Heh, nothing personnel, kid
*Steals your movie*
Unironically my favourite MCU characters
well... I mean, they weren't even in the last movie. Nebula was, but less than Captain Marvel in Endgame.
Isn’t Hawkeye a joke?
Not since Age of Ultron
I don't get why Ant-Man isn't well liked. The movies are comfy and don't take themselves to serious
He’s a bro and in this one is basically Frank Miller’s Batman.
Well liked by Yea Forums isn’t a measure of reality.
It is liked, only edgy DCucks dislike it
Based! Hawkeye stole AoU too.
What does Nebula's poop look/smell like?
It was quite weird how they focused so much on smaller characters. Even Captain Marvel had barely any screentime and she's supposed to be heading the franchise in the future.
So did they fuck?
>she's supposed to be heading the franchise in the future.
only according to clickbait and autists that thought she was going to beat thanos and be the star of endgame.
I hope they give her a love interest soon
Probably didn't fuck then, but I hope Rocket or Stark did her a solid and gave her a functional robo-puss.
no but thor will in asgaurdians of the galaxy. and mantis.
I just don't see any other character becoming the center figure. Thor and Dr. Strange will be off doing their own stuff. Guardians of the Galaxy is its own thing. There's no way Falcon is going to be any kind of focus nor Warmachine, just based on their casting alone they're stuck being side characters. Bucky didn't inherit the mantle of the Cap so that's not happening either. Black Panther or Hawkeye lol nope. Its obvious they intended for Carol to be running the Avengers.
Is Nebula a dom or a sub?
I never really understood the hate for hawkeye.
She's whatever you program her to be.
Hawkeye is the only bearable Avenger to watch. mostly due to Renner.
>doesn't take it self seriously
Yeah all those serious MCU movies
I would watch Avengers even if it was just Paul Rudd. Not gay, but I would eat pizza and snuggle with him.
true, Black Widow was strong too
Paul Rudd carries those movies. It's such a shame that they can't get a good director on them.
I don't know, it's possible, but they coudl just as easily do what they did with her in endgame, have her off in space having wider adventures, because earth has it's own heroes still. she's too OP to be there all the time, there'd be nothing for anyone else to do.
the actress who plays nebula is completely unattractive to me but nebula herself is so fucking hot with the bald head and voice.
Well compared to the other Avengers a guy with a bow isn't exactly breathtaking.
He grew on me though and his Ninja Punisher version was fucking dope.
Karen Gillan is HOT HOT HOT in Oculus
A sub. That being said she's only into very powerful and dominating men, so it's good that Thor's joining the team
Not hate, ridicule. He is a dude with a bow among superheroes.
>the actress who plays nebula is completely unattractive to me but nebula herself is so fucking hot with the bald head and voice.
Seriously, you just posted this? She's the hottest thing since Rebecca Romijn
I was so happy when it seemed at the beginning that Paul Rudd might end up being the film's protagonist. Very sad when he doesn't do a ton past the first act.
>Karen Gillan
>completely unattractive
Two fathers so that makes them the most conservative.
Didn't mind-stone possessed Hawkeye solo like 3 Avengers in the first movie?
You're gay
>implying Ant-man isn't a staunch Libertarian
I thought that was the appeal of hawkeye, similar to other characters like punisher.
Well true but who the fuck is going to watch a movie about Falcon and/or Warmachine? Not that they have bad actors but they just don't have the star power to carry a movie. Brie might be a bitch but she can be a lead to a movie of her own.
I just don't see how MCU is going to play out with both Steve and Tony gone when they've been carrying it so far. I think the individual movies will be fine but it's hard to imagine what will be connecting them together in the future.
I just want a Hawkeye and Antman movie already!
she is flat as a board and has literally no ass you faggots. at least as nebula i don't have to hear her dumb accent and she is blue.
He's good at exploiting the weaknesses of his enemies. I don't really get the hate either. Obviously he or Widow or even Falcon is going to seem weak as fuck when we have superhumans and god-like beings in the group.
guess spidey is fucked due to sony shit as well
unless that deal changes the MCU is gonna die soon.
Fronts like a dom around people she doesn't trust but melts into a complete sub when you earn her trust and she can finally let her guard down and be loved.
Would Edgar Wright really have done that good of a job? I feel like he can't really get great performances out of actors he hasn't known for twenty years.
Yeah I didn't even consider Spidey because they don't have full control over his IP. I think Sony will let him be part of the MCU but I don't think it's going to go any further than that.
>MCU is gonna die soon.
I wouldn't go that far but I don't see them doing another 10 years of movies unless some drastic changes happen. At most I could see a couple years of individual movies before they taper off and stop making them until a reboot.
nobody cares about your nigger opinion
Isn't Thor Ragnarok one of the MCU's most well recieved movies?
It was always going to be the Original 6 Avenger's movie. Antman got more to do than any of the other New Avengers over both films except for Nebula and Gamora who were required for Thanos Plot Duty.
sub, massive daddy issues and all
He fights the real bad guys, and makes sure they don't get sequels either.
>mfw someone finally genetically engineered a real world porn version of jack
Endgame gives Feige the chance to end the series completely on top (think Seinfeld) AND let the concept live if fans want it to (think Curb).
yet you replied ;)
Team ups could create some revenue, for sure. Looks like Gunn gets Thor now.
This guy gets it!
> Completely destroys Brie Larson in less than 2 minutes.
Based Lizzie.
I would unironically watch a movie where Hawkeye and Antman go mattress shopping for an hour and a half.
The first one isn’t much different than what that overrated mf would have churned out. Besides, he is credited as a producer, I believe.
When Karen Gillan walks its pure sex. I couldn't get enough of that walk in Guardians
Honestly Ant-Man and Spider-Man are the only ones I really like as they are now. Curious to see how the MCU pans out now that they finished their original plan.
Why can't Antman be the leader? I remember him leading the Avengers in some cartoon I sometimes watched as a kid
Her signature angry scream is great. I also loved her twitchy eye glance thing when Ronin said he would kill Thanos.
>a British TV actor destroys a US film actor
who could have anticipated this
They were just plot devices
>Elizabeth Olsen
>TV actor
He literally does not have super powers, just like Black Widow
Idk but are you claiming Cap and Iron Man haven't been the 2 big characters of MCU until now? Individual movie doing good doesn't mean that Thor would lead the Avengers.
Do you think Disney will just let it end?
I think he's played as too much of a joke character to do it. I guess they could do it but it would be weird unless his character went through an overhaul.
leigh raven
>Not gay
You´re not fooling anyone.
>Do you think Disney will just let it end?
It doesn't matter what Disney wants. They lose infinity billion dollars. It's over.
>look at nebulas head
Does this bitch really have a 90s fast and furious roof scoop ricer mod?
>flat as a board and has literally no ass
You're new here, aren't you?
That doesn't mean they'll let it go gracefully.
I'd fuck nebula. She's cute.
he has the same problem that bucky has
all the skill but no tech to compliment it
it frustrating seeing the winter soldier shooting his AR at aliens
>He literally does not have super powers, just like Black Widow
He never misses, thats pretty good.
"Nobody would ever know..."
>it frustrating seeing the winter soldier shooting his AR at aliens
But he has a 60 round magazine, scares the hell out of liberals.
Spidey can be more central if they're introducing a younger crew. Depending on the rights. Spiderman is by far the most popular of the newer characters, its not even remotely close. I don't think captain marvel will drive ticket sales as the lead. Sales will go down either way, but if they go full sjw they will have problems. White men are still a majority of sales for this shit.
I want to lick Nebula's boot treads.
Enslave me blue girl.
sorry I thought we were talking about Karen Gillan as nebula, who obviously is covered in makeup and therefore harder to recognize from IRL photos.
she 1v1 thanos and was winning
>dat cleavage shot
>not knowing what Elizabeth Olsen and Karen Gillan look like
>All the hype in the theater when she takes on Thanos
>Dead silence when Captain Marvel does anything
gracias amigo
>all the skill but no tech to compliment it
Ha yeah. Even Hulk got an Iron Man suit. Why the fuck didn't Tony make some for all the weak ass humans in the team.
Captain Marvel literally didn't need to be present. They could've had some other character pull off something to deal with the army. It's the only relevant thing she did in the entire movie and it was like a 5 second scene.
I actually liked professor hulk too
>Both guys literally has the most relatable conflict which is fighting for their family
>Nebula's redemption arc
I bet your dad's 4 cylinder shitbox is leaking oil in the driveway now. Go see!
Dumbeldore dies at the end.
Hulk is a bro.
I like Based Ant-Man because he's played by the super-likeable Based Paul Rudd. And yes, the Ant-Man movies are comfy and don't take themselves too seriously.
No, Tony is not a womaniser anymore - he's loyal to his wife.
Nebula is a sub, surprisingly enough.
I'd fuck Nebula too, she's fucking hot.
I know, right? Hulk is a total bro.
It’s a shame Rudd got stuck with some bad solo movie scripts, he really is a great cast for his role.
So she's the most powerful of them all cause she could've easily killed Thanos
Sure I guess
>Let me go.
Her entire character arc has been about her being ridiculously powerful but hasn't had the mental fortitude to control her abilities properly.
At peak ability or rage she's easily one of the strongest of the heroes.
Peak cute
>"I don't even know who you are"
>"You will"
Cool on paper poor in execution
Just ignore the acting, look at the cleavage.
This is an unironically based opinion
>doesn't mention Spidey
Yes. Scarlet Witch always has been OP as fuck and with Vision dead she probably is the strongest person left ignoring Captain Boring.
Them plus Yondu
what happened with her sisters?
>goes back to being a Sony exclusive.
coke and veganism
Hello there illiterate 7 yr old
I think so, the best scenes from the first one seemed like something originally conceived by Edgar Wright.
>tfw no hawkeye and antmann pure slice of life comedy movie with like 10 minutes of action
I hope Nebula and Mantis become lesbians with each other in GOTG3!!!!!!!!!
This isn't a terrible idea if he runs it in conjunction with Wasp
By himself he's too much of a supporting character. Imagine him trying to fill the shoes of Cap by himself. Wouldn't work
Hawkeye would be ten times better if he used a rifle though
hello newfriend
He's meant to be fucking annoying though, right? With the dabbing and whatnot
If so I think they did a good job marrying Banner and Hulk's personalities
There's no indication of this happening. Nick Fury is literally in Far From Home
OP is spot on. They were amazing. I hope Disney recognize that.
Where the FUCK is Thor? He was real good here.
Hello there tourist from r*ddit
What the FUCK is up with all this Paul Rudd shilling? Every single Endgame thread is infested by anons yapping about how much they like him. What gives? He's just another unremarkable kike. Renner is infinitely better.
insecure sub who wants people to think she's a dom
This is why.
Nebula a best
Wanda a second best
Carol a shit
he shines pretty well when interacting with others, much like Strange.
>Please bring this useless empath into a giant space battle
How fucking useless is she? Did she just put people to sleep?
Can you just chill out for a second user? He's good in this. That's all there is to it.
do you not recall that she singlehandedly beat back the aliens invading wakanda in the last movie
Seeing it on a giant IMAX screen, I bet her cleavage was as big as me, ha ha.
blue butt cheeks
She's there to be cute.
imagine being cap and tapping that everynight, how based can one man be?
I'd say that he could be the heart and soul of the team with all his optimism.
So who was that lonely guy at the funeral?
>implying she isn't useful as all hell since she can take down even Thanos given a few seconds
She could easily be written out
>Tony and Nebula use his nanomachines and their technical knowledge to fix the ship's hyperdrive and get home, maybe they scavenge tech from Titan
>They could go down to the Garden over prepared, bringing the Hulkbuster armour, etc. and find out Thanos is defenceless when they get there.
>She doesn't do anything in the final battle anyway so she could easily be removed from it.
The kid from Iron Man 3.
idk why Bucky got nerfed for iw though, he could literally 1v1 cap in winter soldier
She destroyed the ship, but you can easily write out the whole "bombing out own troops" thing and destroy the ship with the snap.
>off by one
>Tony Help!!!
Paul Rudd >>>> The entire marvel universe
Antman flicks are the only MCU films that exist as part of the far more ambitious and further reaching franchise that is On Cinema.
She's there to give me an erection, user.
oh yikes that's embarrassing
I can see why there was rumors she doesn't like brie larson. Why couldn't she be the lead going forward? She's OP and a more interesting character who has dealt with loss and has real development.
+ Thor Lebowski
Hawkeye film when? It could even be about all the people he was killing when everyone was snapped, or just him and Paul Rudd fucking around
Bro-love is best love.
Paul Rudd tried so fucking hard to imitate the personality of Deadpool in AntMan2 it was terrible for that reason alone.
>shitload of superheroes
>literal god of thunder
>could not defeat one purple alien
She's one of the best martial artists in the Marvel Universe.
her tits looked amazing in this scene
He will get a series.
Probably just to train Kate Bishop because more women!
MCU Mantis is sadly weaker than what she's supposed to be
Anyone have a clip with sound of Tony and Nebula playing paper football?
>>shitload of superheroes
>>literal god of thunder
>>could not defeat one purple alien
He shoulda sweeped the leg.
Endgame is basically an Antman movie on roids. TIME HEIST.
Cap didn't do any better against the Outriders than he did.
It's not really visible in that video but she has nice puffy nipples
the first movie is genuinely bad and the plot is boring. they have some really bad characters in it. why is the entire plot just three heists?
Thanos (without infinity gems) is literally a smarter Hulk in terms of strength and resilience and he probably knows kung fu
Shes one of the most powerful characters in the comics too. Read up on house of m.
Kate is good. It should be a Shane Black movie in the vein of kiss kiss bang bang or nice guys though.
if timetravel doesn't alter your current reality, but creates a new one, why did captain america show up as an old fart at the end? shouldn't he have created a new reality by going back to live with peggy?
They literally set up Strange as Stark 2.0 personality wise.
Stop drooling over my french waifu!
Hawkeye, Nebula, and IronMan were the ony ones who put any real effort into emoting and acting like real people instead of just actors.
Renner overacted
Nebula is dumb and boring
Antman was actually pretty good considering his movies are shit
>Antman punching out one of those flying whale things like hes Ultraman all of a sudden
Good. Paul Rudd needs to be in more movies. He was a very likeable character. I genuinely feel bad that in universe he is used as a joke.
Fuck you too War Machine you fag.
Professor Hulk and fat fortnite Thor were unbelievably cringe
That was fuckin cool
Ant-Man 3 should be a giant monster movie, prove me wrong.
well he is honorary Kamen Rider in my eyes, which also makes me pissed off how everyone disses him
does anyone else think ironman had a shitty one liner at the end?
0:16 oh shit, they made Spider Man swing on Giant Ant-Man, did not notice this before. Actually pretty good.
well to be fair his brain was getting turned into paste by the gaunlet, he probably doesnt even know what is going on after he snaps the fingers
Ant-Man vs Fin Fang Foom
The first one is pretty mediocre, with a couple of fun standout moments. The second one has absolutely nothing going for it.
Ah so that's how he did it.
Do you live in opposite land or something?
Did you not see Ragnarok?
shes there to sit on my face hopefuly
Oh. So when do the Back To The Future rules applie and when they don't? This scene and old Cap, huh? Just turn my brain off I guess.
Weird how they just started speaking chinese in that scene for no reason
>that's how he did it.
You see him pushing one of those into a strange portal
Do they ever explain why Giant Man is super heavy/strong when they went to great lengths in Ant Man 1 to clarify that he retains the same basic weight/density no matter what size he is? Shouldn't Giant Man be incredibly light and weak relative to his size?
I love the movies, the only problem I have is the lame supporting cast. The Mexican who thinks he's funny is terrible.
The best scene desu
That's.. not how that works. If you have a fist the size of a giant space ship heading towards you then you're gonna get blown the fuck back.
I think that was meant for small Ant Man and not Giant Man.
>no scene with Fat Thor with Past Loki telling him how much he misses him and shit while Loki all like wtf is going on
i just wanted closure with my favorite duo
honestly in the last battle I would have liked to see the army in there too, like, tanks, helicopters, I don't know, seems weird that for an all-out end of the universe battle, normal humans aren't worried about it to try and help
Pym Particles are not exclusively proportional, one can basically pick and choose how much strength and weight you can have.
AU loki will probably end up showing up in GOTG3 with Gomora so you might get that later
>one purple alien
>conveniently forgetting he's got a reputation as the strongest being in the galaxy/universe
Its the other way I think. In AM1 they said the number of atoms in his body remain the same, so when he shrinks he becomes super, incredibly dense, and is a super small point weighting 80some kgs. So applying that logic when he super sizes, he would still get the momentum, but still have 80some kg of mass, making his body supper brittle. He would snap himself like a matchstick under his own punch.
>bringing Loki back
That would suck desu.
everyone that vanished has just come back after five years. all normal humans are busy making phone calls right now.
loki not being really dead is about as iconic a trope as dr. wily not really having repented is at this point
Threadly reminder there literally millions of 13yo that are legally 18.
Is Loki dead or did he convince his past self to take the fall so he could survive?
Ant man will return in godzilla kotm
What happened to Hulk in the third act?i cant remember him at all
>Instant response time
Someone's never called the cops.
He fucked his arm up doing the snap
He used the gauntlet and got fucked up
Was it mentioned in movies? I'm not going to read comic books to understand plot of a movie.
Ah right, thx
He used the gauntlet that supposedly mainly pumps gamma radiation into the wielder, which would make Hulk stronger. He even says that the gauntlet almost feels like it was created for him. But that gets forgotten in 3 minutes and his arm is now fucked up, even through hulk has regeneration better than hulk, he could tear that arm off, and it would grow up in minutes, but that does not matter anymore because action is happening.
uhhh m8 I think the line about it being gamma radiation means he was most fit to use it because it was unlikely to kill him, not because it would make him stronger, you retard.
would've made more sense to say, 'we are the avengers'
He assumes that he's the one least likely to die, he doesn't know for sure if he'll even survive.
He didn't say it felt like the gauntlet was created for him, he said he felt like he (as in the hulk) was created for this moment (wielding the gauntlet and reversing the snap)
She was conspicuosly absent for most of it, especially the first half of the final battle and the time heists. Odd, considering her movie "made a billion dollars"
Whereas Black Panther and gang basically pop out, pose, and tell us how they will have many, many scenes..... IN THE SEQUEL
They deserved some spotlight. Especially Clint.
What were his final thoughts?
It's strongly implied by the fact that pretty much every character who knows who he is appears visibly disturbed by any mention of him. There are also a couple of characters who emphasise in no uncertain terms that he's extremely strong and is unlikely to be beaten in straightforward combat.
>right in the infinity stones
>"Won't erasing me from existence here create a major paradox since the first snap would not have happened since I traveled through time to get here in the first place? Oh no I'm dust."
they clearly explain thats now how time travel works in the movie
Christian Slater?
>Paul Rudd
>"...if only this part of my life was a movie and a character went to great lengths to explain exactly why such a thing wouldn't be an issue earlier on"
i like to think he was trying to figure out how the fuck he lost when he literally saw the future and knew that he won
How would traveling back to return the stones work if that's not their past they're traveling back to but part of a new split universe? That's dimension hopping, not time traveling.
>biggest daddy issues in the known universe
You tell me.
That's MCU Thor.
Am I the only one who clapped when all the women protected Spider-cisman?
Like throwing a drunk out of a bar
>"I didn't turn off the gas..."
Literally got yelled at last week by a coworker just for saying I knew spoilers and letting them know I wouldn't spoil it for them. Fuck everyone.
>Am I the only one
For once, the answer is yes.
I like to think he just remembered all of his years of fighting and came to terms with failure.
too cute
i would have gone from 0 to 100 if they used this song at the end
>one has a cringy samurai get-up only used once, that has absolutely nothing to do with his deadshot abilities, to sell to kids
>the other is a turbo cringelord with a kiddie personality and cringy suit he never changed in the quantom realm
>the last is some horrid bald woman that was supposed to have long hair and look less horrid but MCU hates attractive females
>ywn be /ss/pidey being protected by the super mommies of MCU
Nebula a cute
Nebula seems like the type of girl that if you are nice enough to her she would become eternally loyal to your dick, which character needs a waifu thats not already fucking someone?
>has the personality of an 11-year-old
>mind of a 16-year-old
>suit that looks like it was designed by a 5-year-old
>and movies with gimmicks that apply to 3-year-olds
Best parts of the movie. Also cap apart from the ending.
I really liked Nebula.
This would have been great.
This, this happened in the main cinema of Paris too (yes im french) everybody was : OOOOOH when Red Witch came, and it was silent when Marvel was on the screen.
>Despite making up 13% of my sworn enemies, the Avengers contribute to 100% of my crushing losses.
Why do they shit on Ant Man so bad in Civil War and Endgame despite him being the key to saving everyone. They have more respect for fucking war machine
How quick will people add this song to Endgame scenes?
he unironically gets more pussy than the entire guardians team combined, only Thor with his 1.5k-year-old ass may stand a chance
>"Winds of Winter never ever"
Unironically this.
>scene where fat Thor runs past Loki in his glass cell
>stops, goes back to the window
>presses his drunk, fat self against the glass and starts rambling about how he loves Loki, he knows that Loki will come around, tells him that he loves him and that they will always be warriors, always be brothers
>Rocket is pulling on Thor and berating him loudly
>Loki is staring, mouth agape, completely confused and horrified
>Rocket pulls Thor away, Thor mouths "I love you," hand dragging on the glass as he disappears around the corner
>Loki continues to stare, wide eyed and completely silent
>cuts to next scene
Would have been gold.
Because he talks goofy and is an everyman, so everyone assumes that he is a goofy idiot while in reality he was one of the most competent team members in the entire movie with one of the most versatile powers.
We are never getting House of M
Nebula is for being sad
Because they need her as a villian if they ever do House of M
Nebula is for big asgardian cock
That was probably Hank Pym, who is a serious scientist. Not a joker loser like Scott.
this but for Thanos btfo Captain Marvel
>escaped Loki from the alternate 2012 timeline tries lying low to evade capture
>becomes fat whilst in hiding, because he has nothing to do all day
>fat Thor learns to dimension-hop
>next movie is about fat Thor and fat Loki teaming up to engage in shenanigans and make fart jokes
Nebula was great, and I'm really glad she got to be super important to the plot. I also had just watched Ant-Man and The Wasp the night before I went to see Endgame, so all his plot points were fresh for me. Seeing him beat leviathan ass in the final battle was especially cool.
>his Thor appears 5 seconds later
>sup fag
>Loki is starting to think he is loosing it
Let's be real, comic Nebula is really generic in appearance. Turning her into a freaky cyborg made her much more memorable, and led to some good storytelling moments like when he find out the reason why she has so many cybernetic replacements was because Thanos would "enhance" her every time she lost to Gamora. Which was every time.
Yeah he created an alternative timeline where he lived a life with Peggy but remember he had that watch thingy that lets him jump between time periods. My guess it's that he waited until Peggy died/his life was fulfilled to return to his original Timeline.
my only problem with them is that they never show giant womynz (actual giant or from tiny ant-man POV)
Does she have a big nebulean cock herself? Just asking...
There really should have been a scene where Paul Rudd shrinks down and crawls inside Evangeline Lily's cunt
I dunno, I think Evangeline Lilly and Michael Douglas were good in both movies. Also Ghost in the second one has a really cool power, visually.
>Thanos's glaive made out of vibranium
>Scarlet Witch can literally just rip vibranium apart like it's nothing
lmao wtf is happening
You're a faggot for pretending to be a newfag
You're a faggot for falling for the bait
You're a faggot for referencing a subreddit
You're a faggot for replying to this reply to shit-tier bait
You're a faggot for saying yikes
And last, but not least, I'm a faggot for getting annoyed at all of this
Fucking faggots
Rewatch Infinity wars
Are you gay
Guardians are suppose to be thieving bounty hunters right? The ability to put people sleep sounds incredibly useful.
nah, his last line being the final line from the first Iron Man movie was pretty fitting
Even better nude
Oldboy (2013)
She's magic. And unlike Strange, she didn't have to study it, it's part of her.
I wish she did some sort of emotion-inducing mental torment blast to him after the "YOU WILL" bit to be like "THIS IS WHAT YOU DID TO ME, YOU FUCKER!"
in the comics he is very cocky which makes him more interesting. He is also a good leader is sometimes shown as caps second in command
Odin's Hammer is magic too, I think they're setting up scarlet witch to be as strong as her comic counterpart.
Fucking hell everyone cheered and clapped like a cuck whenever Marvel was onscreen. The dude next to me was particularly loud yelling “YES!” especially when Thanos tries to hit her and she doesn’t budge, and has that dumbass feminist expression on her face. I was the only one who laughed a little when Thanos finally bitchslapped her and the guy next to me gave me this really pissed glance.
I thought his first movie was much better than the sequel and he didn’t need the Wasp then. Just have Edgar Wright direct the next one.
I'm super down for that. When they eventually start up the New Avengers movies, having her as the big gun, but with the risk of collateral damage or her powers potentially getting out of her control if she totally loses it would be really cool.
So what's the New Avengers lineup we've got ready to roll with?
>Scarlet Witch
>Captain Falcon
>Maybe Valkyrie?
>Ant-Man (maybe with The Wasp, too)
>Black Panther
Assuming none of the original Avengers would be part of the team, of course. Maybe Professor Hulk as a mentor/mission control type of character, since he's not really up for smashing things as much anymore? Doesn't really have the same star power as the Avengers we've had, but I think that you could do some really fun stuff with a team like that. Not including Captain Marvel in there, either, as she seems pretty dedicated to the whole galaxy police thing, and would only show up when absolutely necessary.
>You took everything from me, including my virginity!
He was a good father.
That was probably Hank Pym, not Scott Lang.
Damn, that's funny.
If it was old Tony, definitely.
I just had a theory
1 Adam Warlock
2 the soul stone
3 Black Windows rumored movie
maybe (something) happen sin GOTG3 where Black Widow can come back
>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe
why do they need a center figure? It's not like they had one before. CA and IM kind of shared the leader role
I hope the plans I sent in motion back in 2014 before coming here are still proceeding
>with Josh Brolin
Ha ha, no way, she fucked Thanos
Best alternate timeline.
He is the only character from the tv shows to have a cameo in a movie but not agent of shields?
>Captain Falcon
Still alive, though I think he deserves to retire for good, as much as I want to see an Ant-Man & Hawkeye movie.
>Mentor Hulk
Would be great.
>Bucky and Falcon
Could be an interesting pair, they should definitely be in there.
He has a country to run though they never say who ruled Wakanda in the 5 years he was dusted, maybe they adopted democracy?
>Captain Marvel
She's contracted for another 4 movies, so they'll do something with her for sure. I'd love to see her turn into a villain but that'll never happen.
He's an AasGuardian of the Galaxy now, I hope Gunn treats him well.
>War Machine
Probably still wants to fight, and has been a part of the team since Ultron.
>Pepper Potts
Has a suit and will fight if necessary but she also has a kid to raise and a company to run.
>that kid Stark saved in IM3
Could potentially become a big character and maybe even take over as Iron Man.
No. Fuck no. Doing that would retroactively make Endgame worse since the sacrifice and the depressing scenes following it wouldn't mean anything anymore.
Ha, nice
“Never shoulda got in that gotdam time machine.”
In the scene where Cap and Thor trade weapons, you can see Mantis putting one of those huge monsters to sleep.
Falcunt Punch!
this is becoming more and more embarrassing for you. just stop
He’s a Yea Forums dude that actually worked out after being advised to on /fit/.
Okay faggot
Disney goes with whatever Feige says.
does attractive = generic to you?
They said that by taking the stones it won't change the future because they would replace them back the moment they took them, but they can't replace Thanos back because he's dead.