
Honestly, Doom is an interesting character in the sense that he could get both the Loki and the Thanos treatment.
For example, they build up Doom as Thanos 2.0, have him push some shit in, maybe have him use Uatu's head as a stress toy, idc. But then the Celestials show up (they won't do Galactus because they'll want to distance themselves from Rise of the Silver Surfer), and Doom becomes big dick on campus and is the vital force that helps the good fuckers beat them back, vis-a-vis
"Antagonist" is the word you're looking for.
Doom could be a great cillian for the next phase. I'd like to see him pulling strings like thanos was in the first few marvel phases although maybe a bit more prominent, then he is the big bad guy of the next avengers movie. However he doesnt get fully defeated and for subsequent phases becomes a sort of Vegeta-like character that helps the avengers sometimes but only when convinient
Sentry was a mistake eveb marvel agrees
Yep. It's so obvious.
With how popular Thanos is, they might actually do this.
Make him a recurring villain, or the puppet master behind the other villains, and in the end when he is finally confronted and about to be defeated SURPRISE, EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED, DOOM was the good guy all along.
how come in What If? Secret Wars, Doom was basically God and yet never came against the Living Tribunal, Death or similar level entities? He killed the Celestials and Satan but that's it
ur mom's overrated
Don Draper. Or Roger.
You can't have guy with a mixer on his head as a villain these days
>currently watching endgame
>every scene with Captain Marvel is miserable
.>everything she says is obnoxious and flat
I fucking hate this portrayal, it's so fucking bad. What's worse is that Brie Larson has acted well in the past, so either something happened and she developed aspergers or the writers wanted this cunt to be this miserable.
Just needed to rant, polite sage
>Don Draper
Oh god no
but he might actually get it, he is of the correct political orientation
Yes you can. One just had a purple ballsack on his chin. It's always about presentation and threat.
Dude there are a dozen other capeshit threads hating on Brie Larson. Rant there.
Why do people want this goofy-looking assclown to be a major villain all of a sudden? He's just a big mindless CGI monster who eats shit. What sense would it make to have him be a big bad with a master plan?
when will they learn?
is there anyone else who tops thanos as a universal threat? genuine question, i don't know much about marvel
In terms of having destructive capabilities? Yes, there are quite a few in the comics, but they're mostly giant intergalactic god-type creatures.
They'll probably pull a Loki with the next Avengers big bad, and have it be a mortal character (e.g. Doctor Doom) who is popular and interesting as a film character to explore, but who could also conceivably have access to powerful sci-fi/magic shit
lmao what is this shit
From what I remember in the comics Thanos without the gauntlet is nowhere near as powerful as he is depicted in the movies, it's just that the movies gave him DBZ-levels of durability so they could have some engaging fight sequences (in the comics he basically just one-shots every hero with the gauntlet).
>a proper DOOM
Doctor Doom is a meme character with stupid power levels and the demeanour and complexity of a saturday morning cartoon baddie. Why do people want this character to carry a new big storyline in the MCU?
Doctor Doom is the most humanoid villain that could be on the same level as Thanos (if not higher). Annihilus' arc could span the entire universe, as well, but might be too complex for normies since it involves Nova, Silver Surfer and a bunch of other cosmos characters. Galactus is an easy pick but could either go really well or really bad.
Because he TOOTS as he pleases!
What about Maestro?
Ex Nihilo
Isn't Warburton only like 6' tall? Bio says 6'3" but he starred along Jerry Seinfeld and Jason Alexander who were both short as fuck so I bet he's closer to 6' than he is 6'3".
Either way, the new Tick is like 6'5"
Better be Dr Doom.
>Fantastic Four series is a joke and can't work as a movie
>they're still good, well-written characters
>in Ultimates (what the MCU is based on in the first place), Reed Richards is a villain
>a white, priveleged villain who kills his own family in a rage
It writes itself.
who gives a shit? Disney trapped us for ten fucking years in their stupid story. Why the fuck would you want to just jump into the next one and get stuck again?
why is Superman standing in front of a Marvel bad guy?
Maybe Maestro can be one of Kang's henchmen.
Dude, I'd love the see Captain Britain in the MCU. Perhaps Excalibur too.
Dr doom first then galactus after him
Grow up
>Doom vs...the fucking Celestials?
Well, that'd be over quick.
doom wins
have sex
Secret Wars next. A mix of the original and time runs out era. Doom introduced early on. Beyonder the halfway villain, with Doom returning at the end with the Beyonder's powers to be the ultimate big bad. Time travel of Endgame is one-upped by multiverse travelling.
kang is a multi movie villian on the same level as thanos. also garanteed kino when hes revealed to be tony stark
>World War Hulk
Not going to happen with after Endgame. the closest we got was Thor Ragnarok.
Probably not. Feige said we won't see Fantastic Four or X-Men in the MCU for another 5-10 years.
based DOOM
Dr Doom hopefully.
One day we will get a Secret Wars kino and it will be glorious.
Don't be so sure. The dude wipes his ass with all kinds of threats on a regular basis and literally became God once.
He looks like a fucking with that helmet.
>and literally became God once.
I thought they had already planned on doing an Eternals movie?
Kek’d And check’d
Actual leaks from someone that leaked a bunch of Endgame stuff months ago search for @RogerWardell in twitter.
Zemo, Ghost, Justin Hammer, General Ross, and the Abomimation are coming back in the next phases with a Thunderbolt movie trilogy .The Leader has the main villain for it.
Ok, more than once. Point being, Doom is an absolute unit not to be taken lightly.
Damn right.
Drink's on me user.
Now hurry up with my damn croissants
god I hate this shit
So we can get another MF Doom album, nigga ran out of samples
Asking the real questions here.
pls stop bully
My guess is doom will be the new Loki. Meaning he’s the big bad guy for the first phase of two. Then galactus will be the next thanos and end the saga.
Very likely but it's also possible they switch the order up. Doom can unironically be a bigger threat than Galactus if he reaches his true potential.
I thought he was meant to be handsome under the mask, but with a slight scar that he believes makes him hideous. Why does he look like Baraka here?
It honestly depends on which version of Doom, i.e. which universe we're talking about, but he's been re-scarred too IIRC.
Poor sap became God and still couldn't fix his face.
He'll be the first and the last. First is base Doom. Last is Doom with Beyonder powers.
That's because his wound is not only physical but psychological. He literally has the same lookism mindset an incel has.
He did restore his looks by the end of the book though, or rather someone else did, don't remember.
Oooofffff. Kino.
Get Feige on the phone!
merciful tapdancing jesus, who drew this? The blondes face looks worse than DOOMs
Pretty sure Doom won that fight.
>Why does he look like Baraka here?
Depends on the version. In some he just wears the mask. In the first one after he got the scar he put the red hot mask on himself which is why he looks like a circumcised dick
Does it even fucking matter?
Every MCU plot, as funded by Disney:
>bad guy
>why he's bad isn't explained, but he's bad
>good guys are multicultural to the point where they overrepresent minorities
>good guys defeat bad guy through the power of diversity and teamwork
>lately, a new addition: any white character tends to be older, and "hands off" to a newer minority character
Again, does it really even fucking matter who the next villain is? The movies will just be trojan horses for modern day identity politics.
The art was actually pretty good I thought, but not all of them looked great in every panel.
Stephen Strange had a pretty nice streamlined look though.
Can you red pill me on those 2 storylines?
>he put the red hot mask on himself
What hack writer wrote this?
Just type them into Youtube with "explained" at the end.
If you're a hulk fan, check out Hulk: The End too. Pretty somber kino.
>What hack writer wrote this?
You probably knew this actually
And Kirby drew it
Dude, Secret Wars was fucking fantastic.
I wish they could turn it into a film.
My nigga Kirby always slept on by the media and """fans""". Normies will never know how much he did for the industry.
Original putting on the mask
And this is why he did it.
Why is he so powerful? Isn't he basically just a human? I never read the comics so I have no clue about his backstory beyond the few crappy Fantastic movies.
>get a minor scar on your face
>completely sperg out beyond the likes of what anyone has ever seen
god I love DOOM
He's basically what happens when you put Iron Man and Doctor Strange together.
He uses both science and magic. It would take me about an hour to explain the full extent of his abilities.
Here he is casually wrecking the Avengers.
>Isn't he basically just a human
That's part of what makes him based.
A puny human who worked his way to the top and killed quadrillions.
mf doom
>gets punched by the hulk
>just takes it, no magic defence or anything
>is fine
Sentry as a hero turned villain would be pretty dope. Have him fight captain marvel and make a point that straight white men are evil
I believe Doom's suit of armor actually has magic BS incorporated into it.
iirc he was a pretty boy but when he was experimenting with a machine to bring him to hell to save his mothers soul something went wrong and his face got fucked up.
His suit is protected from almost all kinds of damage, has crazy good shock absorption and is completely hermetically sealed.
He's practically living in a "safe space".
I think there's gonna be a smaller crossover event before secret wars. Something for all the new avengers to get acquainted with each other before embarking on their next huge 2 parter
This too.
I'm pretty sure he's still locked up with the Fantastic Four license. Same with Dr. Doom and maybe Annihilus.
It even has a piece of true cross in it somewhere, just in case DOOM is ever forced to deal with Vampires.
I swear i jizz myself repeatedly if they did this. It's such a dumb idea i love it. Just add punisher and boom Netflix series can have a little recognition
Which is why they changed it.
>I'm pretty sure he's still locked up with the Fantastic Four license. Same with Dr. Doom and maybe Annihilus.
Disney owns Fox now.
I can never take comic books seriously because of wildly inconsistent power levels like this. They rarely take into account how powerful someone should be, they just have their "main" character do something badass to someone shown before to be immensely powerful, almost at random.
Oh right, they were with Fox, not Sony. I got that jumbled up there.
>slaps the shit outta them then casually walks to his throne and sits without worry
Can't wait to watch a group of females and a black guy beat him
I understand your confusion, but Doom has the powers of God (granted to him by a pact with a powerful being) in this particular story. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to do that.
He has also quite literally stolen powers in the past. He's just one of those characters who find a way to make everything work. A Batman on steroids if you will.
>Captain Britain - standalone Captain Britain movie about his origin and formation of his team
>Captain Britain 2: Excalibur - in which Captain Britain's crew travels to other universes and they meet (and maybe clash with) Professor X's original team of X-Men from another universe and they get exiled from their home dimension and trapped in the Earth-199999 universe and now MCU has a team of X-Men with no in-universe baggage.
The real Deus Volt here. I am a HUGE faggot.
>I can never take comic books seriously
Why do you say this like it is a bad thing?
I don't. Comic books are for faggots.
>using Excalibur and eXiles plot points to introduce the X-Men
That's so retardedly backwards it would have to work
It wouldn't come across well in movie form.
Comic books don't have to be compartmentalized into one genre. You can tell all kinds of stories, it's just a medium.
V for Vendetta started out as a comic, as did Watchmen.
He's an incel
You do realize that if Marvel would do Captain Britain now it would be a gay muslim woman?
is doctor doom like the main/mascot/recurring/arch villain of all of the marvel?
Just make it Betsy and have them meet the X-Men when she tries to locate herself in the universe they are in an finds herself as Psylocke.
He has been in a few stories, but there isn't "one " main villain, with some exceptions like Thanos.
In terms of being most iconic, it's probably some Spider-Man villain like Doc Ock or some shit.
He once even stole the Beyonder's powers, making him powerful enough to just wipe out everybody. Although it didn't last very long.
Anyway, if we're talking about potential future Avengers villains for the movies, let's not forget ya boy Korvac. He's a powerful enough threat to follow up after Thanos without needing gems or anything like that.
He does state not wanting to eat planets but hes alway hungry
to the contrary he's a volcel
someone post the comic page where he gets mad at a thot and pushes her into the ground
That's bullshit. Magneto was the first villain for whom it became a meme to say they were right.
DOOM is unironically the only way for humanity to become independent power in the universe instead of a constant battlefield and celestial beings playing field
Some of these characters are too powerful for film imo.
I'd like to see Molecule Man too but it gets stupid at that point. Literally an LSD trip.
I haven't laughed in days. Thank you.
>In terms of being most iconic, it's probably some Spider-Man villain like Doc Ock or some shit.
It's Magneto. He's definitely the most well-known and iconic Marvel villain (even though he's a good guy sometimes), and has been in so many movies, cartoons, and video games that he's had unrivaled mainstream exposure. He's also a great villain in his own right.
That's really the problem going forward. So many of the biggest possible characters to have as villains at this point are so powerful you can't really wrap your brain around what the heroes would be dealing with in a live action film, no matter how much money they throw at the screen..
Doctor Doom is unironically the closest thing Marvel has to the God Emperor. He's generally the most powerful sorcerer on the planet as well as a brilliant scientist. He's an egomaniacal asshole who feels the entire world would be better with him leading it, and to the frustration of everyone opposed to him he's generally not wrong about it.
The Kang meme is very much alive in comics too.
This nigger vaulted over Silver Surfer (easily top 10 most powerful characters) and held him in a fucking headlock.
Writers taking liberties should be prosecuted.
The powered up version of Doctor Doom where he absorbs the power of an extra-dimensional race called the Beyonders in order to thwart their plan to annihilate reality and preserve what was left of the multiverse was actually called God-Emperor Doom.
comics are dumb
He's essentially a redpilled God Emperor, yes.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
silveroids BTFO
>MCU will be smaller scale for the most part now
I certainly hope so. I am so tired of universal-level villains.
I want one where like a few city blocks are at risk at most.
I mean it took them 10 years to get to the current universe-level threats, outside of Thor who is a god and therefore would be dealing with things way above everyone else's weight class. And since they're sort-of starting over, we'll see a lot more small stories again. Ant-Man and the Wasp, for instance, was very small (pun not intended) scale story. The world wasn't at stake or anything. They just wanted to see Janet again, while some assholes were trying to take their stuff.
>I want one where like a few city blocks are at risk at most.
Exactly, and focus on the character development, the script, the intimacy, the emotion, the human factor, all of that shit.
Forget the space aliens for a hot second.
Will never happen
Have you seen the difference in pacing comparing Iron Man 1 to literally any recent marvel movie?
Nobody cares about character development or anything that goes in a normal movie. Everyone wants faster pacing and bigger baddies.
Doom would be way way too much of a downgrade after Thanos. To keep the stakes they've created it would either have to be Galactus or something like the Annhilation Wave or Kree Empire or something.
>Doom would be way way too much of a downgrade after Thanos
Kree Empire would actually make a lot of sense, as they've had the Kree appear multiple times by now, even in Agents of SHIELD.
i havent seen it yet but i heard through leaks that kang was in the quantum zone? is it real or was i getting baited?
The MCU needs to build itself back up from nothing right now. The upheaval leaves things where there's not the steam carrying the momentum. Part of me worries Disney may decide to kill the MCU entirely when the next few movies don't make the same sort of bank as the last 10 years. But the reality is they're back at that point again. They need to rebuild everything and accept some losses.
Oh no it's a stupid Yea Forumsshitter. Get it through your head, no matter how much the comics have decided to overblow Doom the last couple of years, to normal people he's still just the fantastic 4's Rita Repulsa. He's less of a menace than Magneto.
Genuinely, Disney is making some bad financial decisions and seem to be in the midst of another Disney dark age despite being carried by a cock-hungry populace. I'm curious how they'd react to losses right now.
Honestly, this is a decent ending point. Asking people like Anthony Mackie and Captain Cuntface, I forgot her name, to do the work of RDJ and Chris Evans is pretty fucking absurd.
who gives a shit, "normal people" dont read comics you nigger, they watch comic book movies
DOOM can be whoever Disney says he is
Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.
Stupid Yea Forumsshitter. Normies didn't know Thanos so Disney could make him whatever they wanted. Normies DO know Doom and they're not going to buy him taking on the Avengers. He can't even beat the fantastic 4.
Because the KANGZ memes will be too spicy for them to handle
That would be unironically fucking awesome. They can even let RJD age and just bring him back as the Stark from one of the timelines they fucked over.
Blame Slott.