Ending the Subscribe to Pewdiepie Meme
So, what happned?
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Imagine trying to go down in history as an epic badass shooter and mentioning pewdiepie in your manifesto and only killing one person. His entire life will be behind bars because of this stupidity.
>Hello, i wanted to talk seriously and honestly for a moment
what a cuck
Pewds is pozzed and cucked. Not based at all, not even redpilled. When I go out in style (in Minecraft) I'm doing it for Mister Metokur.
there is another one?
The kid who just shot up a synagogue in California also mentioned Pewdiepie. I don't blame him for wanting to shut this stuff down.
now that is one cool dude. much better than some other gay faggot I know
whatever. you stupid brats are always posting pewdiepie "redpilling the normies" and other dumb shit and now that your constant hate has born fruits it's all of a sudden "too real" for all of you? you don't feel safe anymore because you have to answer for yourselves and your LULZ? dumb faggots. his seriousness in this vid is a complete put-on, he was fine being blowing the SHIT out of his dog whistle until it boomaranged back on him.
Who cares, how is it his fault?
Imagine being part of the Youtube audience and taking their social medium seriously
Incels beloved idol btfo
unironically enjoy his book reviews.
cringe. It's like blaming Jim Henson for racist kermit memes you dumbshit
got cucked by poo in loo
>whatever. you stupid brats are always posting pewdiepie "redpilling the normies" and other dumb shit and now that your constant hate has born fruits it's all of a sudden "too real" for all of you?
What? I've never posted anything like that. I only even know this dude exists because my little brother likes him.
>Who cares, how is it his fault?
It's not even remotely his fault. But the media is retarded. The Wall Street Journal ran an entire article calling him a nazi because he wore a SS hat as a joke for a 20 second bit.
these stupid boomers, you don't understand the mentality of kids of this generation.
Why though? It's such a baseline review. He's not knowledgeable enough to give you anything that you can't get from a wiki summary.
>shoots up a synogogue
>only kills one guy
bargain bin version of based Brenton
>/pol/ represents all of Yea Forums
Because I'm a brainlet and don't read much, the books he recommends are mostly intro stuff.
I'm severely disappointed you'd think he would know that has nothing to do with him and the media will attack him no matter what happens. Pewdipie you stupid swede cuck retard you're playing yourself.
well he is not completely wrong he did some stupid stuff and still keep doing it, last month he edited out video in which he praised paki's without any prior knowledge of the situation. but re uploading saved his ass.
Now it's done I can start ironically saying Sub to Pewdiepie.
this post reads like someone who just found out that websites aren't just phone apps like twitter and instagram
>SHIT out of his dog whistle
Remember when registered democrat leftshit walked into gay bar and shot 50 faggots? Who dogwhistled him?
>constant hate
Imagine saying this when US congress has open socialists walking around
like anything else comes out of this shithole. /pol/ actually got a president elected. you guys? you made that starwars soiboy famous
Link manifesto pls
Felix is such a cuck like seriously this guy has zero backbone on anything and will stick his dick between his legs like a cowardly dog whenever something bad comes up. Maybe instead of playing childrens games and jerking off in japan he should have learned how to deal with controversy in a serious way and not just "oh bloo bloo I dont like this I give up now waaaah im sorry everyone dont get mad at me, marzia will leave me if I lose this job and cant pay for her weekly gang bangs anymore please dont bring controversy to me I cant handle it" like seriously I think all the onions this vegan faggot eats has gone to his head and now hes so filled with estrogen he acts more like a woman than his fiance, who happily deleted her channel because shes got balls and can make decisions, unlike felix who wades around the world like a confused fish just flowing wherever the water takes him.
Why does everyone on the internet suck pewdiepie's dick so much? Like 3 or 4 years ago he was just some guy little kids watched
he got tired of edgy losers from /pol/ screaming "subscribe to pewdiepie" while shooting innocent people
Pews thinks that he can control or end memes
the shooter claimed in his manifesto that felix funded and planned the attack, so most likely pewdiepie had government goons knocking on his door. even though anyone with half a brain can tell the shooter was a memeing sperg, governments think they have to take that shit seriously.
wouldn't be surprised if he had to hand over his computers so the claim can be investigated
Those little kids grew up and are now the majority of internet users.
John Earnest, you dummy. Were you under a rock for the past 24 hours?
Hop on the plane to Pakistan and stay there, you whitey faggot.
Because all the zoomers who watched him unironically have grown up now and all the boomers who hated him are becoming a minority.
I don't keep up with news. Who and what?
Imagine spending all your resources and time to make sure some Chad stays number one on Youtube.
Jesus people really are sheep.
All muslims are terrorists? I guess that means aanyone with right wing views are fascists and anyone with left wing views are communist then?
yes, those are the 3 big competing ideologies in the world now, and the communists are mostly winning
defend him all you want, but if he didn't have fucking egg on his face and KNOW IT then he wouldn't be trying to "act serious" all of a sudden. everything is fucking funny to you little shits because you don't have enough real people in your life, everything comes through a screen and you think you all know everything just because you watched it or read about it.
White male shot synagogue after his jewish crush reject him
all right wingers are fascists
its their last retort when capitalism is in crisis
I highly doubt most voters know what Yea Forums even is.
>/pol/ actually got a president elected.
Sure buddy
>/pol/ actually got a president elected.
are you mentally ill?
He finally saw the kiwiland tapes.
MK Ultra kicking in
too many lefties in this thread, should all be helicopter'd
Unsubbed. What a sellout.
Most redpilled post on this forum atm tbqh
>all of a sudden "too real" for all of you
Dude I'm elated whites are striking back. I'm going the having kids route myself but I hope it's jihad time desu. This world needs a hard reset and a whole lot less shitskins and non-christians in white countries.
That's real talk.
>"death to all jews"
>*someone kills a jew*
>wtf bro i didnt mean it it was ironic broooo
Based, I'm going to shoot up a cinema and say "donate to Red Letter Media's patreon" before.
The Russians must be behind it!
If /pol/ didn't rally behind him immediately, he would not be president. Of course, there are a lot of factors that needed to go Trump's way, but that doesn't change the fact that /pol/ was necessary.
Pewdiepie has been receiving death threats since christchurch. i assume he had a visit from (((them))) and real threats were made.
just how big of khazar milkers are we talking about here, standard issue or milk truck goes honk honk?
Did he say sub to pewdiepie too?
A man shouldn't have to apologise for any actions he himself has not done
kek those shooters were always mentally deranged people who just needed an excuse to go on a killing spree and sadly pewdiepie was their scape goat
>anyone with left wing views are communist then?
Only difference between leftshits is how fast they want to implement their cancer.
>le based pewds xDD threads every single day
The absolute shantytown of nu4chan
>This world needs a hard reset
That's like saying we should build a colony and all move to Mars because living on Earth isn't convenient enough. You're a retard, so is pewdiepie and all the little spazzes in this thread trying to act like he didn't walk himself into this embarrassing situation where all of a sudden he has to put on his "adult face" as if he was capable of actually considering human lives in the balance when he opens his stupid fucking gullet.
In his Manifesto
pozzed and pewdie pilled
>those shooters were always mentally deranged people
only if they are white, otherwise it's terrorism.
Holy fucking cringe
All i have to say is i want to fuck pewdiepies girlfriend
>then he wouldn't be trying to "act serious" all of a sudden
Hey it is not like leftshit swines are running around getting people fired from their jobs and getting the bank accounts of private citizens cancelled with the use of Chokepoint legislative and getting people years of prison for offensive jokes, aren't they?
>actually considering human lives in the balance when he opens his stupid fucking gullet.
Three thousand Europeans died since 2015 due to leftist and their open borders demagoguery. Where is the apology?
the only good post itet
Thank you my nigga
>T-series has a millions more subs
holy fuck
>it's all of a sudden "too real" for all of you
No, it's not real enough.
quick rundown?
I'm very sorry that no one killed you yet.
He's looks old.
>Three thousand Europeans died since 2015 due to leftist and their open borders demagoguery. Where is the apology?
well just let the world know you're keeping score, we wouldn't want these mass killings to occur without FACTUAL and LOGICAL justification now wouldn't we?
Sorry, I am working class so there are no leftists around me to try to kill me.
lol this
holy shit those likes
zoomers think that youtube is not off topic and the mods do t give a fuck about this board
/pol/ is a mental illness
>People killed at mosque
Don't end sub2pdp meme...
>1 dies at JewishTemple also known as a bank
instantly end sub2pdp meme
he blocked the "diss" tracks because some indian court order him to do so? lmao
you're old
tseries has 1 million and 200 thousand subscribers more than pewdiepie
>a /pol/tard
/pol/ is such a fucking cesspool. Chinese moot should just shut the board down.
Jesus christ what a fucking sperg, how old was he? 14?
what he should wait for another attack under his name?
I mean, you are correct....
he wants to be corporate friendly, he was never /ourguy/
damn /pol/ looks like that?!
this is your brain on /pol/