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Pewds is pozzed and cucked. Not based at all, not even redpilled. When I go out in style (in Minecraft) I'm doing it for Mister Metokur.

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Who should play him in the inevitable biopic?

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Idris Elba

He cucked to the checkmarks?

>Richest person on Youtube
>still has that shitty TV

what did he do now

Could I get a quick rundown please?

What happened?

His hair looks like Space Dandy.

he went bananas

I don't care what anyone says, this song is unironically hilarious, based, redpilled and triggered BILLIONS


Poos just overtaken him for good.

ended the ‘sub to pewdiepie’ meme

More shooting in the name of g... PewDiePie. One with a Jew victim. Best to lay low.

If only this was true. What we need right now is more mass shootings so people can fucking wake up.

This guy Shot up a synagogue while claiming pewdiepie funded him

>implying he isn't still rich as fuck

it sure smells underage in here


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Agreed. Fuck Indians, Fuck T-Series and FUCK JEWS

Fucking based. Bunch of upper class whites having fun and laughing at shitskins.

People were starting to get tired of this battle. Pewds has been getting a shit-ton of negative feedback and media backlash because he has some racists in his community killing people and destroying property in his name. T-Series filed lawsuits and attained court orders to block off Pewds' diss tracks in India. All of these prominent YouTubers all fighting for 8 months to keep Pewds on top, and it hasn't affected T-Series in the slightest. They haven't gotten less than 100k subs a day since fucking October. Pewds can't compete with an entire nation as large as India that hasn't even achieved 30% of its online potential.

wow that guy look really cool.

What exactly changed in American culture that continues to snap so many white men?

jesus he's ugly as fuck. why didn't he just keep his beard and slicked back bleached hair.

Looks creepy as fuck.

what a pussy

based laughing at shitskins are wrong poster

>and it hasn't affected T-Series in the slightest
It is because you are automatically subscribbed to them when you get internet connection in India.
It is like the pack of scumbags like Facebook and Twitter prebookmarked when you get new browser.

>50 muslims gets shot
>says nothing
>1 jew gets shot
>"woah woah woah guys, this thing has gone TOO far"

A lot.of white guys assumed they wild get the world handed to them for being white. When their privilege got taken away they snapped

youre gay

Love this dude
T. Gay Nick

not even once

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literally the same post I just saw in other other bread..what a faggot

This -> Whites are being used as the welfare for the world and persecuted for past crimes no one now had anything to do with. Education has turned into a bizarro land that attacks our history and identity. Entry level text books in even archeology talk about the focus is on marginalized groups and intersectionality. It's all nonsense and peops up a system that cannot sustain itself.

More of us are seeing it but it might be to late as the legal, political and educational systems have all been subverted.

To;Dr whites abandoned racism and handed over the keys to the kingdom and now it's a race to the bottom of who can get uppity the most