Who are these guys

who are these guys

Attached: 1.png (971x661, 25K)

designated shooters, flag wavers, singers of the anthem, etc.

shooters / prepared for shooters, quick exit

they're the theater shooters

Back left is a guy who wants to jerk off

Back right is a couple that wants to mess around

Top right has either an elderly or a handicap person in the pair and can't go up stairs

maybe retarded seats

why would someone fap in a theater?

Attached: PeeWee.jpg (1720x1290, 464K)

I usually sit alone, far from others when I drink alcohol during movies.

Tactical positioning. One is close to the fire exit on the right to cover people escaping while hiding behind rows ABC, the others are so far up the back they can hide from a shooter and return fire.

Unironically, I've seen /k/ discuss it.

row E-G are best
fight me


I'm watching a cam of this movie at home.

Based people that want to watch movie alone/have sex? Dumb polaczek

why would you go to the theater to do this

Who are the people who go to such a large pleb theater?

Attached: a3722f29falamo-22-jpg-web_gallery.jpg (1200x800, 276K)

I thought those were Tony Stark's newly created elements. I thought the thumbnail was the periodic chart

Me personally as a 6'7 fag I chose seats next to gangway or with more legroom in front. So that could be it.

Gay nerds and lonely people

For me it's A-C

That's like asking why someone would want to fap at all