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Other urls found in this thread:

sneed's feed and seed (formally chuck's)

What am I looking at?

why is Trump more inclined to be made fun of in mainstream media than other relevant world leaders who are really horrible or stupid?

Because he isn't putting money in their pocket.

They made fun of Dubya alot, only reason King Obongo got a pass is because of the melanin in his skin. Whenever anyone made fun of him they got labeled as racist

Looks like a friendly chap

>made fun of Dubya alot
i barely see Mohammed bin Salman mentioned despite everybody turning every story involving him into a Trump story, if these people are horrible as they claim why don't they shed the same spotlight on them too?

Euro animated movie about the Queen’s dogs. Trump shows up but he isn’t a main character.


Epic brit movie starring our lord Trump

Obama was left alone because he was a half-black-half-jew mongrel

But user, Salman, much like Xi Jinping, gives copious amounts of money to (((media outlets))), why ever would such generous figures as these be made fun of?

People are finally turning against the billionaires that exploit the working class... Revolution is imminent.

He’s more high profile and a colorful character IRL

Dubya got made fun of because of his silly statements and shit like
>Mission Accomplished.
>Fool Me Once, Shame on you, f-fool me twice....
>Shoe incident.

Obongo was largely a normie person. Most of the jokes on him are on Droning. He doesn't even have that much memes made about him even from Edgelord sites such as Yea Forums. Mostly just his reactions like "not bad" or this one. He was vanilla as fuck.

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tbqh, Trump's life would make for a fantastic movie, or a mini-series, or something. He's lived such a weird fucking life, and everyone just focuses on GOBBLE GLUMPH, no one brings up his shenanigans in real estate, his time as a steak salesman, or how he was the last man to fight against the NFL's monopoly.

Xi Jinping fucking hates western media.

>if-if-if-if-if-if-if-if okeydoke

And he spends ludicrous amounts of money on making sure he doesn't appear in Western media.

My favorite Dubya moment was when he said that God wanted everyone to be free and that was part of his foreign policy. Dubya was a bad president but he was very charming and likable in his way.

Because he and his supporters are thin-skinned humourless fuckwits.

And he's unbelievably dumb


Democrats hate Donald Trump.

But they love George W. Bush

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>other relevant world leaders

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It's a extremely safe opinion to have in the current political climate that most think they are being against the grain or controversial.

>Because he and his supporters are thin-skinned humourless fuckwits.
Is this post meant to be ironic? Every time he makes a joke the #resistance has a melt down.

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I love this meme, he's both an evil genius and a complete retard. Whatever you faggots need for your whinge session

>But they love George W. Bush
I don't think this happened.
However, it was truly eye-opening when democrats praised McCain when he died.

name one relevant world leader (i.e not the pm of albania) who does as much stupid shit careless shit as trump

Because the issues with him are too complicated for most people to understand, whereas with Trump people have Hollywood celebrities that hate him and will talk about him every chance they get.

Bush got made fun of for how he spoke on a half dozen occasions which got replayed on late night shows and made into regular jokes by some woman (I think) who tried pushing a book of Bushisms. He otherwise sounded normal, but was the usual charmer that every president is.

Obama had his scandals and often had an issue with sounding pompous, but it didn't get replayed on TV except when people thought it was cute how he would goof around with celebrities like when they had the rap concert at the White House.

The whole concept of replaying the same flubbed lines over and over again to make it appear like this is a defining feature of the person is weirdly effective.

Like clockwork

france's president fucked his french teacher in HS and ended up marrying her and david cameron fucked a dead pig

>say incorrect thing
>get proven wrong
Yup, that's usually how it goes


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>inb4 lol Trudeau
he hosted the G7 talks last year, at the very least he's relevant but barely made fun of in the msm at that scale.


>movie puts in less than 3 minute Trump parody just to steal attention for an otherwise unremarkable cgi kids movie that nobody would otherwise care about
>/pol/ falls for it yet again

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>implying Trump will do shit before he is impeached
Tick tock magapedes....any day now.....

>why is Trump more inclined to be made fun of in mainstream media than other relevant world leaders who are really horrible or stupid?

Why do you ask questions for which you already know the answers?

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i have my own answers but i just wanted more takes

fair enough

Bush has turned into a goofy grandfather figure in the last couple of years, some picture of him giving candy to Michelle Obama got published and the msm was like "Bush is such a cute old man!!! looks like they set aside their differences!!".
Never mind the whole "war criminal" thing, at least he wasn't rude to reporters.

Kill a million people and you are a great leader, fuck one horse and you're called HorseFucker for life.
Such is the nature of humanity.

You got a point there. When a hated president is retired, he suddenly becomes charming and endearing.
Can't wait for the time when Trump will be seen as an ok guy ten years from now.

The media changed their attitude about Bush because he supported the media's view that orange man bad.

Theresa May has to have been the most incompetent prime minister in decades.

Also what about Erdogan? Considering all he does in censor media in Turkey how come no one takes a shot at him?

>b-but Trudeau's handsome

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This. when the whole Khashoggi thing happened people forgot about him having ~200 journalists on prison

No one cares what other world leaders are doing (except Putin I guess)

>N-no you

State of maga-tards

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Probably because he’s the fucking president of the United fucking states probably?


It was 3 years ago
Let it go


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>Because he isn't putting money in (((their))) pocket.

>He doesn’t know how bad Sweden is.

Right wing people are bootlickers

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Haha he use silly nicknames he call them stupid crazy and sleepy hahahaa
my president is so funny!

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You sure showed us.

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nigga looks like Miles Teller

>>Shoe incident.
the moment I realized how based our country is

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I like how the trumpster fires like to just say because it's so safe to shit on flumph! I wonder why that is, maybe he is a senile fat fucking retard.

porn when?

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May is doing decent considering the absolute fucking shitshow she's had to deal with.

Not even a tory. Just sick of brainlets.

yeah but that's literaly a photoshop

I know right? I’m laughing my ass off all the way the bank!

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but seriously, who's a decent melania porn lookalike?

I too am interested


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He is though.
You mongoloid fell for the meme thinking he's some anti-zionist, but he turned out the exact opposite.
How have you not realized this? Have you not seen his actions in the last year?

>May is doing decent

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He's president and aside from Putin and China, there are no other relevant world leaders.

>name one world leader as relevant as the President of the United States
There really isn't one outside of Putin, sad to say, and that's debatable. Putin is more relevant in the shadier regions of the world/economy. Pooh bear isn't relevant at all, it's the party that controls things.

whats funny is that obama was always made fun of in the media for every little thing.

because trumpers are so thin skinned they literally go apeshit that a somewhat caricatured version of him appears in this movie.

Bush Jr was Clinton-tier suave in his younger years, but he was/is an alcoholic (depending on your views on alcohol abuse) and toned just about everything down. Obama just had D after his name and got a pass thanks to it, but he continued all the shit Cheney started and no one gave him hell for it thanks to the D after his name, being a house nigger, and my good buddy Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates running misdirection (Bob Gates is a legit genius, btw).

>>whats funny is that obama was always made fun of in the media for every little thing.
what's funny is I cant tell if this is b8 or not. when did the left jump the shark?

Capitalism doesn't take money from anyone

I remember when Obama made the "Navy Corpse-man" gaff and it was mentioned once or twice, even on FAUX NEWS LULZ, and then never brought up again. Bush's "nuke-u-lar" is still harped on to this day.

Yeah I don't even remember that, but I know normalfaggot who make that nuke joke to this day. It's engrained in the public.

>this is the king of Sweden

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any michelle obama porn lookalike?

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Madison Ivy

There are some but they're men


Why would you make fun of that? That's high T. Not like I expect s(o)y noodle arm channers to understand.

It doesn't, but self-intrest does, an it's far more prominent in the free market than a controlled one.

cool. melania's eyes/brows are so much cuter, tho

he makes it too easy

theres plenty of obama jokes and material on him but the kikes who own the media blocked it from coming out

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by not being so cynical and fake as their predecessors

it's formerly you cretin

>nice place you got
Trump is pretty disingenuous, but i don't think he's THAT full of shit.

Prove it.

>a man was tortured and his familly killed over this innane, silly bullshit

Post a video of Colbert saying DRUMPF or getting mad over 2 SCOOPS and I will Paypal you $1000

Post a video of Colbert saying DRUMPF or getting mad over 2 SCOOPS and I will Paypal you $1000

Post a video of Colbert saying DRUMPF or getting mad over 2 SCOOPS and I will Paypal you $1000

Post a video of Colbert saying DRUMPF or getting mad over 2 SCOOPS and I will Paypal you $1000

have sex

fuck trump and fuck wh*te people

sent ;)

He's not part of the clique.

Why is champagne socialist comedy so lame?

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They are aware those guys with the red uniforms and large hats are highly trained killers in waiting right?

>*farts loudly in the Palace, causing all the Corgis (formerly Corgii) to run away to Scotland*

Just... yikes

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>those guys with the red uniforms
Yeah right, they get killed by Klingons every other episode.

because only true things are funny

it's called the Meta-Cult. Look it up on youtube

He's not in the Clique, so they want to destroy him

Because he doesnt follow the globalist agenda, he is mostly independent and he is a loud mouth and is a troll.

Are you honestly this fucking stupid? Obama was treated like the Messiah, Trump is treated worse than Hitler. You're so fucking tuned out.

>Obama was treated like the Messiah, Trump is treated worse than Hitler

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>why are tv shows and movies making fun of this tv show and movie celebrity?

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>The goy doesn't know

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You could do one for if MSNC covered Trump like they did Obama

Because Trump reacts to them with anger. And as we all know. Don't feed the (MSM) trolls.
Trump ignoring them would be hilarious and piss off the MSM even more

>largest-ever aid packet to Israel

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>Fox News
Got anything else? Comedy Central maybe?

Is Trump reacting to the media or is the media reacting to Trump?
Saying outlandish shit is how he got elected.

Formally as well. Chuck still owns the property.

I think that's exactly what the other user is looking for

Merkel is replacing her own race

formerly formerly

>I've taken the liberty to bring some American food for dinner

Id say its a bit of both. Sometimes Trump will react to what a news anchor (or whatever) said on CNN or some other shit. While the news stations will react to literally every word Trump says and spin it about 200 different ways. Or just edit what he says.
Am Liberal but MSM are fucking cancer.

people will miss trump when hes gone cause hes such a character

Actually studies indicate there's less corruption in more economically free countries.

Idris Elba

because no matter how much we hate the mutts, usa is the #1 country on this planet by ____________________________far



Fuck off commie

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>Source: my ass
All studies indicate bias, you really tell me I should trust a Europen free market institute rather than studies from instritutes that reside in controlled countries?


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>Matt Boros
Kinda makes sense that a faggot wrote it who is mad at a guy dressed like a bro.

this user gets it

>aside from Putin and China, there are no other relevant world leaders.
depends. Macron can be included but he's still eclipsed by Germany regarding the economy, there's Erdogan and probably Trudeau. i can't put Kim Jong Un in the same category because he barely has nukes and they're an economical midget.

>no Melania Domina
God dammit.

Oh no, they're getting free advertising for a children's movie on an image board filled with single NEETs in their mid-twenties that couldn't afford the admission price. We totally fell for it bros.

>literally says "bias in studies" and "controlled counties" in the same sentence
>goes the stance that the controlled countries will have a less biased result
Your brain on gommunism

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yes, because free market is an organization that gives money to people to shut up about how evil capitalism is while taking advantage of third world shitholes who are in deep shit economically because of ''controlled/statisized economy'' rather than being ''lol so dumb, rich people are EVIL! I saw it in a movie!'' so idiots like ''conspiracy theorists'' regurgitate lies about how good capitalism is

Trump is a very respectful guy irl

Looking forward to the 5000 "KID'S MOVIE PUSHING ANTI-TRUMP AGENDA" videos keeping the movie relevant. So easy to get free advertising these days :)

>assuming the consequent
You clearly have the mind of a 12 year old. Why argue with minds such as mine!

Dudr Dubiya is my favorite president seriously, I dont give a fuck if him and cheney accidently set off ISIS, this guy was a fucking KING.


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>victims shouldn't be a punchline
>proceeds to punchline the victim of random violence

He horribly fucked up the visit with the Queen, broke every protocol and was rude as fuck to her. Guy's a sociopath.

>"So what if the guy threw a shoe at me?"

>studies indicate there's less corruption in more economically free countries.
>response: sarcastic " I should trust a European free market institute rather than"
>hurr durr i wasnt taking the opposite stance!
Get gud nigga

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what protocols do you speak of?

The Queen of England has no respect for her kingdom, why should anyone respect her

Because they have to double down on the subject. They've been laughing at Trump since he won the election, saying that there was less than a 1% chance of him getting to the white house. Then he goes and does it, and what are they supposed to do? They're supposed to be a trusted piece of media, admitting fault and being wrong would destroy what little image they have.

In truth, it's all for money. They need an audience, but admitting he's not terrible would destroy their half of the public's viewership, and Republicans / Independents wouldn't jump to watching CNN all of a sudden. So they stroke their viewer's egos until Trump leaves the whitehouse in however many years it'll take. Maybe after they'll be more moderate, but chances are they'll continue to be far left media, because they can't afford not to be. They need outrage for viewers the same way clickbait websites stir fires for their own pockets. It's not that they believe it, it's just a paycheck.

If you ever want to see what a Talk Show host's actual opinion is, check out Colbert. He's gone on record as to say that he didn't necessarily agree with what he said on his old show.

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how do i get reflex like that?

obama was a shit potus by being a race flaming pos+bush 2.0 but we got to admit what he did to the blacks is hilarious.

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He looks pretty good / happy / cheerful compared to what others media keeps portraying him as.

Oh baby

Now will the Trumps doggo be nice or mean to the Queen's corgi?

It's time

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He was playing a character on his old show. Are you young or a dumbass?

I fail to understand how this contradicts anything I wrote.

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because americans know literally 0 other leaders other than trump or putin

Lmao Yea Forums is full of trumpsuckers. What a shit board.

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Socialists are bootlickers.
Surplus value doesn't exist.

what a boomer

how the fuck could you live in a place like this

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Central banking is not a free market.

You haven't seen anything yet

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>filming yourself taking a selfie

Fucking dodges it like a champ.


Don't forget how Trump is a Russian puppet (who is going to start a nuclear war with Russia). The left is completely insane.

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>politics thread
>Wojak and Pepe posters
Yep checks out. Politics are for absolute drain brains.

>lovetap dreamboy Trudeau
>crumples like a wet bag of used condoms

That's gonna be a woof from me dog.

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you mean his father, Fidel Castro


>Bush 2.0
You wanna know how I know you're a zoomer who wasnt even able to vote in 08?

xDDD its so much better now that Trump made all drone strike information confidential :D

>The issues with the king who allegedly had a journalist dismembered alive are too difficult for the public to understand

>implying Trump isn't doing the same at a higher scale
>implying you give a shit either way
Israel needs your undying support, good goy.

Because he's a fucking clown who reacts to everything

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>getting KO'd with a jab
fucking cubans man

Liberals are insane

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is this real

>That time when Trump called a mexican gang responsible for human trafficking, child rape, murder, "animals"
>Leftists started defending rape, murder and human trafficking and wanted the gang members to be treated with respect only to piss off Trump supporters

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>that time when celebrities argued against trump's decision to send illegals directly to their cities.

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>what is rent
>what is trickle down economics through business tax cuts

>when trump gets more than 53% of 2020 and everyone says its rigged

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because he looks and acts like a clown? not that hard user.

Nobody argued against it. People were aghast because Trump's administration blatantly lied about it and Trump threw them under the bus by confirming it on twitter.

>packing your states with illegal immigrants to own the libs
Won't stop your party tho lmao

>wait WTF what do you mean WE have to deal with them?

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I worked on this movie. We had to wait for the election result to decide who to design as POTUS. Hillary or Trump.

>Nobody argued against it.
I know it might be a little hard to do for you, but next time you should check your statements and make sure your argument isn't debunked within ten seconds of an internet search. You gain nothing for lying on an anonymous image board.


Brussels, nWave studios, summer 2016.
The script said ‘president of the United States and we were clueless what to design. The producer thought it be funny to have the real prez in there.

France is on fire and Macron has a popularity of 15%.

>live in NPC clown world
>think trump is the clown
Liberalism everyone.

>haha just google it silly

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>Nobody argued against it
I'm afraid they did.

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>absolutely BTFO within mere seconds
you should have taken the other anons advice tbqh

Cher needs to get back on the reservation and be prepared for her city of brown people to take infinity brown people cuz it’s not like she’s gonna pay for it.

Imagine never taking Economics like this lad.

Not even him, I just think Nazis are retarded

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Did people forget when Django said this to his flock?

But nobody did. In fact, people mocked Trump for not only overstepping his own cabinet (again) but because he genuinely believes packing liberal sanctuary cities with illegal immigrants with 2020 coming soon is a good way to own the libs.

>If you want stricter immigration control you're a nazi

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This. Trudeau is literally a failed substitute DRAMA teacher and ski instructor who is badly running a country. Putin is running around like a villain in a Hot Shots movie and having himself painted shirtless on horseback. But Trump gets all the attention.

Yikes, user. Yikes.


Oy vey, you said it! It's a good thing those troublesome white people lost, now we can flood their homes with violent brown people and nobody objects!

They didn’t vote for him before, he might as well drown them in brown filth before then sending them off to die for Israel.

what do nazis have to do with it?

>is leader of (((free))) clown world
>not a clown
pick one retard

nothing, it's the fictional boogieman used in their daily two minutes of hate when they watch HBO or CNN

How is it not a good way to own the libs? They're already pissed off about all the human feces and property theft/vandalism. Throwing in a bunch of wetbacks who can't speak English and spent their entire lives in favelas will only exacerbate the problem. If the libs want open borders, they should get them.

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>A voluntary agreement in exchange for housing, no one forcing you to pay it
>taxes =/= capitalism

Are all socialists just bait lords?

Beat me to it.

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>How is it not a good way to own the libs?
I love facilitating the liberal immigration agenda while also propping up Dem voting numbers for the next decades to come. This is gonna own so many libs, man.

>If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon.

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Yes. Propping up voting numbers with people who can't vote.

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Weather people like it or not the USA is biggest source of entertainment and the most popular Country on earth. Is easier than criticize and mock too since the USA can take a joke without declaring war.
If all the entertainment business really wanted to criticize people who are terrible as leaders they would also criticize Xi Jinping(won't do it don't want to lose a billion people market), MBS from Saudi Arabia(won't do it he could attack with paid terrorist), any of the leaders from 3rd world countries.

>if we add a bunch of libtard votes to a state that already votes pure libtard, it will ruin the elections!

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>with people who can't vote.
Left-wing states allow illegals to vote though.

And now you know why the USA is a democratic republic and why this image is you (retarded).

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>Why are people constantly making fun of the leader of the most powerful country in the world, where most media that I consume is made? Why do I never see any parodies of Justin Trudeau, the leader of a country 10% our size, or Macron, the leader of a country across the ocean that is also much smaller and speaks a completely different language?

Idk. Must be the Jews.