Will people ever be happy?

Will people ever be happy?

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They won't.

Got a link to article?

Can't have that in the Chinese Market. No gays no ghosts. Disney will never have LGBTQ stuff in their movies if they can avoid it. Chinese Market makes them too many sheckles.

why ppl thing pushing your agenda in these movies will make a difference? only imbeciles and men-children take them seriously and they are incapable of actually achieving anything of value in real life

>2 randoms on twitter is "people" now

it didn't represent enough of them getting hung from trees

I can only hope that one day it will no longer be fashionable to be offended

Enough representation for LGBTQ to do what exactly?

People aren’t debating that. Only jewish journalists are talking about that.

>will mentally ill people ever be happy

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People do not put these movies into their proper mythology context (hero stories), so they have to inappropriately stuff popular politics into them.

>still posting this outdated and misleading statistic

Yawn... get better material.

get better surgeries

>fans are debating
I like how a loud minority arguing in Twitter whether GAYS GOOD or GAYS BAD is now a serious, universal and significant debate.


They had a lesbian go toe to toe with Thanos.. I think it's fine.

when every character in every movie, ad, game, and show spends its entire run time lamenting their white oppressors making out with tranies or the same sex or talking about how brave and amazing black people are.


I didn't notice ay LGBT sicko except that extra faggot from Cap's support group

What about time travel?

You're right, it's 42% now

hell no

Why do they keep adding letters? Just call it gay people.

Fuck you, nigger

Leftists aren't people, user.

>an echo chamber of barely a dozen accounts contained to twiiter

>Totally not like 3 random nobodies on twitter
>Stop looking into it goy, look over there, a shiny new Game of Thrones pointless article!

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as soon as racism is over

fuck niggers

Since it's a political movement run by assholes who want everyone to feel like a victim at all times that needs mommy and daddy government, people with mental illness get lumped in with people who who just want to fuck whoever they want.

The funniest thing about the LGBT push is that it's the epitome of "white people problems".
It's no secret that blacks, latinos, (non-japanese) asians, arabs, islanders, and even the few american indians left mostly hate gays and transexuals and want nothing to do with 'em. We found that out in 2008 with California Prop 8.

But whites out there can't (openly call them out on that without risking huge backlash, so they have to throw out passive-aggressive "news" thinkpieces to slowly integrate their desires into society at large. Time will tell if the non-whites buy into it. Hopefully not.

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>Russos: hey gays exist in the MCU aren't we cool and inclusive
the alphabet community: but it's a random literally who character and not Tony and Steve!
shit basically it


The extreme right will keep screaming about too many faggots. The extreme left will keep screaming about not enough faggots. The world keeps on turning. Marvel makes money.

The obvious answer is yes. Case closed

I'm sure even gay people dont want to hear this shit. When I lived in a gay area it seemed pretty insular. I never heard anyone talk about actual gay people. They seemed to have more fun speculating who might be gay or even better, they would just appropriate straight celebs that they identified with (even if they themselves were adamantly straight) strictly for the lulz. I could say some other things about their opinions about minorities but that would probably sound wrong.

Tldr gays and minorities are a two way street

I was pretty annoyed when they implied bond fucked dudes before. Totally unnecessary

19k of hundreds of thousands

The MCU will always be a conservative leaning franchise and all marketing in the world isn't gonna change that. Making something genuinely progressive withing the framework of a Disney movie is hard enough as it is and no one at Marvel is creative or passionate enough to do so anyway.

What the fuck did this post do to my computer there’s fucking soi milk dripping from my tower

I know for one thing. I didn’t see enough FUCKING TRANNIES BEING HUNG

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Nope. Everything needs to revolve aorund them. They won't create their own shit and gay it up as much as they want because they see everyone else's as theirs to make revolve around them. They're selfish to no end.

It didn't. Only had one scene with an openly gay character and it wasn't enough.

i too enjoy hung trannies


The people that push this are never happy about there being enough representation, they're only ever happy about getting be angry over not enough representation. They live to cast judgement, not uplift or support others.

> Vision not even mentioned.

What about robosexual representation?


how long till we have Captain Wheelchair, the incredible Trap, Gay-man, Trans Panther and Thot?